Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1907)
4th day ot ret ruary. IS'' Notice For Publication. He names a* wttu«*>»es: Vmt«‘«l Slate» Land oitice, Lakeview. Oregon, Frank Rolfe of klamath Falls. Oregon Orcober 24. 190<;. Frank keiehvr of klamath »alls, orvgon. Notice is hereby given that in compliance E. L. Forker of klamath Fall», Oregon. Huh the provisions of the act «»f con*rv»»ot ('. C. Brower of klamath Fall». Oregon. lane 3, 1878, entitled "An act lor the »ale ol Any and all persons claiming adversely the timber lands in the state of California. Ore- above described lauds are requested to file Nevada, and Washington Territory.’ a» their claim» in th ¡»office on or before said 4th «•Mended to all the Public Land State* by act dav of February. 190?. * ■of August 4,1892, George Toedt, uf W ved. Coun 11-29-2 1 J X. wxTOON, Register. ty of Siskiyou, state of California, has riled tn rbuiofrice his sworn statement No. 8198 for Notice for Publication. i>urcha*e of the K‘t j *W’»4 Sec. 4. and E’, United State» Laud office. Lakeview, Oregon, of Sec No. 9, in Tp. 37 S. R No. V. E W M wild will offer proof to show that the laud Dec. 10 1903. Motive is hereby given that in compliance nought is more valuable for its timber or »tone han lor agricultural purpose*, audio estab- with the provisions of the act of Congress of JWh his claim to said land before county clerk i June 3. 1878. entitled "An act (or the sale of ■js klau.ath county a: hi» official place ot bu»i- timber laud» in the States of California. Ore gon. Nevada, ami Washington Territory," a» /»**», at klamath Falls, Oregon, on Honda) extended to all the Public Land States by act 4th day of February. 1907. of August 4. 189«!. william Lashua. of He names as witnesses: klamath rails, eouuly of klamath. state of J. C. Smith of klamath falls, Oregon. oregon. ha» riled m this office his sworn state Marry Deans of klamath Falla Oregon. ment no . .»306. for the purchase of the n’t ne%. ■M i PbHHp* of klamath Fall«, Oregon. >e‘4nel4, swl4nwl4 of Sec no 5 in Tp. no . MV. J. Broderick of klamath Falls. Oregon. Any and all person» ciaimiug adversely the 44 8.R No. 6 E. w M. and will offer proof to .above described lands are requested to tile »howthat the land sought is more valuable for r.heir claims in this office on or before »aid 4th its timber or stone than tor agricultural pur* poaes, and to establish his claim to said laud «Jay of February, 1907. before county Clerk ot klamath countv. at bis Z1-22-2-1 J- N- Batson. Register. official place ot b isint»» at klamath rails, | Oregon, on Tuesday, rue 5th day of March. 1907. Notice for Publication. He names as witnesses: Vnitol State« Land Office. Lakeview. Edward Kchtinaw 8. A. Michelson. W. G. Thompson and rrauk rax all of klamath Falls, Oregon. Nov. 26, 1906. Notice is hereby given that in com Oregon. pliance with the provisions of the act of Auy and all persons claiming adversely the Congress of June 3, 1876, entitled “An above described lands are requested to file jet for the sale of timber lauds in the their claims iu this oltice uu or before »aid 5th States of California. Oregon. Nevada, 3*y of March. 1M7, 12 JO-.'-Jt J. X waraox. ReiUter. jmd Washington Territory.” us extend- -ad to all the Public Land btates by act «M August 4, 1892, Layman E. Laton- Notice For Publication. avCAe, ot Portland, county of Multno- United States Land Office, Lakeview, wail, State of Oregon, has filed in this Nov. 22, 1906. •jgiiee his sworn statement No. 3199. for Oregon, Notice is hereby given that in com <be purchase of the M'S si'1,, SE1-« ^W‘4,SWl4 NWl4 of See. No. 33 ill Tp. pliance w ith the provisions ot the act of No. 37 S. K. No. V E, W M. and will Congress ot June 3, 1878, entitled ' an offer prool to show that the land sought act tor the sale of timber lands in the aa more valuable for its timber or stone , States of California. Oregon. Nevada, than for agricultural purposes, and to and Washington Territory,” as ex «Ntablteb his claim to said land before tended to all tne Public Land States by <Jeo. Chastain. County Clerk of Klam act of August 4.1892, John Hagelstein, ath Countv, at his official place of busi of Klamath Falls, county ot Klamath, ness at klamath Falls. Oregon, on State of Oregon, has filed in this office Thursday the 7th dav of February, his sworn statement No. 3224. for the purchase of the SE*4 XU't4, N*^SWl-4 1907. of Sec. No. 17. in Tp No. 37 >. K No. He names as witnesses : Geo. B. Carlisle of Klamath Falls, 9 E, W M. and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable Oregon. Wm. J. Carlisle of Klamath Falls. for its iimber or stone than for agricul tural purposes, and to establish his Oregon. Geo. W. Wilson of Klamath Falls, claim to said land before County Clerk of Klamath County, at his official place I Oregon. »Otto Greer of Klamath Falls, Oregon. of business at Klamath Falls, Oregon, «Charity Myer« of Klamath Falls, Ore- on Tuesdav, the 5th dav of February, 1907. «on. Any ami all persons claiming adverse He names as witnesses : John Janssen, Fred Janssen. Gottfried ly the above described lands are re quested to file their claims in this office Neubert and Ben Carlisle all of Klam < m or before said 7th day of February, ath Falls, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely »07. the above-described lands are requested 11-29-2-1 J. N. W atson , Register. to tile their claims in this office on or before said 5th day of February, 1907. Motice for Publication. 11-29-1-31 J. N. Watson, Register. United States Land Office, Lakeview, Oregon, Nov. 22, 1906. Notice for Publication. Notice is hereby given that in com- | pl is nee with the provisions of the act of United States Land office, Lakeview, Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled “An Oregon. Nov. 22, 1906. .-act for the sale of timber lands in the Notice is hereby given that in com •States of California, Oregon, Nevada, pliance with the provisions of the act of aui.i Washington Territory,’’as extended Congress ol June 3, 1878, entitled “An co all the Public latnd .States by act ol act for the sale of timber lands in the August 4, 1892, Kay Lamb, of Keno, ( States of California, Oregon, Nevada, «eoanty of Klamath, State of Oregon,' and Washington Territory, as extended Eiae filed in this office hi" sworn state- to all the Pu'dic Land States by act of sxaent No. 3225, for the purchase of the August 4, 1892, Basil S. Grigsby, of -sgJ-4 sxl-4 >'iec. No. 31, in Tp. No. 40 8, Klamath Falls, county of Klamath, E No. 8 E, W M, and will offer proof to State of Oregon, has thia day filed in -«how that the land sought is more val-t this office his sworn statement No 3264. uable for its timber or stone than for for the purchase of the E‘tNW.'a, ami agricultural purposes, and to establish Ixits 1 and 2, of Section No 19, in Town iiis claim to said land before County ship No 38 8, Range No 10 E, W M, Cierk of Klamath Countv. at bis official and will offer proof to show that th^ ¿laoe of business at Klamath Falls, land sought is more valuable tor its ■Oregon, on Tuesday, the 5tli day of timber or stone than for Agricultural February, 1907. purposes, and to establish his claim to >He names as wttne-ses: said land before County Clerk of Klam Esli Morgan, A. W. Shur, Henry ath County, at hie official place of busi Chapman and Brice W.McCormick, all of ness at Klamath Falls, Oregon, on Wed Keno, Oregon. nesday, the6thdayof February, 1907. Any and all persons claiming adverse- He names as witnesses: gy the above described lands are re C. N. Snow, V. . M. Snow. W. O. quested to file their claims in this office Webb and W. H. Webb all of Klamath on or before said 5tb day of February, Falls, Oregon. 1907. J. N. Watson, Register. Any and all persons claiming adversely 11-29-2-1 the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or lie- fore said 6th day of February, 1907. Notice for Publication 11-29-1-31 J. N. Watson, Register. «■United State« Ijind Offica, I«akeview, Notice for Publication. Oregon, Nov. 22, 1906. Notice is hereby given that in com ’ United States Land oflice at Lakeview, Ore- pliance with the provision« of the act of , gon. Oct. 24, ;90<. i Notice is hereby given that in compliance Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled “An ; with the provisions of the act of Congress of ¿id for the sale of timber lands in the J June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of States of California. Oregon, Nevada, timber lands in the States of California, Ore and Washington Territory,” aa extend- gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,” as extended to all the Public Land States by act to all the Public Land States by act I of August 4, 1892, William J. Broderick, of ■of August 4, 1892, William J. Phillips, ' Klamath Falls, county of Klamath, State of of Klamath Falls, county of Klamath, 1 Oregon, has filed in this office hissworr state- ment No. 3197, for the purchase of the Lot 2 of State of Oregon, has filer! in this office | | Section No. 3, in Townshiv No. 37 8, Range No. his sworn statement No. 3254, for the 9 E W M, and will <»ffer proof to show that the purchase of the Lot 3 of Sec. No. 3, in land «ought is more valuable*for its timber or Tp. No. 37 S, R No. 9 E, W M, and will stone than lor agricultural purposes, and to •■jffer proof to show that the land sought I establish hi«« claim to said lan«l before County of Klamath County, at his official place is more valuable for its timtjer or stone I Clerk of business, at Klamath Falls, Oregon, on than for agricultural purposes, and to i Ihutsday, the 3rd day of January, 1907. «establish his claim to said land liefore He names as witnesses: county clerk of Klamath county, at his Geo Toedt, of Weed, California. official place of business at Klamath J. C Smith, of Klamath Falls, Oregon. Falls, Oregon, on Wednesday the 6th Harry Deans, oi Klamath Falls, Oregon. «Jay of February, 1907. W..L Phillips, o.' Klamath Falls, Oregon. He names as witnesses: ( Any and all personseiaiming adversely the J. C. »*mhh of Klamath Falls, Oregon. above-described lands are requested to file W. J. Broderick of Klamath Falls, their claims is this office on or before said 3rd | day of January, 1907. Oregon. J. N. W ATSON. Register. Harris Deans of Klamath Falls, Ore. 11-1-1-3 George Toedt of Weed, California« Any and all persons claiming adverse Notice tor Publication. ly the above described lands are re- «qoested to file their claims in.this office Lakeview’. Oregon. Oct. 24,1906. <in or before said 6th dav of lehr nary, Notice is hereby given that in compliance , 4907. with the provisions of the act of Congr«;ss of 11-29-2-1 J. N. W atson , Register. June 3. 1878. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California. Ore- ' gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,” as extended to all the Public Land States by a< t United .-tates Land office, Lakeview, Oregon : of August 4. 1892, Charb-s (’hester Hogue, of Klamath Falls, county of Kiamath, State of Snv. 22, 1906. Notice 1» hereby given that in compliance l Oregon, has filed in this office his sworn state with the provisions of the act of Congress of ment No. 3238, for the purchase of the S’-jSW’^ June 3. 1878, entitled "An Act for the sale of i Sec. 2 an«! El2N'W '4 of MeC. No. 11, in Tp No. 38 timber lands in the States of California, Ore 8, R No. 9 E, W M, ari«l w ill offer proof to show gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory.” as that the land sought is more valuable for ' <>vtended to all the Public Land .States by act its timber or stone than for agricul < >( August 4,1892, John R. Crews, of Klamath tural purposes, an«l to establish his claim Falls, county Of klamath, State <>/ Oregon, has to said ian«i before county clerk of klamath in this office his sworn statement No. j county at his official place of business, at 1218, for the purchase of theSE'^HE1^ of Sec. klamath Falls, Oregon, on Fr day, the 1th day so 5, in Tp. no . 38 8, R no . 9 E. w M, and w ill of January, 1907. proof to show that the land sought is He names as witnesses: more valuable for its timber or stone than for Edwin EcbUnaw of Klanath Fal>, Oregon agricultural purposes, an«l to establish his | -Va. Lastaa o K ama a balls, Oicgon claim to said land before county clerk of . Ray D. Hubbald uf kiamatn Palls, Oregon. Klamath couuty, at his official pHce o f busi- , Ruby A. Hubbard of kiamath Falls, Oregon. *j4j»s at Klaiualh Falls,Oregon, uu Monday, the ( An> and all i ersous «.laiining adversely the •hove described land» are requested to tile luubir lands m the sia e» of California, Ore h ibi Imiti helorv Count v i’lerk ot lx him- State of Oregon, lias flle«l in (fils office her their claims in this office on or belort »aid 4th son Nevada, and Washington Territory," aa mh County, at his otlicial place of billd- sworn »tatenient No. 319«», for the purchase «»< day of January, 1907 .-Mendid io all the Public Land Stales by act n *» h at Klamath Falla, Oregon, on Mon the HW4 NW»4 Her 7. Tp «7 S. R |g E, M,l(j H|C‘4 NF't. S’-, HF' *, ol Sec No ¡2, ill l*p No 47 M, U 113 J. N. Watson. Register. »f August 4. Isa2, William j Sullivan, of Mi-r «I »v lth«lavot March, 1107. Range No 9 K W M. and will offer proof to rill stab-of Wiscoiiatn. Las rtled In ihisoSice lie names as w itnc-«« • : show that the laud »ought is more valuablu In» suorn stateiiiein No r230. tor the pur« liaaa Fai. Echtiiiaw. Win. l.a«huu, Notice for Pnblkation. vl the S1, ol si„ (,f No. Is. In I'owlblllpNo Brett, an«i Oscar F. North, all ol Klam for Its timber or stone than for agrioullurai purp«*»«-». an«! tv establish her claim to said ■s s Kange No. 6 K W M, and will offer proof to ath Falls. < Irvgon. United stale» Land Office Lakeview. Ore show that the land scugbt la tuou valuable Any ami all persons « laiming mlvorsvl v land before <’«»11111) < lei k of K lamath county, gon IVe Id. LA d. Notice is hereby given that in compliance lor Ila timber or stone man (or agricultural the above «lescribv«! lami» arc requested at hi» official plate of busltiess, at Klamath with the provision» of the act of Congress of pur| e-es. and lo establish hl» claim lo said t«» tile their claims in this «»flice on or Fall- Oregon, on Thursday lb«* Jrd day of January. I9o7 June 3 1878 entitled An act for the sale of land before County clerk ol Klamath county, before sab! 4th dav «»f March, 11*07. Hh<' name» «» witne-se- at hl» official place ot business, on Thursday, J. N. W atson , Begister. timber land» in the Mates of California. Ore 12-20 2-21 J. <‘ Smith, of Klamath Falls. Oregon gon. Nevada, and Washlugton Territory.” as the 4rd day of January, twr Harry Deans, ol Klamath Fall», Oregon. lie name» aa witnesses- extended lo all the Public Laud States by act NOTICE \\ J Broderick. <*f Klamath Falls, Oregon. Henry C. Sparr. Jr., of Forest. Oregon. of August 4. Ivij. Ray D Hubbard, ot Kiamath W. J. Phlllipps, of Klamaib Falls, Oreg«»u. Fred quade. of Forest. Oregon. Fall» county ot Klamath. State of Oregon, Unite«! Htates Land office, Lakeview, oregou, An) and all persons claiming adversely the Themtore K Norris, oi Ashland, Oregon lias riled in this office his sworn statement October 24. 190«». above-«le»crlbe«| land» are requvste«! t<> fi;« Julius 1' Wolf, of Ashland, Oregon. No. 3270. for the purchase of the nw’4nwl4 Notice 1» hereby given Hist in compliance their claims in this «»Iflcu uu or b«*fure said 3rd Any and all peraons claiming adversely ilie Sec. 4. ne‘4ne‘4Sec. 5, Tp. :« 8 R 9 E. and with the provisions of the act of Congress ol «lay of Jauuary, I9V7 sel4 of Sec No 32. iu Tp. No. 3.’ 8, R. No. 9 E, almve-described lands are requested to tile June 3, 1H7S. entitled "An act for tne »ale of 11 Id J J. N WATSON. Register w M. and wilt offer proof to show that the I heir ctanus m this «dice uu or beiurv said 4rd timber lauds In the States «»( California. Or«* land sought is mure valuable (or its timber or day of January, iWT gon. Nevada, and Washington I'vrrlioryas lt-1-14 J. N. WATSON, Keglster. NOTICE I OR PUBLIC Al ION stone than for agricultural purposes, and lo extended to all the Public l.and Htates by act establish his claim to »aid laud before County of A ukun I 4, lbVJ, ll« auloi«i E Hayden, ol United Statu» Laud office Lakeview, Oregon, Clerk of Kiamath County, at his official place klamath Falls, county of klamuth, »tat«* ol of business at Klamath Falls. Oregon, ou Ociotwr 24 IMS. Oregon, has filed in this office Ills »worn state Monday, the 4lh Jay ot March, 1907. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Notice is hereby giveu that iu compliance ment No. 3244, for the purchase of the N'^HR' a He names a» witnesses with the provision» of the actol Congress of Set. 34. and W»^ SW«4 of Hee. X>, iu Tp. No. 37 C. C. Hogue. T H Humphrey. Mary A. June :i, |B7s, entitled "Au act for the sale ol S. R No. 9 K, w M. and will offer proof to show Hogue and wm Lashua allot Klamath rails, t'niled States Laud office. lAkevlew. Oregon. timber lauds In the Statu of < allforiila. Ore that the laud sought 1» more valuablu fur its Oregon. October 2U. I A* timber or »tune than for agricultural pur gon Nevada, and Washington Territory,” as Any and ail persons claiming adversely the Notice is hereby giveu that In compliance poses, and lo establish his Claim to »aid’.and extended to all the Public i.aiul Stales by act above-described land* are requested to file with the provisions of the act of Congress of twfore county Clerk of klamath county at hi* of August 4. IMV2, Le<»nore F. Nowlin, ol alam- their claims in this office on or before »aid 4th June I. 1HTS. entitled "Au an act for the sale official place of buslue»». at klamath Falls, sth Falls, County of Klamath. State of Ore day of March. 1907 of timber lands tn the Slates of California. oregou. on Friday the 5th day of February, gon, ha» tiled in this office her sworn state 12 20-2 21 J N Watson, Register. Oregon, Nevada, and W ashington Territory." I mriil No. 3214. for the purchase of the Lot 4, of 1907 aa extended lo all the Public Land States by 8e< lion No. 3. m Township No 27 8, Range No. He name» a» witnesses: act ot August 4, HF2. Ralph K. Butler, of 10 K W M. and will offer proof to show tiiat lite Sotke for Publication Win. Lashua of klamath Fall». Oregon. Klamath Falta. County of Klamath. Stale ut land sought is more valuable for Its limber or Edward Kchtinaw uf klamath Falls, Oregon. Oregon, has tiled In Ibis <»fficc bi« «worn state- stone than tor agricultural purposes, aud to C. Hogue of klamath Falls. Oregon. United Stales Land Office. Lakeview, mept No. sigs, lor the purchase ot the s\ SWl4 C, establish her claim to said land before Couuty R D Hubbard of klamath Falls, Oregon. i Oregon, Dec. 10, 1906. Section 12 and W'g NW'4of Seeitou No Um Any and all peraons claiming stiversely the ('ierk of Klamath county, at his official place Notice is hereby given that in com Township No 37 S. Range No. 10 K, WM. and above describud lands are requested to file of buslnutp, at Klamath Fails. Oregou, on pliance with the provisions of the act of will offer proof lo show that the land sought Thursday, the 3rd «lay of January, 1907. their claims in IhLs office uu or before said Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An is more valuable for its timber or atone than Khe names a» witnesses: 5th day ut february, 1907. I act lor the sale of timtier lands in the for agricultural purposes, and to establish his Archie Johnson, of Kiamath Falls, Oregou. 11 22-2 I J. N. Watson. Register. States of California, Oregon, Nevada, claim to said land betore Geo. Chastain. J. F Nowlin, of Klamath Falls, Oregon, and Washington Territory,” as extended County Clerk ol Klamath county, at hts offi Frank Hail, ol Klamath Fall». Oregon to all the Public Lami States by act of cial place of business, al Klamaib Falla. Ore F. Hundertnan, of Klamaib Falls, Oregon Notice For Publication August 4. 1892, Edward E. Jamison, of gon, on Friday the 4th day ot January, IM7 Any and ail persons claiming adversel y the Department of the interior, Land O®C • at above described land» are re<iueste«l to file Klamath Falls, county of Klamath, He names as witnesses: their claim» in this oltice on or before sahl .1rd State of Oregon, has tiled in this office Fred I.. Sunderman. ot Klamath Falla. Ore. Lakeview. Oregon, Nov SO, 1W. Notice 1» hereby given that Frank Johnston day ol January. 1907 his sworn statement No 3273. for the Archie Johnson, ol Klamath Falls. Oregon 11 1 I S J. N W 4THON. Reglatwr ot IMklry, Oregon, ha« filed notice of hi» Intvn pnehase of the w^netj, set4ne!4. nel4 J. F Nowlin, of Klamath Falls, Oregon. tiou to make final commutation proof in »up- se*-4. ot Sec. No. 9 in Tp No. 38 8, R No Bert Hall, ol Klamath Falla. Oregon Notice for Publication 9 E. W M, and will offer proof to show Any and all persons claiming adversely the port of iH» claim. Vi*: Homeatuad Entry No. SW4 that the land sought is more valuable above-described lauds are requested lo rtle XO4 made made Dec 10, 1004. for the United States Land Oltice. Lakeview, Or««- : j ' »' i s vs , n W , lor its timber or stone than for agricul their claims In thia office on or 'nature said 4th I gun, Dec. 10, ¡90S. Tp. t7s, RIOKw M.and that »aid proof will { Notice t» hereby given that In compliance tural purposes, and to establish his day of January. IW7 he made before the clerk of Kia oath county claim to said land before County Clerk 11-1-1-3 1 with the provisions of the act of Congress of J. N. W atson . Register. Ore . at his office, at Klamath Falls. Oregon I Junes, Is?*, entitled "An act fur the sale of of Klamath county, at his official place on filh «lay of February, 1907. of business at Klamath Falls, Oregon, iiml»?r lands in the State» of California. Ore He name» the following witnesses to prove gon, Nevada, and Wa»h lug ton Territory•« Notice for Publication on Monday, the 4th day ot March, 1907. his continuous residence upon, au«i culliva | <*xieu<le<i to all the Public Lan«1 States by act He names as witnesses : United State.« Land < Htice, l^kevivw, tiou Qf, the laud, vis . T. F. Nichols. A. M. Jamison, J. W. Oregon, iMc. 10, 1900. | of August 4, IM92, Hlraui W Mill«*, of Klamath w Bur»eli of Dairy. Oregou. Bryant and John Meier, allot Klamath Fall», county of Klamath. State uf Oregon, baa Notice I» hereby given that in com D. Roy F. Whitnev of Dairy, Oregon, Falls, Oregon. filed in Ibis office hl» »worn statement No. pliance will) the proviHions ot the act Any and all persons claiming adversely of Congress of June 3. 1878. entitle»I “An Jessie <’. ( ravens of Dairy, oregou. 3321, for the purchase of the nw^sw1«, w't L Howard of Dairy, ovegoi. the above-deacribed lands are requested i act tun the sale of timber lands in the II Mark UW«4 se'4nw'4. of Sec. No. 27, ID Tp 37 H. K 2» Lil J N Watson, .legister. to file their claims in this office on or States of California, Oregon, Nevada, No. 9 E. W M. and will offer proof to show that before said 4th day of March, 1907. the land sought 1» m«»re valuablu tor Its Huie and Washington Territory,” as extemled 12-20-2-21 J. N. W athon , Register. Notice For Publication. ber or stone than for agricultural purpon««», to all the Public laind States by act of to establish hl» c laim to »aid land before August 4, 1892 Harry L. Holgate, of Unite«! State» Land office. Lakeview, Ore C and ounty Clerk of Klamath count), at his «>tti Klamath Falls, county of Klainath, gon. Oct. 24,19Un ; « ial place <»f business aiKlaiusiU Falls, Or« NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. State of Oregon, has tiled m this oflice Notice i» hereby given that in compliance g«»u on Wednesday, th«* Uth «lay of March, his sworn statement No 3269, for the with the provision» of the art of 4'ongteM of . <W7 as wltncHAes: purchase of the .«’.¿ue^, n^se^, oi See. I June 3 IS7H, entitled "An act tor the »ale of ' J He « name* smith, H. Crantuer, Allen Sloan. F. H United Stales Laud Office. Lakeview, Ore.. No 6, in Tp No 37 S., K No 10 E., W. timber land» in the Statu» of falifornia, Ore Mills all ol Kiainatii Falls, Or«*gou October 24. 1S*> and will offer’ proof to show that the gon, Nevada. and Wanlilngton Territory,' a» Any an«l all parsons claitnlng adversely the abkve described lands ar«* requested to file Notice u hereby given that in compliance land sought is more valuable for its! extended to all the Public Land State» by act i their claim» in tills ofti«:e on or before said Alli with the provlaiona of the art of Congresa ot timber or stone than tor agricultural' of Augu.«t 4. 1M92, Arabella Glendenning. of i day oi March, 19U7. June 2. lets, entitled “Au act fur ibe »ale of' purposes, and to establish his claim to Klamath Fall», Oregon, County of Kiamath, J. N W atsom Keg liter. 12 -JU 2 - 21 HOT SPRINGS WATER Why not have you a home in the Hot Springs tract, where you can have use of the splendid mineral water? Hot Springs addition is in the heart of the city of Klamath Falls, whose population will be 25000 in less than 10 years Study the following analysis made by the University of Oregon: G.'a:ns Dtf U. S. QOIIOH Sodium Chloride......................................... 5.68 Calcium Sulphate ................................. 6.52 Magnesium Sulphate...................................................................................... .32 Sodium Sulphate 28.98 Iron and Aluminum Oxides ..................................................... 13 Sodium Silicate ....................................................................................... 4.15 Silica................................................................................................................. 3.22 49.00 Read what Dr. G. F. Hanson of San Francisco says of this water: Notice for Publication "A careful examination of the water convince« me that it I r unmirpaHHed in the nature of ite mineral content, and should prove of the arealest possible utility in the treatment of congested conditions and for the general flushing of the tissues. Dyspepsia, sluggish liver, habitual constipation so-called billiousness and bilious headaches, indefinite rheumatic pains due to the accumulation of uric acid or retention of other waste products in the system, faulty elimination by the kidneys, and a long train of ailments dejatmlennupon above states of bodily ill-health are benefited by the free drinking of and bathing in such waters.” For prices, see or write to the HOT SPRINGS IMPROVEMENT CO.F^[G0N I