Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, January 17, 1907, Image 5

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    <1 '
Vocal Holo.
..Harry Galarnvau
Acrom ¡»an iat. Mrw. KraiiNo
ASSOCIATION It». Public School librarie«..
.. .»....................
■ II. 11 1 »niib.tr
11. D ìkcumnìoii .
.......... Prof. Faught
Tliv I chc I kth <>f KliimHth county will
By order of
hold mi KMHocintion, ciim-inting of two
C ommittie .
kchh I oiih , nt Khumilh l allx in tin-High
•S liool building.
On Friday evening January 1H, com-
ineiii'ing at H o'clock, a whorl literary
Mi. Smart is at Klamath Falla on
program, comiating of miiaic, reeita- buaineaa.
tiona, and aeveral abort twlkx by citl-
Roy It. Wiae will run the confection­
xena and patrona of the acbool will In«
rendered. Thia will be followed by a ery and hall for R. Melhase.
Mrs. C. ('. Jackson has been at Klam­
reception, and dainty refreshment« will
be nerved. The following day will be ath Falla visiting relatives and friends.
the regular institute aeaaion lor which a
Oscar Bunch and family ut Yanaix
aplendid program baa been provided.
were visitors ut C. E. Hoyt's last Sunday.
The patrona of th« acbool are eapecial-
Mr. Wheeler liaa returned to the
Iv re<|uente<l, and the general public in mountains, where he has a good traping
cordially invited to attend both aea- route.
aiona. Come and apend the evening
I'here ia considerable «now here now,
with th one who are trying to direct
but zero weather is the coldest yet re­
aright tb<‘ Imya and girln, ami before the
corded .
evening cloaca we know you will reaolve
Literary Friday night after an ad­
to apend the next day with ua too.
The teachera from outaide |a>intn will journment of three weeks, on account
be entertained by the teachera of Klam­ of the holidays, was quite a success,
ath Falla, and the former are requested and people came in sleighs from all over
to »end notice to the committee ol their the valley.
M. F. Parker is in Klamath Falls in
intention to la- preaent.
Fattier« and motliera come, that we, the interest of the incorporation of Ft.
an teachera, may become better ac­ Klamath. Everything Is-ars evidence
quainted with you, tliua bringing the <d a success for a town in this part of
the country.
achoola nearer the homea.
The complete program ia aa follow«:
Mr. Scott has returned from Spokane,
Wash., where lie has been in attendance
E vbninii Haaatox J an . 18.
of his little eon, Eli, who is recovering
I. Puet.............................................
Mian Sargeant and Mr*, t'aden from a severe operation. Mr. Scott is
■J. Recitation ......... Mix« Mamie Boyd closing out hie stock of confectionery
goods. He has also sold his bouse and
3. What the Teacher Expent» of
the Parent................
Prof. Swan household goods, and expects to make
his home in Kpokane. Mr. Scott and
4 Vocal Solo . . Mina !<eta N'i- kcraon
5. Recitation...............Vincent Yaden family will be greatly missed here and
we are sorry to have them leave us.
6. What tlie Patron Ex|M.*ctn of
the Teacher
.1. B. Mason
7. Vocal Puett............. Marion and
.tiolda llarnea
H. Public School« from a Buxi­
Colonel Wilkins stopped over night in
ne»» Standpoint
Judge Baldwin Kono on his return to the Falls.
II. Quartet.. ... Maaonx and Fnugtit
The steamer Klamath took quite a
10. Reception and RefreahmentH .
of freight to the Falls Tuesday
from Keno.
P ay F khnion , J an . 19.
Quite a lively dance was had last
I. Music ............. Mira l.eta Nickerson Saturday night at Conard Madison’s
2. School Management................
new House.
Bupt. Wight
Tuesday morning was the coldest of
3. Piacuaaion................... Prill. Carlock
4. Ideals....... .Mixa Stella Campbell the season. The mercury registered 4
degrees la-low sero.
5. Idacuaaion....................................
Tlie barge that is loaded w ith lumber
Mita Ridings ami Miaa l’eeeon
«4. Muaic...........
Selected for Uncle Sam is frozen in tight, and is
well surrounded with ice.
7. Teaching Primary Pupila the
Art of Attention
.Mias Davids m
Mr. Travis of the Oregon Stage Co.
8. Discussion.. Mias Pool,Miaa French was in Keno looking after the interests
of the company. A very decided change
-or sale or lease
is hsiked lor in the near future.
J. H. Padgett killed th.» largest porker
120 acres, one mile
of the season, ft dressed 375 pounds.
Mr. Padgett certainly knows how to
irom Klamath Lails,
raise gissi Imgs.
Iain Hpencer says that the S. P. R. R.
suitable for potatoes
Co. is putting up a very fine house near
Ills place. We exjxrct to hear more ol
tins next spring.
fruit or grain
The people of Keno think tlie Water
Users Association did u wise thing when Apply to T O. Hague, Klamath Falla
they refused to levy a tax for advertis­
ing purposes.
Charley Nelson is going to haul logs
for Thomas McCormack.
expects to saw in the spring.
'Die snow is just about right for log-
ing on sleds, and Mr. Ackle) and Hurry
Wall are utilizing tlie time.
r----- ---------
Great Sale at the Boston
This January clearance sale is a sale
of broad range, a sale that has to do |
with the liest sorts nf merchandise in 1
all lines. 'Tie a movement of magnifi­
cent economy strength, embodying to
an unusal extent the three essentials !
that go to make a great sale, viz: Qtial- '
ity, assortment and value. We have j
l>ent all our efforts to make this the !
greatest bargain event that ever came to
Klamath County, and tlie result ia a1
grouping oi extraordinary bargains that [
no store hereabouts can equal.
Tux B oston S tore .
WANTED—A good stock farm in ex- I
change for good income property in the |
city of Riverside, California, will as­
sume mortgage to the extent of $4900 [
to $500 4. If the ranch is what we want, '
15 to 3) miles from town or railroad !
matters not if that is all that is against
it. Must be about 300 acres of level -
land for hay raising. Address, J. E. !
P aoixx 'K, M3 Main Ft. Riverside, Calif.
This year
are "It."
A h soon as you see our fine
stock you will say so, too.
Men's and Women's! Pocket
acres choicest land in Klamath
Basin, about one-half mile front­
age on Lost River, close to Hen­
ley ranch. A bargain. Investigate.
Men’s and Women's Purses.
Fine Hand Bags
Long Bill Books.
Fire, Life and Accident Insurance
Silver Mounted Card Oases.
Boys’ arid'Girla' Purses
Houses to rent
We will show you a- very
big line to choose from and
the prices are the- lowest we
have ever known for such
Lakeview Mining and Milling Stock—adjoining the
great Loftus Bros.’ strike in Windy Hollow
of the Coyote Hills, Lakeview.
For sale only by the Official Broker
Office in Willson Block.
' Yes, we all know!
Real Estate and Insuraace
That is, everyone who has eaten any of
our bread lately knows that we have at
last attained the perfection we have been
striving for in our line.
bread on sale at the Red Front and Home
Bakery only. Free delivery. Phone 453
for tlxe
Per Year
Buy a Lot in Hills’ Addition
Just Hast of the Depot
One Hundred and Twenty five Dollars
Can you find a better investment in the city?
You are
paying the present value price and will thus secure
the benefit of the increase