LEGISLATION IS DEMANDED AFTER HARRIMAN I AIM TO BE City and Country Realty for Sale or Rent Interit*!« Comitier, e Camnilaalon Be .Shipper* gin* Investigation n Meet In Promt Ag*ln*t car Shortage W AHII I X««T<H An |nvc»tigAli<m »»I th* I'ni'Hi I'ncitlc mid <d tin* r««lwthiim b«tw««*n tliiit r«md mid th«* Hmithcrn Pacific «v»U«m. growing out of tb«ur common mmuig«’m«-iil mii 'I con- tr»»l lm» I mm * ii or«l«n»«l by lb«’ InlviBlxtR < X»nim«rc« Commi*»i'«n Fmiik. B. Kwllogg mid <’. A. Hrvurwin» «>t Ml. I’aul. t«i|M’rtt coii»id«*r«*d «•»p«cially «piabtl^l t*> dig «!•*«• p and un«arth m H violation« <>f ilia luw. hava l»aan r«- taiii«’<i by th« < 'oiumiawloii to conduct tl.r In vratlgatioti l iito«’ m ah abumlan«’« of <’vbb*m«« al- it*a«ly in th« | m H»»«‘«Bioti of th«* t omini* «ion io pmv« that Hairiman and hi« AAiMM'iatr« hav« «uccv«d«d I« «tilling «II «•■ »m |H't n ion hrlwn«n th«»« two road*. J (’. Stubb«, at « »alary id $5O.iMJO a v«*ar, i* d tract« «r of tratlb' in c«»ntr«»l of th«’ two bn«’« ai.d ha ab«ulul«dy dictate« rate« « ik I diatribut«*» traffic Mamliar« of th«* «•••mml«i'»n «ip«*< t to collect «lirtl. it til data to warrant Hi« Ik»- partimoit of J nallea to invoke the court» again»! th«’ t«»iiibinatb»n and it i* con fidently predicted that l»rl«»re Harriman i* a much older man Io* will Ilmi the Intriewt» With which I«« I* «*••* lated haled into cqurl to an*wcr < lia»ge« ••! violation of ■evrial «liflvrvnt Manila*. If the law I* «lillh iciit, ll»«’ I hUUl l’»r citl< «dl. in fa« t. t«rcome »* ”i*| cotn* pvtiL’f* grriitlv to the l*‘h«*llt o| whip* I mt * along th”*«’ lim*». V I » •lligeiin- lit w ll»V<- l*e‘,tl H.-l’fofol be ginning the heating* later in th»- nmitlh. th«* enact data m»t having l«rcn •»!•’« ted. ('hainnaii Kmipp ••■limat«» that it will lake at fou-t *40 dat " to « onph'te the in* V«*»l ig i' Some Choice Lois of Business properly for Sale I itgene “Ww have Inii! land thfov«» REPRESENT! NC and NiiCitk thieve*, but of all the thhrv ing «u'ititridrela that have com«« to 11» Liverpool & London & Globe Insurance Company the Smiliierii I’m 1 tic now prova» to l*e Aetna Insurance Company the w<»r»t by attempting to »trangla the heart*» blood out <d our induMtrial enter California Insurance Company pria«« when in their very bud and New York Underwriters Agency bl<M»m." rid» wa« the pith of t1««’ addreaa made Atlas Assurance Company bv<’ I Howard of Cottage Grove at Northern Assurance Company tiu» inerting of »hlp|rt«r« hehl her«* I mb I Friday and Salur«lay l«t diacu»« a These Coinpunies wen* at the Head of the ROLL DE remedy for «ar «hoitage, and It «I HONOR in San Francisco settlement* and absolutely re- pre«*«*» th«’ »auliinani of the mi» Jori tv o| th« marinile ture», merchant*, lum fiihvd to stand for tiny compromise that would injure their beimeli an I farmer» in attendance. Th« meeting of ahippeiN wa* largely patrons aitan led l(e»o|ution» praaantad favor I also write Life, Accident, Health, Burglary, Plate ing coinpultorv leglalalloli w«*ra adopted glass and other insurance, also surety bonds Another meeting will probably !«• held al Salem two week« hem«', when the District Representative of the Oregon Military Lind •entimvnt will he crvatalhied airi lb« Hrant Company coiigre»« unite on a bill invite the ■upport of Portland and the valley com menial I mm I i «», lumino man timi agri cultural inforcala, < >v«rw helming »»eiitiment lavor» u railway commi«*mii with p>*war to «n- lun e rei ipr<M*»l «lemurraga and rate Kl-AMATH FALLS, OlihOOS regulat loll*. I ugelie and (’ottrtge < » rove i 1: 1:1 \ mi M \i EX MA III.IX. Jr M.tA m itens. commercial club« ei|«*ct the niov • Vn v-Pr«**id»*nt Pr«’*id«*nt Ciuf Her merit inaugurated here to «preai throughout th« Vidlev and reach th» Firwl !*emi A ihiuh I Statement June 5", ¡'AW climax at the «fate capital Kr*ourcr« It i« recogiii/«’ I that the gr«-ale»t 13 m tu« and I h*«'outit* .................. I 12» 511.44 ’ «langer !• in the ) mho > i I u 1 i Iy of I hr fon ................... < >v«-r«l r n It ». «rctiri’d and ui»*«ic»i red Iwing mv.dve.l in c<»nir«»var *v over ................... .ft ■ homi* aiid Hutiatit*. uiiiini*’tt;inl «letali* arid »piit up, with Hatiktiig Hou*»*. Furimur«« mim I Fixture* ..................... 5.'.W9.Hti the »• *ult that *««l......... bill, hacked Pu« fr*<m Brtiik* and huuk«-»* .................. 241.217.75 bv Irtllr ad lllfluei'cv«» might »■! ’Io* l.**t 13AM.V1 t unii hi hank mum* lit l»v pit-bed in ami pa»»«*4 bv the |egi*lalure. Tin* 1 «Hitingehcv will l»e $527,091.% carefullv guarded againrt. Liabilities Good Cooking can only be done by having a good Range The National Steel Range will do the business TOM STEPHENS, Office in Willson Block. KLAMATH COUNTY BANK Avoid Poison The Pioneer Bank of Klamath County Capital Mfnrk, fu paid Mirpiu» gmi I U'iivid« -p»«»li!" I iidtv t-ii.u I ««• jMi-it-, - ilj’-ct !" c ! h - k (’;<»hi««r*« (’heck* outeianding Ih’iiirthd Certiticat»’* <»l lh,|«*AÌt ........................ THE MIDWAY $ 100.000.01 i 704 ’ • . ' , 012-35 .. 40 6IS.16 $•>27.»>91.% by using Nl'BLl! Cooking Utensils The finest that is made Roberts § banks State of Or« g<m ) C"Ul<( v i»t Kliimat hi 1. Alex Marlin. Jr ,(’aahier of the al*>ve name<j Bank, l>eing fir»t du ly «worn, do *iiv 1L.1l the ai*»vc «tatemenl i* tiuv t • the be*t u! my knowledge eml I’elief. Ai at M aittix , Ja.*, Ca»hi«r. suh“cril*ed ami »worn t«» l»efnre m« thi* 2nd day «»t July, IfkW. ■ KAL, >. C. GaATKl Notary Public for Uiegon. Correct at (tit Ai ax M artin . E. K. R kamim . A lkx M ARTIOM, J r , Dirac k»rt. BALDWIN &. HUGHES, PROP'S General Blacksmithing Phone .n and Wagonmaking . • Livery and Feed Stable PDllootoe Sotti RELIABLE To the People of Klamath Falls: When I c ime to Klamath Falls I was fort unate enough to find a “ground floor” proposition in the Mitchell ranch, known bv all old tuners for its splendid soil, line orchard and ideal location as "the best ranch in Klamath County." Through ihe co-o|«etati ’n of men of ______ wide rxjieriance in land tuaUer* ihii» I rad vvtu» Hc>|iiired ami ha« l>e«n rut in* to »mall tract« ami offered at price« ami T H I S on term» that will enable the purchaa* er» to rrahir hand»<>iiie profit» A |*>r* tion of tin» hat been platt«*d into bhn'ks and lot» ami ia now the Mill» Addition to Klamath Fall», ll was the original intention to di»|H>»e of th nt addition in block* only, blit BO great ha* In*? 11 the «IvtuamI for »ingle Iota that I have de- citled, f«»r n »bort time, to give the peo* ph* of tbift city and county an op|»orturi- ily to buv in »mailer area than origi nally planned. The Milla A«ldition i» locatetl within iilxHit a thouaand fort of the yard loca tion of California the Northeastern Railwav and within a I” mt three bio« k” of the <lo|M»t aitv, 11» indicatnl on the new City Map. It la a Itnirably k>cat«’d lor home», with the natural »lopv for drainage, rnpiiring very little grading to make the atreeta, every lot practically Y 0 U R b«ung level ami now in alfalfa, timothy ami meadow grasera. Ita l«>cn* tion inmirea rupi<l increa»e in value, for the grriitrat growth of the city will in* rvitably !•«• toward« thia |>roprrty. have the fulleat cohtbfoiicr pro|«’rty will double in I that this value in the next year. It ia the purpose to aell this property at 11 price that will allow the lot buyer to make aometbing «>11 the investment ju»t a» you are willing that th«» present ow ners ahould do likewise. Theae Iota me to be offered one block al a time, beginning with one of the unaold block» nearest the depot location ; Block No 102) am! the prices will be $200 (or the cor ner lota ami $125 for inaide lots. The Iola are 50x120 feet, ami this price makea them by far the beat lot bargain offered in Klamath Fall». FRANK IRA WHITE o p p o R T U N I T Y B£HNKe-G)ALK€R fte leading- BV5IN655 COLLEGe 348 jfiyflquipmenf itf.OOO VTLTUrpaased j I ■ * wssi of Chicago w • r. • Cnrolhnenf, Au£li9O4-Au£l>i9c5, 483 pupto enrollment Au£ 1.1995-Au^l.ipo*. 681 pupib ’ (Ci< have on file, applications from business men. • • • 3«pt.D<XJ5 toAu^Lwo* , 607 ,*«**• w Pupils placed in tocrativ« positiwlduriai this time. 287 * B ( Graduates all feinplojrad Gk wiU no! only equip p you you for life wwR < but wifl place you in a pastf ion xrhen ' < ' (You need ua as a school and ww _ needy ttdyotfj Now is the RaO» tt ns a DUtril pupil • * * • - • Ncnr «4. ‘J^*. Wit« for catalogue ~•] . 1 I i 4 • (J '