Official Newspaper of Klamath County VOL. XI. |Z I A/VIATTH IX I ^/A/Tl/A III D L* DI T R. I IT* A 1\I I\ C I U L) L< I VAI 5 , KLAMATH FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, MARCH 21, 1907. Official Newspaper of Klamath County NO. 51 NO FIGURES AT THIS TIME NEW STAGE COMPANY Chief Engineer Newell Says They Go Io Congress First Oregon & California Transportation Company Occupies Field THE LAW PLAIN ON THIS POINT THE OLD COMPANY SELLS OUT Prof. Lowe a particular vote» for yoiir choice of th most |«>pu- lar girl in the UuUtitV, the winner to I« adaptability to parts w here he can as- •» ime the character of un aged and infirm sent to the Jamestown Ex p- •«itiön. A t the bond < lecti< n held last Natur* loan. His impersonations in tin« line day bonds to the amount of ♦”,2’>rtunity to show her full power». vote* in the contest for the most jsipu- Minn Beimour has also made many Inr girl in the county, the winner t> be irumdi since her coming here to assist sent to the Jamestown Exposition. the Club in its efforts. Her ease and Last Friday wss the last day on which grace 0]ve 1« Field Officials Making aware, field, but als > by the Auditor fur the In­ flaking Prepartions to in this ci.y. Inquiie of J. D. Carroll, I old maid. There is always a certain Kind,” Mrs. Don Zumwalt; ‘ Kathleen Public Information Be terior Department and the Isioka of the Henley. ze-. and «nap to her a< ting that brings Mavourneen,” Mrs. W. E.Travis; “Kil- Reclamation Service can not lie made Give Unequalled Service out her line» *o that an audience im­ larney” and “Irish Folk Song,” Mr«. fore Submission of Same complete a« to charges, refund*, etc., The civil service examination will I* mediately becomes aware of the iai- Don ZumwaF, Mrs. Gates, accompan- until a linal accounting is Il «»I with the held ill tlii* city on April 10 for junior p >rtan e of w hatever part »he assumes. iest. This program was printed with clerk it* the office of the R<-< lamation Treasury Department. Service. Application blanks can be She also enter* well into the spirit oi green ink on a liarp-»na|>ed car»L The The Comptroller of the luncheon menu was likewise printed in Transportation matters are gradually procured from Project Engineer Mur- her character, thereby making it as has the right of review green, on a »hamrock-shaped card, and reaching a basis where it is possible to Socie time ago beerctary r.. I. A nearly realistic a» possible. pbyon request. figure out a program for the future. time revising the aocoti gate of tlie Klamath Water User» Win. Wagner, as Jack Henderson, was as follows: Cea»i Mil'.e Failthe! This week the Oregon r-tag • comnsuijr w ¡th Wvxrzn — A g'Kxl girl to assist make notable clianges. T Fhanir»K'k sandwiches, Blarney etone», elation wrote Project Engineer M i the artist, carried through his part in a succutned to the wiles »>( W. R. Dane Apply Box 24», manner that won him much applause. Kilkenney bane», Erin Go Bragh ice and disposed of ita businv - to the Ore­ a great many pending account* for trans- general housework. asking lor Information regarding (»irtation <>l freight, particularly over Klam.itli Falls, Ore. Co-t <4 farce iic.'ouiit as cjtn'iare I We in- ¡eve that Mr. Wagner wan nearer cream, St. Patrick's cake, I’ratie cakes, gon A California Transportation com­ pany. This sale preludes the possibil­ boml-nided lines, which may not he J. M. Robin, who has inrente» Contra*'! work. Before making r hi« element in the part lie assumed I’otheen and Dublin stout. ity of competition (or the passenger settle I for month« alter the freight I» new lifting |H,wer machine, .war i Five Hundred was place«! am I Mrs. busine»« ix-tween thi* city ami the rail­ Mr Murphy, in aceordaua* with than in the previ >u* [»lav. However, tran-p .rted. There continually come city yesterday for the purpose ot rule» and regulations of the Fervi ••• t'-ii- must l>e judged from an unbiased J - -ph Pierce won tne lady’» and Rich­ road termini. When Mr. Davis the standpoint for no player who assumes ard Mnith the gentleman’« prize. same grim determinat» >n tii.r~ ha.»» Is1 di«tributod to the various projects. Chatnl>er of Commerce. Mr. Koi, n-tary of the Interior, asking fur ins the part of a villian ever receives bis characterized him all of I is life. It did Allot these claim* are cleared upas verv sanguine as to the worth of b lion« Wild likewise silggestmg that i jn»t due« from an audience, because if REMAINS OF not take him and Mr. Tiivis long to fur it» pro livable at the end of the liscal vention and if it come» any where reach an agreement an-l the sale was incompatible with the business o| he act* true to nature he is more likely J. L. JONES FOUND con .»du mated Monday oi this week. year on June 90th, and after that tin e his expectations he will realise ai Hen ice that the figure* l»e furni to be discredited on account of the na­ Imtncliately after negotiation* wore the b aiks are |»i«ted and totals obtained men»« fortune from it. from Wa< hiugton, where, a» will I»« ture of the part. clos'd, Mr. Davi» b-gri p «-[arations Was DromeJ n Shoalwater Bay ns •••on a» practicable. The »tatement» by reference 1.» the letter printed >« Earl Whitlock, a« I'hi'ander Pott», Th« City Council met in regular forgiving ibis city a service that ii >az» .of cost which might be prepare I, for ¡■■•I last Momlav <•»• rm _■ and Rut little the pr<>te«*ir, was strictly in his ele­ never had before. He was not sati ied * ■ Lsst February with one stage each w ay hut has dec led example, in the Klatmith office, arg business demamled the attention «lits on account o' refunds or repay­ placed at Lewis ami Bi idge st reels. The puts a--igned to him he w as seemingly February 4th, were found about a mile] sengers. The mail stage will leave this gate last Thur-div r<-?»-ived tl ment», » > that .my figure prepared in ordinance providing for a lic.-nse for a iitUe »tiff, but as Philander Potts east of the jKiint where the accident oc- . city every evening at 10 o’clock. It was ing letter first propoeed to lake the mail to Keno the Klamath office is subject to cortec draymen wa» introduced. It calls for a n »thing but praise could be said and he ( curred, last Thursday evening, by Mr.1 by Dl.rVKTHI launch, but the Ewauna i- not ready lion. Ex| erience lias shown that giv- »cmi annual license of N tatm for one horse was pretty near the whole show in him­ Rainey. The body was taken to Eagle i for use just now and until it is the mail ing < ut preliminary figures is unwise be­ ami H2 for two horse rigs. W a «it in ». ton , I*. C., March 5, 1907. self. Point and the officials n -»tilled. Coroner will go by stage to Keno. t'he steamer Klamath will remain on the run for tbe cause a" these «re taken ami revised Ei mi a I. Arri.r.u ent, Fred C. Bam her had li'lleopp'irtunitv Martin took action in the premises and pre«ent. Nodefinitearrang- ments have One of the locomotives of the Klam- Secretary Klamath Water Users Asso­ from time to time there is apt t-> arise nth Lake railroad broke down in tie 'Saturday night to display bis ability, the remains were turned orer to a com­ lieen made for it» permanent retention. in the minds of men who know nothing ciation, Klamath Fails, Oregon, yard» at Hirall Fun .ay. It wa» fottu- except tor a few moments as Jake Bax­ mittee of the local bodge of Udd Fellows, The passenger schedule will remain un- changeil for the present, the boat leav­ IhiarSirt—A copy of your letter of of the complicated situation. » tendency nnle the accident «Mxurred l>e(ore the ter, the farmers son. However, ’those ■f which Mr. Jones wa« a member. at 5:30 iu the morning. It is ex­ January ?3rd, addre sed to Mr. D. W to discredit the figures l»ec»u«e those at departure «f th»' train, for if it bad hap- who have attended previous perform­ The funeral was held .-aturday after­ ing pected to change this time to a later Murphy, ha» been forwarded to this first given can not be adhered to. They ]»ecd that can l»e reached by a Henny to the effect that: A new candidate for histrionic honors gaged in repairing a broken Ixxam. A purchase it acquires the West Side ing. "It i« not regard« I as pro|»er to give taeik-keeper for a private concern. For appeared upon the program in Mr. heavy storm was prevailing and the -table». Thus it will be ready for all J. Frank Adam«, who has the con­ emergencies. A new station is to tie out any detail* ok co*t until they have this rear >n also it i* better to adiiere to Robert Curran, a- Harry Wiutbrope, b at he was using overturned. He establish««! at Haden creek, four miles been duly rcfsirte 1 to the Secretary of the final officia! rejioi t made annually to tract for the construction of a telephone Edith’s best fellow. Mr. Curran did called for help, but before assistance I beyond Spencer’s, work thereon having the Interior far transmtMioa to Con- Congre»«, covering uil of these matters. line for the use of the Reclamation Ser­ his part very well. could reach him he was • vercome by the ‘ alreiuiy commeuce»!. Mr. Davis stated, vice, is having the poles brought here. when asked about future plane: Very truly your», gress.” The song by Mis« Edith Horn ph rev«, cold, and sank. For the past several months he has bail "We are only beginning, and ma. y F. 1!. Newi.i.i.. Chief Engineer. I think, however, it i* due to you to which was illustrated, was very much things remain to be done. But you car» a force of men employed in cutting jM»les make a little further explanation on this «Many People say for me that we are going to give tbe It will I* seen from the foregoing that and has l>een able to secure a lot of un­ appreciated by the audience. point, so that you may not misunder­ all information relative to the affairs of service in the West, irrespective oi Mr. Lowe announce ) that he intend­ Coming Here best usually fine juniper timber. The line w hether it pays us a cent or not. All stand our action in the matter. the Reclamation Service must perforce will follow the main canal and principal ed shortly to leave for the city, where J. A. Beckwith, of Portland, who was we want is to get people in and out with In carrying out the terms of the Rec­ come directly from Washington anil laterals. an»l w ill connect the office < t he would organize a stock company and here this week, states t it thi« city is the greatest possible comfort to tbet», lamation Act. the Secretary of the In­ that the I< h »1 representative* are pro­ Project Engineer Murphy with ail p ints return here about May 1st, when the attracting a great deal of attention in and we are going to do it.” Conditions are not so smooth in tbe ' people of this vicinitv will have an op- terior is authorised ami instructed to do hibited from giving for publication any I Portland. “Many y ing men in Port­ along the work». portunity of being entertained by very- land are investigating Klamath Fall« freight business. Mr. McIntire is going certain tiling», and all operation* of the information inconsistent with the rules ahead preparing for the first of May. At a recent meeting of the newly or- pleasing programs. Reclamation Service ate practically of the department, an outline of which with the intention of coming here,” said The teamsters are getting ready to do ganize»l Oregon Forestry Association, works done by the Secretary himself, are indicated in the letter here repro­ Mr. Beckwith Monday. “Until recently business via Ager. At a meeting held Tuesday evening plans were dis»:n»*ed and all questions of policy are in effect duced. During the last session of Con­ held in Portland, Elmer I. Applegate THE CONTEST we hear»! a great »leal ab-> it Coo* Bay, to carrv ouLaucn a program, but <>i> *c- expressions of the wish of the Secretary. gress a report was aubmitted containing was electe»! second vice president of that but Klamath Falls and Klamath County cotint of the weather the meeting wriw The determination of all points of law figures along the lines desired by the I organization. The objects of the asso­ The vote to date is as follows is the main topic with us now. One of not as largely attende I as it would oth­ ciation are the protection and preserva ­ must also In- made by the Secretary, Klamath Water Users A»«ociation, but Miss fcouise Sargeant .............. . ..119 the plans living followed is to hunt up erwise have been. The teamsters insist tion of. the forests of Oregon for the use that McIntire will put them out of IwiBi- these tiring, in accordance with prec­ lmw extensive they were it is impossible Miss Stella Campbell .............. .... îao the “knockers” and find out all thev ness *o far as Pokegam* is concerned, edents, pa»»ed upon by the Assistant- to ascertain at this time. This report i« and lienefit of the public in genera), the have to kick about an»l why they are and he says that he will be glad t » Attorney General for the Interior De­ now in the hands of the government ac»|uirement and dessimination of sore. This, with what the lriemls have have them haul freight from that poiat. INVESTIGATION knowledge and information in general partment. printer, and a* soon a* he issues the to say, give a fair idea of what may lie Neither side has gotten together in an {•ertaining to forestry and to economic effort to reach an agreement and th«- ¿HOWS NO GRAFT Referring to the Reclamation Act, in same it will be available for the infor- expected. The result of this policy is prospects are not bright for their doing value ami inqiortance of our forests. Section 2, you will note that the Secre­ mation of those interested in the that many are coming and when they so. Capt. McIntire, in regard to this Ia«te«t advices from Salem are to the tary is authorized and directed to re­ matter. Tempest In the Idaho Teapot Falls do come know what to expert. Klam­ matter says: effect that Secretary of State Benson is i “I would be glad to have the team­ It is to lie regretted that the figures port to Congress at the beginning of ath Falls is all right and anyone who sters Flat haul from Pokegama. If they each regular session the results of ex­ do«ired by water users under the Klam­ in a critical condition. It was exacted has no axe to grind must admit it.” have an order for freight thev tail get that the change to Newport would have , aminations and survey«, giving esti­ ath project cannot l>e secured at thia it. The rate to Pokegama will be no mate« of co*t* of »ill contemplated work , time, but it is evident that no matter a lieneficial effect, but in thi« his phy-1 The furore that was raiser! by tele­ higher than it is now, if as high. It W. O W. Ball will probably average 33 cents, so there and similar matter«. The construction how willing the local representatives of sician was disappointed. He has been graphic reports from Boise. Idaho, to One oi tlie prettivt and most suc ­ that han been placed ujx>n this law in the government may lie to furnish it, it transferred to California, where a the effect that there was unlimited graft cessful »lances of the sea»on waa given is no freeze-mit game on that score. If freight is deliveied on an order, then that It in mandatory a* to how general will not b> made public until Congre«« change is expected for the better. Mr. connected with the Boise-Payette pro­ in Houston’s opera house Friday even- my responsibility ce**es. If a merchant Benson is suffering from Purpura. ject, and that it was traced into nearly information «hall lie given out, and it in meets next Ikeceuiber. wants me to look after the matter There have been but four case» of this every western State, has fallen Hat. A I ing by the Women oi Woodcraft. The and give the freight to the further lielieved that no information feature of the evening was the drill, jieculiar malady known in the United rigid investigation into the matter has teamsters, I will do so, uml for such should be given officially except that Additional Briefs State«, ami in each case the patient developed the fact that it was simply a lead by Mr«. White and Miss Nicker­ services will charge five cents per hun- which in trannniitted by the Secretary forwarding charge*. If the mer­ died. Inasmuch as Mr. Benson is deep laid political plot, siqierindnced by son, assisted by ten young lady guard*. dre«l to Congrenn, or is announced by him in chant wants me to haul the freight for The work was perfect ami elicited much Get in the M. W. A. band wagon if afflicted with asmild ferm of the disease, the refusal of the reclamation official« to applause by the large number present. them, 1 will do so. All charges will be accordance with established regulations. under tlie western classification, and holies are entertained that he will be bend to the machinations of the political The giving of information directly by you want to l>e there on the 29th inst. So great was the demand for souvenir evervone w ill get a square deal. I am able to overcome its ravages. bosses of Idaho. The Idaho politicians local men in the Held in not looked upon Only nine days more remain before tickets that the supply was exhauste»! seeking no monopoly nor trying to play thought they saw rich picking in the with approval by the Dcpratment, be­ the great contest closes. Have you before the doors were opened. The a freeze out game, and if the teamster* construction of the irrigation project, want to haul fiom Pokegama 1 see no DRAMATIC CLUB’S cause of the fact that in no doing the voted yet. * ladies who managed the enterprise are reason why they should not do so.” but when they found that they were Secretary, who is the responsible officer, Emil Egert moved hi« household ef­ ■ le«erving of much prai-e. Those of’ the teamsters who were seen, LAST PERFORHANCE barred from having a Huger in the pie does not have opportunity to obtain first fects from this city to hie ranch at state»l that no proposition has been sub­ they set up a how! of “graft” and be- information and, to n certain extent, he Dairy, Friday. mitted to nor asked from Mr. McIntire Baptist Church Notes officially. Whether one would bit made An Appreciative Audience Enjoys gan to lay plans for the decapitation of may l>e committed to policies and to L. II. Brown of I*, rtlatici is in the Pleaching service« next Sunday at 11 could not be learned, but the feeling the offending engineers, Their effort«, expressions which do not meet his liest city on buniness connecte»! with hi* in- ••Only a Country Girl.” o’clock a. m. ami 7 :3 I o’clock p. ni. by seemed to prevail that one would not iw however, have proven futile and only judgment. It in, therefore, deemed terests in this county. and that the ti a-nsters would take the confirms the wisdom of the policy of the Rev. A. N’. Jacqnemin. wisent to follow literally the law as Uli- I in their teeth and haul 'rom Ager. The last performance of the season to government to keep the Reclamation Sunday school at 10 o’clock ». ni. an»l bit Now i« the time for you to get votes In this move they have the back­ doratood and bring together for Con- be presented by the Home Dramatic B. Y. P. nt t :4> p. m. Leader of ing of a number of merchants who have gri'sn the essential facts, publishing for yojr lavorite candidate in the Club, entitled “Only a Country flirt,” Service out of politics. young jieople’s meeting, Miss Odalitc assured them that they will stay with Jauieatown Exposition contest. these as soon as possible, and thus giv Ager irrespective of what rate is mail»- was fully up to the standard set by l'ro- Horning. The Spoon Club Mrs. E. R. Reames returned Satur­ via Pokegama. With this assurance the ing them the widest publicity. I _______ ________ fe«sor Lowe. Almost every «eat in the teamsters feel safe in making the Entertains For choice farming and see Mark I.. change. In future Copic* of the annual reports day evening from San Francisco, w here opera house was occupied and the she has been for the past several weeks. of the Reclamation Service it in pro­ audience was unspairing in ita plaudits. One of the pretty and unique social* of Burns. Mrs. Ei For bargains i i city property see Commerce, vice U. F. Stone, re-igned. the points w hich I think aro desired by Marie McMillan, having recovered suf- dividual prai«e as in the preceding play, ber* of the Spoon Club, their husbands Mr. Widdow is at preseqt employed by your Association. so that you will be tlciently to permit of her leaving. “Prince«« of I'atchcs,'’ but, neverthe ami a few invite«! guests were enter- Murk I.. Burns. the Reclamation Nervice, but expects to For information of Klamath county, able to obtain 1 understand you Your friend may not be a subscrila-r l»*sn, theic wa« sufficient opportunity I I • to j tained. it was a Ft. Patrick’s • party, • resign April tirat. Mr. Widdow is a to The Rcpub'ican. If I he is not, get ¡ show the effect of Prof. Lowe's labors , where the shamrojk and the green pre- address Mark L. Burns, Klamath Falls, hustler and will make a goo 1 nirui for desire. ’... can ...» ,._.i »i — i ¡i of » — .1dominated. The entertainment com- Oregon. the work b fore him. en«t three' and the ability each ». — participant. There is another detail which I think him to subscribe and he