Official Newspaper 0 Klamath County VOL. XI. KLAMATH REPUBLICAN. I KLAMATH FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, JANUARY 31, 1907. ARE OPPOSED TO DIVISION FIRST SETTLEMENT HAS BEEN MADE OREGON BOUND Coloni.t Rates to Oregon Available Government and West Side Property | Owners Getting Together Thirty Millions of People to Official Newspaper of Klamath ¿ointv NO. 44 FOR NEW COURTHOUSE (Special (Correspondence) PORTLAND, Oregon, Ian. 28th, 1907. The property owners on tin- west sidt —Thin State »an never so well prepared have finally decided on where they to take advantage of the colonist one want the road located,and thus the first way rates to Oregon as at the present step towards the adjustment of the lime, because many thousands of peo­ difficulty between them and the Reels- ple are asking regarding farming oppor- I f I .OSS ■nation Service has lieen taken. There tunities in Oregon, ami are receiving vet remains the question of damages to I literature from many of the organiza- he settled, mid when this is done that I lions holding membership in the Ore- part of the right of way of the canal be- gon Development League, representa- tween the Upjier lake and Martin’s mill : tive of all sections of the State. wil) lie freed from obstacles. Commencing March 1st, and contin- I----------------------- —-------------------------------------------------------- Already Paul Breitenstein has reached uing daily until April 3Cth, tickets will after the sale of said bonds, the said lowing gentlemen were named : J. Scott a basis of settlement with the Service, be on sale for any point in Oregon, for It Is Authorized to Issue county court shall accept plans and And Forwarded to Mem- Talor, chairman,T. W. Stevens ami E. and baa turned his rights over for ■ $25 from Kansas City and all other specifications from some competent Bonds For $75,000 to architect, bers of Legislature— W. Gowan, Klamath Falla; Dan ltyan, $2)100. This is a long step in (lie right Missouri river points; this also means suitable for the needs of Jr., Fort Klamath; J. O. Hamaker, Bo­ direction and it is not anticipated that from St. Paul and Minnea|>ohs, and al) said Klamath county, and, as soon aa Build and Equip New Delegate to Go and As­ nanza: J. Frank Adams, Merrill. there will lie any difficulty met within the territory west, including the most convenient thereafter, shall let the Following the action of the county di­ reaching a basis of settlement with the important agricultural sections of the to build said court house and Structure.— Provisions contract sist Representatives In vision prtHHMitioli. the proposed irriga­ other property owners. United State, and from just wheie we jail on the block now occupied by said tion law that is now before the legisla­ The suggestion that there is a proba­ want our home builders. county for such purpose, in the city of of the Bill Fight On Bill ture came up for consideration, k de­ bility of the Keno canal not being con­ Klamate Falls. Klamath county, Ore­ These tickets are good by way of veloped tliat those present were not very structed this year is not well founded. Portland all the way round to Ashland, gon, which contract shall be let to the well versed on the proposition and it At least the Service has not staled one or to any intermediate point, also to lowest responsible bidder. Said build­ The citizens of Klamath Falls are un­ »»« decided to leave the matter to five way or the other in regañí to the mat­ Astoria; and to all points east of Uma­ A bill authorizing the issuance of ing to be constructed of stone, brick alterably op|s>eed to the proposed Des­ actual farmers of the county to examine ter, and if it were likely that thia de- tilla the rate is $22.50. Holders of these bonds for the erection of a new court and wood, with fire-preof vaults for chutes county bill, in so far us it relates the proposed law ami pass judgment ciaon had been reached or contemplated tickets can get a stop over of ten days at house for Klamath county has been in- the protection of the county records, to taking part of this county to complete thereon and report to a future meeting, an announcement to that effect would any point in Oregon on the O. R. A N. ’ troduced in the House by Representa- and a secure and comfortable jail in its organization. This was the senti­ The committee was selected by Judge It authorizes the basement thereof. And said building have lieen made public. Under the The same privilege is given to all hold­ I tive Merryman. ment expressed at the public mass meet­ I County Court to issue bonds to the shall not exceed Jin cost the sum Benson and consisted of the fidlowing contract with the Moore Brothers the ers of tickets between Portland and ing held in the Court house Monday realized by said county court by the gentlemen: J. B. Mason, 8. T. Hum- government will have to deliver the Ashland, on the Southern Pacific, ex­ amount of $75,000, the proceeds of sale of said bonds. night, when resolutions were passed tilers, 1.. C. Nieemore, E. 8. Phillips, J. which are to be used in the erection of 7000 inches of water to which they are cept that stop-overs are to lie secured by urging the senator and representative to Section 5. The bonds herein before F. Adams. entitled on the first of next October, dejMisiting tickets in the Union De|>ot at a structure (the need of which has been provided for shall be issued in such use every legitimate means to defeat the The general law, providing conditions recognized for a long while) that will be Portland. Inasmuch as the Moores have purchased measure. denominations as shall be deemed, in under which new counties shall lie here­ the Cast-v property they may ask to The rate from St. Louis is $30, or a credit to the county. A call for a ma«« meeting for Monday the judgment of the county court, most after organized, to which the committee About the only objection to the meas ­ have the water delivered to them at that $27JX) to points in Oregon east of Uma­ night was issued by Col. M.G. Wilkins, desirable, and shall be payable, one- I made reference, contains the following ure is the amount. While apparently ' point, and if so it will have an import­ tilla. In fact these rates are available president of the Chamber of Commerce. third (1-3) in five (5) years, one-third provisions: ant liearing on the canal. to thirty millions of people, embracing j $75.000 is a large enough sum for the (1-3) in ten (10) years, and one-third A large numlsir of citizens were present, No new county shall be created unless the Mississippi and Missouri Valleys ■ erection of a substantial and ornate (1-3) in fifteen (15) years, from and but owing to the illness of Colonel Wil­ it is voted for by 75 per cent of the voters THE CONTEST and all the territory contiguous thereto. ] building, it is the opinion of many that after the date of their issuance. kins the meeting was called to order by in the territory proposed to lie eo made j The different commercial bodies in the sum to be expended should be Section 6. The County clerk of Vice-President Gates. Hon. H. I.. Ben­ into a county and 25 [>er cent of the| this State that are sending out litera­ i greater. $100,000 would be none too Klamath county, Oregon, shall issue son was caller! to the chair,, anil he There is no change in the position of voters of the old county. The new ture, have adopted the very sensible much for Klamath county. With a warrants of said county, on the “Court briefly stated the object of the meeting. county must have a |s>pulation of 3000 , 1 the contestants for the free trip to the plan of giving the rate to their towns. 1 future second to no other section in the House Fund” to pay for the cost of “I feel,” he said, "that the people of , and an assessed valuation of not less I j Jamestown Exposition since the last For instance Pendleton makes her ad- ' United States, with a rapidly increasing constructing said court house and jail, this county ure not lieing fairly treated than $2,000,000. * The new county must ¡Puhlic,t'on 01 the vote* E,ch can<,i' i vertieing effective when she puts $22.50 population, with an increasing valu­ as aforesaid, which said warrants shall in this matter and that it is their judg­ share its proportion of the debt of the I date, however, with the exception of in big type, as the rate from all points ation, this sum would not be noticed by be issued upon bills duly audited and ment that Klamath county should be old county but cannot share in the coun­ Mias Erb, lias made a gain in the num­ ' in Kansas and Nebraska to Pendleton, the taxpayers. Extending over a per­ allowed by the county court of said left as it is. For that reason it gives me ty property. Italiall sharein the money ber of votes, the greatest gain having while Ashland can make just as effec- iod of fifteen years, the bonds will be county, and it shall be the duty of the great pleasure to be here tonight, to lend that may he in the treasury at the time been made by Miss Keesee. There are retired without the least burden to the county court, of said county to levy a at this liius, as well as all other times, manv of the subscribers of The Republi- ** ve a” advertisement by making it $25, the new county Iwcmnes a jiolitical or­ taxpayers, and the additional $25,000 tax on all taxable property within said what assistance 1 can in the prevention can who have not paid up their sub- briefly describing the beauties of the ganization. Not more than 25 per cent would never be noticed. However, county, each year, for fifteen (15) of a great wrong to Klamath county.” \ of the area of the new county shall lie scriptione and voted in this contest. *rlP> etc., etc. it is the opinion of practically years, sufficient to raise a fuhd that On motion a committee was ap|K>inted Every citizen of Oregon should get within the limits ot forest or Indian res- This they should do, for the contestants [ everyone that a new county building is will pay the interest on said bonds, at to draft resolutions. The committee busy and write to friends of this oppor­ ■ »rvatioris. This plnn has lieen discussed n-e anxious to secure every vote poesi- is imperative and the fignre has been the times when xueb nterest shaX be­ named consisted of O. A. Stearns, chair­ by a number of members and has been b,e- i>unng the coming week The Re-, tunity to come out to this country. i set at $75.000 as being sufficient to meet come due thereon, and to create a sink­ man, I.. F Willets and F. IL Mills. Fol­ If there ever was a time where Klam ing fund that shall be sufficient to pay wil1 I’1“" “ collector in the generally approved. Attorney General . rtzxlzl ill U.. Held mol and U it is' hoped that ka. be — will be 1 «th county should put forth an effort to the present and future needs of Klam­ the principal of said bonds at the sev­ lowing are the resolutions re|Kirted and Crawford has been asked to draw a bill | ath for many years. which were unanimously adopted, copies attract the tourist and homeseeker, it is for a general law on the subject and un­ I successful in securing many votes. One of the hardest blows this county eral dates when said bonds shall mature, thereof lieing ordered sent to the mem­ now. The inauguration of the colonist 1 will cast your vote for whatever candi- less unexpected opposition developes receives is the appearance of the court and the said county of Klamath, state bers of the legislature: the bill will very probably be passed. : date you may choose. All that is nec-1 n‘te mean" that thousands of people house. It is admittedly a disgrace to of Oregon, shall hold the money so col­ To the Citizens of Klamath County in ___ j from the middle west will ccme to the lected upon said tax in trust to pay the This will remove from the legislature all etsary is for you to pay all arrearage the county. Strangers coming here for Mass Meeting Assembled : ...... . entitles ........... c1 fi|lring the months of March and investment, leaving cities and counties I interest and principal of sa(d bonds, the local fights over the' establishment and one year in advance. ' This We, your committee, heretofore ap­ April. They come for the purpose of according to the tenor thereof. of new counties and leave the people yon to a vote and one year’s subscrip­ where the finest of public buildings are pointed todralt resolutions expressive of Section 7. No part of the cost of tion to the Pacific Northwest and The | finding homes, and it is up to this coun ­ a flee tell thereby to settle the question in use, form a pretty poor idea of the the sentiment of the people of our Republican. So, DON ’T FORGET TO ty to say whether we shall have our stability of this section when they see said court house and jail, nor any bonds _ ..___ ________ among themselves by popular vote. issued in pursnance of this act, as here­ County, in relation to the organization proportion of these people or not. ¡ VOTE. the structure that is representative of inbefore provided, or of the interest of a new county, to be known as “I>es- AN AMENDMENT The colonist rate applies to this sec­ The vote to date is as follows: i the wealth and prosperity of Klamath, chutes County,” and which proposed or­ Miss Stella Campbel) ........... .. . . "3 tion also. The rate to Thrall or Weed [ It has a like effect on the homeseeker. thereof, shall be paid out of the gen­ TO CITY CHARTER ganisation contemplates the withdrawal Miss Louise Sargeant............. ........... 70 is the same as it is to San Francisco or I There is no one but who will admit that eral fund of said county, or out of any fund, or the proceeds of any tax other of considerable territory from Klamath Miss Archie Keesee............... .............. 42 Portland. This is the greatest conces- county, beg leave to report the following j Dr. Merryman lirtoduces Bill For It Miss Ada Erb.......................... ........ 20 »ion that has yet been made to Klam­ ' the clothes has more to do nowadays than the fund and tax provided for and , with the making of the man than it resolutions. ath county, and the people here should I had a few years ago. The same is true pledged in section six (6) of this act. In the House. and this provision and limitation shall Whereas: The proposed cutting off j show their appreciation of it by making Woodard’s Bill be recited in said bonds, and each of I of a community. First impressions are from this county of some 25 or more a special effort to induce the homeeeek- I the beet and most lasting, and if Klam­ them. townships of taxable land from the north- 1 Representative Merryman has intro- E ditor , T he R epublican :— er and investor to come here and look ath is represented by a public building ern part of this county would lie an in­ duced in the lower branch of the legie- I hand you herewith a copy of my over the county. ' commensurate with its importance, it Teacher’s Examihations justice to the taxpayers for the follow­ lature a bill for the purpose of amend- bill against the county for the repair of One of the beet mediums of advertie- ing reasons, to-wit: Ing the charter of this city. The follow-1 the rock crusher. When this order w as ing this county is to mail the local will make the good impression that the Notice is hereby given that the That while the county contains some ing is a copy of the same: given me they told me to go ahead and papers to friends in the east, Not one most pessimistic desires. county superintendent of Klamath A BILL FOR AN ACT Section 1. That Sec. 94 of an Act en-1 rush the work, order the necessary ma- copy of a paper published here should 172 townships of land, there are sm- county will hold the regular examina­ braced in the Cascade Timber Reserve, titled an Act "To incorporate the city of I terial by telegraph and express and be destroyed. It should be mailer! “back Authorizing the county court of tion of applicants for state and county and the Indian Reservation, 76 town­ Klamath Falls, Klamath county. Oregon, j that they would stand the expense, east,” and in this way stimulate an in­ i Klamath county, state of Oregon to papers at Klamath Falls as follows: ' ships of non-taxable land, or 44 per cent and to provide a special charter therefor, They told me to get it out with the least terest in Klamath county. It will not i issue bonds to provide funds for the FOR STATE PAPERS of the entire area. There are also large and to re|>eal all charters in ’ jKissible delay and that if it was all only reach the bands of your friends, erection and equipment of a court Commencing Wednesday, February areas of waste land that are untaxed, conflict the herewith,” filed in the office right they would pay me a good round but it will be passed on to others, and it i house, and to provide funds for the of the Secretary of State February 13, Linn; but that if it were not all right I is possible for a single copy of a paper I redemption of such bonds, and for the 13, at 9 o’clock a. m., and continuing and. Whereas: The indebtedness of this 1905, be and the same is hereby amend-' would not get a cent. Well I got it out to cause several families to emigrate to I construction and equipment of a court until Saturday, February 16, at 4 p. m.( Wednesday — Penmanship, history, county is now in excess of the legal lim­ ed to read as follows: ' and it was all right. I submitted the this county. Let the readers of The 1 house and jail. Sec. 94. The council shall have power I attached bill, and the Court allowed me Republican do their share in this work I Be it enacted by the people of the spelling, physical geography, reading, itation, and the depriving the county of psychology. one-third of its taxable area at a time and authority, whenever it deems it $200—aliout $37 less than I actually ex­ and eend their paper to some friend and State of Oregon: Section 1. That the county court of Thursday—Written arithmetic, theory when the citizens of the County have as­ expedient, <0 establish the grade of any pended. I do not like to kick, but I dq write him to hand it to someone else Klamath county, in the state of Ore- i of teaching,' grammar, bookkeeping, sumed an obligation to pay for the con­ street, and to improve or tear any part like to get a square deal, and I want the after he has read it over. gon, is hereby authorized and empower-1 physics, civil government. struction of an irrigation system by the I thereof now or hereafter laid out or es­ people to know that I was giving the Last Sunday the members of the ed to issue interest-bearing bonds of j Friday—Physiology, geography, men­ United Blates Reclamation Service, of tablished within the corporate limits of county a square deal in this matter. Presbyterian church voted unanimously an aggregate face value not to exceed tal arithmetic, composition, algebra. • over litre million dollars, the remaining the city, and the kind of improvement That is the reason I ask you to publish to assume self aupjiort after April 1. seventy-five thousand ($75,000.00) do)- ( Saturday—Botany, plane geometry, area would necessarily have to bear the or repair shall be such as the council the itemized bill. The present membership of the congre lars. Said bonds to bear interest at general history, English literature, rate of taxation that would hamper the shall provide; such power and authority BILL. gation is 108, and is constantly being the rate of six (6) per cent per annum, , echool law. future development of the county by shall include the right to improve,build, Bill in Portland........................... I 28 90 added to. When Rev. W. G. Smith said interest to be payable semi-an- FOR COUNTY rAPKRS. crippling its resources, therefore, or repair the sidewalks, pavements, or Telephone messages.................... 7 90 assumed charge there were twenty-four nually at Klamath Falls, Klamath Be It Resolved: That we earnesty curbing on any street or alley, and to Express on irons ........................ Commencing Wednesday .February 13, 22 00 communionists. That was in May 1903. county, Oregon. protest against the loss of tide territory determine and provide for anything con­ Walter Took 19 days of work ,. Section 2. After the issuance of at 9 o'clock a. m., and continuing uutii 7(1 00 This is a fair indication of the rapid from our county organization, and urge venient or necessary concerning such Snider 121^ days of work . ........ 37 50 growth of this city. The congregation said bonds, the said county shall sell Friday, February 15th, at 4 o'clock p. m. npon onr senator and representative to improvement, alteration, or repair; to Iron from shop .......................... 8 50 has no debts and the question of erect­ the same for cash, in gold coin of the . FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD GRADE CBB- use every proper and legitimate means provide for the construction, cleaning, Thos. Keath 1 day and coal....... TIVICATB8. 8 00 ing a brick or stone church is being United States, to the highest bidder, to prevent so great a lose to ue. and repairing of side and crosswalks Chas. Norton 3'a days of work therefor, after advertising them in one ' Wednesday — Penmanship, history, 21 00 seriously considered. The organizers of daily paper, published in San Francisco, orthography, reading. Resolved Further: That we cordially adjacent to property, by the owner Files and oil at Hurns................ 1 25 the Presbyterian church in this city, an state of California, and one daily paper indorse the outlines of a general law as thereof, or by the city at the expense of Dravage........................................ 75 event which occurred in 1885, were R. published in Portland, state of Oregon, ' Thursday—Written arithmetic, theory suggested in the Morning Oregonian of such owner, and that such expense be a Iron from Mason A Davis......... of teaching, grammar, physiology. 2 301 T. Baldwin, W. A. Wright, Mrs. Jennie for at least 30 days, and said bonds January 25th, providing for the condi­ lien on such property. I Tliree 8ackg of C(<)....................... 21 00 Friday—Geography, mental arithme­ L. Wright, Mrs. Harriet Roberts, Mrs. shall not be sold for less than their tion under which new counties shall The city of Klamath Falls shall not in ' Chas. Woodard’s work, profit tic, school law, civil government. Lucy MeLean and Miss Mercedes i face value. n any n rxwtnn» ..... event be linVxL. liable foe for any . In damages to hereafter be organized. PRIMARY CERTIFICATES. and guai antee 75 00 Campo. Section 3. The proceeds of the sale Resolved Further; That copies of any person for any injury caused by any Wednesday — Penmanship, orthogra­ The concert that was to be given this I of said bonds, shall be turned into the I these resolutions be forwhded to the sen­ defector dangerous place at or in any ! $3 to 10 evening in the Conservatory of Music | county treasury, there to be kept sep- phy, arithmatic, reading. ators and representatives in the state leg­ sidewalk,crosswalk,street, alley, bridge, | Thursday—Art of questioning, theory C har . W oodard . rooms by Mrs. Zumwalt and Miss Ap­ 1 arate and apart from all other funds. , of teaching, physiology. public ground, public building or ditch islature, now in session. ! and shall be held in trust by Klamath On motion it was decided that a dele­ unless the council Ims received written 1 The Emanon Club will give a chafing plegate, assisted by the Shakespeare Yours truly, I county, state of Oregon, to be applied gate be named to go to Si^lem tor the pur- notice of such defect or dangerous place, dish party next Friday evening, Febru­ Quartette, has been postponed for one to the erection and equipment of a J. G. WIGHT, |>ose of lending any assistance he could and a reasonable t ime thereafter in which ary 8, when each of the young lady week on account of the illness of some county court house and jail, anti the ' Co. 8. Supt., Klamath County. to the representative from this county to repair such defect or dangerous place members will Im expected to evolve of the principal participants. improvement of the grounds upon, There is just as much difference be­ The concert has been postponed un­ i which said court house and jail are and a committee of six was appointed to before the happening of such accident or something rare and dainty from the in­ raise funds for defraying his expenses. injury; and in no case shall more than fantile cooking apparatus. This organi­ til next Thursday evening, February 7. ! constructed, and for no other purpose. tween old and new drugs as there is be­ Three ot the committee were from this ($100.00) dollars be recovered as dam­ zation is composed ol the “young folks’’ The Conservatory concert has been Said fuud shall be known and designat­ tween anything else that is old and new. Newsom A Underwood used city, ono from Fort Klamath, one from age from the city for such accidents or of the city and all of their entertain­ postponed until next Thursday evening, ed as the “Court House Fund.” I Section 4. Within ninety (90) days only new, fresh drugs in prescriptions. Bonanza and one from Merrill. The fol- injury. ments have been marked fortheir jollity. February 7. Mass Meeting to Protest Against of Territory Bill For Purpose of Building One Introduced in Legislature RESOLUTIONS WERE ADOPTED IN HANDS « OF COUNTY COURT