Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, March 21, 1907, Image 4

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E. J. MURRAY, Editor.
z\dditions to flidland
For the assurance <4 purchasers ot lot«
j in the town ot Midland, as well as to
! furnish information to ¡teople interested
in lands in or near to Midland, which
I purchaser« or owners of land might be
itffec'ed by the re,>ort« to effect that
tssveral additions would lie made tn Mid
( laid, we take this method of stating
I that thete wil) be no addition« to Mid­
land for some yean. We can give this
assurance, for the reason that we own
land on all sides of the town site, all of
which will la* kept vacant, except the
vacant land on the south and the south-
i east of the town site, which has been
set aside for tiie use of stock yards,
she<ls and loading |>en».— M idland T own
C omfanv .
Nine days more remain of the contest
mow living conducted by this paper for
the selection of the most popular girl in
the county.
This contest has l**en
under wav for several months, but like
Bonanaa is situated in the south­
*1) nuch affairs it has dragged along un­ eastern part of the county, and so
til towards the close before the keen in­ located as t<> command the trade ot
We, the undersigned freeholder*, re­
terest it de-erves is aroused. There are three of the largest valleys of the siding in Road Pistrict No s. in the
\but two contestants remaiuing and it
Klamath 1‘i. ject, Largest springs in C"iinty of Klamath and Slate of Oreg-m,
rest- with the readers of the Republican the county are there. Fine school. through which the following de*cril>ed
io make u choice between one of these, Is growing rapidly a 1 will by a proposed road will run. hereby give
although tin ir vote will be cast f >r any­ large city. Hat ti iephone cornec- notice, according to law. that "b the 1st
one they may name, if they choose to ticn.s. \\ ill
ii it.i\e water w..rks ' daj "I May. A. D. 11M7, w ■ w '. |- titi>>ii
■elect s meone other tl.au one of the and electric light-. P.qc.ilation 350. the Honorable County ( . iirt of said
coi'testaiits now in the fieijj.
County and State for a pn'lie County
The Republican wishes to say a word
The heavv rair.sof the past few days lo ad to be laid out by said County
to its readers in regard to thia matter. have raised flu- river idm st to the tl. i«l Court according to the statute in such
Tlie purp.»*e i >r whkh tl is contest was st
| ease, made and provided, having its
inaugu'at-.sl was to increase our circula­
; |s>iiit.s of beginning and termination,
• eircu’r.ticn of this
! course an I intermediate points as fol­
that of any other
lows ;
. but it was felt that a f**w weeks stay.
Commencing at a point where the
M dlis Welil^y has -*>ld his ranch east
in Klamath County
county road iron. Keim, in -aid county,
who did not take the Republiian who of thi* place to a William Irwin of t'olo- to the Oiegoli-Califorma ■'-late line in­
would do so if they were a«ked, and rado, \\ Idle we i. jret to L -a so good a tersects tin- north an I south Iki.e be­
CMS'.* Iw. mil »a member of the Repub- lieigldior a« Mr. Webla-r, who ha- l>een tween the ea-t one-half And the wist
lican family would alwavs remain so. identified witti the history of flu» see- one half <d' the north west quarter of
The results al far have fully justified tion for the past 17 years and “in whom beitioti 27, Tp. 40. S of R s. I . W. M.,
our belief that we would largely increase there is no guile.” we extend the right and running tl.ence due north to the
our circulation.
We fuitber believe hau l of fellowship to the new comer. conimo* c h i t to toe north-< i-t quar­
that wben tl e contest doses our circu­ Here’s to you, gentlemen, and may ter. south east quarter, north-west quar­
lation wil Is* almost doubled. M ith neither of you regret the exchange you ter and the south-west quarter ot the
tins increa ■ 1 iic.ati>n we nil) lie have made,
south-west quarter of Section 22, town­
*b?.- to give greater results to the adver­
At a caucus • f the stockholder« of the ship and range aforesaid; thence due
tiser than ever before, for it is the cir­ Water I-er« us«<xlatieii, held a; Li­ west to the i; »rljj and south line be­
culation that makes the paper valuable rella last Saturday, R. A. C. Williams tween the south-east quarter and the
as an a lv -rtising medium, and no one was chosen t<> succeed Mr. Orr a» di­ south-west quarter of >ection21, tow n­
appreciates this more than the up-to- rector of tiie Langell Valley district. ship range aforesaid; thence due north
date merchant who pays out his hard Resoluti.>ns were parsed indorsing the to a point 500 feel south of the Klaniaih
co! f .r publicity. The Republican has candidacy of Messrs. Ruick and Grigsby River: thence in a northwesterly direc­
a wvil earned reputation for being the for director« in their res|»ective uistricts. tion through Ljts 2 and 3 in Section 10,
best paper in Southern Oregon, and it i* Mr. Orr has refused to stand for re­ township and range aforesaid, along the
tgblng to try and maintain it. In doing election, owing to the fact that lie has most practicable line, said line to ap­
so -it v.jt'its the help and assistance of rentes) Iris ranch and expects to be al>- proach said Klamath River at no point
wery <«ae of its readers, There is sent most of the ensuing year. The nearer than a distance of 5 m leet, to the
hardly a day that passe« but that you stockholders cf this district regret tu, north-west corner of Lot 2, Section 1»*,
hear of s >mething that would be of in­ lose tiie valued services of Mr. Orr, for : township and range aforesaid; them e in
terest to your neigbistrs if it con Id lie lie has at all times been an able and a north westerly direction along the di­
published. We want vour neighbor to conscieiitiou« representative.
viding line between Lota 1 and 12. in
'know what that “something” is, and
J. F. Goeller and another gentleman Section 16, township and range afore­
riLyuu «if! tell us about it we will be whose name has slip,»ei our memory, said; thence westerly by the most prac­
glad to publish it. You are as much a was in town several davs looking over ticable route across the south half of the
part of tiie paper as are the men em­ the ground for our new school building north east quarter and the south-east
ployed in issuing it, and if you will but ansi otherwise* viewing tiie situation, quarter of ti.e north-west quarter of
tear this in mind and try and help us preparatory to bidding on its construc­ Section 17, township and rat ge afore­
out by giving us any information that tion, we're told. The geutlt men seem said, to the north-west corne< of the
a *» u mat deem of interest to the public to lie very optimistic in regard to the south-west quarter of the north-west
■w - will appreciate your efforts and so future of our town, and intend invest­ quarter of Section 17. township and
will your friends.
range aforesaid ; thence in a northwest­
ing in our real estate.
If you have not already voted in this
direction by the muff practicable
Bert Fox ami family, of Royston, ar-
contest do so at once. One of these rived here this week, Mru. Fox ha» route across the north ha^f ot the north­
-young ladies i* going to the Jamestown been quite poorly for the past tea west quarter of said Section 17, town­
Exposition. They will do more towards weeks and will make a short stay here ship and range aforesaid, and the south­
Advertising Klamath County than any and in the Falls city to recuperate.
east quarter of the south-east quarter ot
ether medium ao lar employed. 8he(
Section 7, township and range aforesaid,
Stranges are much in evidence here to the County Road, running through
will be Klamath’s official representa­
tive. She will place advertising matter now and yon may look to »e»* «ouiething the -aid south-east quarter of the south­
in the hands of hundreds of thousands great doing in our community th»? com­ east quarter of Section 7.
of interested liomeseekers. Wherever ing summer.
That on the first day of the term of
A company represented by A. D. said Court, commencing in said month,
■be goes, whether m meeting the Presi­
dent of the United States, the mayors of Harpold of this place is asking our city i we will present a |ietition to the Court,
the various cities that she will visit, tl e to grant them franchises to construct
for the purpose aforesaid.
commercial bodies of which she will lie
Hated the Sth day of February, A.
the guest or the great throngs at the and operate electric light and water
exposition, she will stand for Klamath ■yatems. The city fathers should do I). iyo;.
Countv and what it represents and dis-' nothing “sudden” in tiie matter, but
C. V. Nelson, A. D. Gillman, A. H.
tribute the literature that will tell the carefully canvass the proposition before
l>. L. Gordon, F. H. Downing,
homesi-eker and investor that away out
here on the Pacific Coast is a section deciding, and then do the tiring that C. J. McCollum, C. M. Wilson, Miss
that is second to none in America for wil) be of the greatest gbod to the great­ Minnie McCollum, D. RJDoten, F. T.
opportunities. Won’t you help in this est number.
Nelson, R. W. Tower, J. L. Padgett, N.
matter? It costs you nothing, for in
P. Edwards, John Connolly.
addition to getting the Republican for LOCAL OFFICERS
one vear for your money, you will
For Publication.
»»wive, absolutely ire*- for one year, the
States Land office, Lakeview. Ore-
Pacific Northwest. This is admittedly
the best farm journal published. You
I gon, Feb. 2«. 1907.
will learn enough from one issue to save Important Capture Made by Schal
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
you more than ten times what your sub-
■with the provisions of the act of Congrtss of
■rription costs. In addition, you are
June». 1878, entitled "An act lor the sale of
belping 11« to do a great work in adver-
timber lands In the States of California, Ore­
* tilling this county, a work that must lie
One of the moat important arrest» gon. Nevada. and Washington Territory." as
«Vine if we are to have our share of
made in this city for a long while was extended to all the Public Land States by act
of August 4. 1892. John Y. Tipion of
effected last Tburaday evening when Klamath Falls, County of Klamath, State of
The Republican is in receipt of an In , John E. Hughes was taken into custody I Oregon, has this day filed In this office his
duatriiii edition of the Eugene Register by Deputy Sheriff Scballock and Chief sworn statement No. 3527, for the purchase of
' the w1^ neyi and e’inw** of Sec. No. 29,
tliat is a work of which that publication of Police Smith. Hughes is wanted in ) lnTp. No. 38 H, R No. 10 K W M, and will
may well feel proud. It is not only a Trinty county, California, on the charge ■ offer proof to show that the land -ought Is
i more valuable for Its timber or stone than for
credit to the Register but to the city of of murder.
The Sheriff of Trinity county arrived agricultural purposes, and to establish his
Eugene and the enterprising business
to said land before the Clerk of Klamath
men who made it a possibility. W ith here Saturday night ard returned Mon­ Claim
county. Oregon, at his office a*. Klamath
•uch a spirit as this edition is indicative. day with the fugitive. Hughes did not j Falls. Oregon, on Monday the 3rd day ol
Eugene must forge ahead and become ‘ deny hi» identity, but was emphatic in I Juue. 1907.
■ hi» declaration that he was inmxent of He names as witnesses:
one of the great cities of the State.
Wrn. Lasliua. Ed. Echtlnaw.J. V. Johnsen
1 the charge of murder.
and Mark L. Burns all of Klamath Falls,
All kinds of finest perfumes at New­
Now is the time for you to get votes i Oregon.
som A Underwood.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
your favorite candidate in
Geo. K. Hum and wife returned Sun­
, above-described lands are requested to file
day from their trip to California ¡mints. Jamestown Exposition contest.
! their claims in this office on or before said 3rd
day of June, 1907.
Suit in foreclosure proceedings was
South flidland
3-21 -.7-23
J. N. WATSON. Register.
commenced this week against Abel Ady
and E I. Applegate, secretary, as repre­
A beautiful tract of land, platted in
sentative of the Water User's Associa­ I town lots, located adjacent and to the
tion, by Eberditig <5c Farrell to "recover South of the town of .Midland and with­ ’ In th« Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
on a mortgage held on approximately in five minutes walk of the railroad i for the county of Klamath, ss.
3,700 acres of land purchased by Mr. depot site. Lot» sold for cash at reas- | Lydia M. Van Brimmer, plaintiff, vs. C.N.
Ady from the Portland firm. Mr. Ady i able discount, or on terms to suit nur- Gordon and Lucy I. Gordon, defendants.
iuts already disposed of some of tiie land ! chasers, title ¡»eriect. South Midland To C. N. Gordon and Lucy I. Gordon, .de­
in question, comprising aliont a section, is situated upon the main line of the fendants.
and for which be has given warranty i Southern Pacific, now under construe- In the name^of the State of Oregon: You
i tion from Weed, California, to Klatri- ; arc hereby required to appear and answer the
■ ath Falls, Oregon, and is located in complaint filed against you in the above en­
the center of one of the largest dis- titled action within ten days from the date ot
Notice for Publication.
A few the service of this summons upon you. If
I’ntted States I^an.l office, Lakeview, Oregon, dricts in Southern Oregon.
March IS, l«n7.
choice lots left an<l now on sale as low served within this county, or II served within
■Notice is hereby given that Asarlah T Wilson as fifty dollars. This is your time to any other county of this State, then within
snl olene. Oregon, has tiled notice ot his inten-
v ion to make final five year proof In support of get in on the ground floor and invest in twenty days from the date of the service of
his claim, vis' Homestead Entry No. 2873 a town destined in the near future to be this summonaupon you; and if you fall so to I
made .March 2,1903, for the wU nw‘4 nw'i swU one 'of the largest commercial centers in answer for want thereof, the plaintiff will
Hee23, Lot", Hee 14. and Lot 2 Hection 15,Town­
take judgment against you for 1288 90 and In­
whip 39 8, Range 10 E W M. and that said proof Klamath county.
will be made before the Clerk of K latnath
Call upon, or address all communica­ terest therson at 10 per cent per annum from
County, Ore., at his office at Klamath Falls, tions to, South Midland Town Site Co. March 20,1907, and the further sum ot *50 at­
Oregon, on the 3rd day of May, 1907.
torney's fees and the costs and disbursements
P ikrck E vans ,
lie names the following witnesses to prove
ilia continuous residence upon, and cultiva-
¿tarn of, the land, vis:
Oaanuel Dixon, C. t. Andrews. K. J. Poele and
C. H. H«ow, all of Olene, Oregon.
1 N. WATaOM, Register.
Corresponding Secretary.
M ark L. B urns ,
J. F. N owlin ,
Local Agents.
ot this action «nd that any property attached
herein may b« sold to satisfy such Judgment.
Attorney for Plaintiff,
3 21 -4.11
Just arrived at Alva Lewis's, new
line of jewelry.
Fine line of stationery nt Newsom A
Under wood.
I have a few choice lots in S>utli
Midlaiidsihat I am offering fur |A0 ¡air
lot. Now is the time to buy Indore they
are all gone. Mark 1.. Burns.
Fine watch repairing L. Alva Iwwis.
Chitwood« Toilet cream will curv aun-
burn, tan an I freckles.
W anted —Five or ten dozen chicken«.
See Dulaney at the Midway, Highest
cash price paid.
€. Prodan
Frescoing a Specialty
Í Sian Painting and
All kind« of wagon making ami re-' SUNin MMAZINI
besutifully illuNraled, good stories i
pairing done nl the Midway blacksmith
and arteles si-mi Laliioraia $1.50
simp. All work guaranteed.
and all the far \3 est.
• y«««
a monfhiy publwatmn dev> ' >1
Hie Stamp
of Quality
J J Pflincinfl
<1 PjHPeRfrHHGinfl
All person« knowing themaelva to Ix’
indebted to I.. F Willits on «tore uc>
count, limy «eitle the «ante al my old
stand. with Shive Brothers A I'o. where
luy book” w ill bo kept during my ule
ence from the city. L. F. Willlt«. if
a I mo A <>| 75 page«, coni smina
I ¿0 c*»lorad phot<^vs|4is ol
p.tuira|ue spots ui CaUoriua, _
and Oregua.
All hr
Cut cut tili» «dvrrtiisme-il
< jk J «rad with II .50 tu
»w ¿¿J
Ì 'Af-Mwdte
Official Court Reporter
Has opened a public Stenogra­
pher's office in Boom I With-
row - Mel base Building. and is
prepared to do all kinds of
work in this line :: :: ::
Notary Public
" $0.50
• y«r
io lisa larmuig um-iesu uf the
of Klamath County
Compiled from Official Records and Personal
Reconnaissance hv L. Heath of
Port (iamhie. Wash
Those arc sectional maps of the entire territory
within the boundaries of Klamath County. Oregon,
wagon roads and railroads, cities, towns, settlements.
mountain ranges with elevation of principal peaks, rivers, creeks,
lakes, marshes, main ditches of the irrigation project, the Klamath
Indian reservation, the permanent forest ro>»erve, Crater Lake Park
and many other features ot the topography.
These maps are him* prints and n.ayt e hail in two size*. The large all», 4 feet.
3 inches wide, bv tl feet, 4 inches high, i« made on a scale of one and one-half mile* to the
inch. Price. Sio.
The small size. 10 indies wide by 1.3 inches high, is made on n scale
of one-eighth inch to the mile and cost* $J.
If you want one of these maps, write <>r call on
Klamath Falls. Oregon
Klamath County
«Farm Lands«
City Property
Merrill Town Lots
Bonanza Lots
We own very desirable land In small
tracts adjoining the town of Merrill
Klamath Commercial Agency