Official Newspaper of Klamath County VOL. XL KLAMATH REPUBLICAN. KLAMATH FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, FEBRUARY 7, 1907 RECLAMATION CURTAILED Lower Klamath Lake Will Not Be Drained For the Present IT MAY AFFECT MARSH LANDS likely to exceed by a considerable amount pre­ vious preliminary estimates. The work of con­ struction will extend over a period of years, and experience of the last few years has proven that it is impossible to make reliable estimates on work extending over a large period of time, It is certain, however, that the acre coat both for the So-Called upper and lower projects will reach figures somewhere between $25 and $30 for construction alone, , i. x. e., exclusive of main- tenance charges, and the Chief Engineer has deemed it wise to authorize me to make this statement to you at the present time. Official Newspaper of Klamath Cointy NO. 45 COURTHOUSE BILL IS DEAD Attorney General Kills Measure by Alleging Illegality CITES SOME COURT DECISIONS The board further outlined a plan for the continuous construction and expansion of the project, the progress of which is to depend to some extent upon the rapidity with which the lands for which water is available are being taken up and placed’under cultivation. Very respectfully, (Sd.) ’ D. C. IlENNY. Supervising Engineer. I ing, legal acumen, or jugglery of words bearing on the marsli laiul outside <>f As a Result the Bill Will can make the fact otherwise. The mo­ Cost Per Acre Estimated the lake territory. an obligation to pay money is vol­ Not Become Law and ment to be Between $25 and When the Board of Engineers met untarily incurred by a municipality here last • ti tober, the Repiiblieaii was Klamath County Must with no funds or assets in its treasury, $30 an Acre--Engineer the only i>ii|s-i' in the county that pub­ nor current fund or revenue collected or lished a statement of what its future Go Without New Court- in process of collection, for the payment Henny Gives Outline of ¡program would be. In that statement of the same, that moment such obliga­ this pajier said that the marsh lands house tion must be considered in determining Work would not I.- leclaimed for many years. its indebtednes, however carefully the I hat there were many points bearing law or the contract under or by which it Notwithstanding the probability that burden of this reclamation, but may- Biff! And sprawling at the feet of the I upon the question oi the availability ol At the regular monthly meetingof the these lands that must first be settled, the Dover lake will ffi-t be reclaimed, later undertake the drainage tinder a Attorney General of the State is the was incurred may attempt to shift the burden from the corporate entity to the Klamath Water User's association, and until tins was done then reclama­ there yet remains a hojte that it will separate project, taxing the cost to that courthouse bill, done to death by legal taxpayers.’ which ocettred in this city last Saturday, tion must wait. There was no question land alone. If this is the purpose of the technicalities. When the bill was sent “The issuing of bonds is creating an was rend a letter from Supervising En­ in the minds ol the memla-rs <4 the eventually be done. A“ «tated by Mr. Service, it is a wise one. A parallel to to Representative Merryman he called gineer Henny, a portion of which is of i Board a. to the fertility of the soil ami Henny, this portion of the project was it is the Butte Valley project, which will the attention of the Attorney General obligation, and if it creates a debt in most vital interest to the |H-ople of the many other well know n |»>iiits. but there cut out on ni-coiint of the excessive cost, in time lie brought under irrigation bv thereto and asked for an opinion, and excess of *5090. the act authorizing the Klamath Basin. This portion has rela­ ' vet remained much to l>e learned, ami ft is quite evident that the Service is the Keno pumping plant, yet will not be 1 be got it, and wrapped up in a winding county to issue bonds is unconstitutional tion to th«* draining of the Lower Klam­ until some actual demonstrations Here not inclined to place on the shoulders of connected with the Klamath project in sheet of legal phrases was the new and void, and any contract made in pur­ suance of such an act would be ultra ath lake. Heretofore it was understood made, the reclamation work would have the Ian I owners higher up the entire point of cost. courthouse bill. No ante-mortem ex­ vires and void.” that the lower lake would Is- drained mid , to wait. amination was necessary and no experts thus bring under cultivation upward of were called in to resuscitate the corpse. Mr. Benny's letter is practically a DROWNED IN 25,000 acres of lake bottom. Practically confirmation of the Republican story of TWO SESSIONS The opinion had a disastrous effect MERRILL. all of this was government and would four months ago. It definitely settles THE UPPER LAKE not only on the bill but also on the atn- OF COUNCIL have come under the homestead act. i bitions of a few would-be politicians. the question oi expansion of the project, Lost river is nearly at high water lit Ins letter Mr. Henny states that putting it up to the people of the Basin No sooner ba 1 the announcement been Keno Canal Again (joes Over Until L. Jones Meets Tragic Death lnE(je (bat the bill was introduced than mark and still rising. The large amount the area proposed to be irrigated has as to whether it will be pushed or move of drift that is running has caused the Next fleeting l«en reduced 46,000 acres. Part of this along at a snail’s pace. If they put Monday Evening. a number of ears were placed on the squads of men to be placed at each bridge is the lower lake bottom, but there re­ their shoulder to the wheel and push ground to hear if there was to be a to keep it clear. " main 21,(MX) acres not accounted for. the cultivation of the land that comes The City Council held two Reniions While engaged in an attempt to mend rumbling against the measure, ami when Ralph E. Merrill and W. F. Barrows While there has always been consider­ under water, then the Service will put ( this week, and at both discussed the the first sounds were heard, straightway able doubt as to the number of acres of its shoulder to the wheel and push the Keno canal franchise. It was thought a broken boom, J. I.. Jones, a logger in a petition wae prepared protesting went to Klamath Falls Wednesday to the employ of C. 8. and R. S. Moore, was . marsh land that would be reclaimed by work. Monday night that the franchise would drowned in the Upper Lake last Mon­ against its passage It is now up to the make tinal proof on their timber claims. the promised drainage, thia change in Regarding the cost of the project an lie passed, but Wednesday night it was day evening. He was about half a mile I j circulators to /old their tents and steal W. P. Rhoads accompanied them as a witness. the plans of the government increases important statement is made. Many passed over until the next regular meet­ from the shore, but owing to a heavy ; silently away until some other opportune » that doubt and makes it practically ini- who have l»een criticising the Service ing. Martin Bros, started their flour mill time arrives for the execution of a coup. |K>esiblv to figure definitely on the ques­ have used for their argument that the j The Conger avenue grade ordinance fog that was prevailing he could not be Like all such measures, this one was Monday morning and will continue to seen by his companion, P. Southwjrth. j tion. The nurnoer of acres approxi­ land is going to cost *40 an acre. This 1 was passed, establishing the grade pre­ — 1 grossly misunderstood, and misunder­ run throughout the week, mately estimated was surrounded by a price was a garbled quotation of the viously agreed on between the property It is presumed he tipped over his boat i standing, the people generally believed Dick Walsh, the traveling Salesman, while endeavoring to fix the broken wide margin of swamp or marsh land Republican article. Mr. Benny’s letter , owners and the city when the side- boom. When his cries for help were that it was an attempt to force the peo­ was in town Tuesday and Wednesday. that no one could justly claim would t>e put an official figure before the people. walks were built. C. T. Oliver of Klamath Falls was in heard Rtmthworth hurriedly secured a ple of the county to stand for the erec- available for agricultural purposes, for Basing the cost on the figures advanced An anti-spitting ordinance was 8ub- boat that was nearby, but before be 1 tion of a new «. ou F i I mmmn against their town Sunday and Monday. the reason that a few inches ol differ­ by him, the coat will not exceed *30 an ! mitted, but none of the members were will. The publication of the measure in The Midway Telephone Co. had a line­ ence tn the level of the lake and river acre, and may lie as low as *25. This ! inclined to father it and it was laid on reached the spot Jones had disappeared. last week’s Repulican had a quieting His body has not been recovered. man in this territory Saturday looking would leave unreclaimed thousands of advance in the price is not due to the ' the table. Mr. Jones was a resident of this city v effect for the provisions of the bill were after some trouble on the Falls line. acres of this land. Now that the gov­ increased cost of the project through The water company submitted a prop­ and was well known and highly respect t"_ ­ read and understood by a great majority ernment has decided that the Lower mismanagement or avoidable mistakes, osition to sell a strip of land to the city H. T. Anderson and wife have re­ They saw that the bill was not drastic, lake will not Ire drained, the question but wholly and solely to the fact that 1 for *250. This strip is owned by this ed. He leaves a wife and eight chil­ arbitrarily providing for the erection of turner! from San Francisco where he naturally arises as to bow many acres lalsir and everything connected with the company from its reservoir to Fourth dren, theyoungest being 18 months. The the courthouse, but left it entirely to the was summoned by a telegram annouc- of the sup|s,M-d drained marsh land will construction of the project is higher 1 and High and is used as its right of way bereaved family has the deep sympathy discretion of the County Court. If ing the serious illness of his eon Herbert. remain under water, ft is practically than when the original figure was made. ! for the pip" line. It interferes greatly of the community. He reports bis eon much improved and The deceased was a member of the there was sufficient opposition to the is able to resume his studies in school certain that it will have an important Mr. Benny’s letter follows: I carrying out of the proposition, which with a good deal of valuable property. local lodge of Odd Fellows. this measure only permitted to be done at Santa Rosa. The owners of this property have sub­ DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR U. S. Owen T. McKendree sold his band of in case the county officials saw fit so to scribed *1150 to pay their share of it,and Teacher’s Examihations do, then this could be manifested at sheep to the Whitney Bros. Satuarday.. Reclamation Service. it is now up to the city to meet its part. I The bill was read twice and will lie up Notice is hereby given that the I home where the situation was fully un­ Tom Colmes left for Dairy Sunday. PORTLAND, Oregon, January 21, 1907. for discussion at the next meeting of the county superintendent of Klamath derstood. Klamath Water Users Association, council. county will hold the regular examina­ The opinion of the Attorney General A WEATHER BUREAU tion of applicants for state and county follows: c/o E. I. Applegate, Secretary, “I have examined the bill authorizing INLAND EMPIRE CLUB papere at Klamath Falls as follows: Klamath Falls, Oregon. the County of Klamath to vote and issue Established at the Republican Block FOB STATE RAPERS bonds in the sum of *75.000 for the pur­ Gentlemen: by Heitkemper Com mencing Wednesday, February pose of building a new court house, and The New Organization Mill Soon The Chief Engineer has instructed me to 13, at 9 o’clock a. m., and continuing am of the opinion that the legislative Incorporate until Saturday, February 16, at 4 p. m. assembly of the State of Oregon has no If you want to know what the weather advise you of some’of the main conclusions Wednesday — Penmanship, historv. authority to authorize the County Court is going to be. just come to the Repub­ arrived at by a recent board of engineers who The regular monthly meeting of the spelling, physical geography, reading, of Klamath County to issue bonds or lican block and And out. Here you will Inland Empire Club was held in the met in Klamath Falls October 20 to 23, so far temporary headquarters of that organi­ psychology. the }>eople of said county to vote the And a whole weather bureau in com­ Thursday—Written arithmetic, theory same for such purpose. The constitu­ pact form, located between the Repul> as such conclusions are likely to be of im­ zation last Friday evening and was of teaching, grammar, bookkeeping, I tion of this state, section 10, article XI, lican office and Heitkemper’s jewelry I mediate interest to you, and I have the honor largely attended. Much routine busi­ physics, civil government. provides: No county shall create any store. Mr. Heitkemper has placed a ness was transacted. One of the im­ Friday — Physiology, geography, men ­ to make to following statement to you: debts or liabilities which shall singly or barometer and three thermometers in a portant actions of the meeting was the tal arithmetic, composition, algebra. in the aggregate exceed the sunt of five small cabinet, and if you will pay a little instructing of the Board of Managers to The board reported that present construc­ Saturday—Botany, plane geometry, thousand dollars, except to suppress in­ attention to the instruments you will be purchase a billiard table to be installed general history, English literature, surrection or repel invasion. able to make a pretty fair prognostica­ tion work has been progressing favorably, but in the new headquarters. school law. tion of the weather for twenty-four that owing to a large extent to the greatly The question of incorporating was “Said section of the constitution has FOR COUNTY PAPERS. hours. If is does not work out to your thoroughly discussed, and it was the been construed in the case of Grant advanced cost of labor and material the act­ satisfaction, blame yourself, for it is not Commencing Wednesday,February 13, unanimous opinion that such action County v. Lake County, 17 Or. 453; Bur­ the fault of the instruments, nor Mr. ual cost of the work has exceeded estimates should be taken. Articles of incorpora­ at 9 o’clock a. m., and continuing uutil nett v. Markley, 23 Or. 440; Security Friday, February 15th, at 4 o’clock p. m. Sav. & Trust Co. v. Baker County, 33 Heitkemper. The indications at this tion will shortly be prepared and sub ­ made under normal market conditions by about time are for fair weather. mitted for the approval of the club. FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD GRADE CER­ Or. 338; Wormington v. Pierce, 32 Or. 35%. TIFICATES. This will bring to tbe organization fi­ 606; Municipal Security Co. v. Baker Wednesday — Penmanship, history, County, 39 Or. 396, and later in ease of In regard to the areas likely to be ulti nancial backing that it would otherwise KENO ITEMS orthography, reading. be unable to procure and will enable Brix v. Clatsop County, 46 Or. 223, in mately irrigated under this project, the the fitting up of rooms commensurate Thursday—Written arithmetic, theory which they all hold that creating in­ total area is somewhat reduced as compared with the importance of the club and of teaching, grammar, physiology. debtedness in excess of *5000, except ex­ A. Kinney has sold hie sawmill to Friday—Geography, mental arithme­ penses which are necessary and forced Higgins A Co. The consideration has the section it represents. with the reports of previous boards, and the A committee on membership was ap­ tic, school law, civil government. upon the county by operation of law, not been made known. total acreage now figured on, including land pointed, consisting of F. E. Ankeny, J. PRIMARY CERTIFICATES. A large number of Kenoites went the such as salaries of officers, etc., is ultra at present irrigated, is about 190,000 acres, F. Croft and Harry Ackley, for the pur­ Wednesday — Penmanship, orthogra­ vires and void, and all of said cases sup­ Falls Monday to prove up on timber pose of increasing the memliership of phy, arithmetic, reading. port the language of the constitution claims. Among thoee who went were the reduction being due partly to the prob­ Thursday—Art of questioning, theory and construe it in that way, and in the Brice McCormack and wife, Tom Mc­ the club. of teaching, physiology. able omission from the project of the bottom case last cited, Judge Bean, in delivering Cormack and wife, Mr. Clinton and wife, An adjourned meeting of the club will Yours truly, the opinion of the court, says, at page Mr. Shur and daughter, Ray Lamb, of Lower Klamath Lake. This omission seems lie held Monday night, the 11th inst., J. O. WIGHT, 231: ‘The assessment and collection of Henry Chapman, George Morgan and and as matters of importance to the desirable because of the excessive cost of Co. S. Supt., Klamath County. a tax on the property of the inhabitants Mrs. Mills. All took passage on the members of the club will lie brought be­ reclamation of this land owing to the exis­ of a municipality in the future - - in steamer Klamath. fore the meeting it is important that Grand Ball payment of an obligation incurred by every member attend. Rufus Moore spent a day or two look­ tence of very hard material in the bed of the the municipal authorities, necessarily, it ing after his timber interests here. The new headquarters will soon be I river for many miles above Keno, which would A large amount of rain has fallen in ready and it is proposed to open them I The W. O. 5V. will give their regular seem to us, implies a debt or liability have to be dredged. It is also deemed de. with appropriate exercise. For that Grand Annual Ball in the Houston against the municipality which the bold- , the past week and now the snow is ail purpose a banquet will be served and opera house Friday evening, February er is entitled to have paid with money I gone, but mud galore. sirable that the agricultural value of lands the ladies entertained. It will be a 22. A cordial invitation is extended to » derived from taxation. A contract by it i of this character be determined before con. everyone to come and have a good time. to pay a certain sum of money in the memorable occasion. THE CONTEST future with interest out of money to be JAMES HUGHES, siderable expenditures are made for their thereafter raised by general taxation H. P. SHIDLER, If you have not tried the Midway reclamation. from all the people, whether the law be The vote to date is as follows! C. T. OLIVER, blacksmith shop it will pay you to do 79 Tho board further found that mainly owing to so. Try it and see. Committee on Arrangements. made at one time, covering that future, Miss Louise Sargeant................... or had to be made yearly, is manifestly a Miss Stella Campbell............... . 74 change in labor nnd market conditions as above 42 10 yards dress gingham *1, the Brick Dress goods of all kinds reduced, the debt or liability against the municipali­ Miss Archie Keesee................... 20 ty ; and no technical process of reason- Miss Ada Erb............................. referred to the entire cost of the project is Brick Store Co’s Saturday sale. Store Co’s Saturday fale. I I I I