Are vou interested in a good watch? I make a specialty of fine high grade makes of movements Elgin», Waithams, Hamiltons. Boss and Crescent tilled eases of the finest designs. Attractive prices and good jewelr. have been the reasons of my success in the jewelry business. In regard to watch and jewelry repairing. I do only first class work, and guarantee fully, all my work. A ti ial will convince. If unable to call send me your work by mail or express. 1 am agent for Columbia and A'ictor Grsphaphones, and carry a lull line of machines, records and supplies, Extra parts for repairs. Send for catalogue, A large and well se- lected stock of musical goods. Violins, Bows, Guitars, Ban­ jos. Mandolins, Aecordians, and small goods, strings, turn­ ings, etc. Kindly call and inspect my store. We're glad to meet you and have you take a look whether you buy or not. HEITKEMPER Republican Block KLAMATH FALLS Watchmaker-Jeweler-Optician « jinK€n¥’$ « Fine Line of Fresh Candies Latest Novelties in Toys All the latest Ne\vspa*pers and Magazines Most complete line of PIPES to select from to You are cordially in­ vited to attend the Brick Store Co.’s Saturday Sales We offer bargains in all our lines that cannot but make you buy s 3 S s t r » á > Andrew Ryan was in from bis ranch this week and says the farmers in his J neighborhood are busy with their plow- See Ally for marsh lands. ■ ing. Mr. Ryan has one of the best Watches. L. Alva Lewis. j ranches in the county. Edison’s gold mould record phono­ 1000 fine woolens from which to select graphs at Newsom A- Underwood. > your spring ami summer suit. Fit Th«* work of grading the streets in Guaranteed. K K K Store. Millland will all be completed by Match STRAYED—Two light bay horses, Sth. large w hite stars in forehead, both have For Sale—120 acres in Lower Klamath white hind feet. One is branded i|. Marsh. Price $10.00 per acre. Mason Finder please notify H. G. Wilson at A Slough. Klamath Agency. tf Work will begin on several dwellings Fruit trees and berry vines for sale by on the Hot Springs Addition within the Mrs. Barnum, hist house on left hand next thirty days. side of East Main street. Klamath Household effects for sale from 10:30 Falls. 2-21—4-t a. m. to 5 p. m. Thursday, Friday ami W. B. Landon was up from his ranch Saturday. Lynn B. Yaden. It near Picard this week for the purpose of Swellest line of hats in town just in proving up on his timber claim. Mr. at K K K Store. Thoroughbred and Landon states that the district sur­ Stetson brands. rounding Picard is rapidly tilling up Buy a lot in Midland and make from ami as a result government land is get 100 t<> 300 per cent on your investment ting very scarce in that vicinity. with in twelve months. I am now making a specialty of hand­ Perhaps you wouhl like a goo«l ling choice dairy farms. Be sure and fountain pen. Then get n Parker at Star see me if you want something good. Mark L. Burns. Drug Sore. Dr. George H. Merryman retut tied The people who buy property in the Hot Springs Addition to Klamath Falls from Salem last Friday night and was and in Midland within the next sixty given quite an ovation by the members I diivs, will be referreil to within a year of the Twenty-one club when he made his appearance at the hall. The doctor as the w ise ones. Small tracts of well located tule marsh will be located in his new suite of offi­ lands offered for one week at $20 per ces in the Withrow -Melhase block. Lowney’s ami Bishop's delicious can­ ■ acre. Abel Adv. Buy lots in the Hot. Springs Addition dies at Newsom A Underwood. C. E. Hogue, editor of the Baker City | where sidewalks, graded streets, shade Herald is strongly mentioned for the I trees and all other improvements are position of clerk to the State Railroad I included in the price. i Commission. Mr. Hogue is the son of Try the homemade breail, cakes, pits , etc., at City Bakery. Bread, six lof.ves C. C. Hogue of this city, and has an : enviable reputation as a newspaper for 25c. Phone or leave your orders, tf man of rare ability. The Alameda on the Hot Springs If you are in need of medicine during tract, when completed, with shade' the night or if you have a preemption trees and shrubbery, will be the graini­ you wished fill»*«! you can get it at est drive in Southern Oregon. Newsom Underwood by calling at fhe Good clothes are always made to home of Dr. Maston—next door to our measure. Inspect the stunning line of store. Spring samples at K K K Store. In this issue of The Republiead ap Work on the Government Canal will pears the advertisement of George T. be completed through the Hot Springs Baldwin. Mr. Baldwin has been in Addition within ten days, at which business in this county since 18*5 and ! time the Company will begin the work in that time has established a reputa­ of laying out the Alameda. tion for “square dealing'' that has sur­ If you have not tried the Midway rounded him by a iiost of patrons. This blacksmith shop it will pay you to do |xiicy‘ that has done so much to make so. Try it and see. his establishment what it is, is the With rock in abundance and the same today as It has been for the past all ....... the 1 thirty-two years and assures the con­ crusher ready to do business, a Hot Springs Improvement Co. needs to tinued increase in his business that has make several good roads on the Hot marked his career since his entrance into Klamath county. Springs Addition, is gold weather. Potatoes For Sale—Jim Straw has sev­ One of the causes for’he remarkable eral hundred sacks very tine potatoes. growth of Newsom & Underwood is the Leave orders at Mammoth stables or fact that no expense or trouble has been spared to procure the finest stock in the 2t48 telephone No. 105. When purchasing building lots State. The great prescription business through the Klamath Development Co., they do is on account of tbeir using only in any of their town sites, you will have pure fresh drugs. no additional expense for clearing lots, Though it hardly seems possible, the planting shade trees, building sidewalks year for which your dog license was and grading streets. paid has passed and you are indebted FOR SALE.—A lot of fine driving, t > the city for another $2.50. You are draught anil saddle horses, at a price supposed to pay this at once, and if you that will sell them. Phone or write to do not, then you are liable to be minus ' Liskey Bros., Dairy, Oregon. Swan a «log an«l have some additional costs to . Lake ranch IS miles from Klamath Falls. pay, provided you redeem him from the 1 pound. Marshall .Smith has been ac­ l-24-6mo. The Klamath Development Co. has commodating enough to take the tax about complete«! several big deals from some ami thus eave the trouble of which will mean a great deal to Klam­ going to the city recorder, and it is ath Falls, ami particularly the Hot possible be may do it for you. At any rate, it is time to pay your tax and Springs Improvement Co.’s Addition. least you forget it, doit now. Don’t buy your clothes «iff the shelf when you can have them made for you ( You can get delicious tempting, al­ at the same prices. Seethe Spring and ways fresh I’hocolates ami Itonixinn at a very low cost at Star Drug Store. Summer suitings at K K K Store. CITY < Our entire stock to go regardless of cost. Attend one of our SATURDAY SALES e *4 ^*4 and you will attend all. •-< These sales will continue until our entire •g* stock is sold There will be a’special meeting of the Inland Empire club next Tuesday even­ ing. As there are a large number <4 applications for membership to be passe«! upon a full attendance is re­ quested. Chafing dishes at Ne.vsom & Under­ wood. Mark L. Burns was called to his old home in Grant’s Pass last week by the death of his brother, who succumed to pheumonia. Mr. Burns returned home Sunday. Iam agent for the Chicago Woolen mills, and am prepared to take orders for ladies’ suits and dress skirts. Mrs. R. M. Sarter, at City Bakery. tf Yours for trade The BRICK STORE Co. A Few Prices at HURN S HARDWARE STORE No. 8 Alert cast cook stove........................... No. 8-18 Toledo steel range......................... Wangenittia Barb Wire, per cwt................ 8-ft Stan wind mil)»...................................... 12-in. Syracuse chilled plows....................... 50 tooth steel lever harrows ....................... . Improved White sewing machine................ |13 45 0 M 18 19 40 50 00 60 00 00 00 Evervthing else in the Hardware line at reduced prices Call and investigate Goods and prices. GEO. R. HURN , *q«S DON J. ZUMWALT President *«j'* «zp t/jit BERT E. WITHROW Vice-Pres. f wall paper, he has been unable to keep up with the demand, so great has been the building boom. He is going to try this time ami lay in such a supply as will meet all retpiirements for sometime. During his absence Mr. Hum’s brother will look alter his interests in this city. Newsom & Underwood make a specialty of perscriptions, only pure, Mr. William Bittie Wells, manager fresh drugs are used, with the result for the Sunset magazine for the Pacific that the medicine has the desired effect, Northwest, is in the city in the interest A small cottage with of that publication. Mr. Wells says A Beautiful Lawn that “Sunset” is in a position to do a great deal to further the welfare of IS More Attractive than a Mansion in a bare lot. Klamath Falls, inasmuch as the maga­ Spend a few dimes for blue grans, zine lias a«lopte«l a policy of co-operat­ ing in every way possible with com­ orchard grass, timothy or clover weed, munities of this section. The object of and make your door yard a little beauty the magazine—to build up the West—is spot, it will make your wife grow ten to be emphasize«! more and more, and years younger. Try it. You can also I every effort is to be made to increase its secure the very best assortment of all circulation in fields that will especially kinds of garden seeds (in bulk) for a benefit western enterprises and western vegetable garden. C. A. Dalzell. 3-*-4t I’lione 254. communities, It is a significant fact that "Sunset” has already attained a We invite land owners to list their circulation of one hundred thousand lands with uh . Our extensive corre- copies per month. A proposition was spondence and Mr. Manon’s advertising mad«; by Mr. Weils to the Chamber of trip have put uh in touch with several Commerce at its m< «‘ting last night, and parties who will want land for actual ! it is safe to say that Klamath Falls will M ason & K lougii . ti I settlement. ' take advantage of the opportunity Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hamaker, of Bo­ offered. It is certain that no more de- sirable publicity coul«l be offered the nanza, passed through this city Monday city. Our business men generally on their way to Portland, where Mrs. commend “Sunset’s” plan for adver- Hamaker is to enter a hospital for medical treatment. Hsing Klamath Falls, You will find the best stocked Shoe The Lakeside Inn Bar. C. Ross An derson for High grade Wines, Li' Dept, in Klamath county at the K K K Store. Walk-over and Napatan brands. quors and Cigart. Good Cooking The National Steel Range will do the business Avoid Poison by using NUBLU Cooking Utensils I will pay the above reward for a watch my repair deprtment cannot put in perfect running order L. ALVA LEWIS Chitwood öruä Co PURE DRUGS office supplies Fine Stationery legal blanks Waterman's Fountain Pens $ BISHOP’S Furniture Store is the place to furnish your house Don’t send your money to outside dealers I will guarantee to save you money on a bill of goods If you MUST go to the city to buy your furniture let me give you a let­ ter to our wholesale houses, where you can select anything you like. Don’t forget that I have taken the agency for the entire line of Pianos of the EILERS PIANO HOUSE for Klamath and Lake Counties. Samples of some of the makes are now on my floor. Easy terms on Pianos, or for cash we will give you a liberal reduction. All that remains unsaid, just consider that it has been said :: :: :: :: *