Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1906)
ADDII ION al brills . ■■ ■ lirii-aftrr ^tl! d'M'uno ntM »ill bopiiiilrd in th«* «»hl f.iMhiono«l wu\ So murh op* lUb 1 1' 11,1,1 '* ' bill» K M ini. i. P<N»itioii to th«« innnvalioti d«*v«d<>|M*d III th«« ItolllH« tlilll th«« l'l«*M|«lrilt hmm , I(At i lu- at Xc a - n I , ioiivmird th«' roniitrv win« not hi nn-ord 'with hli 1'••*»«•«. 'iii«,iii‘ I»•«|• r• -w««*r»!ufivv*. j, | < > huii ligi.m. • >1 i . I 'Uniiitf dm ' tlx from Ihrtr r'»m*titiirntM • a bu In nil part« <d th«« «••»«intr x, pmv«« itu in- |) ki i, l.tb ' l < '1 ■ i « » lallihh* imh’V nf th«« i>ul»li< mind, nod j city W uri«. ■ lli«« Pr«**l«l**tit i«,i»li/«,H th«* t'miiitri Wii m«« for w «lidie«, R«*pairing d'H’M not tab«« kimllx to lux plan« li.iiiipilx ni M« Ilaitan’« l tM«k«Mllhr k K k "I1 Hi I . Mild g«-t Thur««lai, Di'rvinler I l. !■ Mr. «'hancvM «»ii th«» i and pria<«M to hr givrn - <h«olgv Aoldr, t m I h » xn , itwn\ XtiiMM, Wrl mv «« n Minali tumiini* of money |l«V. I* I ollkllll'd * htkrido |r, W’ mh I i jb’tp* ’iUI < »od II K i ow «lyI««« at h k K k< ( ‘‘Hl For ii* <». |ir«'«,*n* f..r i . hh « V • d ill till* ll'»t **prillg« Vidit TOYS AND DOLLS I llis Store hits been made into a Fairyland of ingtoti, Mtriv«*«l hrr*« I m «1 TliiiuHluy. Mr I 'onkllii !• I h - ci >ii»ii»x heavily mtm »••t«*d in K him» th county properly W hilr hrr««*« f««w immthv mu ’" h«« pui Toys, Dolls chiiM«-«l » luru«1 body «»( rarirh land. I Saturday I»«« piirrhd*««d th«« M< Mill Prol I lì Carlock, principal of an h»t near the i’liwhyivrblh <hur«h, •rril •choo|, wa« in th«« city >4 paying |bUO thrrrf«»rr. Ih raainin • -, mg other |»ro|N«rly in th«« county and Republican ai«hw« H n iiiam i may uiak«« further invrntinrntt la«f<»rr a Marry Xinaa ami a Happ« , returning. ^Ir.i New < ut gin*« nt Winter«’. Mr»i 'I Hrrbliv <>t X.vlui. «a. m tl..- .1 II («amlolfa of Seattle «»» hero uly IM' irdat making purrliMM«. for Mi I mm I Friday and Suttirday. It i« under* tonttC «n* • I ihm ! that In« wmm «<»fnvoiMb|y imprr»M*«| hon Zumwalt entertain«« I thr with thr ('. I> Wda«»n pr>»|M«rty that he • ‘' ti ha«» gone to I'oriiMiid to » In*«’ th«« I J I Pieicr the pm«« th««rvtor l«eiiig |l’a> j»««i front M» ■ill A I ’ |«d««r W«Hfc! are Mole .igrii»« i lout. I’nh-Ma the •»!» mim’arrie«. it tU I ««tman K-nlak Kodak« make Mill I m « th«« liighrat paid for hUMin«**« P ■ « ■ I 1 . U-llt - pn»|M*rty in thi« vitx . J I'rtt kiT II I-» r«HI|ove«| hi« offh «• B., Baldwin l»«iil<hmr I»» the | m : i I '• 111 k * O I Tru«t building. Fine watch repairing I. Alval^wi« We are going to give as Prizes this Xmas: •Ughi thin month Hl Whit« i '■ l*«>rtlori'l !• again in th«* thr<M'« <»( a • fora* air »' Iitit l«««l |o thrill lor •»trrrt rnilr<>n I »tike, ami In’tworn do«lg* mg hrn k« an I huatling to reach thrir David ('iitipltodl of Irwtmntion on f«M»t, thr inhal»ilanta of \Vr<lne»«hiV t< o thei f that er«twliil«« «I«*rpv K»irg ar«« a*«iuming where they vw|»r*t the huatlr of dvnltrn« of Chwag*». Davi« of th«« I.ak«« ihor«' k, wli" wa« in th«’ city •••• «'onil«w*I«•«I uith hl« (' >m- Diril««d ||««t||M Turalay Xmas Goods Don't send away for these goods before seeing Our Stock We can satisfy your wants Kuh. Vnthau A Fiwhrr. makrra o irirn'a Sm<*««rlty rlotbing, which 1» rrc- *• Mr«*«uier, xi ho returned from ognir«*»! aa th«« rm»««t |*«ifr«*t «'lothing atnrd.ti im rolilliir I t>> hl« I m - I inttdr. have appointed I . Jacobw of th«« i’Vrtr rttla«*k o( ptlrUmonla Ik.atoii stor«« ii - thrir rrpr<*«M«ntativ«« in Brow n, h im hait im <« hi brr«* f»r thiMcitx. Thia i« a w«dl <h’»«,r\od n < • it m mth ». returned tn |* »rt. ognltmn, nnd th«« g««*! dr«••<•••!• <»( tin« «•»unty will I m « glad to kn >a tin«. i i «■ hr h ||| • pend Ib«’ » inter. Xi«W nilvrl x«arr nt W'ilitrm*. 1 « ili» ||ot receiving tkket« f*«r n for th«« x% inter and the finest Display ever shown in Klamath County ■ .Î ■rrTi ~ IIIO=pie:e China Sit; One Man’s Suit of Clothes, ad a fine $15 Doll Fine hn«* of atatiotivrx ut NTww-m A I ’hdrrw'ood. K K KSTORE A Krrahiwr, wh > «««v««ral in >ntha ago went oil a trip to thr in Idle wcm I, re turn« •I Frtdnv. H<* «■•»in«** l»a« k with ftim«»r«to| that a lx »at «ervicr in tlrinrr cohvictiohM that imwhrrr are to [I-«' inaugural«« I on Main atrrrt greater op|e»itunitiea of!« r««d than thou«« Mgh' t'> l*e * |'«Jru>U |>ro|«Miltoui. to be found in thr Klamath Baain. All kind« of fin«’«! ¡»erftHiiew at New- y during th«* holiday «vae« »n. ml Roo«rvi»lt, («»f <>ncr. ha- a I worn A t’ndcrxvood. Qb . d . Ill- 1 hl f • xx :f '. let" rtm’t wait until «pring t«» buv y«»ur r I«» the Public I'rintrr calling | h»t in the Hot Spring« Addition, reform «tile of «iielling. and itimw. 1t|77je Portland Clothing and Shoe Store he - er fret SUITS Overcoats FOR MEN of pur** 'Olli material, in • fitting styles, tide • » goods FOR MEN f ANCY VESIS I OR M l.X XXI» HOIS An appropriate ar- .\Li<h> of water- proof matona!, t icit' and exclusive de- PRICE swim !/.■>• FOR BOYS I OR MI X ■ in two and ih Ree pieces. I Short and ■long pants, comfort to the feet. A variety of styles All wool and part wool, in black,white grey, mar«M»n, navy and fancy stripes. A —PRICE— i T' give ease and AND hoi S snappy. Will please the little oih 'S and keep them com ■ „divorici < >1 K»Ik I 11 < I k « and fortable. pbssian styles. Rare values for the money $1.50 W $2.75 $1.25 to $5 ufi I showy pique. 11:11 I - PRICE $3.50 to $8 50c to $4 Gifts for Men and Boys: Neck wear SHOES Specially bought for the Holidays. Different shades mas gift. long and loosi1 Ntyle>"the kind that is worn ill ilio city $10 lo $30 $7.50 to $15 Ibis Store has an abundance of good things that will please your nearest and dea rest to choose from for a suitable t hristmas gift PRICE - 75cl0$l.75 Ladies are espec- invited to visit our store and e X a m ine our values The prices are as low as any city store will charge you The goods are all seasonable, speci ally bought for the holidays, Ex cellent gifts for your friends and relatives and designs. Also plain black and white. Splenditi \ allies. —PRICE— 50CIOSI.25 grade under- wearunedieated wool; single and double breasted Also silk and wool mixture PRICE. PER sTIT $1.25 to $5 For lain or sunshine AU silk, beautiful are a useful gift. patterns, calf -PRICE— t rimmings. 75c to $2.50 Also com bination sets: sleeve holders. and garters. Ideal Christmas A selection of every gifts for men day gloves and and boys. —PRICE— —PRICE— 5ft. to $2.50 50c |0 $2.50 MEN AND BOYS light and heavy neckwear never leathers, shown before dancing pumps in this county. and boots of Four-in - hands all descriptions. Aseofs in di fier- Nothing more ent m . idths. useful as a Christmas o gift, —PRICE —PRICE— 25c to $1.50 $1.50 to $8 Hosiery UMBRELlflS dress gloves. FOR Exceptional We have an as- values in high sortment of I SHIRTS Phenomenal -l.irt values ert'd. lisle and are offered in cotton in fancy this men's store. Mt. Hood brand negligee and dress shirts. l e closed out Also in coat style — AT— silk embroid- ZicandJoq PER PAIR | —PRICE— 75c to $3