CITY BRIEFS. John I'.txg, who wa, tin» wai«! at th» saloon, pre- 1 W . Co|w*lan«l, one of W«Kwi Riv«-r « complete assortment of gold, silver, and gold-tilled ■wilted one toi »10 50. Esleg did not l«x>k well known citizens, was in the city thia watches, chains, clocks, gold and diamond iewelrv, at It. but a.k«*d the man how much It week for his winter’s supplies. called for an«l the latter replicl $.50 cut glass, etc. A cordial invitation ¡is extended to Fine watch repairing 1. Alva l ewis Tills amount was paid over to the you to visit my store—the finest in the State, outside Eaton Hulbert's I o* ney »« (lumber's E. L. Coleman is up from Merrill on fellow. When t'lubme returned the of Portland. Stationery In Fancy Hoi busin«-»» ionneete«l with the special inistrtk** vvi«* discover«*«! and after con­ Choice Candles edition of theMernl Reciinl. which is siderable trouble th» amount over pai«l to be issued about lh-«-euibet 20 was receivere«l. \nias presents of all kinds at Win­ Have you |*aid vour subscription to ters,. The Republican ami voltwl lor your have the I* nr tit of selecting your Xtnao presents from my large aawrt- Neil Canipl-ell and wile arrive«! in the choice in til«* Jamestown Fx|*oaition ment of holiday food». Falls Tuesday Irum their ranch north ol contest ? Bly. In opening his jewelry »tore In the Fun- line of Holiday go«»!» at Win­ Klauiath t'oiuinei« lai tgency building, ters’ Jewelry Store. Tba>i M< llattau has joined th» ranks «1 1 w ill make a specialty of my I am prepared to repair any ar­ left Wilson ami wife of l.angi-11 new buxine»» firm, for tine city He optical work, and guarantee it ticle of jewelry no matter how Waterman's Ideal Vountaln Pens Valley were visitors in the city Tuesday, lias a very complete »t«»*k. wliu-h lie to be perfectly satisfactory difficult may be the work guests of Mr. an«i Mr». George Mil ton­ |w*rs«uixlly »ele«*t«-«l m Fan Fram'isco. BOOKS and LATEST STANDARD NOVELS Hie experience in the jewelry business al«!. ill this county lias qualitied him to Just arrive«! at Alva Lawia’a, new Every Article Carries My Guarantee make practical s, lection«, and Im line line of jewelry. will l>e sine to meet the wiehvs ol the Chitwoods Toilet creaui will cure sun­ purchasing public of Klamath county. burn, tan and freckles. Republican Block 11» extends a cordial invitation to the AUTO, PHOT and POSTAL ALBUMS J. Frank Adams and wife ol Merrill the public to inspect his stock. KLAMATH FALLS are in the city this week, guests al the Watches. L. Alva Lewis. I.akeside Inn. « Christmas Cards by the Wholesale « Last Tuesday evening while II. —. Just arrive«! today an elegant line of 1‘arrtsh ol Merrill was driving home his furs at the Boston Store. | cows, the horse he was riding, while A lull line of very Are purses can br making a quick turn, slippetl and fell, found at the Star Drug Store. catching Mr. I'arrish s right leg under Several of the busineas m«*n are pre­ her, resulting m a comjxiund fraction phone 453 paring to harvest the present crop of • >( the bone between the knee and ankle. GET IN LINE! ice. They will haul from the Upper Dr. I’atterson care«! for the injure.1 Klamath lake where the ue is goo«l and limb, and the patient Is a» coiiifort- Work will begin on pure. { able a» may Iw* expected under the cir­ Good business building for rent on cumstances. the Upper Project next l Limburger and Swiss Cheese Maiu street. Apply to T. W. Stephens. Have you |uii»i your fulwcription to Spring, jk ja jk jk W. F. Arant, superintemient of the The Republican and voteti for your choice GROŒI ilES AND BAKERY GOODS Crater Lake National Park arrived in in the Jutnratoun Ex|H«iü«*n contint? The Lost River Re­ town Monday, and as he says front tin* For eale—Good th re«« room cottage snowv regions." He will go tiack in a w ith I wo loin, will I h - imi Id nt a bargain. alty Co. will sell you U. few «lays with supplies for the men who Aino < n«- c»H»k Move atxl one heater. will remain there this winter. lands cheap, and on Emptier nt inv place near the high X The motto a«lopte«i by Tha«i McHat- aehool.—1. A Martin. easy terms. tan, show new jewelrv store wai Mr». J. G Pierce enteMame«! Friday openad (or business in the Klamath a'ternoon in honor of Mr*. Rex third of Commercial Agency building tins week, (»lene. The reception un- largely al- is honest g*x»ls ami rea*«*nable price*. tended ao«l “ w played by the An inspection o »oim* tine I 'abliage. Ri-xnlence thousand jxiumls ol freight lor The west »ide of bridge. 11 II »t F Ifr t* ir « a li-»!«• - wln-re \ • i • ,»u -«■!»•« t uhvtlin e \<>ii hk<- Brick Store Co., C. D. Wilson and tl>e Juxt »rrive.1 today an elegant lin» of J i 1.1 •• • f> road *8 000 worth i rim pal I .»-v li<-hi r* and Chairs Electric Cash Store. ladle*’ and misse.’ dre»» skirts. These ^i<>r tha holiday lrad< Wa will try to n you» 9 »printf ’ * . For sale.—Bedsteads and g'xsls are direct from the factory—no 9 and one g< «si organ. Inquire ol J. R iniddle-iuan'a profit.. The Boxton 5Don’t forget I have t.iken the agency for the entire I Maxon, 2 blocks Northwest of I’resby* Store. terian church. Mine of Pianos of the L'f Klamath 9 Sand Lake Counties. Samples of some of the makes will Butin left Wednesday morning for tux home in Tacoma. Wash, tie ha» fbeonmy floor in a feu days. Easy terms on Pianos, or been in the county the past mouth look­ 5for cash we will give you a liberal reduction, ing alter his interest in Poe Valley. For rings go to L. Alva Lewis. New a All that remains unsaid, just consider If von want harness or leather goods, line just arrived. i that it has been said just retnemlier the Lirikville Saddlery Have you uaid vour subscription to The Republican and vote*! lor youi company now­ located in itn new home choice in the Jamestown Ex|-o--itioii next dixir to the pout office in thin city. contest? riivi Chas. I’attee, the real estate man of Have you pai'l your «ubscription to The FREE DELIVERY WITHIN Bonanza, is in the city this week look­ Republican and vot«-d lor vour choice in THE CITY LIMITS . . . ing after business. the lames town Ex|»>«ilion context? 'fl Just arrived today ladies’ and mi«se»’ For sale—A rooming house ami street caps—at the Boston Store. restaurant. I*oing a prosperous bu»i* X4*4*4*4’4,4*4*4*4*4’4,4’ 4*4’4*4*4,4*4*4,4’4’4,4’X Do ycu need visiting card»? If so call news. Price |HMX) cash. Maxon A i at the Republican office where you will Slough. t find the latest stvles in cards arid type If von wish the most beautiful pattern , Small tracts of well located tnle marsh in xilk waists and underskirts call at t i lands offered for one week at «20 per the Boxton. They have juat arrived. i acre. Atari Ady. No. M Alert cant rook atove ....................... 113 Ml Briar and Meerschaum pijies at the i The Ladies Home Journal and two Star Drug Store. Also all the leading No. K-IM Tolrerfe