Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, December 06, 1906, Image 6

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    Notice I« r Publication
Unite«! Mat«- I ai d t'tfiw. laikevirw.
<)r«'g*»ii, Nov _M. 19 b».
Notice i* Lv-vl»\ given that in com-
»hanc«* w ith 11 «• ptov imoi f ol the a* ’ ol
t'i'iigrc***» « t lune 3, 1N7N. «-iititled "An
tel t«»r ti e *.i c of tiiid*er land»* in the
VtBttFt • ' < .<
ia. < ''«V t’.
' >’la
•mi Wa-hU s on Te» rit«»rya» « nu ii -
mi !<» all th«* Public Lan«t »^tatew by act
»I kugtiM 4
latxinan 1 . la»i,*u
■rttr. »• P -.» «nd. county of M*iltn.»-
mxh. Mate « llhtip n, I.a* tiled in this
• ffi.
»•.<’« n-« nt N<
>h«* piin-’-a»«* .»f the XV*.»
SE 4
- k 4 \ ‘A 4
So. 37 «*. h N«» M F. M M. and mil
•fit-y pr.w't t< »how that the laud s«»ught
■« nu»r«* valuable for its limber «»» M^ne
dian for agi i« nìtmaì pu»|»* >«•»». ai.«l lo
vstabli*h hia claim t » sani land lA*tor»*
fò*o. Cna»ta.t.. Coin.tv C.«*rk of Klam­
ath Co •mix al bis « ìficial place «»I buM
•rs»* at K atiiath
Falla, Oregon, on
Thursday the 7t‘i day of bvbrua'V,
Jim .1 18?» cntltlvd * \n act for the »ale of
lintber laud» iu die mai » <>i Caltf »ruia «»r«*-
gou. Ncva.tA a d MaM.tugvm lerritor)as
rxtend«»d t«» al. the
I.and MAt. » b. a. t
of ktignst 4 t**•.»» w Iliain «» Tbompaoii. of
kiaiaath ralli* c«»unty oi klantath .»laie of
vregon. l a» rt el in ihi» *'< ’« • hi» suorii State
lueut no ».'.'9 lor Il e p-n ; »»voi the
N k
« 01 S*‘* 5 ' * U l i v
S K NO » F
u \ ba 4 O ■ • ' ■ i • • f i» ‘.«o» .bi-i ilo ¡and
tu*»re vam . au .«* lor il» tiuit«.*r «»r »ton«*
ihan *or Akilillui ai purpo»« » audio «*»tab
1 »n hi» c a.tn to m * d land bci«*re connty clvrk
oi k «atiiath «'outiiv . at in» ou.» :ai place ot bu»i-
u«»» at k iama.ii rall». o. cg<*u. on w . Jucsda) .
»he M h dav ot r brnarj. I h«’
He naine» a» wiiuca .»«> n
w m i an I iua oi kiamain rsil* oregon
Edwin Kelttinä» otklaiuath ralis. Oregon
Aithur ws tuan ot kiamatn ra..», oregon
w H bar ura «»I klamaih raua. oeegon.
Any and ali person» «.aiui.ng a.ivcr»vly th«*
at‘ove descrilMrd land» a.e r«fque»l«*d to file
ti.cit v a ms m this oincc un or beiorv »aid 6th
day o. r\ bruai« . IA.?
Il -9-2 l
Hr lianiv* :ts n Itnt »sv» :
Kalke F«»
tie«». B. t at líele ol Kiuiiialli Fall».
|MT( art ment of »he * Inteifor. Land Office at
Fall», t.a*«-v i«*w Or« g««n X di% .U MC*'
Wtn. J. i article of Klamath
N«*î.ce is I k rvbj v «cu n*. Frank ’«»Un»! »
Or«c ’«i.
Wileon <4 Klamath Fall«. «4 Dwirv Orvgvii. .*a* i ni d ■ ottee ot hts tnten-
!«r«». XX
liuu l«> make tina. « « i-i. .«.u.aiioti ¡rovi tu aup-
't K’ «m «th Fill-«, Oregwn. ,-ort ««t hi* eia a. «
ifoatest.’wd Futry No.
t Kt » • « rv«
*ja4 ma«te uiad- !»<•- lo pa*4. lor thè *M 4 SM l4
Uli.m*. v ?4. er ul KI hii «th F»II». ihv
w< I ». *F‘4 » - .. an.t X M 4 NM * 4 ». . 12.
\ny sud h |»ers«Mis claiming advetw
ip 37 ;». tv lo i. w M aini mai *ai«J proo: wiìl
hr the j U x » vc de»cid**d Innd« a»e re
ne u.ailc be’oie H «• c erg .’i K.a ath r.*unl«
qnrfftd t' r *• tl.vir «Istu» ia thi*. tf«v Ot« al Li» «ttw, s.
la..*. OregoU
a» or fo t <r«- ».«id 7th «iav «*f February
uu hit« «i»\ ul F< o. ..ary . I •*’
H : au»«*a thè •« . «»a ir g «*i*nr*»es t«» prove
11-29-2 l
.1 N. ‘Virsov. Register.
ut* «.‘uni’nuu.u r«*» a-ac
: >*u ut, tbr i*ud. «i*
D. w Ifor* li ut Lai
Noli.c for Publication
Roy F. M httne o. Tu. .r
United >ta f«s Lain! Office. I-akwiew .
Je»*te U Ci aceti* «4 b»
Oregon. No\ 22. h*Od.
\ a- k i . H - ward «> Da
Notice i- I rod y giv«*n that in e*»tii
4ian< r n it h U r pr. \ i*i *n» of tbv a< t <»l
t engtes* ot hti ? ’. lx?S. enti!Ir«i ‘ An
it rof tu:.ber land.** in the
art l«*r the
Unfte<1 State* Laud oi
’.A *>'
i*t«tv* * i < t tn.ri irt. t»»eg*«n. N v.t i «.
<»!• T«*r»it**rv.”as ex«en*i»*’i October 24. Hk*.
gn<I W a*hii
m all the Public L.m«l states b\ nd ol
Notice la hereby g v. u that tn comp ance
Angn»t 4. 1«2. Ray l aini», of Ketto, with the proviaivn - < h the act of Congre-* <d
CgMltUV of k ■uoath. Mate of Oregon, June 3, I*"’» enlit’«Hl "An act for the sale of
tas tiled in thi»»
hi» «»ffice
office bi* sworn stale* timber an •* !n the s ate» «»f Ca’ forrva. **rc-
pnrchftM» ol the gon. Xevuita an.| M\d: melon T rru«» «
■»♦ nt No. .»?_*> t*'* ll»r
Ot -« N’«‘ n SI m T|*. N • 40 '
\; n«tr«t .» *.t ri*" !*• '• «‘laut >’•■-»•<« art
K No N E. W M. a: d Mill <.ffer preatf to of Augu*t 4 1*92. ♦:*'*»rge T«*edf of M- tMt.com.
abow that the lan«i » night i* more val­ ry of Siskiyou, slate of « al..orma, ha* fi .«*<! in
uable fur it* timber or st**ne than for this «.¡fice bis sworn »tatement No .tl**, for
agricultural purpo>vs. and tn establish the purr a
«.f th«* E'2SM*4 s « h * 4. and F1,
bis claim t«> »aid lat.d Indore C«>unl\ ' a .
x . 9. E M M
Orrk <»i Kl.itna’h Count', nt his official and will offer pr«»f to »how that th»* • lau«!
place of Li »! r»» at Klamath bail«, wougl t i» more valuable for its ttmb.T or »tone
ihvg *n, on Tuesday, the 5tli day o: than for agricultural pur,*»*ew and to r»tab-
February, lu>7.
:*h hi* claim t<- »aid land before « •onty cterk
He names a» witness«*?:
of klamaih county a' hi official p.A’e <>t busi-
E*li 't<»r’-»r. A. W. Shtir, Henrv new*, at klarnath Fall* Oregon, on Monday,
Chapiranand B ic«. W. McCormick, all of the 4th day of February. I * ’
k n< , < >rvg I*
He name* a» witne»**»*
Any and all r»e sors rlaiming adverse­
1. C. Smith of k.aatath Tails. < *r *gon.
ly the ab«*ve described lands are r» -
Harry (»cans ol klamaih Falls or-*g *u
^Rested to file their claim* in thia**tfict*
MJ. Phil lip* of k amatbFaL» oreg«»n
• a or before said 5<b day <»f February,
M. J Broderick of klarnath Fall- oreg«»n
I. 9 Wai
| iter.
Any and all per*on* c.auniug a lvt-r*e«y the
11 2» 2 1
above de*crita-d lands are req tested to fi,e
their claims in thia office ou or before *ahl 4th
day of February . I*/7
Administrator's Notice.
11-22 2-1
J. N Ma*son. Register.
Not.ee ia hereby given that the County
Court for klauiath county. Oregon, sitting tn
pronate did on the 21st day of November.
bu appoint me
Administrator of the E*-
In the Circuit Court of th«* State of Oregon
aat«* of Martin Lyinzdal. deceased.
(or the county of Kiwmwtfi
Ail I er »on* having claim» against the »aid
Herman Schmor. |Uini.ff, vs
«alata will prevent them to me on or before Scbmor. defendant
towr werKsat my office in the city of klamath
Suit for divorce.
Falls, o-f on dulv verified according to law.
lu i’auiiue scurnur. lue above name 1 de­
Bated this 21»t d* ul November, 1906.
fendant :
In ti.e nan.e of the State of Oregon
Administrator of ti e Estate of Martin Lying
Y< 11 are beret y required t<- appear and an­
swer the complaint tt.-d against you m the
Notice for Publication
Unit»* ! State» Land Office, I-akevirw.
<Jr<*fon, Nov. 22.
Notice i, hereby given that in com­
pliance with the proviaiona of the act ol
Congrerx of J line 3, l*7rt, entitled “An
act tor the -ale of timber lamia in the
State- '4 California. Oregon,
ami Washington Territory,” aa extend
ed to ail tl.e Public Taind State» by act
•t August 4, 1H'.'2, U ill.am J. Phillip»,
•f Klamatli
county of
Stale oi Oregon, bae riled in thia office
hi» »worn
No. 32M, for the
above entitled suit, on or betur»* Thursday the
22nd da» oi November •*>** being tue ia»t «lay
of the time prescribed in tlie r»ter for tue
publication o: ths» »umtnost the fir.«: publi­
cation thercot being on tha 11th day of Octo­
ber. 1908; and if you tail to so appear and an
swer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply
to the Court for the relief praye«! for in the
complaint herein to-wit For a 4* «-rer dissolv­
ing t b« bond* of niatrirnony now existing be
tween plaintiff an«! defendant
The *um-
mon* w a -•••rved b) p'.ibLcation there«.»i m tt»«-
K .aniatL RepubLi an. by order ol
H. t»rM*
fith. County Judge oi Kiamatn « ••unty, Ore­
gon. made, 'fated «nil tt»ed in tin* suit at
■ « •
October. 1<»> which »ani «»r*ivr r«-«|uir«* tha’
vunitnous in 'in- « ii* e- i»uhl<»hei one** a
week for a ¡•♦■nod of *tx conaecutlve and suc-
«•i<t Wees* u«
in .«»b Jay ul October.
H M' K kks F. k attorney for plaintiff
pnr'.'ba»» of the Lot 3 of Sec. No. 3, in
Tp No. 37 S, l< No. V E, W M, and will
aler proof to »how that tlie land »ought
» more valuable for it» tiBil«r or »tone
«han for agricultural purpose», and to
«»tabli»)« hi» claim to »anl land la-fore
lounty clerk ol K>amatl> county, at hi-
»Acial place of bu-ir.e-» at Klamath
Falls, Oregon, on Wednesday the t>lh
iay of February. 1907.
He name» aa witne««e»:
li'.C. Stni'i ot Klamath Fall». Oregon.
W. .1. Broderick of Klarnath Fails.
Ifarri.TF-an, of Klamath Fall», Ore.
• «iorge T'w-dt of Wee-I. California.
Any and all per*ona claiming adverae-
ly the afarve deacrilie-l lamia are re-
que-led to rile thei- claim« in thi» office
en or liefore »aid 6th day of February,
11-29 21
J. N. W*T»oy, Register.
Notice for Publication
CnlUd State* lAtnd office. Lakeview. Oregon
Bov. 22, 1906.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with th« provisions of the act of Congreas of
Janet 1A78, entitled An Act for the sale of
ttaiber lands iu the Mtatea of California, Ore­
gon, Nevada and Washington Territory." aa
«xtended to all the Public lAtnd State« by act
•f August 4, 1*92, John K. Crews, of Klamath
Falls, county Of klarnath, Mtate of Oregon, has
fled in this office his »w.rrn statement No.
321K. for the purchase of the MKk
of Mec.
■o .% tn Tp. mo . 38 8, R No. 9 E, w M.and will
•Her proof to show that the land sought is
■ore valuable for Its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said land before county clerk of
Bkamath couuty, at his official place of busi-
•rr.*s at klarnath Falls. Oregon ou Monday, the
«a day of February, 1907.
Hv names as witnesses:
frack Rolfe of klarnath rails, Oregon,
rrank ketcher of klarnath Falls, Oregon.
8. L. rorker of klarnath Falls, Oregon.
C. G Brower of klarnath Falls, Oregon,
Any and s)l j>ersong claiming a<ltersely the
above drweribed lands are requested to file
their claims iu this office on or before said 4th
gay of February, 1907.
U 29-2 1
J N. watson , Register.
ab v- . e cribe I land are re«|tiestet 1» file
th« *r claim« tn this office on ot befort aid 4ih
day oi Jauuary. IW?
Il I 1-4
J N. Malsuu. Register
Notice for PublKation
Department of the Interfor, land office at
». akevi«-«* <»r«*g«*n o»'i«»bcr. a* ltk*
X »lice * h« eby such that II io I ha *. Mariin
*»f klaniAlh Fall» <>r«*g« n. ha« rtl«*«1 notte«* of
hi» intention to make final tiv«'>«*ar proof tu
support of hi» clami, « - H.mi«*»tvad Bntrv
No MM mw3c B h A' MH fof Me sk *, »bk
>’tXK’4s.c 22 and NM k xWk s.. *1 Tp4t)!«
R9 K M M amt that «aid proof will be made
b«*fore the elrrk o*. klatnatii lmuii I) Ore at
hi»offi«c ai klaiuwth F a L s O tv . on 4th day ol
January. I9t>7
H«* nam«*» the follow in« w itm**»c» to prove
hi» continuous retideuce upon. au.I cultiva
lion of. th«* land, vis :
Andrew Ryan of klarnath Falls <>r«*gon
F it Ratusby oi klarnath Fall* Oregon
Crawford II.Il of k lainaili Falls. Oregon
< M Kwtusby ol klau.aih balls. Oregon
ll-A l.-V
J N Matson. Register
inn»»v' lamb lii th * state» of California. Or«*
gon N«va«la and Ma*hlngton Territory." a*
« vt* nd«d t«< a I; the Publtc I and states by act
of Vimm 4 l**»
A ill.am .i fiulltvaii. of M«*r
rili ..MA»«* of s' is» .iti»iii .ba* rt'v. I in tin* tiflit-«*
bis swo ti »lAieuicut No l.'U lor the purchA*«*
ol th»* fi « of Sk of fi»*«* No lb. lu Township No
ts s Rang«* No <> K M M . and w III off«*r pr«»*»f Io
»how that the land m light la more valuable
lot H* timber or atom* (tian for Agricultural
purpow«'«. and to «'»lahliah his claim to »aid
land Indore < uuitty clerk of a>ainath « «»unt)
ai hi* official place of busineaa on Tbur»«la)
th«* 3rd da> oi Jauuarv I*»?
He iiatm*» aa witn«*a*e»*
Henry c Hpa?r lr . *»t Forest Oregon
Fred Q.iad.* of F«»r*»si Oregon
I hvHnfor«* K Norris, ot K*lilaud. Oregon
Julius P Moli. of Ashland. Oregon
Any and ad pe<»onsclaiming adversely th«*
ata«« c d«’»*■ i ib. i aii 1« ar«* requested to hk
their claim» m t i * effiee on or before «aid . I
day of Januar), *9U7
J N WATSON Register
1 ««»tabllsh hl* rlaltn to said land l»elot«» R»’g
l»t«*r and Receiver at l.akevtew. Oregon. ou
Saturday th«* 29th dav of Hmviuhnr. I mai
It«* name* a* witnesses
K*|| M M«*tgaii «il heiio Oregon
iloo |l Morgan.*»! Kemi. Oi«*g«»ti
Auy and all |*ertoiiis clatining alverseljr the
above dt‘»crthe«| lauds ar«* rv«|m*strd to til*
ilivir claims In thia office on or b«*h»re »aid Mih
lay ol lav .
J. N MAiwtiN.
'tOit 12-14
Notice I or Publication
I ti * I st«l«*« latti »»(fica. Ia'4»«vir*w, Ore
g«*n. th’l. .*4 I«**
X«»iic«* I* h«*r«*«.y given that In compligm-,»
with il. •• provision* olili - a-t of Congress of
June i IS?» «*iiilll«<d "An a.'i lor th.* *alu of
11 in I*, i land» ili III.* Alale» ut
a llurtiia, <»r«<
g..n X.-vads au.I Mawhingiou l.-rrit.«tv
vslvll I* I IO All the •' ibi*.' Isti Hiainw h) a . i
of Aug .*! 4 Kv.' tratadla Ufon lemuug of
Klaiuaih Fat1* «iuguli county of Riamalli.
Atate «*! l»r>*g«oi. lia* Mied tn this olfit » |)rr
»«•««til «tal.’tu«’iit X«» llw for ihv tMltchaae of
lb. AWt xn
« i< 10 k at..| Sg*4
XFk N'«’*hk »»Ita*.
\.t »2 in |*p Nu Ü7 M
Hauge Xu 9 K M M and will ««8 i proof m
show that ilo* laud .oiighl I« mure valuable
l«»r it* lliiita’r oi «lone Ilian for agricultural
puri <•«* ami i«* v*ial»ll»li fo*r < Ialiti |«> *ai<|
laud I» for.' i HUtlly 4 lers of h lainaili < <i inly,
ai In* oifi. ial pis. ** of bu*lnv»* a* Klamath
Fall* <ir«*g«»ii. on Th.irtola) tu«< 3rd day of
Jeituat) I*»?
Ah* name* a« witnc**«'«
J i Hiuiih. of k lainaili Falls. Or *g.»u
llairv l>< ah * .o Klaiuaih Fall*. Oregon
M J liiod.-ru b .*f a a.uatit Fall«, Oreg «n
1 I'hiiiipp*. of Riamati» vella. Oregon
kii) and all |*era*>n* « laiuilng a Iveraely Hi«
abo«« i «*M rilo'd la.i I* a.«* r.'-piwated to fi «
thvir • lam*« n thi* <>ii|. < m or b^ ore »aid J*.I
«ley ot 'anuai y I*».’
It I I J
J N W a I mon Hagietar
l’ni»«*d Miai«*« I and *»ffic< . I.akevlew Oregon
.»« ! l». PAS«
Null« «-i« hereby giteli that in vaitipliän» «•
with th»< provision« ol th«* act of t -.ngt« ** «»<
ho»«* i l»?a. entitled
ku act fot th«' »al«- *»f
timber lati.l» In the miau *» of rallforniA or«*
gou x <-« a I a and m a » h i n g i «ut l.rrhur«
a *
«’Xtende.l to All the I’ut.'i. I au<l aiai .-* by a. t
ol August 4 1st*.’ Ihrtlia I M«-iid«-iihad. of
Klamath Fad* county wl Klamaih. filate of
Oreg«»n ha« filant tn this office her sw.iru stale
meut No >JJi lor the put« ha*.* *d the XK', al
Notice for Publication
fieettou No 2 in Fowushlp No w * Hsus. No
M »n I w id «'ffi-r proof to «h » w that the
Departm«'nt of th«- Intermn l aud office at
Untie«! fitate* I and offi«*«* l.ak«*vtvw <»r«*g««n
laud sought is more valuable lor its timber
l.akevtew Or«*guH. tk* »*■-« ai I'WH.
ih tober JU, :*«
aiu I aiuti«* il.au lor Agi .m.irai parp*.*«.* au<l
Noti«*e i» heteby g «.-*i • is. Charity Meyer
Notice is h«" -t»i given that in c«*nit»liau**«*
m «-«taidish her «Taitu to « a <1 I aiu I before
formerly Char.ty l.eshfoa. oi Klamath Falls,
with the prov sions <»( th«* a«’l «»I U.»ngre** ol
• ouniy t'lerk ol K lAinaih « <>UHty At Ills «>ffi
Oreg«'U ha* this da« rt vt her itc.enttoii to
June t Is’» entitled ku an a* i lor the »a «*
make final commutation | :• • *•>( tn sup|H»rt of «•! Uniter lands tit lb«* Slates «»' California vial p a.«» ot biiaiiiv*« st K, a ua I' i F a II« <><•
got* on Meduvtolay th«* J.id day oi Attuai > .
Iter claim, via : lloineMead Kutry No tJU2 Or«*gotv N«*»ala and Mashlugtoti Territory
made Julv 2 ; iam . for th. » t x
\ X N * x M k a* «•<t«*t»4«*d to all the Publi«- l and fitate* by «INT
fib«* naa.«*» a* w . tne»»«*a
Octol«« r 24 |*s«<
and NKk
* ***'’
I »• * * R 9 K W M ana act «»( August 4. 1**2
Ralph K Hiitler of
X««iir«- i* h«*t
Arsili« iohu*-'it. «*t K a nach t a . « Orrg>»n
ibat »aid proof will b«‘ made before the clerk
Klamath Fal.« Count) **l Klamath. State ot
Burg«* Ma*«*u oi Riamati» la ». «»tvgou
w uh eh«* pro» li
ol klarnath couuty at h
office at tiaiiiaih Oregon, ha» rtL*«l in this office hi* sworn stat**
M II M amin <• Kiaioaili la • or«g-*n
Julie t !»’» • i
Falls i»r«*4«»n *«u 4lh day
January. I9u?
m«*ut No 3|fct. tor th«* |.ur< ha».* of th«* fi‘t AW.
tiinl.i land*
a; «- name« the following witne. ua *» to prow M«**-tf*»n i.‘ an«! M » x.l ( of •*. « tton No
m udenball d Kia tatb Fa
11 •
13 tn
.Xiia.ta •
.■«*: cvutinuuu* reside
to e < u | a » u > ami cultiva
Township X.* 17 fi. Rang«* Xo hi b M M au I
i iou «»I, t tie lai d,vii :
Abate •!»•«• r.tn-d lauds ar* iS
■ •’.« I I.» file v « i**t««1«- I t«« all
will .-Ifot proof ro *ho«e that the lai 11 »ought
W A M i rm i t klamarli Fad*. Oregon
uvtr « ¡«im« in tin» .-ili« v oi* o« •» " > .'u l day
• i *
la more »aluab!« for It* iiml*. r or •i**iie ihan
of Iaimait työ?
l.y lit* *i Va»l n «»f klan atti i «11» i» go»i
a ili Fall* ♦ « mi
for agi n*.iltoral p.irp«»»«*», a .id to r sta*ih»h lii»
k M
J X W 41 ' *»N I. g ..rr
ium»«>u of a. aita *., Fall». « », < ^o;i
claim to *avt land before G«**»
F K H«-yd Ml klar »' r ali». t»t«*g«*ti
i«i« ut X . ;|4 f
County t'lerk ot Klamath r»»untv at hi* offi
11 * iJ-.v
Mu« non N.» 1 ti
J X M aiaou. Keg.«ter
vial place *»t hostile»» ac Klamaih Falls. Ore
Iti ». M
gou. on Friday h«* It*» day «>* Jan ¡ary. I9u7
villa. I Ok Pl Bl lu \ I IOS.
land oig tn
If« t'-aiue» a* u 1«tie
\oike for Pubikation.
•lidie I it AH
agt i«' i.turai
Fred L itanderman
Unit« d fitatr* I and «.»(IV« la*«
lA-. a t»ii.Mii ot the luterior. Land •me a;
« «i to »a t «a
Arc« le John*on. ot
uclober .’4. »M*.
Lakvv .« w OrvguU. October 3u. l*M.
J F Muwlin. ol Kia
N«»<ice is hrrcby glien II
No..,, » hereby g v«*u that F auci*
t»(«a«iU un
Hcrt Hal., of K lama
allit lite pro» i*|otia «H the
ot Mamaia Fall». Or«gnu. ha, filed
Any and aH p«*r*«>n
th« ! Juu«* S. I»7s «'uni «* | ' tus.
h.s iu:« *u on to make fit.al . .»»>■
ab««»e-de»crtbvd land
l tlhtl>rr land* In the fitau » *d < adi'-ru * lire
i rm»i tn sut*|*«Hl *»f tier claim, vic H.
ti»«' r cla'in* io • 4«
4 It g«>n X> « a>t A «iid M n - in. t. n lt.it.'
’ •>.» May
l-Jut f«»r
1 S ' » t». ■« d • • a
« 1' • !.. . la d * » •
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j N M i 1 » .\
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14 l I
i I A». ■ I 4 i«-
I. > r. .» .M au.l that
k Jama ili fal>« ««< i«t» «H s aiuuti* «late ol
lwt.*rr lb, eier* ol Klamath count.
I urvg.at. ha» .*1i«”l in ll,|s < ffirr hi* •«> «.matat* * Al-
hl. oflivv • Klaiuaih 1 • ... Or. uu ,,u 4a, ol
' meni Xo iJ44 '«»r th | .<« ha»«’ « I u*
» **f « IU«
Tiniher I ind Sotke
January. I9j7.
»«*«■ * aixl M', '»M*t
In 1
She uauio the following u.tnc«»**» to prove
J X W UflNi. K g atri»
- i; x
. f u m »t. i «
..r r |...
Timbrr I amt kci June t !•'« x.q « e for Pub
her c«»u t .nut>u» residence iq«uti. and ctiUtta
, liiat tl*«* laini ». .ght l* ttiurr «aiuat -. I«*r ils
tiuu ot. the land, vn:
Sotke of I inai Account
, United Htafe» Laini offitr. l.ak< «
Oregon. 1 tiu*ta*r or »tutte Ihan for agriculturai pur
« I,aw X M. S.'! .<1 K.auiA'!. E A , •
!«>»«•« atul t«> . »ta i»h In» ■ «>:u to »a I and
Ori 11. I-AM
lu the r*u.ui) «'vurt für Alan.all» titilli)
< har:i) Meyer ol k.amaib tad* Oreguu
t-»*io(v couut) rlerk «H klantath ««»uuty at hi« stair «*l ttrrgutt
• *■ .
M A M mu vf k .amaih Fa ... Orrguu.
«•! t.-i- ix •• a1 k ainatli Fall«,
with th« provisions of the act of Congre*» ot >lh> a
111 Ihr > Maller >d ihr K«iat«
l.ymi H \ adeu uf k.Aiuat ti Fad«, Oregon
kagruv » « idt.*u
June i. u <7 m «-ni i tied - An a« t f«*r the »air of oregon. un Friday the Mb day ui F«*bruary.
ll-A-12 JU
J \ U'ataou. Register.
timber land« m the »«»air» of < ailfornia. <*r*
pear* ) ad
gou. Nevada and M a « u ;i»gn*u Territor)
tulnist alur <if Ihr a!«.» r rill II ie<t «**<elr, ha«
M m I a«:.ua <<! kiaiuatli FaH« oregon
extende«! to ali ihe Public Land Aiate» t»v a« i
1 i)
hl« fitlAi A« « ■ mt A* A-Im t t»i«t f At.'f
Kdwwr«t F* lillua* •*! klamaih Fall* -»rrgon
of iuguli 4, l»y.’ U.) mm * b E Herder, of Ken«»
<*f ms I •*«tale and thAt Ih* 24th «lay «>f I a -
♦ < Il'>gue *>l slan.aih Faii* oregon
county of K.aiuath. «tate of Oregon, has
I filed
rrtllta r |W». al ! '•«’ h-* r <d tu >' < '•'*» k A tt» At
K 1 ||i*t ..ar I I k ¡an a i* la.
in th:» office bls sauru statement
<d »Ai-1 c."»rt liA« I mku fitr-l A«
I'mte.1 Main L»a4 o«.-,. Lakavlva On
Any and ali |» rsons «..a tu ng advrrarly the Ihr I ■' *ri
N«» il-U tor th«' I ';r« !is»«* ol U h * « k *•* • d
<h* lober 24 19M
Aectluu No a, in Township No 41 a Range No «bove descrlbed lande are r«*-| i *tr«l lo Hl« Ihr time an«! place f<»r «ctillug *Ai-t a*«uunt
uh)«-<tluu* theretu
Notice t» hereby g ven fiat in compliance 7 F M M and will ger pr*»>f to show that the thrir cialm« tu Ibi* olfi««* un or twlore *aid
x | g Alt« y
with the provisions of the a« t of < fougrem of laud sought Is more valuable for its timber or «iti day «»I fobruary. i*»7
■ .
JuM3, 1878. entitled • In <0t fur the saiaot stone than tor agricultural purposes, ami tu
l liltuh deceased
II Wil 8
J N Hatto.n R«gl>4er
Why not have you a home in
the Hot Springs tract, where
you can have use of the splendid
mineral water?
Hot Springs addition i*s in the
heart of the city of Klamath
Falls, whose population will be
25000 in less than 10 years
Notice for Publication
United State» (.and office at Lakeview. Ore
gon. Oct. ¿4. .9tM.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provision* of the act «»( (fongreaa of
June 3, 1878. entitled An act for the »a.e of
timber lands in the States of California Ore­
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory.” a»
eitended to all the Public l4»nd States by act
of August 4. 1892. William J Broderick, of
Klamath Fails, county of Klamath, Stale of
Oregon, ha» filed in this office hiasworr state­
ment No. 3197. for the purchase of the Lot 2 of
Section No. 3. in Townabib No 37 S, Range No.
9 E W M. and will offer proof to »h<»w that the
land «ought is more valuable for it» timber or
atone than lor agricultural purposes, and to
establish hi* claim to »aid land before County
Clerk of Klamath County, at his official place
of business, at Klamath Falls, Oregon, on
Tbuisday, the 3rd day of January, 19u7.
He names as witnesses :
Geo. Toedt, of Weed, California.
J.C Smith, of Klarnath Falls. Oregon.
Harry Deans, of Klamath Falls, Oregon.
M’.J. Phillips, o. Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims is this office on or before said 3rd
■ lay of January 1907
li-l-l 3
J N WATSON. Beflster.
Study the following analysis made by the
University of Oregon:
Sodium Chloride
Calcium Sulphate
Magnesium Sulphate
Sodium Sulphate
Iron and Aluminum Oxides
Sodium Silicate
Notice tor Publication
Lakeview, Oregon. Ort. 24,1906.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of ( ongress of
June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California. Ore­
gon. Nevada, and Washington Territory," a»
extended to ail th** Public Land States by art
of August 4. 1892, Charles Chester Hogtn*. of
Klarnath Falls, county of Klamath, State of
Oregon, has filed in this office his sworn state­
ment No. 3238, for the part base of th**
■ snd K'^w,■•■ -e
> I la j|.Re >
S, R No. 9 K, W M. and will offer proof to show
that the land sought is more valuable for
its timber or stone than for agricul­
tural purposes, and to establish bis claim
to said land before county clerk of klarnath
county at his official place of business, at
klarnath Falls, Oregon, on Fr day, the 4th day
of January, 1907.
He names as witnesses:
Notice for Publication
Edwin Ecbtlaaw >f Klamath Falk, Oregon
United Bute* Land office. Lakview, Oregon,
<u. Last aa 4 K ama 3 1 alls, Oragnt
«««.22, 1906.
Kay D. Hubba/4 of kiamatn Falls, Oregon
Ketice is hereby given that In compliance
Ruby A. Hubbard of klarnath Fails, Oregon.
with the provisions of the act of Congress of I
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
Read what Dr. G. F. Hanson of San Francisco says of this water:
"A careful examination of the water convinces me that it i» unsurp»»«-«! in tlie nature of it» mineral content, ami should prove of the greatest
possible utility in the treatment of congested conditions ami for the general thiahing of the tissues. I>y»|»'p»ia, sluggish liver, habitual constipation
so-called billiounness and bilious headache», indefinite rheumatic pain» due to the accumulation of uric acid or retention of other waste product» in the
system, faulty elimination by the kidney», and a long train of ailment, dependent upon almve states of bodily ill-health are benefited by the free drink im,
of and bathing in such water»."
For prices, see or
write to the