Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, March 21, 1907, Image 6

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    A» Clean as a Whittle.
Any one wh » has witnessed the tunn-
ufacture of a rustic whistle can l>.< at
uo loss far the origiu of the saying.
•‘A« clean as a whistle." A piece of
young ash about four iuehe. long and
the thickness of a huger It hammered
nil over with the handle of a ku.ie un­
til the bark is disengaged from the
wood and capable of being drawn o.i.
A notch and a cut or two fa.iv ng been
made In tin' stick, the cuticle Is re­
placed. and the Instrument is complet­
ed. When stripped of its covering the
white wood, with its colorless sa x pre­
sents the very acme of eleauue-a.—
Loudon Answers.
City Warrants
Notice is hereby given that there sre
funds in the town treasury for the re­
demption of the fallowing warrants:
Interest cesses March 21, 1007.
l*ate<l at Klamath Fall,, Oregon, th
21st day of March. 1907.
City Treasurer.
Treasurer’s Notice
Notice is hereby given that there are
funds in the County Treasury for the
redemption of all Klamath County war­
rants protested on or prior to March 10.
1904. Interest on same will cease from
this date.
Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, this
7th day of March, 1907.
I.. A lva I. kwis ,
County Treasurer. Klamath Co., Ore.
Treasurer’s Notice
Notice is hereby given that there are
funds in the treasury it tire redemp
tion of all Klamath County warrants
protested on or prior to ><-pt. 8, 1903.
Interest on same will cease from this
Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, this
21st day of February, 1907.
A lva L ewis .
Treasurer, Klamath Countv, Ore.
- »
Contest Notice
that Stcril ha» not been upon sai<^ lain! but
has completely abandoned the same a« hvtvin
•el forth; that «aid alleges! absence from the
»aid laud was uut due to hi» employment in
the army, navy or marine corp« of the United
States a« a private soldier, ofiloer. seaman or
tuai me »luring the war with Spain or «luring
any other war in which the Uuited State»
may be engaged. Saul j artie» are hereby
notified to a pi ear. respond am! off it evidence
touching ‘«id aUegattou at ¡0 o'clock a. m. on
April ll. I9ul, b'forv Geo. Chastain, county
clerk, at Klamath Fal *. Oregon, and that
final hearing uill be hel l ut lOo'vloek a. mi .
April IS. V<»7, before the lli^glater and Receiver
al the Untied State» Land Office iu Lakeview.
The said contestant having, in a proper
affidavit, tiled Feb. IB. 1907. *et forth fact«
which show that after due dilig>-nce personal
service of Uhls notice cau not be made, it t*
hereby ordered and directs! that such notice
be given by due and proper publication.
4 It
J N « V rs<)\ Register.
United States Land Office, Lakeview, Ore-
gou, Jan. 8,19U7.
Notice is hereby given that In <♦ tnpl'.auce
w ith the provision* o( the act of C* ngreM of
Junes. 18’3. entitled An a t for the «ale oi
timber land» iu ll «• States of California. Ore­
gon. Nevada, and Washington Territory.” a*
extended to all the Public Laud Stat «» by aet
of Augu»t 4. 1892. Emma R Grig»by,*»f Klam
ath Falls, couuty of Klamath. State of Oregon,
nas thia day tiled in this office her »worn state-
nu nt No. XLxS. for the purchase of the c‘a sw‘4
*w>4 *.»’4 and Lot ■ of Svv. No. 19, in Tp. No X»
s, R No 10 E W M. and v ill offer pro**f toshow
that the laud sought is more valuable for its
timber or »tone than (or agricultural purposes,
and to establish her claim to »aid laud before
theclerk of Klamath c -int>, Or**g«»n, al hi*
office at Klamalh Fall*. Oregon, ou fuesda)
the 2nd day of April, *9d7
She uames as wun»*".--:
Till’.am O. Webb, U . H Webb
N Snow
and W m Snow all of Klamath Fali.<*. Ore
Any and all persous claiming stheraeljr the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims in this office on or before »aid Jud
day of April, 1907.
J. N. WaTSOfr, Register.
cultural pit rp<4«e«, audio e<*ta!dl«h hi* claim
to »aid lamt before the clerk of alamaih
countv, Oregon, at hi« oi!h’<« at klamath .’all«,
Oregon, 011 Friday, the 3rd day of May. IUU?
lie names a* w Itne«*«»«;
JU Smith, II 1’ 1 ranmer, It W kocoee and
I A k by*'B kc«««4«e all of klamalh rail*. Oregon
Notice for Publication
Any and all peraon* claiming adversely th««
Uuited Htato* Land Office, Lakeview, Orc,,
abovv-dc»erlb«*d land* aie r»,*|iie*(«,»l to ill«»
gon. March 0. IA)7.
Notice i> hereby gh* n that in compliance their claim» In till* office ou or before »au!
with t!«»' provisions of the act of Uougre«« *»( 3rd day of May, IWT.
.’•14 4 I»
J. N. WATSON. Rcflater.
June 3, i>7M. entitled ««An act foi the »ale of
limber land« in the siate« of California, Ore*
gon, Nc\a*ta. and Washington L'Tiitury,” a»
Notice for Publication.
extended to all the Public Laud States by act
of kugust 4. t»’.*2, Gi/ I.. M<'*< rvvy. <»t Klamath
Uuited State» Land offi* . Lakeview, Oregon,
Fall», county ol Klamath. State of Oregon, ha* ' February ‘2, 1907,
thia day tiled in tin» oftlcv hl« »worn state­
Num 0 1» hereby ghen that In compliance
ment so. S5T3. for the purchase of the n’ j 110'4 with th«« provision« of the act <»( Uongre*» ol
>»el4n<,l4 and lie*4 nwl4 of^vc No. Id In Tp. no . June 3. IM7B. entitled ’ All act for the »ale ol
<7. S, R No. 9 K. W M. an«! will offer proof to limber Ian«!» in the state« of California. Ore
show chat the land »ought!» more valuable for gon. Nevada and Wa*bingit»n Territory,” a»
II* timber or atone than for agricultural pur extended to all the Public l and Hiatt«« by act
poeva, and to establish hl» claim to «aid land of August 4. IMK2, Mary A sunder man oi
bofore Register aud Receive at Lakeview. klamath Falls, county of klamath, «tata oi
Oiegon. on Fridav. the I7lh day of May. 19U7.
Oregon, ha» thl» «lay filed in th I* uftlec her
H* names a* Wituesse«:
»worn statement No. t<W, lor the purchase of
Archie Johnston, Paniel Johnston, J. M. the NW‘4 of sec. 1, la Tp No. 3« s ,R Nog, k W
IVrlvth, M. C M« »* rvey »'.I of Klamath Falls. M. and will Offer proof to «how that the Ian«!
•ought 1» more valuable (or it» llmt»<*r
Any ami all person» claiming adversely the or
agricultural pur*
above dv»cribed Hud» are re«4Ueste«i lo file ¡<*»ne*. and lo ««»tab|i»h her claim lu »aid land
tueir claim» in this office ou or before »aid before the clerk of klamath eo'imy at hl»
17th day of May, 1907.
office at klamath Falls. or«g<»ii «»u We«ln«-»
3 14- 3-14
J. N.
\T>ON. Register.
«lay the 1st day of May. IM)7
She name» a» witnesses;
Archie Johnson of klatnatu Falls, urvgon
Notice for Publication
W in. M<«ndenhall of klamath Falla. Oregon.
United States Land Office, I^keview, Ore­
Fred A; piegate of klamath Fall«, uregun.
gon, Jan. 8, 1W7
J. C Smith 4»f klamath Falls, Oregon.
Notice 1» hereby given that In compliance
Any aud all ¡>cr»on» claiming a>hvr*ely the
with the provhious of the act uf Cougr<*s ot
above de«w,rlbe«l land« are requested to file
Junes, 187». entitled ‘An art for the »ale of
their claim* In this office on or before said
timber land.« In the stat«*» of CaiiMrnla. Ore­
1st day of May. IW?
gon. Nevada, ar.«! Wawhltif’on Territory.” ic*
J N. Watson, Register.
extruded to all the Public Laud State* by act
of August 4, l»9*J, Eslella Macaulay, of Thrall,
county of Siskiyou State of California, ha» thi*
day filed in this office her »worn statement
No. 3410, fur the purchase of the n’3 «e^ »0'4
««••4 Sec Hand nr’4 tie14 of Sec. No. 10, in Tp.
No. 37 S, K No. 9 E W M, and will offer proof to
show that the lau l sought Is more valuable
for in timber or stone than for agricultural
purpo « «nd to oatabtiab bar ola 1 1 to «aid
and before the clerk of Klamath county. Ore
gon. al h.* office at Kiaiaath Fall«, Oregon on
*d •}. the 3rd day of April, 19 7.
United Stales Land Office, Lakeview, Ore­
She name* a* witneasc*:
gon. Jan. 8. 1*7.
F. !. Ha'dwln and Edward Bagby of Klam
Notice i» hereby given that in compliance ath Fall*. M E. Cook, of Klamath«»o. Calif.,
a Uh the ¡TOvuious uf the act of C*«ngre>»of and 1 u M M trati’. y u! I’okicga’iia. Of
Anv and all persons claiming adv»- » M»lv the
June *, 1873, entitled “An act for lire »ale ui abu\e-de»crI bed land* are rroueiitrd I » fil«-
timber land* in the States of California, Ore­ iheir claim« tn ibi»oftice on or I k lore 1
gon. Nevada. aud W •i'hingtun Territory,” a» of Apr!I. 1907.
J. N. Watson. R««|
extended to ad the Public Laud Mate.- by act
of August 4, i*tt2, Mary K. H<»gue, of Klamath
Notice for Publication
Fall», county of Klamath, State ui Oregon,
has th it» day tiled in this office her iworu
statement No. .063, for the ¡»urchasc uf the w l3
United States Laud Office, Lakeview, Ore­
»u*4 st»}.* nw*4 Sec. 4 aud »c\ lie1 4 uf Sec. Nu. gon, Feb 2. 19U7.
5, :u Tp 37 S, R No lu E W m, and will offer
Notice U hereby given that in compMance
proof 10 «how that the ¡and suughi is inure with the provision» of the act of Congress of
valuable for iu timber ur »lone than fur agri­ June 3, W78, entitled, ••An act for the »ale of
cultural purpose«, and to establish her claim timber land« in the State* ol California, Ore­
lo said land before the clerk 0» Klamath gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,” a»
county, Oregon, a; his office at Klatnath Fall-*, extended to all the Pubi c Land state* by a< t
Oregon, uu Tuesday the '2nd day uf A¡«nl, of August 4, 1892. Everett E Kerkendall, of
Klamath Fall», county of alamath State of
She names as witnesses:
Oregon, ha* thi» «lay filed i i thi» offi< •• In«
Wm. La*baa, Ed Ecbtinaw, Ray Hubbard »worn statement No. 3*>2.. fur the purchase of
and John Britt all of Klamath Falb. Oregon. the n a - 4 ne‘4 aud nr’4 nw\ of Sec No. 23, in
Any and all persons claiming adversely the Tp. No. 97 H. R No. 9 E W M. and will offer
abo\e-described lands are requested lo tile proof to »how that the land »ought U more
IbciC claims iu this office ou or beturc »aid valuable fur its limber or »tunc than lur agri-
2nd day ul April. 19U7.
J. N. W atso S. Register.
Department of the Interior, United
States Land Office, Lakeview, Oregon,
March 11, 1907.
A sufficient contest affidavit having
been tiled in this office by Mason C.
Meservey, contestant,agiii.st homestead
entry No. 3431, made May 8, 1905, for
lot 1, section 2, township 37 s, range 10
e, by \\ . F. Il'vne. contestee, in which
it is alleged that Bryne has utterly failed
in respect to said entry to comply with
the public land laws of the United
Notice tor Publication
States,relative to establishing and main­ United Stale- Lan! Office. Lak«view. Ore-
taining residence upon said land ; that gou, Jan. 4, 1907.
he did not establish a residence in a Notice is hereby given that in compliance
house on said land within six months with the provuduns ul the act of Cviigrv»* of
3, i»7s, entitled “Au act for the sale of
from the date of said entry; that he ha« June
timber lands iu the Stales of Caiifuruia. Ore­
never resided continuously, or at all, gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,” a»
upon said land, but for more than six extended to ail the Publi: Land state» by a« t
months prior to this date W. F. Brvne of Augu»l 4.18X2, Frank Juhnatun, oi Dairy,
of Klamath State of Oregon, ha* thi*
Jias made his home elsewhere, and has county
day filed in thi» office his sworn slatemeut
utterly and completely abandoned said No. 3347, for tht purchase of the n’, ne‘4 of
homestead entry, and that his alleged Sec No. 12, inTp. No. 37 8. K No. lu E W M.
absence from the said land was not due and will offer proof tu »how that the laud
is more valuable for its timber ur stone
to his employment in the army, navy or sought
thau for agricultural purpose», and lo estab
marine corps of the United bta'es as a li»h his cia.m tu said laud before the- county
private soldier, officer, seaman or marine clerk of Klamath county, Oregon on Mornluy,
dufing the war with Spain or during the Ul day oi April. *9u7.
names as witnesses:
any other war in which the United He
Mark P. Howard, Roy F. Whitney, Jesse
States may Ire engaged, said parties are Cravens aud Harry Crawford all uf Dairy, |
hereby notified to appear, respond and 1 Oregon.
Any aud ail per»on« claiming adversely the
offer evidence touching said allegation
at 10 o'clock a. m. on April 26, 1907, lie , above-described lands are requested to tile
their claims in this office ou ur before said Ul
fore the Register and Receiver at the day of April, 1907.
United States Land Office .in Lakeview, I 1-24—3-2»
J. N. Watson, Register.
Notice for Publication
The said contestant having, in a,
proper affidavit filed February 16, 1907, , United Slates Land Office, Lakeview, Ore­
Jan. 8, 1907.
set forth facts which show that after • gon,
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
due diligence personal service of tilts' withitv provision» of the act of Congress of
notice cau not )»e made, it is hereby June 3, UTrt, entitled ”An act for the »ale of
ordered and directed that such notice be t.ruber land* in the State» of Califoraia, Ore­
gon, Nevada and Wa-bingtoa Territory,” an
given by due and proper publication.
extended to all the Public Land States by act
J. N. W atsom . Register.
of August 4. 1392, Thomas W. M. Macautey, of
Notice for Publication
Any and all |>er»ons claiming adversely the
above described land* are request»«! to filo
ihetr claims in this office uu or before wal l
day of April, 1W7.
J N Waion, Register.
Pokegama. county of Klamath State of Ore­
gon, ha» this day filed iu this office
bls sworn statement No. 3129, for the pur-
cha»e uf the se’^ ne>4 Hec. 3 xw1^ nw'^ and w't i
• w«4 Of Sec. No. 2, in Tp. No. 37 H, K No. 9 E W
M, and will offer proof to show that the land i
sought is more valuable for its timber or
stone than for agricultural puipo-tes, and to
establish his claim to said land before the i
clerk of Klamath county, Oregon, at hl» office
at Klamath Falls, Oregon, ou Wednesday the i
3rd Jay of April, 1907.
He names as witnesses:
Mary Cook of Klamathon, Cal , Esiella Ma-
cauley of Thrall, Cal., T. Edwin Bagby and F.
L. Baldwin of Klarnath Fails, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to tile
tbelr claims in this office on or before said 3rd
aay of April, 1907.
J. N. Watson, Register.
United Htates Land Office. Lakeview, Ore­
gon March 1,1907.
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3 1878, entitled "An act tor the sale of
timber lands in the state»of California. Ore­
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as
extended to all the Public Land States by act
of Auguste, 1392, Isabel Johnston, of Klamath
Falls, county of Klamath, State of Oregon,
has filed in this office her sworn statement
No. 3535. for the purchase of the s'4 nv1,« and
n1*«»1, of Bee. No 6, in Tp N'0.37 S, R. No. 10 E,
w M, and will offer proof to show that the
land sought Is more valuable for its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish her claim to said land before the Reg­
ister and Receiver at Lakeview. Oregon, on
Friday, the 17th day of May, 1907.
She names as witnesses;
Archie Johnston. Dan Johnston, Prank H.
Hall aud John Brett, all of Klamath rails,
Any and all person» claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
Notice for Publication
their claims In this offloe on or before said 17th
United Staten Land Office, Lakerlew, Ore­
day of May, 1907.
J. N. Watson, Register. ’ gon, Jan. *, 19(77.
Notice 1, hereby given that In compliance
Contest Notice
with the provision» of the act of Congrea. pf i
Department of the Inferior. United Hates . June*. 1*73. entitled "An act for the sate of
Land Office, Lakeview, Oregon, February 27, i timber lands in the state» of California, Ore­
gon. Nevada, and Washington Territory," a»
A sufficient contest affidavit having been extended to all the Public Land State« by act
filedin thia office by Charles Woelk, contest­ of August 4. 1*92, Mary Ellen Cook.ofKlam-
ant, against homestead entry No. 3468, made athon, county of Biakiyou Htate of California,
July 7,1905, for u‘{ iw*4> swj^ «wjj, Bee. 32, se*4 ha» tbit day filed In thi, office her «worn
se^.See. 31, Tp. 37.8. R 11 E, by John Hterzl ztatement No. 34.33, for the purcha«e of the
contestee, in which It 1- alleged that Bterzl «wJ4 Sec. 5, «w'4 ne>4 and r.% nw% of Bee. No.
has utterly failed in respect to said entry to 8, in Tp. No. 37 S, R No. 9 E W M, and will offer
comply with the public land laws of the proof to »how that the land «ought la more
United Blates and the rules and regulations valuable for ita timber or stone than for agri­
established thereunder relative to establish­ cultural purpose«, and to establish her claim I
ing and maintaining residence upon said to said land before the clerk of Klamath
land; that he did not establish a residence In county, Oregon, at his office at Klamath
a house on said land within six months from Palls,Oregon, on Wednesday, the 3rd day of
the date ol entry or at all; that he has not re­ April, 19(27.
Rhe name« as wltnessea:
sided continuously or at all upon said land;
Katell* Macaulay of Thrall, Cal, T. W, M
that since making said entry he has com­
pletely abandoned the same for more than Macauleyof Pokegama, Ore., Edward Bagby
aix mvu.Us prior to the filing of this affidavit; aud F. L. Baldwin of Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Notice for Publication
United State* Lam! olficc. Lakevk a . Oregon,
February 2. 19U7.
Notice 1« hereby given that In compliance
with the pro* i»‘.on* «»f the act of (’ungrcMol
Jun** J, l«>. entitled ah act fur the »ale of
t ini I m * r land* in the »late of California, Or«
gon Ncxada. and V* * hitigton territory.” a»
extruded to all the Ritbhr i-and Slate« by aci
uf August 4, l«9J. Earl S Ri ‘.«!*ll of .Salem,
cutitity of Mori««H , stair of Or« g >n ba* thiw day
ri > <i m if. * «
r I
»»«»I n «tatein« tit N»» »1.«
•r O’ ¡lit»! a »lib««' >W'4 * m «• No 22 in
Ip.37 8. K Nu. v. L W '1, aud »«.It »»ffvr pr«H»i
to »how that the Ian*! »ought 1» mure taluablr
lor it* timlMT or »tone than lor agricultural
pur J*
ami to t«*tabU«h hh claim to »aid
;.*t..| K :..rr v| 1 * « I K
< .lit y
office atKIainatb Fall«. Oregon, uu Wednesday,
he l«t day of May. BV7
Hr namr- «• w itu«”»**-».
I. C Multh of klaiuath l alla, Oregon.
H , I*. 4 tatiruer of ktainatb Fall*, uregon.
U .J. Broder it k uf klamalb Fall«. Oregon.
F 1!. Mil'« o: klamalh Fall* Oregon
Any ¿and alt ¡«t »on» « a:m ;rg ad«cr»ely the
above describe«! land« are requested to file
their claim* in thU office on or before »a.»! I*t
day of May, 19U7.
J N. V\ al«on, R«'Chirr.
r Yes, we all know I
That is, everyone who has eaten any of
our bread lately knows that we have at
last attained the perfection we have been
striving for in our line.
Bakery only.
Free delivery.
ii. a V. am i rc 11 ic 1.1^
M ason
& S lough
We have a choice line of land* In tract* large or amiti), to ault pur
chuMtra ; alno city properly of all dewrlpllona.
I iistirfinee • • •
Wo rariv a full line of liu>uran<'<*. including Life, Personal Accident
Fire, Strain Holler, Plate (»la**, and Liability Inaurane*.
I >• » y< u need visiting carda? Î! to cal!
at the Kepublican ottire where you will
tiud the imetit at view in cards aud type
Why not have you a home in
the Hot Springs tract, where
you can have use of the splendid
mineral water?
Hot Springs addition is in the
heart of the city of Klamath
Falls, whose population will be
25000 in less than 10 years
Study the following analysis made by
University of Oregon:
Sodium Chloride .................
Calcium Sulphate
Magnesium Sulphate
Sodium Sulphate
Iron and Aluminum Oxides
Sodium Silicate
Read what Dr. G. F. Hanson of San Francisco says of this water
*■ A careful examination of the water convinces me that it i* unaurpaaaed in the nature of it* mineral content, nn<I should prove of the greateat
possible utility in the treatment of congealed condition* and for the general flushing of the tissues. Dyspepsia, sluggish liver, habitual constipation,
so-called hilliouHnes* and bilious headaches, indefinite rheumatic pains due to the accumulation of uric acid or rotention of other waste products in the
system, faulty elimination by the kidney», and a long train of ailments dependent upon above states of bodily ill-health are lieneflted by the free drinking
of and bathing in such water*.”
For prices, see or
write to the