Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, January 24, 1907, Image 8

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    This office 1« in receipt of a circular
iron; flu United States land Office,
being a copy of the instructions given
Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Humphreys ci­ to s|s'cial agents, registers and receivers
expect to leave lor urlando tomorrow,
of the land department throughout the
Their many friends will be very sorry
I besi leave to announce to the* people of Klamath
United States. in which they are
to see them go.
directed to see that all illegal fence* are
Counts’ that I have opened my Jewelrv Store in the
See Adv for marsh lands.
removed from the public domain alter
Republican block in tins city, where you will tind a
"In Hid Virginia" at the opera house April 1. They will not wait for spe­
complete assortment of ¿old, silver, and gold-filled
next Saturday night, Jan.
__ tilth.
cific complaints, but are to proceed
watches, chains, clocks, gold and diamond jewelrv.
against the offending parties upon in-
Watches. L. Alva Lew is.
cut glass, etc, A cordial invitation is extended to
formation, no matter from what source
Don't forget the great Southern it comes. The real purpose of the cir­
you to \ isit my store—the finest in the State, outside
Urama at the opera house next r-atur-
cular is to force Congress to take some
of Portland.
day night.
action of the bill for the leasing of the
Men’s shoes only *l.J.’- at the 1’oitland public domain. This bill has been be­
fore Congress for a long time and has
Mrs. W. S. Worden entertained a lew lieen pigeon-holed for political reasons
of her friends ,Wednesday afternoon, 1‘re-ident Roosevelt Ims determined to
have the lienetit of «electing your Xmas present« from my large assort­
in honor of her birthday.
Those force the hand of the hiwiniikets and
ment of holiday goods.
present were Medames Smith, Dunbar, instructed Secretary Hitchcock to issue
swan, Sole, Chitwood, Miller and Mur- the order above referred to. Il' the lull
i ray.
Ih-lieious refreshments were is not passed at this session, there will
served and the guests had a most enjoy­ be lively times in some sections where
I am prepared to repair any ar­
the fencing of the public domain has
able time.
optical work, and guarantee it
ticle of jewelry no matter flow
Edison's gold mould record phono­ been very prevalent.
to be perfectly satisfactory
difficult may lie the work.
All kinds of finest perfumes nt New­
graphs at Newsom A Underwood.
som A UnderwiMsl.
Those thinking that there is plenty of
Instead of putting on an extra stage,
time to secure reserved seats when the)
Every Article Carries My Guarantee
go to the opera house Saturday night as was at first the intention of the Ore­
generally have to stand up or go "wav , gon Stage company, the regular ached-
back and sit down." Better get them 1 ule will be changed so that all stages
Republican Block
, will leave this city for I’okegama at 3
now before they are all gone.
l o’clock in the afternoon. Passengers
W. S. Worden is confined to his home
will remain over night at Spencer’s and
1 with a severe attack of the grip.
■ leave there in time to make connection
■ D. B. Campbell, of the Klamath j i with the 10:55 a. tn. train at I’okegama.
‘Development company is confined to i Thus it will take nearly 20 hours to
hie room, having had a narrow escape ' cover the distance of 36 miles. This
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change has also resulted in the delay of
from pneumonia.
« unKenv s «
< Small tracts of well located tule marsh a great deal «»I mail for 24 hours, lor the
lands offered for one week at *20 |-er I | majority of the people were not fannl-
! iar with the change and consequently
Abel Adv.
Fine Line of Fresh Candies
mailed their letter with the thought in
The members of the Spoon Club and I mind that they would go out in the
Latest Novelties in Toys
their husbands were entertained at the | morning as usual, Inconvenient us the
home of Mrs. Evan Reams last Satur­ whole arrangement is, it is a great im­
day evening. The usual game of 500 provement on the night ride, ami until
was plaved and Miss Alice Applegate there is a change in the train schedule,
and W.O. Smith were the winners of which it is hoped will s-sm occur, will
the first, and Mrs. Alex Martin, Jr., and lie accepted with resignation by the
Most complete line of PIPES to select from
• D.
B. Campbell of the consolation traveling public.
prizes. The warm hearted hospitality
New goods arriving at Winter’s.
of the hostess made the evening a most
week there was issued from The
pleasant one for the guests. Elatsirate
Republican press the first map of the
refreshments were served.
For Sale—120 acres in Lower Klamath city of Klamath Falls, on which are
Marsh. Price *10.00 per acre. Mason shown all of the .additions and changes
that have been made in the iHiundarv
IA Slough,
lines of this city. The map is printed
One of’the causes for the remarkable on a 211x23 sheet. On the reverse side
growth of Newsom A Underwood is the is a write-up of the Klamath Basin
fact that no expense or trouble has been from the pen of Frank Ira White, and
spared to procure the finest stock in the , is recognize-l as one of the ablest arti­
State. The great prescription business cle« ever written on this section. It is
do is on account of their using only expected that upwards of 20,000 of these
I they
pure fresh drugs.
maps will be issued by this office for
I will pay the above reward for
The action of the county court in the various business bouses of this city
1 cutting the bill for the repair <>( the and it will undoubtedly he a potent
a watch my repair deprtment
, rock crusher, presented by Charles! factor in the advertising ami up-build­
Woodard, may result in a law suit. I ing of this territory.
cannot put in perfect running
l The task performed by Mr. Woodard' Chafing dishes at Newsom A Under-
was a difficult one. It was considered I wood.
1 very doubtful whether he could make
While mi his way to I’okegama last
| the repairs or not, and he undertook
' the job with the understanding that if |
the work was not satisfactory it would was thrown from hie wagon and very
I not cost the county a cent. He asks i seriously injured. The front wheel
■ *310.10, and the court allowed him *200. < passed over hie head ami when the.
! Mr. Woodard refuses to accept the sum wagon was brought to a standstill the
and says he will sue for the entire hind wheel was resting on hie body.
amount of the bill. It is generally ad- Dr. Cartwright was summoned and at
| mitted that the bill is a reasonable one j first thought that there was little hope
(and the propests are that if suit is I for the recovery of the injured man.
Careful attention, however, has resulted
brought he will collect the full amount.
ill his recovery and all fear of a fatal
Remember the great play, “In Old' termination of the accident has passed.
| Virginia," at the opera house next
Repairing a specialty at Winter’s.
i Saturday night, Jan. 26th.
Everything guaranteed.
| Newsom A Underwood
make a
The Hot Springs Improvement Co.
Perfumes and
j specialty of perscriptions, only pure, I is getting quite a number of inquiries
| fresh drugs are used, with the result| from people on the outside in regard to
Toilet Articles
Carefully Filled
■ that the medicine has the desired effect. ' their business property near the depot
If you are in need of medicine during site. Lots will be on sale as rxid as the
I the night or if you have a preemption plat can be tiled and all those wanting
I you wisher! filled von can get it at choice business locations, should come
| Newsom A Underwood by calling at fhe ami make their selections at an early
| home of Dr. Maston—next door to our date. Prices right ami terms easy.
Fine line of stationery at Newsom A
' store.
For rings go to L. Alva Lewis. New Underwood.
line just arrived.
, Frank Ira White left Sunday for Port­
FOR SALE—1000 tons hay, .3000 land, expecting to tie absent alsiut ten |
j bushels grain. Lone Rock Ranch, days. Before leaving be closed con­
I Swan Lake. Address D an R. C onner , tracts for the sale of three block of lots ;
[ Dairy, Ore., or J. Conner, Salem, Ore. in the Mills addition. This addition is
rapidly becoming the object of much
attention by the investing public, as it
WANTED—To buy for cash a fire in- is recognized that it will within a very
| surance business that is well estalished. short time be the objective point for
State companies and number of policies many home builders.
on your books. Address J. E. P addock ,
I)o not forget, that the Boston store
Riverside. California.
can save you money if you attend its
No. 8 Alert cast cook stove ........................
»13 50
45 00
No. 8-18 Toledo steel range............... .
We have a small amount of money big clearance sale.
« .50
Wangenittia Barb Wire, per ewt...............
for farm loans. M ason A S lough . tf
The J finishing touches are now being
36 00
8-ft Starr wind mills ...................................
Don’t snd your mony tj outside d cis
12-in. Syracuse chilled plows......................
13 25
Lowney’s and Bishop’s delicious can­ put on the Withrow-Melhase building 1»
... 1» 00
50 tooth steel lever harrows..................... .,
I will guarantee to save you money on
dies at Newsom A Underwood.
Improved White sewing machine...............
... 40 00
beautiful structure will lie ready for its |
There is jnst as much difference be­
bill of goods
tenants. It stands as a monument to
Everything else in the Hardware line at reduced prices
tween old and new drugs as there is be­
Call and investigate Goods and prices.
the progressiveness of, its builders and
If you MUST go to the city to buy your furniture let me give you a let­
tween anything else that is old and
they may well feel proud of the result j ter to our wholesale houses, where you can select anything you like.
only new, fresh drugs in prescriptions. oi their labors.
O A, J*,
.ir, ,Xr, Jr,
Jù V
• ,t<
’1 .ir, >jr, —
•'■w iiiJLiii
W-Iw “j — VAW
Rev. Father Feusi left for Spokane1
Don’t forget that I have taken the agency for the entire
L. W. McDaniel, who claimed he Tues-lay, whither he goes to make his
represented the Mutual Reserved Life | retreat. He will lie absent for about
line of Pianos of the
for Klamath
Insurance company, and who did a three weeks. There will be no services
the makes
great deal of business in this and Lake ' in the Catholic church for the next two
I; counties, is charged with dishonest 8u ndays.
are now on my floor.
Easy terms on Pianos, or
1 practices in the transaction of his busi-
Just arrived at Alva Lewis’s, new
I ness. It is alleged that he wrote line of jewelry.
for cash we will give you a liberal reduction.
poilems, accepting notes in payment of
Services were held for the first time
All that remains unsaid, just consider
' the premiums. These notes be dis- j in the new Baptist church last Sunday,
i counted and appropriated the proceeds Rev. J. B. Griffith officiating. The
that it has been said :: ::
No Stale Stock on hand.
Goods delivered
thereof. Thejpolicies were forwarded to church will be dedicated in the near
over purchase of $1.
Christmas Cigars by the box.
caue they were not accompanied by the ! Chitwoods Toilet creain will cure
Merechaum and Brier Pipes, Orange«, Nuts, Notions, Etc.
It [is understood that several j burn, tan and freckles.
people have ^applied for warrants for
The l.akeiilde Inn Bar. C. Ross An-
his arrest.
derson for High grade Wlnes, Li-
¿Fine watch repairing. L. Alva Lewis.' quors and Cigars,
Good Cooking
¡1 PflM Sill M' <
The National Steel Range
will do the business
Optical Department
Repairing Department
Avoid Poison
by using NUBLU Cooking Utensils
All the latest Newspapers and 5
Roberts $ banks
Complete Line of
$100 Reward
Dry Goods
Fancy Goods
and Groceries
That must be sold
before Jan. 31, I9o7
Call and see Our Prices and Our
Goods, as such values have
never before been offered
We will tell you later our object for giv
ing such bargains
A Few Prices at
Furniture Store
* *
pis the place to furnish your house
Klamath Falls, Ore