Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, January 17, 1907, Image 4

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E. J. MURRAY, Editor
- -
For a Safe Investment
r«ychti* rtieiioiiifiiH Which
to lie tteyond Mutation by
Any of
the Known Laws of Physical Scl-
euce— A I'uale4 Physicist.
Processor I.ombroso, the Itulinu phys
Iclst. contributed to the Aunules des
Bcleucea l’syehlques an account of two
psychic phenomena which he Investi­
gated purely iu the Interests of mate­
50 rial »deuce. 1'he article Is eutltled I
pense« .................................
00 "Hauuted ILmses Which I Have Stud­
So much has been said pro and con Secretary's salary ...................
US ied." and the professor confessed that
Attorney's salary ... ........ .
regarding the exchange of land on I he
he set about his iuvestlgiitious with
KUmath Indian reservation, through
noth mg to be desired lu the complete­
which the Booth-Kelly Lumber com­
60 ness of his skepticism.
pany secured 87,005 acres for 111,400 Recording lees..........................
The phenomena In queatlou. how­
50 ever. proved to lie beyond solution by
acres, the latter scattered along the
any known laws of physical science.
military road and the former in a com­
8.» Fraukly, the great criminologist ad­
pact body near Yamsav mountain, that
15 mitted that for the tirst time iu bls
investigation reveal the following facts: Stationery...................
fife he was In the presence of the In
The original grant was given in pay­
tangible and that he was worsted In
ment of the construction of a military
Balance iu treasury..........
51 Ills attempt to grapple with the uusub
read from Eugene City to the eastern I
— ■ stautlal.
line of the State, and included every
“I was asked iu Noveuilrer. 1900, to j
$1125 69 investigate
some strung« occurrences
odd numbered section for three miles,
Et.MKK I. Al'I'l KI. VTK.
which bad taken pli.ee at the house of
<M each side of the primosed road, and
Secretary K. W. U. A.
Signor i’tvnrlno by way of Pescatorl,
in some cases six miles. In passing ,
Turin, l 'lie phenomeuou I was asked
through the reservation, it extended ■
to explaui was the mysterious over-
Schedule Of Prices
across the Klamath marsh to Sprague .
turning ef cups and Jugs, which were
river, then east along this stream to the (
precipitated to the ground by Home
caweru boundary of the reservation. It
unseen agency.
The following schedule of prices 1.83
was contended that the land within the
"These occurrences were accotnpa
reservation could not be given to the been adopted by the horseshoers of tiii-d by loud knockings on the walls
»«id company, hut this point was de- Klamath Falls, Oregon, to take effect and the pulling of bells In various
parts of tie house. The youngest
<sded in favor of the road company by I January 21, 1907.
daughter was awakened ou several oc­
j Shoes, Nos. 1 and 2, plain or caulked
the state supreme court in 1903.
per set ............................... »2 00 casions by blows aimed at her by some
After this decision, the Department of 1
unseen lucid. and her Is sly on exami­
- nation was found to tie covered with
the Interior began an investigation to | Shoes, Nos. 3, 4 and 5 plain or
determine the value of the land in order j
bruises, the result of severe pluckings.
that the Indians might be recompensed. t Shoes. No. 6 plain or caulked, per
Iler -sister, who slept iu the same bed,
set........................................ »3 00 felt nothing and was not disturbed in
and Indian agent Wilson was directed I [
to appraise the land inquestion. This, Shoes, old reset, per set ............ - $1 SO any way,
“The dr str of rapiers wu s beard In
examination was made in 1905, and . Shoes, racing plates, per set ... $4 00
were appraised at from $1 to $6 per ' Shoes, ravin plates, reset, per set $3 00 the h >uf • at another time, accompa­
$4 00 nied by cries of anger and groan.« of
acre, with an average price of about , Shoes, bar, pe set.............. ..
auguish. Lights were also seen pass-
$3.33. The valuation of the improve-j
lug to uud fro in unlighted rooms. An
ments was placed at about $10.000. In ,
Alpine bat was continually moving
submitting his report, Major Wilson
about the room, and even when It was
deliberately nailed to a chair an Invis­
stated that he thought that it was
wrong to take the lands away from the
Notice is hereby given that sealed bids ible hand precipitated It to the ground.
»Indians and recommended that instead will be received by the undersigned un­ All these mysterious happenings went
Of-exchanging the lands that they be I til Wednesday, March 20, 1907, at 2 on for eight months, uud iu regard to
them I took the evidence of reliable
bouglrt outright from the road company o'clock p. tn., for the purchase of 20 pentons, who testified that they had
xtifi returned to the Indians.
year, 10 year optional, school bonds been eyewitnesses of the phenomena.
Negotiations led to the projiosition of issued t>v School District No. 2, Klamath Even when the bell ropes were removed
the exchange of the land along the road county, Oregon, to the amount of from the t ells the tinkling continued
Ic Uiw laud near Yarnsay mountain, $12.800.00. Said bonds to bear 6 ¡s-r at all hours of the day and night.
"The scot,1 changed to a h ruse In the
She exchange was considered to be for interest, payable semi-annually, and
the liest interests of all concerned, for, shall be issued in denominations of 12 next street, by way of B»va. adj lining
by way of Pescatorl, where the news­
wf tlie Road company undertook to bonds of $1.600.00 each and one bond of papers of Turin begun to chronicle mys­
■make use of the seggregated lands it $800.00.
terious occurrences of almost a similar
Dated at Klamath Falls. Oregon, this nature to these which invurreil in by
would have kept the Indians in con­
way of Pe-.’catorl. e": • and saucers,
stant turmoiL
• 17th day of January. 1907.
L. A lva L ewis ,
pans and ki ttles belli. Juggled about
This was the view taken of the mat­
by-an uusten agency and causing at
Countv Treasurer.
ter by Indian Commissioner Leupp
the time a most infernal row.
when he visited the Reservation in
"In partic liar, oue circumstance was
1995. This visit however, was not Change of Time Klamath Lak.- most
noteworthy. In the cellar. Oiled
made on account of the negotiations in
Rail Road
With full uud empty bottles, much loss
question and had no relation whatever Commencing Sunday, January 20. 1907. to the proprietor wus caused by tLe
thereto, but was made at the special re-
smashing of the flasks by some unseen
Leave Thrall Daily........7:30 a. m.
band, but with every trace of method
qaeet of Major Wilson, who was desir­ Arrive at Pokegama . 9:35 a. m.
and willfulness In the way In which the
ous of getting him interested in cer­
Leave Pokegama Daily.. 10:55 a. tn.
breakage occurred. On my entrance
tain improvements that he wished
Arrive at Thrall.............. 1:00 p m.
lutu the cellar 1 lighted the candles,
made at the agency and school.
Klamath Lake trains will NOT wait thinking tint a supernatural sj>4rlt
Jn regard to the value of the land se­ for connections at either Pokegama or would avot l the light. On the
lected by the lumber company it has Thrall.
E. T. A bbott .
trary, I saw three empty bottles
been contended that it is far more val­
about us if pushed by a linger
General Manager, K. L. R. R.
uable than that for which it was ex­
break close by me. I made every
Bible Investigation to discover a bidden
changed, taking as a basis the present ■ See Adv for mareli lands.
trick, but tii tu> avail. Several bottles
value of timber land. This exchange .
New line Souvenir leather post cards were taken up iu the air as If lifted by
•was agreed on and the appraisal made a
the hand and dusbed to the ground
year or more ago. At that time the at Winter’s.
"The wife of the proprietor left about
Chitwoods Toilet cream will cure sun­
most optimistic did not dream that the
that time for a visit to her father's.
value of timber claims would reach the burn, tan and freckles.
While she was away the occurrences
■present hgh figure, and consequently
Lowney’s and Bishop's delicious can­ ceased, only to break out again Imme­
the value then assessed was a fair one. dies at Newsom A Underwood.
diately on her return by way of Bava.
But since the price of timber land has
LOST—Between this city ami Pokeg- The waiter of the bouse was then re­
increased, as applied to the tract se­ ama about three weeks ago, a gold moved, and the occurrences ceased al
lected by the Booth, Kelly people, it is bracelet with initial B engraved thereon. together, leaving It to be supposed,
also true that the value of the timber Finder please leturn to Mrs. W. W. since no other hypothesis Is probable,
that he was the medium through which
land within the original grant has also I Watson's and receive liberal reward.
the phenomena were rendered possible.
increased equally a<;ool tmber being
• In Muy. 1903, I was asked to inves­
For sale.—Good three room cottage
within this grant as that contained in |
with two lots, will be sold ata bargain. tigate another mysterious affair which
tlie 87,000 acres.
This is true, ano
Also one cook stove and one heater. happened In the family of a printer
no plausible reason has as yet been ad­
named Mlguotti, also in Turin. It was
Enquier at my place near the high noticed that when one of his children,
vanced why it is no', then the In­
school.—L. A. Martin.
a little boy, went to bed at night loud
dians are ahead the value of the agri­
cultural land, some of which is quite I The late .Senator Hearst ma le the knockings began to be beard on the
valuable. In addition to this should foundation for the Hearst fame and for­ wa.'l next to which he lay. A doctor,
police and myself were called In.
also lie taken into consideration the fact tune on the Comstock lode, just 200miles the
We examined the walls and the room«
that the land selected by the lumber south of the great strike in the Coyote with great care.
company is on the outside edge of the Hills where are located the mines of the
“As soon as the boy was plumed In
reservation, thus removing a disturbing I Lakeview Mining <St Milling Co. Ore­ bls lusl the knocking liegan. It was
gon is soon to have her Tonapah in the evidently conducted In an intelligent
element to the Indians.
Criticism of Commissioner Leupp will Coyote Hills. The first allotment of manner, and it was possible to estab­
not hold water, for he is recognized as I stock is the ground floor. When its lish .mills sort of communication. It
one of the most uncompromising ene- i sold you will have to take the elevator was only, however, when the boy lay
mies of graft that is in the entire Her- [ to get in at all. They have got the awuke that the phenomenon occurred.
vice. He is the personal selection of dope. There has been more gold pro­ As «soon as he went to sleep the knock­
ing became very vague auil indistinct.
the president, who placed him in his duced in the section lying between He was clearly the Immediate cause,
present position on account of nis integ-i Goldfield and the Coyote Hills than in though beyond a high fever, when the
any other section of the world. You phenomenon was most frequent, he
It would seem after a thorough ex­ missed it in Goldfield, Tonapah, Bull was In other respects a normal child.
amination of all the facts connected with ' Frog and Manhattan, and if you don’t I state these facts clearly and abso­
the furore raised ill connection with the] act quickly you will be too late on Lake­ lutely as I witnessed them and confess
exchange that there is no ground for j view Mining <Sc Milling Co. stock. .Stock my total inability to explain them.”—
the charge of sharp practice on the part j in the first allotment at 25c 1 share. 406 Public Opinion.
ofainone, an 1 that eventually it will shares $100. $100 invested in mining
.1« |$n '!»*««• LH<M|iif*r.
be demonstrated that the deal was a stock consolidated of Goldfield last Jan­
Jnpnnose Inrqi >r I m ii very otirloni
wise one and will result in much go<xl uary is worth $4606 today—a gain of
to the Indians.
$4 500 in less than one year. You could substance. A simple tree sap, like
maple sap. It Is. yet when applied to
have bought the whole of Klamath wood or metal quite Indestructible. A
Secretary’s Quarterly Statement
Falls a few years ago for the price of coat of laeqiiei' Is proof against alco­
Beginning October 7, 196''>. Ending one Main St. lot—opportunities to be hol, against boiling waler, against al­
January 6, 1607.
won must be grasped. 'J'he Lakeview most all known agents. The lacquer
Mining A Milling Co. lias ten claims. tree of Japan Is very large. It is al­
Recei pts:
They have the ore 200 feet strong. ways cut down at the age of forty
Collected from Assessments 1, 2
They have the gold $20 to $800 per ton year-, ns thereafter it begins to dry
and 3, receipts 1032 to 1107,
across the dike. A ton of ore occupies up. Em-li tree yields on Its demolition
inclusive, and Treasurer’s
about six barrels of lacquer sap. The
receipts 72 to 81, inclusive $1170 42 but few cubic feet of space. The available Japanese are very careful not to let
Warrants overdrawn previous
foreigners Into the secrets of lacquer­
44 73 yield enough gold to put every owner of ing.
400 shares on Easy street. Stock to be
$1125 60 had from the official broker T. W.
Men ought to calculate life both as
STEPHENS, Real Estate and Insu­ If they were fated to live a long and a
I 'isburseinents :
short time.—Blns.
rance, Willson Block.
Warrants 2S0 to 324, inclusive.
Grandview Addition to Bonanza
c. h . M c K endree
Klamath County,
Special Sale
for six days only, commencing
Monday, Jan. 21, special sale of
Fleecedown Stitls’ Cloaks
This sale is bona fide-nothing
shoddy or shop-worn.
article hears the Stilts brand of
High grade quality and is guaranteed first-class
or you get your money back
< * <