Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1906)
E. B. HENRY CIVIL ENGINEER and SI RVEN OR KLAMATH COUNTY KLAMATH FALLS « All kind, engineering and draughting WHERE IT IS WHAT IT IS Plane and Specifications Furnished HOW TO REACH IT J. E. DUVAL CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Store xn.l Bar I First class Work Fixtures | Guaranteed MAIN STREET. Bet. Sth and 6th Sts sssos C. T. BONNEY, Attorney and Counselor at Law Exainiuing Abstracts a Specialty NOTARY PUBLIC ' A Brief Epitome of the Great Inland Empire of the Pa cific Coast—The Mecca of the Homeseeker Bv \V. S. Stonili isiiJ. B Mxsox I ’ lamath County is in South- I * * ern Oregon on the Cal ifornia and Oregon state line. DR. WM. MARTIN The south part of the County is se\ enty-two miles DENTIST from east to west, and in the middle it is one hundred Office over Klamath County Bank ‘ miles from south to north. Population about 7000. O ffice —New Worden Building pay the price of reclamation and irriga l airtls on I.OWCI KI hiiii UI i hike, then’ tion. I take tin steanivr for Kluinath Fulls. Climate Prices The Rimmer* are delightful, very few Flour |2.09 |«-r cwt. l-'reah 1*ef Sc to hot day*, ami those hot only for a few 1.x- per ll>. Brenkfnst bucon is- to o.'x-. hour* in the middle of the »lay. Tin» Butter ¡¡tic. Ekjt* 2Sc to SOc. Milch autumn i* Hue. gra«f\dlv growing a lit cows Flo to F«1 Farm horses, good, tle cooler ami almost imperwptably 1100 to $1X0. Plugs, cheaper. Dry gliding into winter. The w inter* have P kh I n , clothing, lints, I mh . is and sh<x-s more or less snow, Some of them have aliotlt 10 to 25 per cent higher than in sleighing snow . ami some do not. The the Mississippi Valley. zero, but we mereurv *eldom reaches rear he* xero, Prices of l and art» told that it ha* l»ven known to go Raw lands in the hrst div ¡»ion ¡1 to 12 18 degrees U»l<»w. The springs art» front town. $25 to $40 per acre. som»‘What late, thus making the grow miles ing season short. Then» is liability to Improved lands $¡¡11 to $hk) |«-r acre. damage by frost, w hich may oveur at om» Some of these are already irrigah-d, but time in one place ami at another time in will be under the same system of gov another place, but we have heard of ernment irrigation, lule marsh lands nothing like a failure or widespread which will come in later, possible not damage from tlie cause, To a Kansas for three or four years, but ns rich as man there seems to lx' 1 very few dis- I there are in the world, $15 jier were. agreeably windv day*, and vkkv t.irri.t: Vlsosage brush hind just as g.ssl as that thunder and lightning. There are no in the first division, but farther out, toriiad'X-s or cyclones, ami *<-em to lx- and therefore will come in Inter, as low m> hani storms nor extreme change» of as $1.5 per acre. Fine timbi-r lands $IH00 to $2500 (ivr quarter section. temperature. Crops Wheat, oats, rye and barli-y yield heavy crops of the finest quality of grain, from a smaller amount of seed than we have ever seen -own anywhere else. Wheat producing 6 to ¡*5 imshel* )x-r acre w |a-r without ttho irrigation, and 2t> to ,50 bushels with irrigation, t fats. 49 to 100 bushels, and barley 41) to 60 bushels under irrigation. SOCIETIES OF KLAMATH FALLS BUY A HOME SMALL DOWN PAYMENT EASY TERMS ON THE REM Al N DER At KLAGE In tracts of from live to forty acres at prices ranging from $40 an acre up A.O. I’. W.—Linkvilh» Lodge No. 110 meets in tin» A. O. E. W. hall every - Tuesday evening. Visiting Brothers al ways welcome. Roy liainakar, M. \V. / j J. \V. Siemens» Recorder. Evangeline Lodge No. ss Degree oi J Grasses B locks <>1 Six 1 pen L ots I Honor Lodge meet« in the A. U. I’. W. j Alfalfa, timothy, red clover, white hall every *econd and fourth Thursday* | clover. Kentucky Blue Grass, red top. in the month. Nancy N . White, C. of H. Located within a quarter of a mile of the Jesse Marple, Recorder. and brume grus* all grow litxuriantlv depot and yard location of the California BONNEY &. TEXTOR The fattening qualities of the hay made Klamath Valls W. O. W. Ewauna (.'amp, No. 71*>. W. here is of a very high order. Cattle are LEGAL. REAL ESTATE and AB Northeastern Railw ay, at $qo and $62.50 per Klamath Falls is tlie county seat; it fattened on alfalta bay alone. Horse» (). W.. meets every Tuesday evening STRACTING BUSINESS is located at tlie mouth of Link River work on alfalfa without grain and keep at 7:30 o’clock at Sanderson’* hall. Al! lot. Each lot is 50x120 feet, with jo-foot Witt furni.h Abstracts ot tills and pay taxes on the beautiful little latke F.wanna in good condition. The yield of alfalta neighbor*cordially invited. for non-re«idents. C. K. Brandenburg, Clerk. ami near Upper Klamath Lake. It is is three to six ton» per acre. Timothy alleys and 60-foot streets, making the blocks The examination, registration and perfect backed by the foot hills and mountains two or three tons. There are also natu ing of titles a spec ally. A. F. A' A. M.— Klamath Lodge No, 260x400 feet. M ain S tr fit whiU-the lake and valiev spread away ral meadows on lands which are wet in 77. .Meet.« Saturday evening on or be Office, Nzw W obpxn B rick in front. It has a population of al-mt tin1 early part of the season, which fore the lull moon of each month tn the 2(MK). It has a new thirty thousand make tine h«v. Masonic Hall. Alex Martin Jr. W. M. dollar High School building and a fine Vegetables W. E. Bowdom, Secretary. stone building for the graded schools Vegetables do well, and the quality oi O. E. S.— Aloha ('hapter No.Hl, meets which coat al-out $20,tkkf It has three churches, three banks, ami store* whieli all grow n here is of a very high order. in the Masonic hall every second ami IT IS YOUR CHANCE would 1-e a credit to almost any ordi Potatoes are usually gr -wn without ir fourth Tuesday evening« in each month. rigation, and the viel-l. while not ex Laura A. Willits, W. M. Jennie 1 connty,seat town. It has two saw tra COUNTY SURVEYOR nary large when ttiev are grown in this tracts along the new macadam road offer mills ami two planing mills and sash way, is good, and ti e quality is unsur Kearnes, Secretary. ami door factories. I. O, O. E.— Klamath Lodge No. 137 passed. Cabbage >1- •-■* exceedingly well, the best frontage to be had tor desirable resi dur city water comes front great meets every Saturday evening m the springs of fine soft water, clear as crys and they are the finest in quality that A. <>. I’. W. hall. Ja*|»er Bennett. N.(i. dence property where one is not confined by LAND SURVEYOR. tal. near town. We have water work*, the writer has ever eaten. < Iniom 1 pro- (ieo. L. Humphrey. Svcietary. ■ electric lights ami telephone*. These duct- enormously. The test on the limits of a town lot. Splendid view, pure grown here, «hows a* high as 19 are eontn>lle<l by one company which beets Ewanna Encampment No. 4»», [.<>.<>.E. per cent sugar, and as high as 92 1 I"' 1 air, fertile soil, and all below the main canal, ha- recently increased its power plant Encampment meet* second and fourth KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON to alsmt 500 horse power. Tin- pow er cent puritv, and this un-let v<- ry ordl Saturdays in the month in the guy a home in the come» from the F’alls above town in nary conditions- of growing and tin A.’R I . W. hall. Jasper lh»nnvtt, C. P. Link River. There is also a «team growth was very satisfactory to sugar Geo. L. Humphrey, >cnl»e. .laundry ami flouring mill. It has beet expert*. DR. C. P. MASON Fruits Prosperity Rebekah Lodge No. one good new steam ls-at ami some smaller craft plying on the Klamath Fruit« in favored locations do well, I. <». <>. F. meet* tn th»» A. O. I . DENTIST ' river and Lower Klamath Lake, ami and the quality i- unexevllel. The hail »»very first and thiol Thursday* also a g-»-d new steam boat and smaller keeping quality of apples grown here tiie n»onth. Jeneie Hum, N. <». Lurindn M. Sauber. Secretary. For s/tlo exclusively by craft->n the l p]«-r Klamath Lake. The .surpasses that of any which tin- writer Office in new Kelsay Block elevation is 40*6 feet. ha* ever known hetero. Blackl-eiTie*, K. c»f P.— Klamath L.Hlge Irr I "Wlilic? r.ispln-n ies. logan berries. goo*el«-rric* meets in the A. O. (’. W. ball every The Valley OREGON KLAMATH FALLS There is a beautiful valley extending an<l red currants produce vert largely. Monday evening. Bert Bamls-r, U C. Klamath Falls, Oregon Plums, prum* a i l berries are very John Hamilton, K. of It. an i .*. f.-r several miles tothe East ami '••-nth- title. Fin,- [» ache- an- grown, but they east and South, and other valiev* equal are M. AV, of A.--Lodge meets in the not sure. WILL A. LEONARD ly beautiful ami picturesque open oil! A.O. I . W. hall ivei v tir-t and thud Stock Raising from this one through gap- in the Wednesday in the month. DENTIST mountains. There are flu- --r six of All <h’*-e-- f -t J, 3. veil and art- •V. B. Mrl^i’.ghdn, Consul these valiev», all near th-- -ame eleva very healthy. tattle run on the Emma Block, Klamath Falls W. A. Phelp«, Clerk. tion, and ail surroumled by mountains, range v l.ere they have plenty ...... of naint, most of which are heavily timbered w ith 7 to 9 months in the year, >ianv horse* Foivsters of America—Etvauna (’amp. ' yellow pine, fir ami cedar. run on the range the whole rear. No. 61, meets in th»» A. O. I’. W. hall Most of tlie valiev* are covered with Sheep are held in very large band ’ an. I i every second and fourth Fridays in the PIERCE EVANS Work will begin on Jr * sage brush. The soil of the sag- brush are said to be very profitable, .■razing month. C. D. Willson, C. R. ATTORNEYS AT LAW land is a rich, sandy, ami usually about the »ame proportion of the year the Upper Project next lamison. Rec, very deep. Much of it varying but very as cattle. Hogs arc v.-ry health»' and little in api>earanee from the surface to very profitable, The climate and feed KLAMATH FALLS, OR Spring. «« *« »« .« a depth of two to four feet. here seem to be particulaily y a-lapted to the production of a very fine e quality of The Lakes SOUTHERN ORE- THAT The Lost River Re Upper Klamath Lake is a l«-autiful milk and butter. Cows do < exceedingly C. F. STONE GON" WILL HAVE GOOD r >*ly ->f water, about 25 to 30 miles long, well. These valiev» are in our judge merit, destined to Income a dairy c<-un ATTORNEY AT LAW alty Co. will sell you with mountains reaching to the shore in RAILWAY F A C1 LITI E S many parts of it. From its lower end try of a very high order, Cattle are WITHIN THE NEXT 1 I W OFFICE OVER POSTOFFICE fattened on alfalfa alone. lands cheap, and on Link River -lescemls in a succession <>f YEARS IS NOW A CER1 rapids about a mile and a half, falling Bees TAINTY. easy terms. about 65 feet in that distance, ami flow Bees do exceedingly well. The iiual- ing into latke Ewauna at the lower part ity of honey produced in these valleys TARGE AREAS A K E THAT of town. Klamath River begins with cannot I m - surpassed anywhere. SUITABLE FOR FRUIT Lake Ewauna and skirts the valley and Poultry growing IS AL.-O BEYOND the mountains to the south and west, leaving the valiev at Keno. A channel All poultry is unusually profitable A DOUBT. from the river, some six or eight miles and very healthy. across the valiev to Lower Klamath T< > M E E T THE < IR(TM Water STANCES THE CHICO NUR Lake, connects the two. Owing to the AND Pure water can usually I»-had in the tact that there is so little current in the SERY CO. H AS OPENED AN valleys very easily at a depth of from 15 AGEN< Y IN KLAMATH Klamatii river where it crosses the val FALLS. WHERE ALL IN ley, it is sometime* sj-iken of in con to 30 feet. Water Power nection with the lake, and the two TERESTED MAY ORDER The Klamath River, after it leave- the WHAT TRITT TREES. OR called Lower Klamath Lake. valley, is said to fail !"<*> feet in the NAMENT) I. *11 EBBE RY. Tule Marsh Lands next 12 mile*. Tin- immense water FLOWERS. ETC.. T II A t The lake* are joined in places by tule |H,wer of all these stream* ha* Is-eu a|>- THEY NEED FOR SPRING marshes. These marshes have for cen propriated by the government for this W. L. McCormick, DELIVERY. KLAMATH FALLS turies ix-en receiving deposit* of *ilt irrigation system. The power which OREGON Manager and Contracting Agent carried to them bv the waters from the can Is- develo|s*l and transmitted ail BURBANKs LATEST C Klamath Falls, Oregon mountain*, and have for perhap* cen over these valleys l-y electricity is TIONS ALSO ON SALE. ABSTRACTS <>F TITLE made with neatness and dispatch. We turies been producing immense crops of almost incalculable. Office at end of bridge tule*. gigantic bull rushes, w hich grow LARGE ORDERS AT |VERY invite attention to our FILING CABINET SYSTEM. Roads 6 'ol2 feet high and so thick that it is LOW RATE*. ORDER N OV Road* are usually g'*-d, except in the almost ini[*>ssible to get through them. C. P. Newton, AND HAVE YOUR TREES These decaying each year have added breaking up of Winter, when they get I'.E \HIN g WHEN THE RUMI Agent, Pokegama, Or. I vegetable matter to the silt. These very muddy. In ^nmtiier they also get Cy.MES. miir-he« have also for ages been the very dusty. We have a choice line of lands in tracts large or small, to suit pur C n II or Write to habitat of izinuinerable water fowl, Health B. E. Joy, chasers ; also city property-*.! all descriptions. wl.iih have added vastly to the richness The country i* claimed to !*• and H. DURIE, Agent, Thrall, Cal. of the soil. This soil we believe to l-e win? 1 to I tc very healthful. There i* as rich a* then- is in tlie world. Licensed Agent, Klamath and Lake very little malaria, and it i* claimed bv U. S. Reclamation and Irrigation sonic men who have lived I h re for year«, Cftunliei ... I nsitro nee • . . li e United State« government has that there i- none, only a* it i* brought here by in<livi<lnals . The doctors «av undertaken to drain these marsh lan-ls, Room 3, - “The Oregon” We carry a full Hue of insurance, including Life, personal Accident ami to irrigate them, together with the that the Summer* are eepeeially fine Time contracts made for special Eire, .Steam Boiler. Plate Glass, and Liability Insurance. -age brush lands, the cost of w hich is far small children. We have the usual delivery for all classes 01 freight estimated to be about $lk IKJ per acre, to fevers but there <ioe« not seem to be between above points - ! be paid for in ten annual payments, much ofrfhem. without interest. The tunnel and the Railroads Storage warehouse at Klamath fir-t nine miles of the canal will be com The nearest railroad station is Po Falls beside Ackley Bros, sawmill— pleted and water will be handy for the Oregon, on the Klamath iaike crop of 1!<)7. One jierson cannot get a kegama, Storage rates one cent per 100 railroad. Thin i* 35 miles distant. 1 water right for more than ]t'-0 acres. J. W. SIEMENS, Proprietor. There are two other raih»ra<ls, viz : The pounds per day. Freight.delivered A hn“band ami wife and each child may Southern Pacific ami the McCloud to any part of the city. own lfiO acres each, ami each get a River R. IL, both building this way as water right to the same, irrespective of a* they can, and it is eifiected that the age of the child. Non-resident fast Southern Pacific will reach here Cleanliness and Good Work owner* of land cannot get a water right. the next summer. I They must reside within the boumls of Guaranteed Hunting and Fishing i tins system of irrigation. The water Klamath county i* indeed a great for irrigation is sure, and very abun dant. Tlie government contract does place for the *|*»rt*rnan. There are Also Agent for LONDON AND ami among other not restrict farmers a« to the amount of plenty of deer, and water they may use, as there is more Species are to Is- found the large Mule LANCASHIRE FIRE INS. CO. , than all can use. Tail deer, some of which are said to Have purchased B. St. Geo. Bishop’s stock of dress about .'UK) lbs. There are bear Homesteads undertaker’s supplies also various kinds of snudl game in There are some homesteads to be had an<l the W's-ds, and in the Fall and Winter, in tlie foot hill», but we know of nom geese thicks are abundant. In the GRIZZLE BROS now open for entry which will come valleys and an- tube found quail, sage liens, under trovernment Irrigation. There grouse aii'l pheasants. Our lakes and KLAMATH FALLS Holder of License No. 29 granted by the Oregon f are several thousand acres of tide mar*li rivers have an abundance of Like and OREGON [ land w hieli u ill Is-open f ir entry w hen Salmon Trout and other fish, while the State Board of Health. Calls promptly attended, city the work of reclamation reach«-« them, mountain streams have moun or country, day or night. ’ Telephone w i but they w ill probably ,-oim- in By smaller | drawing -imilar to tln-t th-- llo'sebmt tain Trout in abundance. 1 . - ........—■ '■ Twe S chool that P laces To Reach Klamath Falls A-.--- n J in South Dakota. It is al - FRIENDS COMINO. yov in a good P osition . For sale—The north half of the north prol-able that one per*on will not I - In order to reach Klamath Falls, !allow«-‘l to enter m«-re than Wl acre* leave the Southern Pacific IL R. nt east. quarter, the southeast quarter of If so, meet them at tho railroad with the*«- laml*. The Irrigation Act al Thrall, t'alilornia. and take the Klam the northeast quarter and the northeast pn-vi-l«- tor no commiitati|>n. Tl ath I. kt- IL IL to I'ekegama, Oregon, one of the Mammoth Mabie teams. It BUSINESS COLLEGE qnarter of .the southeast quarter of sec -In n lake the stage, 35 mile-, to Klam -<-tti--i nm«t live on the land five assure* them an cany, comfortable ride. WASH. & TKNTH *STS. tion nineteen, south of range eleven, in order to gel hi* patent. All land ath l alls. Or l ine the Southern Pa I PORTLAND, OREGON east of Willamette meridian. Impure They won't be tired when they getliere. holders w h--r by home*tea«l, privalt cific at Weed. California, take the new Kates very low. at this office. tf * n * purchase or present ownership must road to Glass Luke, then stage to Writ« direct to Prmvipur, awoiu —a. MELVIN D. WILLIAMS Civil and Irrigation Engineer. East Main St., below 4th EAST KLAMATH FALLS TRACTS GET IN LINE! Klamath Falls, Oregon Lands Klamath Falls Pokegama Transfer Company CHAS. PATTEE Manager While they are cheap M ason &. S lough ABSTRACTERS Rates as Low asïthe-Lowest KLAMATH BARBER SHOP UNDERTAKING E. WHITLOCK FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EM BALMER H olmes r