e Hi ciation. Jacob Ruei k presided. Al- ulti Falla, but is much improved. I most every phase of the year’s busim-sa h/XIRY Joe I'aylor waa called to the belaid» was gone over pro andcon, in a lively of h 1» mother, who Is quit« ill in Klam- delmte. resulting In a much tastier un­ ath Fulls. Dairy la pleaaantly situated on the derstanding am! state of feeling all Illy ia Hiluni >■■1 ill the sollt heaatern i tank Galbretli visited bia sister, Mrs. went aide of ) onna Valley, near the I round. At the close of the debate a part <>t Klamath county and colli­ DigOll, ol Glenn, a lew days. center <>( Klamath County. It haa resolution was pu»»<-d favoring tin- re­ mami» nil Ilio trudi* <>í Hpragu» river Mrs. A. I*. Addison of Lost River l»i- two good general «tores with enter- election of tin- present board ol direc- valley. la well conimeted with tele- phonea, Svierai new buildings »mm gnn the spring term ol school hen* Mon­ prising. Up-to-date denlei» who enjoy - tors, and thus practically endorsing n laigu trade from surrotimling val­ ; tbeir action in the past, with but two to go up i al»o n new «elioni house, day. leys; a hotel and h-ed barn, und a i dissenting voice». “Bat" Grigsby was 11. It. Dunlap passed through Ole no A large titulier country surrounding will make much business in time to with a nice bunch of l>eef cattie, on Ida school I ioum *. ft ia surrounded by a ; present,and on invitation, made an ad- rich farming community with which j dress, adding much to the illumination way to the market, collie. Mr. Robin ami wlie of Swan Lake, the it ia connected by a farmer»' tele­ I of the occaaion. phone line and also a long distance Orrin McUumber is working the Bill Mina Mollie Ivory, <>( Alturas, Calif., inventor <4 the new power lifting ma- line. la on the stage line, twenty Wood ranch this spring He ha» taken has been visiting with her lelalivea, chine, was doing business with Olene ■nilea east ol Klamath Falla. care of Bill's stock 'luring the winter. merchants last week. Zulu Anderson mid family. The bpring Valley telephone com­ Mr. and Mrs. WiH Heidien» ami S. It. * We are pleased to state that Loyton I I. F. Davies, the merchant pontmas- Btephen», who have »|»'lit the winter button ia much improved after quite a . ter, is still making improvement on bis pany, a concern in which the farmers own their own’phone» is getting along on the Loilla Gerlmr place, left Tilenday spell of sickness. ' new house, and ha» added a neat little for llieir Imumalea I near Bonanza. Mr. and Mr». C. N. Know returned cellar. He is still a bachelor, however. with amazing cheapness in the ojrt-ra- tion of its line. The bnsinesa affairs of Mr». M. A. I .undy, wIm was return­ Imine alter a few day» visit at B munza, i A number of the friends of Mr. and the company have been conducted dur­ ing to Bly alter wintering in southern Mi»» Karsh Griffith ol !*<»<• Valley ’ Mrs. M. I*. Nelson called upon them ing the current year at a coft of less California, w as ta'ten »u k at Royston »I’cned schmd at Pine Grove thi- week.1 )a-t Sunday and visited during the day. than cents a share, aside horn the I $4).SITO. ♦»«ml Dr. Johnson was citile*!. Amo» •There wete refreslimenta galore, and, of C"»t of replacing the old Latterle- with ►f.umly and Mr». Jas. Taylor went to course, the day was pleasantly p > umm * i 1. new ones. Its o]«rut.on Í» giving gen­ To every ne* »ub»cril»*r |to)ston t<> tiring her home, but »hu It tiniz- it H i' - - I • I hiik I -b-i er* I satisfaction. If tin- other lines one leur in advance we, will wn» unable to come. ti'in at Dairy on the '-’th was all for ■Could be operated a- cheaply, they vote» III the conical lor Uo* The mask bal! wa» a gient »neri»». \ t<> I«- ' naught, ss some of the red taje require­ would la* making scads of money. large crowd was out, nute 11 hat »tilling let girl in the county, the w ments of tiie law were overlooked, Au­ Hun. .'"l>n •*: > 4. tolda story in Dairy n ut t" lb«* liiliieatoU n Expo the buil road». Mi»» I'v.i llowai I. ul other »is-'-ial election lia» Iven called, the other day which illustrates one Mild Drew« Valiev, mid Wm. Kpaika ImWi-ver, for u later date when, It is pli.ise <>{ Luman nature to a T. He re­ FORT KLAMATH Misa Mary Scbmohr, ol Dairy, Ut- ho|a-d, the aff.iir may Is- carried luted how that lie .md a companion lemlrd. i through with al! 'Im- legal formality. sonic years ago bud been to Lakeview, Fort Klamath ia located ill the i Sunday ami Monday wire dreary, Kiinny Jim ha» been it !<>wn the u. t during tlw wn.te time, on rouie land nortl.i-ru part of Klimath county, ¡dismal days, ami a drizzle-drozzle ol a bu»iness, an I that on tbeir return they Week. Joe Graham ami a government in* and 1« in the center of wb.it is n- rain was coming down by ajiell». w hile were overtaken by a severe »now storm, niz.od «» the -witzerlaml of America. ■|iector Idi Monday lor latjceview. j the nights seemed one long »bovver. the -now falling to a depth of live feet. Ill cl"-<- proximity to Crater Like and Ed Meili" ne ha» spi nt several days I'hc result I* th** ground i* thoroughly By eight they were furtiitmte enough to am round'**! by the greatest natural -soaked, ¡mud» ur<* tilled ami the icacn the ranch of some old fieople, in Bly lately , tiie pondi and »conic wonders on the contim nt, are running over with surplus who were g‘iod enough to afford them ' creeks I Erwin Casel'eer ha» »"Id out hi» in* it will, within a few years, I m -one <>l I waler. One nun like thia in Julv ucoinimwIatiuiiB for tile night, although tervat» III the »In ep to Ed t'll-eta-i-i Uh I th" great!-t tourist lesorts oil the I would be worth million- to F/mtern they exp.aitied that they were not in intends to leave lor Wyoming tn a lew Pacific ci-ii»l. ■ • »regon. Several incili'» of water ruuat Hie habit of keeping strangers. He »aid day». lie knew them, but they didn't »eem to O. W. Howard, of Kem> Spring- IlHH I R.-v. Grnfioii» came un irom tin* i I ave fallen during the downpour. hit .. him. When morning came he The general health oi the community rented the tie«. Boyd rullili and hu« Agmcy last Friday and preached tfiat talked to tiie oi l man, pretending to be I i» much improved lately. evening to an appreciative audience. moved Ins family over. He i-xpei !» lo ìh * with us at least once a tiillarl Amler»*>n ia the "mother" of I “broke," anil inquired if there was not something like Jat River, leu There w.i» a mistake in our item» la»t two bunches <4 «lock cattle, and w ill only anxious to get nJ ot Lis impecuni­ unica soutbeast oi hlumath Fall». week In regard to the proprietorship of turn them on the range shortly. ous gue-.|, told them "No, there'» not a Well conni' lei aulì two telephotie Ralph Jackson is a “bad Indian’’ sure thing you could do here. We have all line». A daily mali and alage aervlce. th...... .. hr tel. C. E. Hoyt is t<> haw enough. He is not satisfied n> get out tiie help we need, uno as you see, have Ila» foatolliee, Iwo gelici al Ui'-rchan- exi lu-ive charge. <»( one trouble ladore he get» into an­ little room for strauger»." “Welt," ■ rouble liefere Ed L" sley returned Tuesday from diri* aioli a, hotel, bla* ksmitli «bop, Montague, where be left tu» wife am! other. 11.» recent knifing of George »ai I John, looking at the deep snow and li-i-d barn, and a line «chooi building, .■■taut »"ti. Ih- lepori» the buy mitili »miih. in» b • ui companion, was a most the storm, w hich was still ragtug. mak­ recently complete*!, »eli e<|UI|>)H-d vtllaiima- act, and ought to l>e the ing H nu|iu».-lble tor them to make improved in licaltli. wlth modero appaialo». headway against its fury, "1 guess we'll I. II. Rice and wife <>( Pelican Bay rn. - I ridding 11........... I V presence for mice years. have to be going then.'' At this tiie The heavy a inda and rain, altlimigh a wore visitor» at the home ol il. I». Loos- old lady jellied in with "Ye«. I'm Sorry A reprea* illative !»«ly of \onna val­ week early, must lie the equinoctial ley last week. I tor you, but I guess you nad fie tier go, ley member» of the Water Users' a»»o- »torin. The dance last Friday wining was lor our accommodations are too poor to ciation met at Excelsior hall, in Dairv, It »»' an enjoyable The intani arm ol Mr. Mm. Rob* well attende I. keep you." Then he pulled out ins < cria waa taken aeri >t>aly ill with croup affair. Hup|«r was acrV'-l at the Jack- Sitmlav- afternoon, to have tbeir annual wallet, to pay tbeir bill. It was a long "Ing talk" over the affairs ol that as*o- while they were on their way to Klam- son hotel. one am! hap|>ei.ed to have a g'Ksl deal . I of silver in it, besides some gold, aud the old lady liapjened to see eume of the "ehinera" as the money rolled out into bis hand. Then she took a glance out into the storm, and added “Well, I guess this storm is too bad. You might ' as well stay a tew days till the SHOW melts or the roads are broken." They staved. The rainstorm of Sunday and Mon- day stopped the plow ing quite suddenly. G. G. Anderson i» putting up a cov­ ered [Hjrch al 'ng the front of Hotel Yunna, in Dairy, thus adding to the comfort of the house, as weil as to its ' sightlineM. Mias Kate Colahan is staying with her sister, Mrs. Clopton, at the McCumber ranch. BLY GEO. T. BALDWIN I HARDWARE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS ESTABLISHED 1875----- Stoves and Ranges Builders’ Hardware Paints and Oils Sporting Goods Crockery and Glassware Plumbing Supplies >Iron Pipe Tinware Iron and Steel Wooden ware Horseshoes Gang Plows Willoware Graniteware Iron Bedsteads, Mattresses, Linoleum Silver-plated and Solid Silverware Glass, Doors and Windows BUGGIES AND WAGONS Agent Firemans Fund Insurance Corporation 0 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON r Now is tiie time for vou to get votes lor your lavorlte candidate tn the ; Jamestown Exjipfition contest. Only nine days more remain before the gieat contest closes. Have you ■ 1 voted yet? MHRRILL. Merrill ¡»situated in the southern pait of Klamath county, very near the center of the Klamath Project. It has a population of 600. Is well supplied with good business houses. Has many fimFhomes. Telephone-, long distance and home. Will soon have water works. Will be located on a branch of the California North­ eastern, now being built into Klam­ ath Basin. WiH lie one of the best towns in the county. Has a fine public school. r W. R. Davis of Brownell, Cal., passed through town Friday. Three stages and twenty head of stage stock passed through here Wednes­ day on their wav to Klamath Falls, which is an indication that Klamath Falls will have better service between there and Pokegama. Tom Caltnes, Fred Lisky and Roy Paxton leave Wednesday for Topppah, and expect to return in a year with long pocket-books well filled. E. E. Fitch has been confined to his room for several da Vs with la grippe. 8. E. Martin and wife went to Klam­ ath Falls Friday. • Mrs. 8. E. Martin and Miss Lena Kattenhorn were elected by the Merrill Rebekah lodge to attend the grand lodge. W. A. Wilson is carrying the mail be­ tween here and Tule Lake. You wont go wrong it you order your spring and summer elothes from us. We guarantee a perfect fit and satis­ faction. K K K Store. I aim to be reliable City and Country Realty Handled Lakeview Mining Stock Fire Insurance written in seven of the strongest Companies in the World. Sure protection in case of loss « « « Wines and Liquors of Choice Vintage Key West, Imported and Domestic Cigars THE M idway B ar SERVES A MERCHANTS’ LUNCH AT ALL HOURS OF THE DAY OR First-Class Cuisine NIGHT Perfect Service W. H. D claxct , Manager SrawABT de L yons , Prop’s Croft & Nowlin If you are seeking an investment in CITY, TOWN OR FARM PROPERTY See us before you buy. We haue an unlimited variety of property to show you, and If you buy from us you wiii save money Ml Croft& No wlin X ■*>1 The Dread of the Housewife The pleasures of many homes are still marred by that weekly horror “wash day.” Some still cling to the idea that by doing their washing at home they are saving money, without »topping to figure the cost. In most cases the cost of the wood alone would pay for the work being done at the laundry. The Klamath Falls Steam Laundry is now eqttip|>ed to handle all the family washing in the city and. is making a special cut-rate price on this work. With our increased capacity and all the latest labor-saving machinery, we are able to do the work at about one-half what it ean-be done by hand. We dye and restore color to faded goods and ste.im or dry clean ladies’ and men's suits. * OUR SPECIAL PRICE FOR ROUGH DRY WORK: STARCHED IRONED CENTS Counterpane». . . 10 " fringed.. 15 Sheets.................... 4 PillowSiips .... .2’ i Pillow Bolster»...4 Tablecloths........... 4 “ large or hemstitched ...6 Towels.................. 114 “ bath,.......... 3 ‘ roller........... 3 Napkins................ I,1« Cloths................... 1 Flour Sacks...........2 Doilies................... 1 Handkerchiefs... .1,1« •• silk....3 Standee vers plain 2 CXNTS Skirts .................. 7 Nightdresses......... 4 Drawers................ 4 Chemise................ 4 Corset Covers....... 2 Waists.................. 7 Waists, boys......... 4 Kinionas.............. 7 Wrappers.............. 7 Aprons ................ 2 Child's pieces....... 3 SIuime, pair .... 10 Sash Curtains....... 3 Pillow Covers ... .3 Bonnets................ 3 Sleeves, pair......... 2 Belta...................... 1 NOT IRONED CENTS Overshirts....... ...5 Undershirts ... ...5 Underdrawers . ...5 Nightshirts.... ...5 Combination... ...7 Pajamas, pair.. ..10 Under Vest ... ...3 Hose, pair....... ...3 Neckties........... . ..1 EXTRAS CENTS Blankets, wool, pr. 50 " cotton,, " 25 quilts................ ... 25 Bedticks............10c up Sweaters............ KLAMATH FALLS STEAM LAUNDRY CAMPBELL & SMITH, Prop’s Phone, 331 /