KLAM A TH KEPLBL1CAN F. J. MURRAY, Editor. LEADING NEWSPAPER OF INTERIOR OREGON. TWO DOLLARS THE YEAR IN ADVANCE MERRILL. Merrill is situated in the southern pait of Klamath county, very near the center of the Klamath Project. It lias a population of (100. Is well supplied with good business houses. Has many fine homes. Telephones long distance and home. Will soon have water works. Will be located on a branch of the California North­ eastern. now being built into Klam­ ath Basin. Will be one of the best towns in the county. Has a tine public school. As stated in the Republican some Wants Keno to Expand w eks ago, the State Board of Health has an eye on this city a i l is going to K eno , O r ., Feb. 19, 1907. Louis Gerber has been in town for ree that the instructions issued by its I see in tiie last issue of the Repub­ several days. recretary when cere are carried out In accordance wit i this program,Health lican that the town ol Doten Keno) can F. 8. Brandon is confined to his room Officer Muston has received instructions not be incorporated because it has not with a severe cold. from the State Board, and accompany­ the required number of voters. N. S. Merrill is expected home from a Now it is up to the heirs of the Doten ing the same is the information that if visit to California W ednesday. estate to make this town grow and ex ­ 1 e is unable to carry out the program, or if the citizens and the city ortieials pand into a beautiful village by laying I I , (’.(>. Merrill and ('. T. McKendree them on the! drove to I.angell Valley Tuesday. will not give him the necessary assist­ off town lots and putting * I market. Or will they be negligent and W. !». Barrows’ residence is receiving ance, the State Board will take a hau l in the matter and see that the work is indifferent about this matter? They a coat of paint. C. W. Wilson is doing done. It is to be hope I that this step own all the land adjoining the town. ' the work. will not be necessary. We have had a ■ If they do not lay off town lots for sale, 1 The regular annual meeting of the taste of the stories that have been no one else can. Only a few lots are i stockholders of the Merrill Telephone circulated regarding this city and laid off. Strangers coming here looking1 and Telegraph Co. will be held here the serious damage inflicted thereby. tor a location, finding no lots for sale, i I Feb. 23. If the State Board comes here for the j pass on to the next station. i It is rumored that N. S. Merrill has The town location is a beautiful one,1 purpose of seeing that a sanitary condi sold 90 acres of his land west of the lion of affairs is inaugurated, it is cer­ adjoining a large timber belt, and just | town to a realestate firm and it will be tain that the valley towns will carry below the town is as tine water power put upon the market immediately. the news to the homeseeker, and in such as can be found anywhere. The irriga­ C. H. Merrill while helping H. 8. a way as to lead him to beli-ve that our tion ditch will pass on the south side of1 Parrish butcher, Saturday, cut his hand city is so dirty as to be a menace to the the town and will furnish an abundance and severed one of the arteries. Dr. health of the State, requiring State in­ 1 of water for field and garden. I Now, it is to be hoped that this golden Patterson had to take up and tie the terference. It is as essential to those artery and it took five stitches to close living here as it is to those who come 1 opportunity will not be passed by any the wound. here that we have a clean city, and why longer. Many people have passed j anyone should hesitate to obey the law through Keno and very much desired to I Mr. and Mrs. O. T. McKendree and i! an enigma. We should have sulfic- locate, but owiug to the state of affairs little buy had a narrow escape from i nt home pride to c vise us to clean up were compelled to pass on to tiie Falls being hurt Monday. While returning without outside help or c impulsion, but i or some other place. Several parties ' from Mr. Fitch’s, the team became if we have not, ami s ill maintain a stiff have been here repeatedly with plenty managable and ran away. Mr.-. necked stubborness, then there is only ! money to invest, but could not get what Kemlree ami little boy were thrown and escaped w ith a shaking up but ore course left open, ami that is t > clean they wanted, and went away. McKendree had his hand cut by coming AN O bserver . up under the direction, of an official v. in contact with a wire fence. the State Board <>f Health. Which course are you going to follow? Mr. Taylor Explains Fancy tiannellets, 10 yards for $1 at the Boston Store, Saturday, Feb. 23. In respone to the letter published in It is almost certain th.it this city will be a great summer resort. It is sur the last issue of the Republican, .1. Scott rounded by all the treasures oi nature Taylor has given this paper the follow­ to make it such, and it only rests with ing reply to the inquiries propounded by the people of this city to hasten that Mr. Applegate: K lamath F alls , O r ., Feb 2), 1907 time. Of cours t nothing along this line can be expecte I until alter the railroad Editor R epublican :— I should like to avail myself of your .reaches here, but before we are placed on the main line of the Southern Pacific columns in order to reply to tiie com­ there are a great many thing that can munication of Secretary Applegate in l>e done that will greatly beautify the your last issue in order that I may reach city, enhance the value of property and all the readers of your paper, and will hasten the day when tourists will pour endeavor to do a little “splaining” as in here to enjoy their vacation. Prin­ you suggest. I think Mr. Applegate’s statement cipal among these is the beautifying of the homes. This matter has been so that “the total amount paid for canals *adly neglected as to be almost a dis­ and reservoir sites is considerably less grace to the city. You can almost count than $500,000’’ needs a little “splain- on the fingers of your hands the lawns ing” itself. Mr. Applegate and the in Klamath Falls. There is practically editor of the Express don’t seem to This is the way we no shrubbery or flowers, Yards are leit figure alike. just as they were when the house was figure it: completed. The few who have improved Clear Lake reservoir site... .$187,500 00 their property are the envy of those who Little Klamath ditch............. 100,000 00 have not, and instead of going ahead Ankeny ditch......................... 50,000 00 “ “ 1800 acres water and following the example set, improve­ right at $30...................... 54,000 oo ments are made in wishes. It is to be li111 id i:i;. C. T. OLIVER, Committee on Arrangements. NOTICE. The United Brotherhood of Carpen­ ters ami Joiners of America met in regu­ lar meeting in Sanderson’s Hall, Janu­ ary 31st, 1907. It was moved and unan­ imously carried that we adopt the 8 hour day, same to commence the 1st dav of March, and retaining the old standard wages of last year, $3.5(1 per day, ami public notice to be given of the same. A. E. BAMBF.R, Pres. A. M. TAYLOR, 11. S. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Ill the County Court of Klamath county, Oregon. In the matter of the estate of Harry Slayton, deceased. Notice is hereby given bv the under­ signed, administrator of the estate of Harry Slayton, deceased, to the cred­ itors of, and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them, with the proper vouchers, within | six months after the first publication of this notice, to the said administrator nt his office in the city of Klamath Falls, County of Klamath, the same being the place for the transaction of the business of said estate. Klamath Falls, Oregon, dated this 12th day of February, 1907. •>.14-3-14 C. F. S tone , administrator. New Tailor Shop Just opened Mr. Born has just arrived from Portland and is pre- pared to take your order for a good suit at the RIGHT FIGURE A new line of Spring sam pies complete. Come ear­ ly and avoid the rush KLAMATH FALLS LEADING TAILORS Houston House MAPS of Klamath County Compiled from Official Records and Persona! Reconnaissance by L. Heath of Port Gamble, Wash. These are sectional maps of the entire territory’ within the boundaries of Klamath County, Oregon, wagon roads and railroads, cities, towns, settlements, valleys, mountain ranges with elevation of principal peaks, rivers, creeks, lakes, marshes, main ditches of the irrigation project, the Klamath Indian reservation, the permanent forest reserve, Ciater Lake Park and many other features of the topography. These maps arc blue prints and frrav 1 e had in two sizes. Tlx- lartre size, 4 feet. 3 inches wide, bv 6 feet. 4 inches high, is made on a scale of one and one-half miles to the inch. Price, Sio. The small size. 10 inches wide by 15 inches high, is made ori a scale of one-eighth inch to the mile and costs $3. If you want one of these maps, write or call on C. R. CHILD, Klamath Falls, Oregon Petition for Liquor License To the Honorable County Court of the County of Klamath, state of Oregon. We the undersigned, residents and legal voters of Sprague river precinct said county and state, respectfully ask that a license to sell Spiritous, Malt and Vinous Liquors, in less quantities than one gallon in the precinct aforesaid for a period of Eight (S', months from the 18th day of March, A. D. 1907 be »ranted to C. D. Willson and William Woods, un­ der the firm name of Willson & Woods at Bly, in said Precinct, and your petitioners will ever pray. 8. C. Hamaker, W. F. Reed, W. W Finley, P. Bush, Ed. Bloomingcamp, Fine line of stationery at Newsom A All kinds of finest perfumes at New­ C. J. Martin, Nels Urik, Mans Thomp­ Ui derwood. som & Underwood. son, John Daragh, O. T. Anderson, L. L. Griffin, A. W. Evans, .1. H. Boyd, O. Peterson, W. H. Casebeer, It. J. Courtwright, II. J. Langham, Q. N. Anderson, Geo. Bloomingcamp, J. 8. Watts, John W. Wells, Amos Lundy. O. R. Stewart, Geo. S. Boyd, Neil Camp­ bell, J. E. Sullivan, Chas. T. Powne, E. W. Whetstone, Spratt Wells, Wm.fi. Snider, L. B. Yadin, W. F. McArthur, J. A. Parker and Jno. B. Kappes. Notice is hereby given that the fore­ going petition will be presented to the aforesaid County Court, on the 18th day of March, A. D. 1907. see us before you buy. We have an unlimited variety of property to show you, and 1 Grand Ball Do vcu need visiting cards? If so call at the Republican office where you will find the latest styles in cards and type. Farm lands for sale in 40 to 160 acre tracts, cleared or uncleared, within four miles of Klamath Falls. See Klamath Development Co. ■ Klamath County «Farm Lands« City Property -< Merrill Town Lots Bonanza Lots We own very desirable ¡and in small tracts adjoining the town of Merrill R. M. RICHARDSON Has opened a public Stenogra­ pher’s office in Room 4, With- row-Melhase Building, and is prepared to do all kinds of work in this line : : : : : : Notary Public Telephone 627 Klamath Commercial Agency 4