Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, January 17, 1907, Image 1

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    Officlal Newspaper
ol Klamath County
affair, several of the wives ol memls-rs
being present ami reiving refo-idimeiits.
A gisid attendance is reported. A cam­
paign ot education is on the program.
It is reported that Charley Flackus
has been ap|s>inted General Sujierin-
temlent of all tIm roads or road super­
visors of the county, by the county
court. Who says it isn't better to Is*
lucky than tube rich?
Well,, belt's
to you, Charles.
I. F. Daves is keeping bachelor's hall
in his new residence. Frank Cutter is
-chef. Those who predicted that Mr. D.
1 was going to be married as soon as his
! new house was completed have been
I disappointed.
A party of people passed the day
I pleasantly at the comfortable home of
Mr. and Mrs. M ike Roeck last Thursday,
the men at playing solo, and the ladies
( in social chat.
i The late snows have made sleighing
pretty g>xsi, ami everyone is getting out
Ills cutter. However, the absence ol
sleigh bells is noticeable.
Altiert Burgdorf bought some hay
from Charley Welk, not long since, for
*2..50 a ton.
W. I’. Hedge, the Dairy merchant,
was at the Falls on business last week.
of Klamath County
NO. 42
prove more satisfactory than the levy­
ing <>t a tax to buy the material and a
later tax to pay the cost of construction.
When the time comes to build a court
house for Klamath county the Isind sys­
tem should la- adopted, thus placing the
burden on the shoulders of tho-e who
will get the lienefit bi it— the people
who com» here after it is completed
K lamatli county is badly in need of a
court house and the time is fast approach­
ing when it will lie imperative to erect
a new building. When that time ar­
rives it is to be hoped lhattlie taxpayers
will vote to build a substantial structure '
—one that will serve the purposes of I
many generations and be a credit to the >
county. *100,000 at least should be in­
vested in the structure, and this amount ,
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- a
if raised by the issuance of long time
iii th«* right, and that the Chamber
bonds, would never be a burden to the . will be ell ready when the weather will
uoultl HiiHtain ith action, why the neceRH«
taxpayers at present residing in Klam­ permit, in the spring to rush the work
Boat Would Have to ! ity of rrttorting to trickery to get ita
ath county.
as fast as ¡Missiole, to completion. The Much Business Disposed
rtMioluliona to the authorities an<! «ena*
Leave Here at Hidnight torn
on the ground floor will lie ar-
Monday night came very near being a ,
of — Indebtedness In-
at Waniiington before they were
ranged for offices and will be occupied
in Order to Make Con- paRHed upon and approved by vote of
ath Falls, and if it had not lieen for the , by the Klamath Development and the
creasing—May Cause an
the Chamber? Tell the-------------that,
quick wit of Bob Sloan and Jim Henley 1 Hot Springs Improvement Co.
nections at Pokegama
won’t you ’ 1 would like to know what
Occupation Tax
much of the business section would i Readers of the Republican who have
biiRineHH that Chamber han to try to di-
, rect the courKv of the irrigation author­
threatening conflagration was discov- 1 our clubbling offer will receive the
As will fie seen by the schedule pul ities, anyway, much I vrr part of a com­
The deadlock that has tied up tbe-
ered by Bob Sloan in the kitchen of the the paper or magazine ordered one
lished elsewhere in this issue, there is mittee of that b<wly? J underatand that
Portland restaurant. He ami Henley year from the date they get the first business of the city since December 4 ,
to be another change in the arrival and the Chamber’* metnberHhip in mostly
broke in the front door and found the ! copy. The Republican had to have a was broken last Thursday evening when
departure of trains at Pokegituia and comp >ned of bunineNH men, not of land­
(tames eating their way into the wall certain number of orders before send­ the City Council met for the first lira«*
Thrall. The grumbling that has at nil holder* or water iiHers, and that its THE PRIVATE
hack of the kitchen stove. They had • ing in the names. All magazines and
times been manifested by those who legitimate function is the* promotion
SECRETARY gained considerable headway, but they papers will be ordered this week, so the in over six week. The cause for th«
were obliged to get out <4 a warm bed and upbuilding of Klamath Fall*, a most
were able to subdue them by the use of subscribers ought to receive the Feb­ suspension of meetings was the absence
at 4 o’clock in the morning in order to laudable purpose. Why *hould a small
soup anil coffee, a large quantity of i ruary number of the perodical they j from the city of Councilmen Maetun,.
take the stage has grown into a vigor­ committee of that I mm I v try to control
A Very Success! I
Production Of
Ward and Woodbury.
Capt. Wood ­
which happened to tie close at hand subscribe for.
ous and vehement protest against the and direct the affairs of the Mater users
If after a reasonable
and th*.
necessity of leaving here at 1 o'clock m also? Ami that by trickery, too? 1
length of time you do not get it, advise
ure of many to bear the bell, the re-1 this office and the uiatter will be in- Mayor immediately issued a calf for a
order to make connections at Pokegama think that every reader of the county
spouse to the fire alarm was slow. It < vestigated. But please do not get im- meeting.
and avoid the remaining in that place pa|H*r* has been able to see ami under-
Home talent wored another victory
So much business accumulated dur­
was claimed by the proprietor, Olson, patient and enter complaint too soon.
over night. There is a serious question , Htand that the motive* behind the affair
lust Saturday evening when the play
ing the interim that it lequired two-
that the rear door had been forced and '
in the minds of the Navigation com­ Wrt* the promoti »n of the private busi-
‘ I he Private Secretary” was produced
twat a case of eggs was missing, and he 1 J. B. Chambers, proprietor of the Gun sessions to dispose of it. Tlte first
pany as to whether they will run their lie** of the head ot that committee, and
I m 4(ore a crowded bouse. It was a cane
advanced the theory that someone ■ Store, has rented the low land back of thing that claimed the attention of the
'ooat to Keno if this schedule is main­ a manly acknowledgement of that fact
Ackley’s saw mill and is pumping into council when it was callento order wae
; of laugh, roar and scream from In gin-
dropped a mateli while prowling around.
tained, as it is a difficult matter to would once more bring about peace in
ing to end. C. T. Oliver was a hummer. The place was insured for *H00. Olson it water from the lake for the purpose the resignation of Councilman frank
navigate the river la-tween here and ■the community. and rehabilitate the di*-
When he ipoke everyone laughed, ami
of making a skating rink.
Electric Ward. He is spending the winter in>
left fur Portland Wednesday morning,
Keno. Khould this company determine traded Chaml**r of Commerce.
the opinion ingoing around that (.'ale
lights are to be strung and every effort California, and inasmuch as he wouldi
to withdraw from this service, it will
On a recent occasion the telephone at miiutvd his vocation,
F. C. Bamber
made to furnish a convenient place for be unable to attend to his duties be •
the hands of a real estate firm, fixing
nécessite the
the Dairy postofflee rang the call for the sustained hi* character admirably,
the enjoyment of this populor sport.
tendered hie resignation, which was
the price at *500.
by stage, and
operator there. The postmaster was while Earl Whitlock ami William
accepted. Silas Ghenchain, sheriff or
Old Man Winter did things around
bu*y in his store, . and tl.e call was re­ Wagner acquitted themselves in a < ied­
were badly scorched, having passed this county, was elected as his successor,
There is at hand only one reason for
pealed a number ni times, with an itable manner. A h Mr. Maryland J. here Sunday and Monday and hammer­
tire Junction City wreck, when and the council manifested much
this change in the schedule of the rail-
interval lietween,
Finally, when he Scott Taylor fulfilled the desires of the ed the mercury down to 4 degrees below
one of the mail cars was destroyed by wisdom in its selection, for it placed the
road, and whether that reason is a cor- answered the call,
a request came, in a audience.
Mamie Boyd and Ethel zero. This is about the coldest weath­
tire. Doubtless much mail destined 1- NT interests of the taxpayers of the second
rect one can only la* surmised, Mr. Voice loud and clear enough to be heaid
('lark Rurpriaed everyone ami showed er that has visited this section for years,
this city and county was consumed by ward in the hands of a man who will,
Abbott, manager of the railroad, has
by the by-standers, “Ila*----------------- of evidence of considerable latent talent. and the "oldest inhabitant” has to re­
carefully guard them.
the flames.
also the supervision of the hotel at
Swan Lake gut a telephone?” *‘No,” Mr. and Mr*. Lowe, aw was expected, adjust his dates to correspond with the
Bills aggregating *2(100 were ordered!
Thrall, and the accusation has often
Foremen Raters and Heavener were paid. Most >f -this was in payment oí
wa* the answer. “Then semi a mes­ did admirably, the former causing “winter of 1906-7.” Monday afternoon
lieen made that he operated the railroad
senger to him, regardless of cost, tell­ much laughter by his many idiosyncra- | (aw it warm up a li le, and since the I the victims of a vicious attack by a gang street work. This expíense has reached,
for the enhancement of the hostelry.
tliemometer has had an upward tenden­ of Austrian laborers, employed on the such proportions that it will be nec­
ing him that he is wanted at Klamath sies.
<If course this charge is ridiculous, but,
Fall* at once, on the most urgent busi­
As a whole the performance was a cy, so that it will not be long until the ditch near the Hot Springs. Tuesday af­ essary to call a halt, for it has run the-
nevertheless, it touched a sensitive spot
ness.” By telephoning to a nvighlor of creditable one ami is assured of a usual balmy weather is prevailing again. ternoon. They were not seriously in­ indebtedness of the city dangerously
in Mr. Aldsitt, nod it may not lie going
the party wanted a messenger was crowded house next Saturday when it The storm has lieen general througout jured, but were pummeled pretty badly. near the limit allowed by law. Th«
fur wrong to guwa that this one thing
J the entire Pacific coast, and the people
secured. After the messenger had sad­ ! w ill again be reproduced.
W e have a few choice lots that will he question of levying an occupation tax
has had much to do with his determina­
j in California have been suffering from in the business center of Klamath Falls was discussed and it may later bt>
dled his horse, it occured to him that
tion to so arrange the schedule of the
shivers for the past week, (lurries of that we are offering tor f.50.00 per front deemed advisable to pass suub. an
he ought to know who it was that want­
flidway Bar Opens
railroad so as to admit of passengers
snow being reported as far south as San foot. Terms easy, come and make your ordinance in order to replenish the
ed bi in, and for w hat purpoRt*. So he
getting away from Thrall without re­
went to the 'phone and made the nec­
W. II. Dulaney, manager of the Mid­ Jose.
selection. Hot Springs Iniprovment Co . treasury. A readjustment of the street
maining there over night.
essary inquiry. Back came the answer way Bar, hold the formal opening of his
II. T. Chitwool has decided to aban­
Campbell & Burns.
work was also discussed, and the opin­
If this surmise is correct. Mr. Abbott
from the Falls. “Tell Mr.----------------- e-tablishment last Saturday evening. don the peaceful labors for the more
ion was freely expressed that the
has taken too seriously this matter.
that Miss-----------------of Ashland is here Mr. Pulaney has spent over fl.dOO in strenuous avocation of a farmer, and
property abbutting improved streets
Passengers reaching Thrall are a good
Heitkem per-Moore
and waits his coming with great anxi­ fitting up Ins new place of business, and pursuant to that determination disposed
should bear a part of the expense.
D e
deal like the fellow who was out all
ety.” And thereby hangs a romance of the result of his efforts has justified the of his interests in bis drug store to the
was suggested that such an arrangement
night—a little cranky, for a long stage
love ami courtship, of a recent visit to expense. The bar and fixtures are fin­ Chitwood Drug Company, of which II.
Miss Clara Mo re of Portland and Mr. bema,,e «n'i that «11 street work tie let to
ride at this time of the year does not
Ashland, the lover, asup|H>sed refusal ished in mahogany, the floor covered T. Chitwood is manager. Mr. Chit- C. E. Heitkeuiper of this city were! the lowest bidder. No definite actioix
have a tendency to sooth the nerves
of the parents to allow a consummation with linoleum, the walls covered with wood has purchased a fine
raneli united in marriage at the coni house ! was taken on the question.
and teni|H>r of the average traveller, and
of the vow* made bv the lovers, of his beautifully decorateli and expensive property in Swan lake valley, The Wednesday, Rev. .1. B. Griffith otm-iat-1 Liquor licenses were issued to Isaac
many things may have been said on the
sad return without his bride nnd the p:i|wr, and grill work, portiera, palms new firm will continue the business at ing. Miss Moore came o> this < ity I’ues- Wright, C. Ross Anderson, Stewart and
spur of the moment that should go un­
denouement as stated above. The trite I ami plants complete the decorations the same place and in the same thor­ day in company with G. Heil kemper, , Lyon and J. V. Houston.
noticed. Making the trip Irom here to
saying, that “love laughs at locksmiths” : that are harmonious and effective.
ough and up-to-date manner that has Jr. Mr. Heitketnper ca.ne to -.hi« city j A sidewalk was ordered along the •
I’ekegauia in the night is too much of a
I has a new illustration in the ubove ' The rear room has been fittisi up by­ won for the house the confidence of the last lieeemlier, and since that time has i north side of Seventh street, between
hardship, and The Republican believes
Mr. Pulaney for the serving ot a mer­ community.
that if Mr. Abbott will look at it from
. made many friends, who congratulate Main and Pine stre?ts.
The Pinocle club of last w inter has chants’ lunch. This is going to I h > one
Property owners on Oak street who
G. Heitkemper. Jr., who hit- been ill and wish him many years of happiness.
the point of view of the people of this
are occupying a portion of the pnldic
city and county, he will think so, too. been r»'<»rgani/.ed uii «I< t the name of the of the features of his house, and no ex- Portland for two week, returned home
highway were ordered to vacate the
During this season of the year, ami un­ Solo club. Its membership, so tar as' l>ense w ill be spared to make it a suc­ Tuesday. He expressed much satisfac­
Hains and Davey
same within ninety days.
til the roads are in better condition a known to the writer, consists of Mike cess. This is only a step taken in the tion on getting hack and away from the
direction of greater improvements, in abominable climate of Portland, which
Lights were ordered placed on the*
schedule that will cause passengers to Rueck, Pctersteiner, L’hrmann, Ilans
which Mr. Pulaney is the pioneer.
is a good deal fora former Portlandite
leave here at about <> o'clock in the and Henry Stoehsler, Heilbrunner, .
The state legislature was organized following points. Sixth and Pine, Cal­
to say. While in Portland Mr. Heit­ by the election of E. W. Hains of Wash­ ifornia avenue, at the intersection Con­
morning and Pokegama almut four tn Ered and Godfrey Beck, and Sherman— i
Chamber Of Commerce kemper purchased a large stock of phon­ ington as president of the senate and ger avenue and First street, Eleventh
the afternoon would give unqualified ' and several others a* honorary nietn-
liers. The game is played without re-!
ographs and replenished his depleted Frank Davey a« speaker of the house. street and Klamath avenue.
stock of jewelry, his holidays sales hav­
Residents in the vicinity ofthesouth
Mr. Abbott has always evinced a de ward or penalty—just for the fun of
The regular meeting of the Chamber ing far exceeded his most sanguine ex­ Each had a walkover.
portal of the tunnel petitioned the
sire to cater to the convenience of the putting the “other fellow in the hole.”
of Commerce was held last evening in
Council for the restoration of the* side­
people of Klamath Falls, and The Re­
Farmers of Yonna valley are of the
the Murdoch block. President Wilkins
City Tax Levy
walk that was taken upon account of
publican feels safe in making the pre- I j practical sort. They don’t sell all of
occupied the chair after an absence of
the construction of the government
diction that he will not fail to do so in theit fat cattle to the cattle buyer, and
several weeks from the city. The va­ city last Thursday evening. He was '
this case. Heretofore whenever any then (hqiend upon the high-priced
A tax of 8 mills was mada by the city canal. The matter was taken uudei
cancy in the office of vice president was accompanied by Mrs. Wilkins and his
question has arisen that required an butchers for 1 their winter’s supply of
at its meeting last Thursday, advisement, pending the determination
tiled by the election of O. B. Cates. A grandson, Matt Minnis. The steamer
adjustment that would accord with lieef. On the contrary they save up a
it was submitted to the county of the question as to whether the city
committee was appointed to gather sam­
what was deemed for the l-est interests 1 head or two of fat ones and later on
body refused to accept it on relinquishes control over the stree 1
ples of grain and other products of to convey the Colonel and his family
crossing the canal when it granted a
of this section, that adjustment has lieen I butcher them, , letting their neighbors
Klamath county. The members were and Capt. Woodbury, who returned the grounds that it was not made franchise to the Reclamation Service.
secured by placing the matter before have the aurplua at 5 to 8 cent*, some
Messrs. Swan, Kunbar. Brower, Puter-
The destruction or removal of this side­
Mr. Ablsitt, and it is for the purpose of ! aelling a hind quarter as low as tl cent*. baugli and Brandenburg.
Colonel is glad to get back to his “dear county levy might invalidate the entire
walk has worked a great hardship not
doing so that The Republican has
Awhile ago Win. Wight bonghta (trip
The change in the schedule of the
only on the residents of this section but
touched on this matter at this time. It j of ground two rods wide off the went
Klamath Lake railroad came up for con­ Mrs. Wilkins is going to remain perma­
also on the mem tiers of the Catholic
feels confident that nt an early date it | aide of Tom Michael’s north forty, to
Merchants’ Lunch
sideration, and General Manager Abbott nently.
church, who are
obliged for many
will be able to announce a change that give him an outlet from his claim to the
and President McCormick were petition­
The attention of The Republican
mud ankle
will suit all parties.
I wish to inform the people of Klam­
main road.
Now that the
land ed to so arrange the arrival and de­ readers is railed to the full page ail.
deep in order to reach the church. Some
The Oregon Stage company lias decid­
office has decided that he has no right parture of trains from Pokegama as of the Portland Clothing and Shoe
provision should he made to remedy
ed to run a stage from here at 3 o’clock
to the claim, the ouestion, What is he to avoid the all night ride by stage from store, The astonishing feature of it way Bar a grill where will be served a this trouble.
in the afternoon, stopping over night at going to do with the strip, is an interest
this city.
is in the fact that goods offered at prices
Keno or Spencer's. This will avoid the ing one.
that are real bargains, and will un­ have spared no pains or expense in the
night ride, though it will result in much
doubtedly have the result of further carrying out of this idea, and I feel con­
Additional Briefs
Arrangements are in progress for a
additional expense to the stage com­
of my interests in
strellghtenLig the confidence of the
daiuuig pnily in Excelsior hail at Dairy
proval of the public by receiving most the Chitwood Drug company, I wish to
on the evening of Fehruay 14th. St.
Practically all of the ice has been causing an unprecedented patronage liberal patronage. The Midway Bar to­ take this opportunity of thanking Ibe
Valentine's day.
Messrs. "Brown”
harvested and the expected shortage
day represents an investment of up­ people of Klamath Falls and Klamath
during the sale period.
Michael and
Pearson are promot­
wards of $G.<KK>. I have always carried county for their liberal patronage in the
will not materialize.
Bert Hall who
ing the affair, whieh prognosicates suc­
.1. W. Puterhaugh, who went to San
put up most of the ice for the merchants,
only the vt-rv highest grades of wines, t>ast. and recommendimz to their
cess. Good music is promised. A pub­
Jose to spend the holidays, returned tn liquors nnd cigars in the past and in-
states that the recent cold snap made
fill consideration ,.y successor. , f
lic invitation is to be given.
lie states that
t his city last Saturday
T^-ini h ice on the Upper lake.
t'-ml to pursue the seme ]a>licy in the speak for them most coutteoni
Stock owners are doing n good deal of
Lake county is to have a new court
tature. I am confident that the ser­ nient, efficient service and flr-t
Basin bv our
tested in the Klatnt
riding these days, looking for strays. A
vice rendgied both nt the bar and the goods.
u y and baw -
number went over to the Sprague river nient affair, brick la'ing the material Southern neighbor«.
menu mil servi’e of the Merchants'
Being desirous of closing up
country for that purpose Inst week.
A. M. Taylor, the contmetor who has hmeh will give the utmost sati-laetion, books r.t the earliest date pus
that wi.l be u-e I. Lake county is slum
The socialists local held n meeting ii.ga progressiveness that i« ennoble, the contract for building the large briek and I cordially invite your patronage.
will be obliged if tho-e owing me
last Sunday at tl.e bachelor home of althou.li it is believe I that if bonds on the Hot Springs Addition is now
W. IL Pi i yxi:v,
make prompt settlement ot tlo-ir
Henry Stoehslcr. It was partly a social 1 Wile issued to puy till V.’.jV SV it Would b .si piep.uing the flame work and
Manager Mi lway Bar.
t.C. C iutwo
Is Again theCauseof Much Agitation
Among the Citizens
Official Newspaper
But Not in Time to Put Through the
Pax Levy