Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, December 06, 1906, Image 1

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    Official Newspaper
of Klamath County
A Portland Reporter
laika lor the
Distinguished Jurist
Vigorous Opposition Re
suited in the City Coun­
cil Deciding to With­
hold Grant Asked For
by the Reclamation Ser
U>ng and weary na* the regular and
a<lj<>urnr<l •••••n>n« of the city cuum il,
held M uiolay al» I 1 tlewday «•veiling* ol
th)« week
The I mhi «* of contention and
the cause ol much <li*« iit*|oii wa« the
gfantllig «»I th«* (rain bo«’ I*» the Re. la
ination beivice t«» coiiwfrml the Kenn
canal on the west aide of Link river
K hi tn« I h Fall® wa* out in Iona-.
and ®howr«l »neb g<MMl fighting qualities
that they *Ut errdcd in forcing a p*»«t-
|M>iicinriit < f a* tion <»ii the <pi« »tion un­
til the He»* | wm m imi bcrvicu rrache»
ol aglcrllietll With tbr plop*
rrlv owner» arte« led.
At the in« • lii.g Mtihdav rVi-ning bill*
aggregating |I2* 0 wvie uidrred paid,
|2 <) ul whit li wa® in payment ul the
plrparatioli ol plan« fur tile lirW »eWrt
*y«tein anti flAO to Cnrfwilght and
htrinri for att*-n<htig * ium II| m >x patient«.
Till* latter bill bail la*rn I.«-Id up tur
»«vrial »e*kr l«*r r«vi»i<»n, but wa*
finally «>r*lvrc«i paid in original buui.
The a< ipiiring of a »It«* for a new city
hall * a* taken up anti »rveral pr»»po«i
tion® were advance«! aii»«»i>g whu h wa»
on«* lr»»m I*.
tiuw.’in «»t the pr« |»crty
on the t timer of 3rd ant! 11 nth »treels
aid the Hmlth <'«»r|H»ratit»n <»n tbr cor­
ner of 4ih stlrrt rtiel Klamath avenue.
It wa* |M»«|M>nrd until liii'nd.iv riming,
when, hi the heal of thr ,li»< u*»i"ii ovri
the Ki-m>< anal, it was forgotten.
Tb«* pmp<»«iti‘»ii l<‘ rejMiir bib »trevt
from Hi«* teriMinil« of the new county
road to Miilll «trevt wa* tll«|H»*rd ol bv
ordering the street coiniiii*«i«iher to
make (hr
net « »«ary irupruveiuenlB,
which will <:»»•< almiit |75o.
Iu«**<iay evening tbr qu«*ation of relit
for tli«* t-rtiahei, which ha» la-rn hi »«*r-
vice in tin« ctmiily, wa» up h»r <li»cu»-
«ion. an«! the council agirrd to accept
Itiatl® of «tone now on tin gr<*uid
hi lieu d a monetary r<»n®ideratiun.
This stone will lw* u ®« h I oil 6th street.
A light wa* ord«’rctl placet! at the
comer «>1 Proliant and Cphain *tr«*<*la.
In ladiall of the property owner« on
the west »de, Jtdgc Baldwin aid Mr.
Milin Hp|a ar«'(l. I lie argument that
caused th«* council to p<»«t|K>iir action
wa* advanced by ltdgu Baldwin, who
cuntendiwl that it wa* not right that
the properly <»wnvre should lie placed
oil tlie d«*!«’ii®)Ve, which they would la*
if the council granted the Iran« hiM*. a»
it would compel thr.n to go info court
to prot«*rt tbrir rights. < hi th«* other
hand, H the franchise was nut granted,
the government would have first to tr« at
with those uiosl vitally iiilrimted.
Mr. Mill® contended that tbr council
had in» authority to grant the franchi®«*.
Mr. Murphy, <»n bdialt of th«* gov­
ernment, Hialeti that the service tiad no
desire to injure anyone; that hie only
desire wa® L>expedite tin* construction
of the K viio Canal and that bv wa® sure
that a *ati®factory agreement could I m » i
reached with the parties affected. “H,
however," said Mr. Murphy. "*«• are
coin|M»lled to remove every obstacle in
the path of the granting ol this franchise,
then I am afraid the canal cannot lie
built next year ”
Thin argument did not change the
determination of the council, which
decided to let the government act first.
The stockholder® of the Bank ot
Bonanza held a meeting last Saturday
afternoon, when it was decided to in-
<f>r|HjiMlv at olive, Among the stock-
holdem are Flank Ira White, Alex Mar­
lin, Jr., Jacob Hueck, Hoy Hamaker,
W. (’. Dalton, D. V. Dalton and 11. L.
Tim capital stock will In»
|25,(MM), and wiih over-snbscril»ed.
Temporary quartern
have already
been aeriirrd and the new institution
will open for buaineaa a® soon aa
Edison’s gold mould record phono
graphs at Newsom A Underwood.
New Organization
Hon ILL Bviimri, (’»rciih Judge of
this judicial district, wa» hi Portland
!.««( week, and frlf vn tim t«» th» wilt*
<»f a P*it and newspaper reporter, who
pr <»<*«•«*< I rd to annihilate the W iilppiligpoftt
■talus over the Judge*® »huuhirr. Th«
H’nl lia» anuiseo an nnrnfiin* amount of
interest throughout the stale.
'1 he |a>rtiun ul the alb*ge<i interview
that caused Hie furor wa» the state-
mriit, att ributrd to the Judge, that it
wii« hi® la-lief Hint woinen ought t< le
thrashed that 1« e»inr women.
dently the r«*|M»rtrr di<i n»»t kii"W th?
New hoard fur I nauing ^ar la Iudtt«* or be would nut liave iiaan Su
»troiiglv <>n hi* iin.igination.
When the article was called t«» tbr
attention of Judge Bvnmn, he wrote llir
Tbr annual meeting of ihr stockhold­ following letter to the Telegram.
er® ol ihv Klamaih l*uuni\ Agf ictiltiiral
Portland. Nov. 27.—<lo Hie Editor of
association wa* h**l<i in B Hi Geo. Ihv r«dvgram -—It appear® that in an
Bishop’s at»»r«’ last hatiirday evening, veil moment 1 expressed my private
w hen the following Board of Directors «•pinion® t<> a genial representative of
w tie < hoerii
, the pres* with indiscreet frankness in
J \
lluUMton, B. Kt. Gm. Bishop, regard to the cheerful reversion to Hie
Al»x Martin L. Gerlirr. J. Frank •tone ag«*. commonly known a* th?
Adam®, <»eorg««. R. Hum and George f.
whipping |MWt.
Bal lwin, i >ffic«*r» for the ensuing year
While 1 did not use the exact language
wi «r not rlrctr«!, but this action will l»e credited to me in the interview in the
taken Ihl® v eek.
Oregonian, doubtless the reporter ex­
The mo«t pleasing incident <4 the pressed it l»etter than I could have done.
meeting wa« the report •>! the financial However, I am desirous that it should
condition <•! the asaociation
For the not go forth in the pr« •« that I ever
fimt lim»- in It« history it IS out of debt •ai I that women ought to lx* Iwateu by
and laces the coming year with a baiel- , (heir husband» <*r an\I hs I v rise. U hat
•oin«* • a»b balancr in the tieasury.
I tried to say hi that regare! is that thrre
In effort I» to ♦•e mad«* t<» Hierva»? the are many female mental p«*ivcrt® w |iu®e
n n in I m * r of »!<» kiioldrr* , only |3 im « i <>f «fftcetions <an only l»e kept warm by
tl.«* f M> mi « aiutal of the association ha» brutality. 1 aui of the opii l m that il a
liven »«»Id. Next year it is proiawvd to man !®-at» hl® w He tw n r she I» entitled
«•< ip»«* anvtbmg h<*reto(«»rv attempted, t > s% mpatliy. hut if »hr still clings to
and it i» with Hit» end in view that an the brute and receive« a third aaeult
mlir* ruuvit»« lor the dik|M*»iti<»n of »hr I a» deliberate!y chosen that rent of
®!<w *k * ill la» math*
thing. A woman whu could love a man
\nothrr seriou« question that mn«t and claim Inin for a !iH«Land alt«*r tie
l»r »et I lr»| ere long I« tliMt ol Mil table ha* I mm *!) publicly Hogged lor n ahr»*a’mg
U hile it I« probable that the her i« imt the sort of a woman, n»»r du**»
next twit may lx* held on the present she Iw’long tu th«* da»® of wives whom
•it«», thr tini«* must i-oriif when a new you credit in yestrrdaj’« issue with Irv­
Oh* must I»«* f«»omi ami it is tlie general ing indignant •»•er my cmeiruiua.i ur <»i
opinion t hat Ihr proper time to make « I fie w iilpplHg |rost.
•election i» near nt !>ari«L
The world during all the age» bn«
been gradually growing towaid th«*
light ami away lr-»m the «larkn?-® <»f
the pa»t.
The whipping |>o«t hrl mgs
Mohday morning found four ne w to the same category with the rack, thr
Miss Elurrmr l-oster. Mi.« w he«*l and the branding iron. Let US
Mary Short, George sirphrnaon and hut g > bn« kward.
II em : ki L. B enson .
Allred I'liihp«. eliti>llr«l as «Irniente «d
Citv Council Turns Down Applica
tion of Govern nient
th«» high school J.
hearty welcome.
We eilend
A meeting wm ® held la»*t Ttie«diy ev«-
ning in the romt houM* for the pur|»o*e
of iff»*<ting the preliminary or^amza
tion of ti»e new ►«« im I club that is pro-
p »ed ii» <oiih»’< tion with the ( harnl»«*r
of ( oinin« r< •
11 wa* cm II v '1 to order by
('ul. Ms <«. Wilkin®. H. I
• tat«-<i th«* obpTt of the meeting and
tugg«,*,t«^l that <-otninitte«*« la* apjeunted
t > pr«*paie a |>efinancnl organization for
th«* club, and that the neat meeting '**
held on m call from these joint commit-
tee .
< >n motion the following committee*
were apjkointed :
Meinln.’r*hip—IL L. Holgate, B Ht.
<ieo Bi*hop an I J. F Croft.
Organization—E. M. Bubb, Thad Mc­
Hatton and !>e®he Rogers.
Furnishingt—F J. Bowne, J. Sott
Taylor and F. E. Ankeny.
of Commerce Has
11me of It.
One of the hottest meetings of the
Chamber of Commerce was field last
•▼ruing in the court house, when the
action of the committer appointed m * v -
era! w«-«-k ago to prepare resolution®
urging the government 1« a lopt a hurry*
up policy in the construction of the
KI «math Project, Wil« brought up for
N«vrre criticism was m-
dulged in on both aide« and personal!-
tie* wen- rewurtr»! to to filch an extent
mi to cause President Wilkin® to pre-
e nptorily call the billigrrent« to order
an I inform them that individual diffi­
culties must not I»- thrashed uut in that
manner. The matter wa® finally di®-
p »Mil of by a motion to lay it on the
table until the next inerting, when it
will come up for further copsi lemtion.
President Wilkins again called the at­
tention of the member® to the lack of
interval manifested in the affair® of the
Chamlivr, and stated the tune wa* fast
apnroat hing when the inerting would
have to adjourn sine dir or receive mure
r r lial
support fr<uu the citizens.
Committees have l>evn ap|M>inted ami
never report, with the result that the
affaira of the organization have become
•tiguant ami Ha labors a farce.
U. OF T. I
them a
The football game last Thu«a<lay re­
sulted in a victory for the armor« and
sophomores. tli«’ «core stamling six to
four m their lav«»r. A numl’vr of the
I m .yw complained of Iwing wore physically,
while some “I th«’ defeated player®
complained also of being sore mentally.
On Thursday evening the high echool
gave a reception in honor of the foothall
Many amuamg gain« a wer«»
played, nft» r which light refreshments
uere ®rrve«l.
Ih-spitr the fart that
some of our I h > vw had gone thiough some
very «trenuoti® exercise that afternoon,
everyone eonle®se«l to haw ®|«*nt a Very
enjoyable evening.
Monday morning Pfoh’mor
I f aught
delivered quite an interesting talk,
demonstrating th«* tact that “Our lives
an* th • sums of our yesterday®.”
Tuesday morning Professor bwan ri'H.I
a selection from Holme®* Autocrat Mt
(he Breaklast table.
Thr Aihlectic association has decided
to purchase basketball rquipment®, in
Mill icipation of oiganizing a basket ball
Th«» Houston o|a»ra house last Thur®-
day evening wn.ibe scene ul tli«* gay-
eat gut lien ng of the xeiisun.
The »piuiuu« ball »»» crowded to its
utmost a. “Our Band Boy«** were go.
ing to (uriiixb the iiin.iv lot the dance.
The Introductory “Babbilagu" by tin*
Klaiuutli Falls .Military Bund, under
tlie direction» ol Ivan Daniel wav well
rendered ami proved bow ioilunate the
band 1» in having such a capable direc­
Mr. Daniel» baa received many
compliment» on the entire program
winch wax a conceit m ilaell, anuxliowed
careful training of the l»>v«.
During the wee iiollix of tire morn­
ing tbu munic wax lurnixhed by the
orebextra. Klamath l alia ia proud ul
her liaml, ua it the l*vat m iuiilliern
U. OF T. I
Preliminary Step« faken to t_aunch
The teamsters of Klamath Fall* had
a R m in I and business meeting Tuemlay
evening Mini brought to light many
thing* that each was interested in, but
didn’t know the other fellow also cher­
ished the same thoughta. After a pre­
liminary diactis*ion of general affairs
they got down to business ami organize« I
a social and business club which will
h«*r«*alter l*e known ae the “t’nion of
TrMii*ler Teamsters.”
The orgnniza-
tion was not so much in favor raising
prices for their work, but to l>e in
closer touch with each other and tues-
tahli»h an even schedule price.
I he following officers were elected:
James B. Moure, president; E. I'. Mc­
Carthy, vice-president; J. W. I*ePuy,
treasurer; D. E. Hisedorf, secretary.
Their next meeting will In* held in the
court house, Decemlier 19.
To ths Emtoa
Mr. Frank Tlroint,-
s*in ha- accepted tlie management ol
our really department, and will make
a trip through the country this mouth.
Ill th«* intereat of hi» work.
He ba«
arranged to visit the Willamette Valley.
Portland and the Kuuinl cities in Febru­
ary tor the pur|Hixe of establishing
agencies «nd exploiting the Klamath
W«* enclose herewith Ills
letter to thr public.
After tlie first of January,
Strbingvr will have charge of «xir
abstract and loan department. We ex­
pect, within a few weeks, to <»|M*n an
office in th«* new bank building at
Mrtrlll, under tnr charge <•! D. W. Hol­
gate . and in February we will hav»* an
ofticu in Bonanza, in the bank building,
umlrr the mainigrmrnt of H. L. Hol­
gate. D. V. Kuykendall wiil continue
as pivsident, and Roy Ifninakar as
Ju<l«*e Geo. T. Baldwin, of Klamath
manager of the Agency.
D k < imhkh 4, 1906. K i amath C ommer ­ Falla, Ore., recently completed the erec­
tion of the llahlwin block, in that city
cial A ukncy .
To tkk Pt hlic :—III assuming the at a coat of l.’O.Otk), it living a modern
position «»I realty manager ol the Klam-i four-etory brick structure, said to be
Commercial Agency, I find list«*»! for one of the handsomest and best appoint•
salt* many desirable farms; ami tin» e<l buildings in th? interior of Oregon.
price asked seems attractive.
The Judge Baldwin «*X|n*ct® to occupy th«*
pro|M*rtie® owned by tin* Agency ami by lower floor with hi® large flock of hard­
tlie Bonanza Improvement Company ware, impliments and kindred line® on
are quite extensive, and w ith the land® which he has a large trade. The Klam­
aixl Uwn properly of others, listed ath county is destined to a large increase
with the Agency, for sale, 1 hope to In» in population and with the completion
able tu du my share in tilling up the of the new railway®, now onlv a matter
Klamath Basin with actual settler®. of a short time, a much larger trade
My list include« town property of Klam­ may l»e looked for in all line«.—Vehicle
ath Falls, .Merrill and Bonanza. I have Record.
a number of Ml-acro tracts of excellent
I land, near market, which will I m » sold to
actual residents on th«* land on five
years tune, with only ten per cent of
purchase price to In* j»ai«i down. All
under the government canal systems.
The Klamath Commercial Agency has
under way an extensive plan of ad ver-
ing ot which those who list their proper­
ty w itii the Agency may tak«* tree advan­
F rank T hompson .
One ot the causes for the remarkabh*
gronth oi Newsom A l'nderwood is the
laet liiat no expense or trouble lias la*uu
A iiK vting <if tin* I’niun <>( Triinxfur spaied to procnie the tlnest stock in the
TMinxtrlx lx , all«*l lor 7 :30 )>. 111. xlnirp, 1 State. Tliegreat prescription business
Dec. IV in tin* Court House.
tliey do is on accounl ot Hien using only
J. II. M uohk , l*rexi<lent.
pme liesh drugs.
When thinking ot the thing® you must
do when you come to town, just rvmvm-
her you have to drop in and pay your
subscription to The Republican.
remember that your wife would bede-
light?«« to receive a go«Ml magazine every
month. When you have these jotted
down in your memory, tlien don’t for­
get that The Republican is offering
®)M*cial inducement to its subscribers
and that you can get the magazine you
want tor nothing.
Even though the
honeyniiMHi is past, your wife takes
as much pleasure out of the fact that
you still lemenibei her as when you
use«I to shower her with little remetn-
lH?rances. You can afford it now just
as you did then—especially when it
costs you nothing.
Official Newspaper
of Klamath County j
NO. 36
Convened This Week With Hon. H
L. Benson Presiding
The Noted Klamath Indian Suc.umbi
In the death of Rev. Jesse Kirk,
which occurred at hi* home at Fort
Klamath laat Thura.layevei.ing, the cur­
tain fell on tiie career of one <>t the moat
noted memt»-r. <d the Klamath tribe.
l><aih wa. due to typhoid fever.
waa a “>n of Kellogtir. one of the chief»
who xigned the treaty of IHM and baa
ever la-vn prominent in the oum-il* of
hie people.
Beanie, hl. family he
leave, a half-brother, lue Kirk, ami two
half-ai.tera. Mr» Elvira Blow of thia
••ity, and Mr». Alex Wilton ul Williaru-
•on river.
Mr. Kirk wax one of the first pupil*
of the Klamath karmirig nchool, and
xeenie-i tu graap the great advantage»
accruing from higher education, for he
threw hmirelf into the work ul gaining
knowledge with energy.
He wax xue-
crxxful in hi* effort» and through thix
•uixeclvl in gaming high »lation in the
council of hi» |*e,iple ami held many
poxition» of tru.t under the government.
He wa» a member of and a licenced
preacher in the Methudi»t Church.
The funeral xervicr» were held Sun­
day and intern.nut wax luale in the
Wilson cemetery.
Vuiverwitv of Oregon Bulletin, Vol­
ume 4 Nan. —r 1. >Ute *yetem® ol
High >ch»M»| ('«»ntrol. by Henry D m vid*
koii Sheblun, head «ieparttneut of Edu-
r University, with a Statisti­
eatk* ?’
Four Year High >cbuoie in
cal > in y
< ieorge W. H ug.
Or<e ,i
The Bulletin trace« the development
of the high school through the inatittl*
tion known to the New England pettier®
a* the “grammar *vho»»l,” l»etter desig­
nated today «« the “l«aiin school,** witti |
the n*v ■ I the * academy” during the
nvulutiunary war a® a protect against
the clar-tiiM« formahem ot (he old “Latin
«ciiuol,” to the formation of the iirat
\meiiran high «chool in 1821
ton. and the rapid growth and
nieiit since.
Dr. bhekion described the various
problems which gave rise to «tate legis­
lation hi regard to high school«, and
disM USf»«*!* the diffeieut |K»licie* adopt?!,
with a view to the luture j« 1 cy of our
State. One is struck by the luck of
uniformity in the legislation «>f the dif­
ferent slates, ihtly three or four states.
New York, Wi«c*»n«in, Minnesota, and
California, have dealt adequately with
the »ubjei t
1 he Bulletin l® valuable ill
showing the best that other states have
done in the way of high school legisla­
tion. It is sent tree oil request to the
Hegistrar of the Cniversity.
Records of the county clerk’s office
show the reaitv maikrt throughout the
county to be in a healthy condition.
A number of farms have been acquired
by new comers, and there have been
several transfers recently of Klamath
Falls and Merrill property.
continues to l»e the scene of^he greatest
activity, both as to farm and town
Among the more recent
sales of lots in Bowne Addition to Bo­
nanza. are the following : Mrs. Frances
Sigler, 5 lots in Block 53, and 5 in Block
68; Leslie Rogera, 5 lots in Blo?k 48,
and two in 67 ; John Kankrud, 2 lots in
Block 49 ; J . D. Hamaker, 5 lots in Block
45; David Motet, 4 Iota in Block 49;
Mrs. L. Morrison, 10 lots in BI<M*k 75;
Adolf F. Peterson. 2 lots in Block 49;
Rose M. Trask, 4 lots in Block 47; A. C.
Wood, 12 lott in Block 69.
The County is Remarka­
bly Free From Crime
and There is Practi
tally Little Work For
the Pet i t or Grand
The December term of the circuit
court convened in the court house Tuea-
day morning. Hon. H. L. Benson pre­
siding, ProMieuting Attorney Moore aa«
Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Keexe*
representing tire State and D. M.
Ru hardnon official reporter, vice F. M.
Calkins. resigned.
Very few cases are on the docket an«
there will tie but comparatively llUic
work for the jury, the member» of w hick
will undrrnl.telly he excn»<»l in a -hurt
time. Owing to the enforce I absence of
Judge Ben.on for the city the court di4
not convene until Tuesday n orning
when the jury wa» excu»ed ont’l Wed­
nesday morning, and the reel *’ the *lax
devote! to routine business md ctrt!
cases. In the aftern>xrn the rase<4 the
Hot Springs Improvement company vs
Mrs. Eliza Marple came upon a motier
to re-open bv the plaintiff and brrtiser
testimony was taken. The motion to
dismiss was renewed by the defendant,
bit this was overruled l.y the court,
and decision on the merits of the caws
will l»e rendered later.
The case of Mr« M»sy M Cloptm.,
vs. Wilbur White came up Wednesday
morning U|s>n the demurrer of the de­
fendant. The court overruksd tlie de­
murrer and the care will now Ire tried
on it» merits.
Wednesday morning A. W. Simmons,
whu was arrested on the charge of
larceny from a dwelling plea led guilty
and was sentenced by the cqurt to one
year in the state penitentiary.
The following is a list of the jurors:
For the l>ecem'*er term of Circuit
Court fur Klamath county. Oregon,
which convened Monday : B. 8. Grigs­
by, Wm. Flackns, W. E. Griffith, John
H. Hamilton, W. W. Finley, Edmund
Elvyr, Jr., Emile Egert, 8. B. Gardner.
B. (
Cantrall. J F. Adam«, J. W.
Jury, W. D. Campbell, Geo. Brando««.
Warren Kingdon, 8. W. Kilgore, R. A.
Alford, C. C. Low, W. P. Rhoads, Win.
Brannan, Frank H. Downing. Jasper
Bennett, T. A. Balis, Robt. L. Gosa,
Edmund Elvy, Frei Janssen, D. W„
Ryan. C. K. Brandenburg. J. H. Gris­
tle, 11. H. Burnham, J. R Horning
The plane for the starting of a cream­
ery at Bonanza are nearing completion,
and the indications are that before long
it will be in actual operation. Two and
one-half acres have l*een donated on
w hich the building w ill be erected, and
sufficient capital has been sabacriottd tn
indicate that the proposition will be
favorably received by Bonanzaites
residents of Yunna and Poe Valleys.
At the election, held last week for the
purpose of voting on the question <4
issuing bonds for the erection of a
public school at Bonanza, it waadi-enM
by a vote of 30 to 1 to issue bonds to the
amount of «12,800. It is expected that
the funds will lie realized and work
commenced on the structure early it*
the spring.
S. B. Gardner and Pan Ryan of Fort
Klamath arrived in the city Sunday and
will serve as jurors during the present
The.following officers were elecvxi at
term of circuit court. They were ac­
the last meeting ot the A. O. V. W
companied by Mrs. A. Hoyt and Mrs.
held last Saturday.
George Hoyt.
John Vaden, M.W; Frank Wil»«,
Daniel Gordon, Jr., arrived in the foreman; W. Lennox, overseer; Dr
city Sunday Horn Ins home below Keno. William Martin, guide; J. W . Sieiurros,
He was accompanied by his daughter, recorder ; Alex Martin, tiancier; George
Miss Fannie, and Mrs Louise Cann who T. Baldwin, receiver; R. T. Baldwit,,
mad«* pio.'fs on their homesteads Mon­ I. W; W. (I. Smith, O. W; Roy Ham
akar, P. M. W.