All kinds of finest ]x>rfnmea nt New torn A Underwood. New goods arriving at Winter’». Readers of the Republican who Chaiiug dishes at Newtoui A I inler- have subscribed for other maga­ WlMWl. zines under our dubbing offer Repairing a specialty at Winter'». will receive the paper or maga­ I verything guaranteed. zine ordered one year from the Fine line of stationery nt Newsom A Underwood. date they get the first copy. The There is just as ninch difference be­ Republican had to have a certain tween old and new drugs as then* is lie- number of orders before sending tween anything else that is old and Newsom A Underwood used i in the names. All magazines new. only new. fresh drugs in prescription». and papers were ordered last The l akeside Inn liar. C. Ross An­ week, so the subscribers ought to derson for High grade Wines, Li­ receive the February number of quors and Cigars. A. <>. Newsom, who has been spending the periodicals they subscribed the holi lay» in I'ortland and the Wil­ for. If, after a reasonable length lamette valley , reliiruc 1 Tuesday. of time, you do not get it. advise For bi »iness I. cations don't overlook this office and the matter will be the Hot Springs tiact. Campbell A Burns, Agts. investigated. But please do not F. W. Berger, who has been con­ get impatient and enter complaint tracting in this city for the past several months, returned to his home in Arleta, too soon. Sunday. Mr. Berger expects to return Just arrived at Alva Lewis’s, new here during the coming summer. , line of jewelry. J. B. Mason went to Chico this week Edison’s gold mould record phono- ¡ for the pur|M>se of dosing up the deal graphs at Newsom A Underwood. on the Kerr tract of land, Good business building for rent on1 Mrs. W. E. Travis returned Main street. Apply to T. W. Stephens. , Portland this week. Small tracts of well located tule marsh ; Mrs C. D. Willson left for San Fran- lands offered for one week at |20 per cisco this week where she will join her acre. Abel Adv. husband and together they will make u Buy lots in the Hot Springs Addition, 1 tour of old Mexico. if you want to make money. C miciiki . i . S. C. Hamnker, the sawmill man of A B urns , Agts. Bly. who has tieen visiting his family m Word was received in this city dur­ Ashland, returned this week, ing the past week that Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McClure of Poe Valley has dis­ Tiu* finest that is nuule L. T. Peary, formerly of this city where posed of his ranch property to Harry Ir- Mr. Peary was engaged in Reclamation , win les A Slough. for use in the construction of the govern­ Watches. L. Alva Lewis. ment telephone line lor which he has I Buy lots in the Hot Springs Addition, the contract. This line will connect if yon want to make money. C ami ' hui all of the camps on the Project and will A B urns , Agts. 1« part of the system when completed. Charles I’attee, the Bonanza realty It will lie ready for business in the, mail was in the city during the week. spring. He reports conditions as prosperous Mrs. A. \\ Peil entertained a number around Bonanza ami confidently pre- I of Colorado friends, at her home last diets great things lor the little metrop­ evening. olis during the coming summer. LOST—City warrant for the num <>f I will pay the above reward for One of the causes for the remarkable 175. Finder will receive lilreral rrw a rd I growth of Newsom A Underwood is the by returning it to this office. I fact that no expense or trouble has b<-«-i, a watch my repair deprtm ent The Boston store will begin | spared to procure the finest stock in the clearance sale next Monday. It State. Tlie great prescription business a money saver to you. cannot put in perfect running I they do is on account of their using only Do not forget, that the Boston store I pure fresh drugs. can save you money if you attend its order. The members of the Woman’s Chris- I big clearance sale. / j tian Temperance I nion will hold their The members of the Spoon club, with I regular meeting Friday, January lUh, [ at 2:30 p. m. in the M. E. Church. All their busbands, will ire entertained at I members are urgently asked tobe pres- the home of Mrs. Evan Reams Saturday evening. l ent. Emma Grigsby, Rec. Sec. C. F. and Dr. Stone were pleasantly Newsom A Underwood make a surprised by a few of their friends Tues­ specialty of perscript ions, only pure, day evening. 500 was played ami a very fresh drugs are used, with the result enjoyable evening spent bv the party. that the medicine has the desired effect. One of the best evidences of the Buy lots in the Hotsprings Addition, prosperity of the people of this county if you want to make money. C ampbell is to be found in the tax roll of last year, on which less than 12.000 in de­ A B urns , Agts. linquent taxes are to be found. Few If you are in need of medicine during counties in the United States can make the night or if you have a precription as good a showing as this. Even Perfumes and Prescriptions I you wished filled you can get it at amount would be practically wiped I Newsom A Underwood by calling Toilet Artici;s Carefully Filled if the non-resident taxpayer would home of Dr. Maston—next door attention to the notices sent out. store. F. P. Slater was appointed constable For rings go to I.. Alva Lewis, New of Tule Lake precinct and E. W. Pollard 1 ’ITIVI line just arrived. 1 >1VI TCÎJS justice of the peace, ami W. T. Garrett Buy lots in the Hot Springs Addition, constable irt Sprague river precinct by ' if you want to make money, C ami hei i . the county court last week. A B urns , Agts. County Surveyor Williams returned FOR SALE— 1000 tons hay, 3000 from latke county tIns week, where be | bushels grain. Line Rock Ranch, has been engaged in making surveys for ‘ Swan Lake. Address D an R. C onner , the big irrigation project that is to be Dairy, Ore., or J. Conner, Salem, Ore. put in bv the Hewitt latnd company. 1-3—1-24 A. D. Miller, returned Tuesday from WANTED—To buy for cash a fire in a two weeks visit to his old home in surance business that is well estalished. Portland. State companies and number of policies The regular meeting of the Art club on your books. Address J. E.I’ addoi k , was held yesterday afternoon, at the Riverside, California. home of Mrs. F. M. White. Business and pleasure were combined, Mrs. For business location, don't overlook the Dot Springs tract. The Company 1 White acting as hostess. Refreshments offers special inducements to those were served. Renders of the Republican who have seeking permanent business locations. subscribed for other magazines under Don’t snd your mony t ) outside ders We invite land owners to list their our clubbing offer will receive the paper lands with us. Our extensive corre- I will guarantee to save you money on or magazine ordered one year from the spondence and Mr. Mason’s advertising date they get the first copy. The Re­ a bill of goods trip have put us in touch with several publican had to have a certain number parties who will want land for actual If you MUST go to the city to buy your furniture let me give you a let­ of orders before sending in the names. settlement. M ason A S lough . tf All magazines and papers will be 1 ter to our wholesale houses, where you can select anything you like. We have a small amount of money ordered this week, so the subscribers ! for farm loans. M ahon A S lough . tf ought to receive the February namlier I Don’t forget that I have taken the agency for the entire Don't pay rent when you can buy Iota of the periodica) they subscribe for. for Klamath for |200.00 each, one-third down, bal­ It alter a reasonable lenght of time you 1 line of Pianos of the ance is one and two years. <’> per cent 1 do not get it, advise this office anil the Jand Lake Counties. Samples of some of the makes interest. Thu Hot Springs Improve-' matter will be investigated. But please nient Co., are offering choice lots close! do not get impatient ami enter com­ 4 are now on my floor. Easy terms on Pianos, or to the Hotspring at the prices above plaint too soon. mentioned. The Hot Springs Improvement Co., | IJ for cash we will give you a liberal reduction. ah n...A------- -------------- 1 ... will commence the erection of a large J just consider barn soon, near the depot site, on their 4 * property. This barn will be used by 4» the com pan v to keep their work stock 9 for fl work, as they ( 9 ex p' l’t to Im . i-a lip je I . ..... f men and 9 team« ut work all next “imiim i , implor­ Jp®, Residence 66 ing tli’eir property. The bni n will be a S’oie 6i frame building. 110x50, mid will later be 1 used for livery purposes. iddìi» 4 I • CITY Announcement Good Cooking I beg leave to announce to the- people of Klamath County that 1 have opened niv Jewelry Store in the Republican block in this city, where you will find a complete assortment of gold, silver' and gold-filled watches, chains, clocks, gold and diamond jewelry, cut glass, etc. A cordial invitation is extended to you to visit my store—the finest in the State, outside of Portland. j Pom Ml Deposii “Sas have the of selecting your Xmas presents from my large assort­ ment of holiday gcxxis. Repairing Department Optical Department I am prepared to repair any ar­ ticle of jewelry no matter how difficult may be the work. 1 will make a specialty of my optical work, and guarantee it to lie perfectly satisfactory Every Article Carries My Guarantee HEITKEMPER Republican Block KLAMATH FALLS r Watchmaker-Jeweler-Optician « HUKERV’S « Latest Novelties in Toys All the latest Newspapers and Magazines Most complete line of PIPES to select from d/ ifc dv lb Ub That must be sold before Jan. 31, 19o7 Chitwood's A We will tell you later our object for giv­ ing such bargains BRICK STORE CO. FREE DELIVERY WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS . . . 'fi 'ft X44444444 4444 444444444444^ * 4 A Few Prices at 4 4 4 HURN S HARDWARE STORE * 4 No. K Alert cast cook stove ........................ |13 50 f No. 8-18 Toledo steel range........................ ■ 00 * 4 Wangenittia Barb Wire, per cwt................ 50 4 8-ft Starr wind mills.................................... 00 4 12-in. Syracuse chilled plows...................... 25 4 4 50 tooth steel lever harrows........................ 00 4 Improved White sewing machine............... 00 4 4 Everything else in the Hardware line at reduced prices 4 4 Call and investigate Goods and prices. 4 4 4 GEO. R. HURN 4 X 44444444444 4 4 44444444444£ * * 45 »i 3<» IS 111 40 I r FRESH CANDY AT MANNINGS 9 9 9 9: 9> is the place to furnish your house t t EVERY DAY. No State Slock on hand. Goods delivered over purchase of SI. Christrras Cigar by th' hox. ¡J • 9 9 BISHOP’5 Furniture 5tore EILER S PIANO HOUSE MADE 9 Roberts $ banks L. ALVA LIÎWIS Call and see Our Prices and Our Goods, as such values have never before been offered W W 'ft Avoid Poison $100 Reward Dry Goods.. Fancy Goods and Groceries 'j\ Q\ 'j\ will do the business lb Complete Line of 'j\ The National Steel Range hv using NUBLU Cooking Utensils Fine Line of Fresh Candies t BRIEFS Merachaum ami Brier Pipes, Oranges, Nuts, Notions, I tc. Telephone A. .1. MANNING 4»! ¿I B. ST. GEO. BISHOP I Klamath Falls. Ore. ? t “