<1 ' Vocal Holo. ..Harry Galarnvau Acrom ¡»an iat. Mrw. KraiiNo ASSOCIATION It». Public School librarie«.. .. .».................... ■ II. 11 1 »niib.tr 11. D ìkcumnìoii . .......... Prof. Faught Tliv I chc I kth <>f KliimHth county will By order of hold mi KMHocintion, ciim-inting of two C ommittie . kchh I oiih , nt Khumilh l allx in tin-High •S liool building. LORI KLAHATH On Friday evening January 1H, com- ineiii'ing at H o'clock, a whorl literary Mi. Smart is at Klamath Falla on program, comiating of miiaic, reeita- buaineaa. tiona, and aeveral abort twlkx by citl- Roy It. Wiae will run the confection­ xena and patrona of the acbool will In« rendered. Thia will be followed by a ery and hall for R. Melhase. Mrs. C. ('. Jackson has been at Klam­ reception, and dainty refreshment« will be nerved. The following day will be ath Falla visiting relatives and friends. the regular institute aeaaion lor which a Oscar Bunch and family ut Yanaix aplendid program baa been provided. were visitors ut C. E. Hoyt's last Sunday. The patrona of th« acbool are eapecial- Mr. Wheeler liaa returned to the Iv re<|uenteintn will journment of three weeks, on account be entertained by the teachera of Klam­ of the holidays, was quite a success, ath Falla, and the former are requested and people came in sleighs from all over to »end notice to the committee ol their the valley. M. F. Parker is in Klamath Falls in intention to la- preaent. Fattier« and motliera come, that we, the interest of the incorporation of Ft. an teachera, may become better ac­ Klamath. Everything Is-ars evidence quainted with you, tliua bringing the ent all our efforts to make this the ! greatest bargain event that ever came to Klamath County, and tlie result ia a1 grouping oi extraordinary bargains that [ no store hereabouts can equal. Tux B oston S tore . , — WANTED—A good stock farm in ex- I change for good income property in the | city of Riverside, California, will as­ sume mortgage to the extent of $4900 [ to $500 4. If the ranch is what we want, ' 15 to 3) miles from town or railroad ! matters not if that is all that is against it. Must be about 300 acres of level - land for hay raising. Address, J. E. ! P aoixx 'K, M3 Main Ft. Riverside, Calif. This year are "It." leather goods A h soon as you see our fine stock you will say so, too. Men's and Women's! Pocket Books. acres choicest land in Klamath Basin, about one-half mile front­ age on Lost River, close to Hen­ ley ranch. A bargain. Investigate. ioo Men’s and Women's Purses. Fine Hand Bags Long Bill Books. Fire, Life and Accident Insurance Silver Mounted Card Oases. Boys’ arid'Girla' Purses Houses to rent We will show you a- very big line to choose from and the prices are the- lowest we have ever known for such values. STAR DRUGSTORE Lakeview Mining and Milling Stock—adjoining the great Loftus Bros.’ strike in Windy Hollow of the Coyote Hills, Lakeview. For sale only by the Official Broker TOM STEPHENS, Office in Willson Block. ' Yes, we all know! Real Estate and Insuraace That is, everyone who has eaten any of our bread lately knows that we have at last attained the perfection we have been striving for in our line. * Our bread on sale at the Red Front and Home Bakery only. Free delivery. Phone 453 II. IV. MITCHELL for tlxe Per Year Buy a Lot in Hills’ Addition Just Hast of the Depot One Hundred and Twenty five Dollars FOR A LOT 50x120 FEET BICGEST LOTI SMALLEST PRICOI Can you find a better investment in the city? You are paying the present value price and will thus secure the benefit of the increase * * FRANK IRA WHITE * *