Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, January 17, 1907, Image 7

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Everybody'» tor January, 1907
Freak» <>( th.' Frost. Verse.
Back of Fr.iiiti»pi<‘< i‘.
Drawing to accompany “Tim Lord» ol
tlm World.”
Tim Terror oi lire Sea Cave».
Story. By < liailr'» <i. D. Robert«.
Soldier» oi tli.. < '0111111011 < ...... I <'bap
c.rlir lmlml.
By Churl«« Edward R iikhc . I.
Tim Mere Incident of Failure. I r\
Will I'livin'.
The Searchlight. Ver»«. By Nanni«
Byrd Tunner.
Tli« < 'rv oi the Slum»:
A Serie» of I'letures. By l»e«'ie Marsh.
With Comments. By Charlus Edward
Friday the 13th. A Story. Chapters
111 IV. By Thoms» W. lawHon.
Tliü l/or*l« oí Ilio World. A Story,
Bv Edith Kicker!.
The Loto« oí WÍNdoin. Verwe.
Alfred Noye«.
The Blood-Money oí the Congo. By
Robert E. Park
l««y mid “ rin* Other.” A Stoiy. I'o
JoMvph C. Lincoln.
The Tritve 1er. Vervo.
By Saruli N.
The Debt oi Honor.
A Story. By
Marguiet Hutton Brinuoe.
The Story of Trivett. A Story. By
Kewell Ford.
The Enve«dropper.
Burge« Johnson.
The Player«.
Before Adam.
A Story. Chapter«
XIII-XVI. By Jack Lindon.
The Autobiography of a Child with
Two Parent*.
The Christrna« Clearing-Houre, Ltd
A Story, By Rupert ilugbe«.
Little Stories ol Real Life:
A Reluctant Raleigh.
Gowan Cooke.
The Riper Year«.
By Juliet Wilbor
Straight Talk.
By “ Every I mm I v *«**
With “Everybodv’»” Pub'inher*.
For Kale—A rooming house an<l
rrstaurnnt. Doing u prosperous bu.i-
Price >1000 cash. Maron A
Header« oi the Kepuhlican who have
Kubacriln'd for other magazine« under
our clubbing offer will receive the paper
or magazine ordered one year from the
date they get the first copy. The Re­
publican had to have a certain nurnlier
of order« before »ending in the nimes.
All magazine« and paper« will la*ordered
thin week, ho the kii I imc ribern ought to
receive the February number of the
periodidaln they Hiibacrilied for.
after a rea«onable length of time you do
not get it, a«lvi«e thia office and the
matter will he investigated. Bm please
do not get impatient and enter complaint
too Koon.
• xh li 1' <1 to ail the Pub.Ic f.M’i<l Mtate* by act
<>f Aiigunt I, IK92, Fiiiina R. <»i IgMiv, •>! Klam
afli Fitllh, county ol Klnmnlli. Hlate of Or« gon,
h H» till» day filed In tin» offiui* her «worn *tat<
m< nt No .id.»» i<*r tlie purcliHMc of the • ’> *w* 4
"■*'4 '‘''4 ami Lot .'lol Hue. No. 19, in Tp No. .’IK
H, it No lu E W M , ami w III offer proof to « how
Hint the land Nought I n more valuable for it*
limber or «done Hinn for agricultural purp>>>* «,
ami to ehtablibh her <'laim tosaid lumJ before
tli<clerk of Klamath county, Oregon, al I i I m
ottb-e nt Klamhlh Fnll«, Oregon, on TuuMluy,
1 he 2nd day ol April, *9<)7
City Meat Market
Hhe HHIIIC« M- wilnexiaUN:
■▼liilani O \V( l»l>, W 1!. Webb, <'. M Know
ami Win Hmiw, all of Klainaih F h II n . Ore.
Any and all peraoua claiming adveraely the
ntiOve-di'M'rIbed lamia arc requested lo file
1 hdr claim* In (hl* office on or before *aid2nd
«lay of April, 19U7.
I 17—321
J. N. W atkon . Keglbter
She names ns w ituesses:
Wm. Lashua, Ed Eehtlnaw, Ray Hubbard
ami John Britt all of Klamath Falls. Oregon.
Any ami all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims In this <»fllce on or beforo said
2nd day of April, 1907.
.1. N. W atson , lb glstcr.
1-17 3- 21
United States Land Office, Lakeview, Oro-
gon, Jan. m . 1997.
Notice is hereby given that, in compliance
With the provisions of the act of Ucngress of
June 3. 1*7«, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands In the state* of California. Orc-
gou, Nevada, and Washington rerritory," as
Did You Ever Realize
tlinf 1 he Klamath Project it? really two distinct
Che Upper Project
utilize'« H ih water f>t Clear I.?ke. ami will irrigate
alxjiit 65.000 acre« <»f excellent lands lying in
I^angell, Yunna and Poe Valley«.
In the t’lrcult f’ourl ol lhe Htaie of Oregon for
K lamath (’ounty
Muaanah Leach, Plaintiff, va. H. L. Leach,
To H. L. Leai'll, tin* above named Defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon : You
are hereby required to appear ami answer the
plaintiff filed agaluNt you In the above en­
titled Court am! caiiN« on or before the 23rd
day of Febmary, 1907, that being the date
within which you are required to appear ami
MIMHor to plaintiff'* complaint; am! If you
fa11 mo to answer for waul thereof the plai nt iff
will apply to the court for the relief prayed
fir in plaintiff** complaint: That i* to Nay:
That the bond* of matrimony now cxlating Ire-
tween plaintiff am! defendant be dlnaolved,
annulled and held f rr naught and for *uuh
other and further relief a* may iceni to tire
Court to !>e JuNt and equitable. Thl* kuiii -
inoim la published in lhe Klamath Republi­
can, a wceklv newspaper published ink lain
ath Fallr, Oregon, by order of the lion. H. L.
lieiikon, Judge of the Circuit Court of the state
of Oregon for Klamath ('ounty, dated Janu­
ary 9th, 1907, directing the tirat publication lo
be made on lhe lot 1» day of January, 1907, and
to continue for six conriecutlve ami successive
week*, the dm»* ol la*l publication to be Feb­
ruary 21sl, 1907.
H omzatka K uykendall ,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Construction Olork
upon the l'p|wr Project will begin ea»ly in the
Spring. This the Reclamation Service has
ctntly announced.
Lakeside Inn,
is the metropoli« of the Upper Project. If
are at all acquainted with the conn try, you ......
know that Bonanza ha« absolutely no fear of
Klamath Falls Realty:
MRS. M. M c M illan , Prop’r
Modern improvements.
73 rooms anu
and suites.
Sample Rooms, Rar Room, Parlors, Two
Rooms, Etc., Etc.
has advanced several fold since the lieginning of
work on tlie Ix.wer Project. Business property
sells for from $50 to $125 front foot. Residence
lots from $150 up. And it will go higher.
Bonanza Realty
will advance by jumps in the Spring. If yon are
looking for sure profit, buy now while property is
low. You can get lots that will be business
property at prices ranging from $2 to $5 a front
foot. You can get splendid residence lots for $35,
up. We can sell you some desirable lots for $20.
If You Can Save $5 a month
you can invest in Bonanza property, We make
terms so easy that anyone can buy. Thia is
your opportunity to share in Klamath county’«
Notice For Publication.
t'nliml I stale* Land office, latkeview. Ore-
gon,Jun. i. 4.1W7.
Notice I n hereby given that In compliance
with the provision« of the act of CungreMN ol
June 3 1K7N, untitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the Mates of i aiifornla, Ore­
gon, N«\ ad a. am! Washington Territoryas
extended to all the Public Lam! States by act
of August 4, 1*92, Ruby A. Hubbard, of
Klamath Falls, County of Klainatb, Htate of
Oregon, has this day filed in tills office his
sworn statement No. 3222, for the purchase of
the n’a nw*4»e*4 nw‘4 and ne*4«w*4 of Sec. No.
-Jl.in Tp. No 37 M, K No. VK W M, and will
offer proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable for its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim tosaid laud before the (’lurk of Klamath
county, Oregon, at his office a'. Klamath
Falls. Oregon, on Monday the 1st day of
April. 1907.
He names a* witnesses:
Mary R. ll<»gue, Charles C. Hogue, Ed. Ech- '
tlnaw and Win Lashua all of Klamath Falls,
Any am! all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file
their claim* in this office on or before said 1st
day of April. 1907.
1-10 3 14
J. N. WATSON. Register.
Klamath Commercial Agency Building
The American Bank and Trust Co.
Capital Stock $100,000
Klamath Falls, Oregon
Horses Boarded by the Week or Month
Special attention given transient .lock
and tperial rntee to freighter», drain
by the suck. Hay by the bale or ton. Phone-Main 44
Interest Paid on Savings Deposits
Cor. Main and 9th Sts
£. 4f. BLBB
Assistant Cashier
UJby Pay Rent?
It’s So €a$y to Own a Rome
Street Car Line is built to the addition and will soon be oper
ateil. Electric lights and city water. Each lot on a gentle slope,
making good drainage. Good soil. Avenues are wide and lined
with Poplar, Boxelder, Maple, Walnut and Elm trees
I gon, ha* this day filed in this office his sworn
statement No. 3346, for the purchase of the w*a
nw*4 nw’4 sw'4 Sec. 2 and 110*4 «0’4 of Sec. No.
iu ip No ■ I 1: No • ■ w m . htu I
will offer proof to show that the land sought
is more valuable for its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, amt to establish his
claim to said land
before the Clerk
of Klamath county, Oregon, at his office
at Klamath Falls, Oregon, on Monday the
1st day of April, 1907.
He names as witnesses:
J. (’.Smith, H. I'. (Tanmer, Allen Sloan and
(’lias. Hamaker, all of Klamath Falls. Oregon .
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands arc requested to file ,
their claims in this office on or before said 1st 1
day of April, 1907.
J. N. WATSON, Register. |
9—Lots 1, 2, 3. 4. ft, 6, 7. 8, 9, 10, BLOCK 14—Lot- 1. 2, 3,
15—lxil» 1,2. 4,
11,12,13, 18,20, 21,22, 23.
23—Lots 4, ft, 6,
♦’>—Lots ft, ft.
41— Lot» 2ft, 26,
7—Lots 2, 3, 4. 6, 11, 12.
42— Lots 2, 3. 4,
10— Lots 1, 2, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 1ft,
43— Lots 4, ft.
16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,
99—Lots ft, 6, 7.
IS, 26.
— Lots 3, 4.
11— Lots 1,2, 4, ft. 7, 8, 9.
— Lots 6, 7.
13—Lot ft.
BLOCK 103— Lots 4, ft, 6, 7, 8, 9. 10, 11, 12,
7, 8.
13, 14.
5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
104— Lots 2, 3, 4, 5.
7, 8, 9.
10ft—Lot« 1, 2,3,4, 5,6. 7. 8. 9. 10, 11.
106— Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.
8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.
107— Lot 12.
110—Lot ft.
112—Lots 1,2, 3,4.
151—Lots 11, 12.
Greater Klamath Falls
Notice of Final Settlement.
Î11 the iiiRUur of the eulfite of Allen
DonnM, decertsed.
Notice in hereby given that George Me-
Domild, H<lminl*trator of the estate of Allen
McDonald, <lcee«*ed, has filed in the County
Court of Hie Htrtte of Oregon for the County of
Khicmth, the final Recount of his ft<lmlni*tra-
tlon of said estate, «nd that the Court ha*
fixed Saturday the 9th day of February. 1907,
al the hour of 10 o’clock in the forenoon of
said diiy as the time for the lv arlng of ob­
jection* to Mini account and the Nottlemont
Dated at Klamath F<d1«, (T'/on, this l'th
day of January, 1907.
(.1'0' (it M l'< XALP,
AdminiHtrntor of the estate of .'lien Me-
Do aid, dec cased.
First-Class Livery. Anything from a saddle horse to
a 4-in-hand. Parties conveyed to all points in South­
ern Oregon and Northern California: also to favorite
camping, hunting and fishing grounds.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land office, Lakeview, Ore
gon, Jan. R, 11*7.
Notice is hereby given that in Compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 1R78. entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California, Ore­
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,” as
extended to all the Public Lam! Htates by act
of August 4, 1892, Mary R. Hogue, of Klamath
Falls, county of Klamath, State of Oregon,
has this day filed in this office her sworn
statement No. 336«, for the purchase of the w’,
kw '* sw*4 nw*4 See. 4 and se** ne*4 of Sec. No.
6, in Tp. 37 H, K No. 10 E W in. ami will offer
proof to show that the lam! sought is more
valuable for its timber or stone tlian for agri­
cultural purposes, am! to establish her claim
to said land before the clerk of Klamath
county. Oregon, at hl* office at Klamath Falls,
Oregon, on Tuesday the 2nd day of April,
United Staten Land Office, Lakeview, Oregon,
Petition tor Liquor License
i iwv
To the Honorable County Court <>( the
Not’ce I* hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congres* of
County of Kliiinnth, alate of Oregon.
We the undersigned, residents and June 3,1K7K, entitled "An act for th« sal» of
timber lands in Hie States of California, Ore­
legal voter» of Sprague river precinct gon. Nevada, and Washington Territory,” a*
-aid county and Mute, re-pcetfullv a«k extended to all the Public Land Hates by nut
that a license to »ell Spiritous, Malt and of August 4, 1N92. Henry W. Kee»ee, of Klam­
Virion* I iqnors, in less quantities than ath Falls, county of Klamath, State of Oregon,
baa thia day filed in tnls office his »worn
one gallon in the precinct aforesaid for a statement No. 884ft. for the purchase of the
period of Eight 8 month» from the 12th | Lot 4 of Fee. No. Ml, In Tp 3« H. R No. 10 K W
day of March. A. D. 1907 la* granted to M. and will offer proof to show that the land
C. I*. Willson air* William Wood», un­ • nought in more valuable for it* timber or stone
than .‘or agricultural purposes, and to estab­
der the tirm name of Willson Ac Woods, lish his claim to said land before the clerk of
at Bly, in »aid Precinct, anti your Klainath county, Ore., at his office at K lam
nth Falls, Orc., on Monday, tire 1st day of
petitioner- will ever prav.
S. C. Ilainaker, W. F. Reed, IV. W, April. 19V7.
lie name* a* witnesses:
Finley, P. Bush, Ed. Bloomingcatnp,
If. Smith. Ike Wright, IL H. Grigsby and
C. J. Martin, Nels Urik, Man» Thomp­ Frank Ward, all of Klamath Falls. Oregon.
son, John Daragh. <>. T. Anderson, L.
Any and all pernon* claiming adversely the
L. Griffin, A. W. Evan», J. II. Boyd, above described lands are requested to file
O. I'eterson, W. II. Cnsebeer, R.
R J, their claims in this office on or before said 1st
day of April, 191*7.
Conrtwright, 11. J. luingliHin, Q. N.
J. N \\ ATsoN, Register.
Anderson, Geo. Bloomingmmp, J. 8.
Watt», John W Wells, Amo» Lundy.
Notice for Publication.
<>. R. Stewart, Geo. S. Boyd, Neil Camp­
bell, J, E. Sullivan, ('lias. T. Powne,
United States Land office, Lakeview, Oregon,
E. W. WhelMtone, Spratt Well», Wm.G. January 4,19t>7.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
Snider, I,. II. Yadin, W. F. McArthur,
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
J. A. Parker and J no. B. Kappes.
June 8. 1H7R, entitled "An act for the sale
Notice i» hereby given that the fore­ of timber lands in the States of California.
going petition will lie presented to the Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,’
aforeaaid County Court, on the 11th day as extended to all the Public Land States by
i act of August 4,1A92, Thaddetia G. McHattan,
of March, A. J). 1907.
' of Kern Creek, county of Jackson Stale of Ore-
for You
will soon be
From Lake to Lake
Get Your Lome NOW!