B. HENRY CIVIL ENGINEER and SURVENDE Destroyed by Earthquake W- (¿J * »I TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS ; Her Punishment KLAMATH COUNTY BANK Kingston. .Ian. 17,— Hecking with the (I KI AMA III I ALLS, OREGON KLAMATH FALLS nail-eating stench of hundreds of pntri X !( Al.EX .MARI I X, Jr ALEX < n-liier All kinds engineering and draughting tying I mh I ies.tlie ghost line-s only part tally [Orlaliiiil.) dis|H'lled by cries of scandiers for the Sb,» tviH lite»rrlglbl«». W'tliln one missing or the crash of an occasional winter se.tsou site had (refused ti Plans and Hpecificatioiis Furnished collapsing building. Kingston is today wealthy and desirable parti of forty a city draped with despair. Coniliin- and sent n young army lieutenant to -I Mi MIA I l>i:< .31, UNNI ■ ing with the natural gloom following "get over it" lit Manilla Ho would H M »I lb TH CONTRACTOR and BlTLIM-.R the disaster to intensify chaotic eondi- not have had to go there if It hadn't . f Sten- aad Har | ftr-t < I»-» « „rk ■ lions is tin* terror inspired by the fear been for Blnllo, a nickname given Flsmr,-. I 4M.O75 í »3 | ruins, their heroism being inspired by but iter protest was unheeded. She win packed <»fr Into exile, and her aunt was ' the know ledge that scores of imprisoned DR. WM. MARTIN wretches still lie buried in the debris, requested to keep tin eye on her. At the end of a week site was ready pinned down and unable to help them­ to promise to behave herself If per DENTIST selves. tuitted to go h nite. or. rather, to the sea­ The streets of this city are now picket- shore. where tier mother was, but tlie led with American guards. Admiral mother knew her promises would avail Evans, at the request of the British au­ nothing. One evening when the twl • 00-000-000000-0 OOOOOO OOOOOO • thorities, landed a force of marines light was long she was xxnlkitig In n j from tlie battleship Missouri and Indi- lane where she met a young farmer. BONNEY A. TEXTOR He wits n splendid specimen of innn- | ana. LEGAL, REAI. ESTATE and AB- Six hundred bodies have been recov­ hood, mid as Birdie was a dainty spe, I STRACTING BUSINESS men of wommthood the two naturally Will furnish Abstracts of title and pay taxes ered and more are being constantly looked at each other. The next evening -ior non residents. found. at exactly the saute hour the girl The examination, registration and perfect­ Dynamite is being used to clean away walked In the lane again. So did he. ing o< titles a specialty. M ain S treet the debris of shattered buildings. She looknl very hard nt blm and lifter Office, N bw W ordin B rick Holland Bay, Jan. 17,— Bulletin.—A passing him turned. He turned too. M. Jennie 1' “la It you," she said, "or am I gigantic tidal wave lias swept Annota a bay, on the north coast of Jamaica, and mistaken?" “1 think we have met before.” be a I. G. O. F.— Klamath Lodge No. 137 i it is reported that the entire coast line replied. meets every Saturday evening tn the has been changed and a great streatch of A. »>. I'. W. hall. Jasfier Bennett. N'.G. “What are you doing here?" the beach sunk into the sea. Great loss Geo. I.. Humphrey, Secretary. "I thought I would try farming." COUNTY SURVEYOR of life is reported. "How did you leave them all nt E wait mi Encampment No. -it;, I.t t.O.F. New York. Jan. 17.—The shores of home?" j Encampment meets secoud and fourth the harbor of Kingston are sinking ami "They're all very well.” Having opened branch houses in Merrill, . Saturdays in the month in the there is terror lest the city slip into the "I'm staying with my aunt. Do you A. O. 1'. W. hall. Jasper Bennett, ('. I'. LAND SURVEYOR. sea. The bed of the harbor is sinking know her?" i Geo. I.. Humphrey, Scribe. Bonanza and Bly, I am now prepared to "No: I don’t." in many places and the water is already Pros|ierity Rebekah I-odge No. 101 "Sorry. You might come to see me if I. O. O. F. meets in the A. O. T. W. i a hundred feet deep. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON you knew her, but since yoti don't’’— ball everv first and thud Thursdays 111 A correspondent cables from Holland fill all orders for supplies from these points. She paused. tlie month. Jennie Hurtt, N. G. bay: "Tourists tiller! the streets till “Possibly we may meet hereabout Lonnda M. Sauber, secretary. the quake, when the city seemed to sometimes, I go after ths stock at sun DR. C. P. MASON thus saving you time and expense > K. of P.— Klamath Lodge No. 99 shrivel up. Buildings collapsed tilling down, put them in the barn and go meets in the A. O. I’. \v Hall even the streets with debris. Gas and elec ­ tins time. ” back about Monday evening. Bert Bamln*r, (’. C. i DENTIST “Good evening. Glad to have met tric supplies are cut off and the fire de­ John Hamilton, K. of R. and S. Office in American Bank and Trust Com­ partment is crippled. I saw terrible you again.” M. W, of A.—Lodge meets in the pany’s Building “Hope It will not be for once only." scenes in the streets and counted 13 A. O. I’. W. hall every first and third That was tlie beginning of it. Birdie Wednesday in the month. OREGON dead in King street about the wreck KLAMATH FALLS KLAMATH FALLS, ORE. talked a great deni about people she W. B. Melatughlin, Consul age and 18 dead in Harbor street. W. A. Phelps, Clerk. knew, and the farmer listened to her The police estimate that there are 1.200 references, making only general com Foresters of America—Ewaitna Camp. WILL A. LEONARD dead. meuts upon them. He never addressed Havana, Jan. 17.—Bulletin—A sec­ her by name, always getting round do­ No. 61, meets in the A. <>. U. W. hall every second and fourth Fridays in the ond earthquake shock in Jamaica, as ing so— but ho might have forgottet month. C. D. Willson, • R. Emma Block, Klamath Falls severe as the first, is reported today via | her name. There was an nppearnnee E. E. Jamison, Rec. Sec. Santiago. The shock is said to have of honesty about him, a deference not tumbled down the tottering buildings. uncouth either—a vein of uncultivated GOING TO KENO? intellectual vigor, that pleased her PIERCE EVANS Work will begin on The Statue of Liberty. On the whole, iter exile was not so tin If so, get a rig from the Mammoth The Colossus of Rhodes probably bearable as site had expected. Some­ ATTORNEYS AT LAW the Upper Project next never brought any returns In cash to times she fancied he knew more titan ■'tallies. Fine, gentle horses, good bug­ the city, but its tradition will last she had supposed farmers usuall.i gies, reasonable prices. KLAMATH FA Í C F . Spring. J* > when everything else Rhodesian la en­ knew, but Illrdie did not always tel) Petition tor Liquor License tirely lost from history. So with this all she know, and to blame blm for The Lost River Re- Statue of Liberty. It gives a welcome concealment would be like the pot C. F. STONE To the Honorable County Court of the to every stranger who comes to Amer­ calling the kettle black. County of Klamath, state of Oregon. ATTORNEY AT LAW alty Co. will sell you ica to seek his fortune in a country Affairs between the sexes usunllj OFFICE OVER POSTOFFICE which has oven the friend of the op­ commence b.v both keeping on tlieli I We the undersigned, residents and lands cheap, and on pressed for centuries. It is bailed with own side of the line. Perhaps the man 1 legal voters <.f Sprague river precinct said county ami state, respectfully ask joy by every American who catches a would have kept on bis side Indefinite i easy terms. glimpse of it as he returns from a so­ ly had Binlie kept on hers. She soon i that a license to sell Spiritous, .Malt and journ in Europe. Its meaning is more began to practice her little arts; first 1 Vinous I iquors, in less quantities than apparent after a short absence from by a look now and then, after that, a Line gallon in the precinct aforesaid for a America than perhaps it was before half finished sentence from which she period of Eight (8' months from the 12th I such an experience. It Is one of the retired In confusion and lastly by an day of March, A. It. 1007 be granted to Manager few things which we have which is open charge of Indifference on the part C. It. Willson and William Woods, tin­ not commercialized.—Chicago Tribune. of the man. The farmer always adroit der the firm name of Willson At Woods AND ly turned these thrusts, keeping on in The Wrong Line. the even tenor of his way. This was at Bly, in said Precinct, and your A society which disseminates moral something Birdie had never encounter jietitioners will ever pray. literature once sent a railway manager ed before. She poured a shower ol 8. C. llamaker, W. F. Reed, W. W ! a large number of free tracts to place Cupid's arrows from her quiver on!; Finley, P. Bush, Ed. Bloomingcamp, | in the waiting rooms. One was enti­ to see (bent glance aside or fall barm C. J. Martin, Nels Urik, Mans Thomp­ tled, "A Route to the New Jerusalem.” less from her would be victim. July son, John Itaragh. O. T. Anderson, I.. The letter which the moral literature passed Into August and August InC W. L. McCormick, KLAMATH FALLS society received in reply declined the September. How they contrived, or L. Griffin, A. W. Evans, J. II. Boyd, OREGON Manager and Contracting Agent tracts. "We cannot place the tracts,” rather, how Birdie contrived, their fre O. Peterson, W. . H. Casebeer, R. J. Klamath Falls, Oregon wrote the manager, "as the N. J. Is not quent meetings without suspicion slit I Courtwright, H. J. Langham, Q. N. ABSTRACTS OF T1TLE ruade wlth neatneaa and dlspatch. We Offisc at end of bridge on our system.” was at a loss to know. Only a few I Anderson, Geo. Bloomingcamp, J. 8. invite attention to our FILING CABINET SYSTEM. Wells, Amos Lundy Watts, John W. times was she discovered conversing Quite a Variety. O. R. Stewart, Geo. S. Boyd, Neil Camp ­ with the farmer, but In her case farm C. P. Newton, The fashionable girl had accepted blm and the young man was wondering ers were supposed to be out of the bell, J. E. Sullivan, Chas. T. Powne. Agent, Pokegama, Or. question. E. W. Whetstone, Spratt Wells, Wm.G. how far his $30 a week would go. At last the days grew so mnch Snider, L. B. Yadin, W. F. McArthur, We have a choice line of lands In tracts large or small, to suit pur­ “Yon must remember that life Is not B. E. Joy, shorter that one evening when Birdie J. A. Parker and Jno. B. Kappes. al) golf and tennis," murmured he. chasers ; also city property of all descriptions. “Why, of course It Isn't,” she re­ was starting for her evening walk her Agent, Thrall, Cal. Notice is hereby given that the fore­ sponded brightly. "There's floating and aunt stopped her nnd forbade her go going petition will be presented to the couching and bridge and ever so many Ing, on the ground that it was already ' aforesaid County Court, on the 11th day quite dark. Birdie did not dare excite things."—Louisville Courier Journal. suspicion by defying the order. She of March, A. D. 1(107. We carry a full line of Insurance. Including Life, Personal Accident I At the Doctor.' t.’lnh. went off into a corner of the porch Time contracts made for special Fire, Steam Boiler, Plate Glass, and Liability Insurance. “Carvtis, was that operation you per­ and sat down. Then and there came a delivery for ail classes ol freight revelation. She was suffering under a formed on old Hunks successful?” between above points great disappointment. Could It be "Successful? Yes; singularly so.” “Singularly? Then he's recovering, that she who bad played with the Ftorage warehouse at Klamath hearts of many men of the world could la he?”—Chicago Tribune. Falls beside Ackley Bros, sawmill— have “drifted on the rocks” In the Storage rates one cent per 100 A Russian does not become of a«« case of a countryman? She went tn pounds per day. Freight delivered bed early, but not to sleep. Fol until he hi twenty six. Cleanliness and Good Work first time in her life she knew to any part of the city. It felt to be on the losing side One Eyed Giant«. Guaranteed Sir John Mandeville saw nil sorts at love affair. The next morning the farmer Wflf queer things and wrote about them It Also Agent for LONDON his celebrated book of travels. It was passing a shaded nook near the road In 1530 that the veracious John visited He turned aside, expecting to see a LANCASHIRE HRE INS. CO. a certain group of isles (yles lie caller’ feminine figure push away the droop them) which was inhabited by a rare ing branches and greet him with a face 60 YEAR8’ of one eyed vlants. Of them he saya that laughed. lie was disappointed EXPERIENCE "In one of these yles ben folk of gratr But tied to a bush near by he found have purchased B. St. Geo. Bishop's stock of stature, as giantes, and they been hide a note: undertaker’s supplies Foraive me for feigning that I hail met oils (or to loke upon. An tliel han bu> on eye, and that It In ye mlddyl of ye you before. 1 never saw you until I m<»l you hero. Mv object wan to pass th« front.” He also tolls of another one >>' time. Jn a days I go home Yov these “yles” Inhabited by a race of on» have rendered my stay happy, Without A Holder of License No. 29 granted bv the Oregon you It would have been very dull. legged dwarfs, emit having three eye«. TnaoE tvtanss State Board of Health. Calls promptly attended, city D esigns When Birdie went to the trystins C opyrights 4 c . place again she found the following or country, day or night. Telephone 57$ Nothing tint Frnlf. Anyone «ending n «ketch nnd description may quickly uncertain our opinion free whether nn “I any. I’d give anything to lie i.t on a bit of paper: Invention is probably patentable, < oninmnlrn.- I Ions strictly confident lai. HANDBOOK on I’ h tent« Ooodby. You are forgiven. Forgive m< strong nnd healthy as you ar»,” re- «ent free. Oldest ngency for «octi ring patent«. FRIENDS COMINO. For sale—The north half of the north­ Patent« taken through Munn A Co. receive marked the lazy man. "What do you for the same offense. My betrothed re­ eprrial notice, without charge, In the turns tomorrow. east quarter, the southeast quarter of live on?” Tf so, meet them at the railroad with "Poor Birdie writes,” said het I the northeast quarter and the northeast "Nothing but fruit,” answered mother, “that her punishment Is great other. ; quarter of the southeast quarter of aec- one of the Mammoth stable teams. It A handsomely lllnsfrnf cd weekly. I,argeat/lr- ........... <............. -XX ______ I«. • eolation of any scientific Journal. sr than she can bear. Poor child! 1' "What kind of fruit?” i tion nineteen, south of range eleven, assures them an easy, comfortable ride. year IL Bold Hold newsdealer«. year; ; four month«, **'” |1. •* * by all * newsdealers. "The fruit of Industry," was the brW must have been very lonely for her.” east of Willamette meridian. Inquire They won’t be tired when th«y gethere.w t). FISK BRADY. ! at this office. if Rates very low. Branch UOtl. t» t Bl, Wublriglvu. U.Û but sig:il£c&at repl/. The Pioneer Bank of Klamath County J. E. DUVAL Office over Klamath County Bank MELVIN D. WILLIAMS Civil and Irrigation Engineer, East Main St., below 4th C. D. WILLSON • 0-0-00-0-00-000-0-00-0-00-000-0-00 • Buy GET IN LINE! Lands CHAS. PATTEE Klamath Falls, Oregon Klamath Falls Pokegama Transfer Company M ason While they are cheap &. S lough ABSTRACTERS state I nauranee Rates as Low as the Lowest KLAMATH BARBERSHOP J. W. SIEMENS, Preprietor. UNDERTAKING E. WHITLOCK FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EM BALMER P atents Scientific American. MUNN &Co.38’“” New York