CITY Kee Adv for marsh lands. Butter pg|>rr at theMai Drug Store Fine watch rv|miring !.. Alva I curi» AìlUOHìlCCÌUCÌlt I beg leave to announce to the people of Klamath County that I ha\ e opened my Jewelry Store tn the Republican block in this city, u here you will find a complete assortment of g >!d. silver, and gold-filled watches, chains, clocks, goid ard diamond ieu elrv, cut glass, etc. A cordial invitation Jis extended to you to visit my store—the . nest in the State, outside of Portland. A Xmas presents of all kinds ter*,. Fine line ol Holiday tcis’ Jewelry Store. Optical Department 1 will make a specialty of my optical w >rk. and guarantee it t<> be perfectly »ati»faet..ry Everv Article Carries Mv Guarantee HEITKEMI’ER Republican fllock KLAMATH FALLS ú atchmaker-Jeweler-Optician it lb It It It (t It It It It It It It Complete Line of e e t e $ e For rings go to L. Alva Lewis. line just arrived. New next ci tv. dour t » the po*l i ' • •.u • - ■ - . derson for High grade W Ines, quors and Cigars. 4t '3 e e e e e e e e \ e e e e e e t e t e e e e L. F. WILLITS Agent to His Majesty, the American Gentleman, for first class goods GET IN LINE! Buv Lost Work will begin on the Upper Project next Camplieli A Burns, Agts. For fir*t das* cigars and t hr o| w me* Have y »u pan! your subscription t»» and litpiors, go to the Midway Bar, W Try tii* oner the Republican ami voted for your H. Ihilanev, manager, choice in the Jamest >un Exposition and % on will call again. contest? Have you paid your The Republican an«I voted Í >r your Bargains in loin. H t >pnng- Ad i,- choice m Ihr JttinrxtoWli I «|hM»itluli tion. >rr Campbell a Burin*. contest? .1. A. Chastain, of Bonanza, arrived m Call ami the city lai*t Saturday and will vi-it hi* xon, County Clerk < iro. CbaMain, fora new furs, skirts and lew wrvkf». the Boston Campliell and Ihirm*. for lot* in the Pay up jour * u I» m npti«»n. get the free Hot Spring* Addition. maga/im - The lb pul»h< an offer* and $25 I July ’ h gold watch to lx* given vote for your favorite candidate for the away to the perwon bringing in the m >*t Jamestown Ex|*»*iti«»n trip. ticket« by January 1 *t. 12 m. Winter»' Il von are in need of medicine during Jr a rlry Store. the night or if ton have a precription The ixixing context Wedr.»-«o|.iy night you wished filled you can get it at between Jack Stanton, of B-.*t<»n, tn«i New**oni A Underwood by railing at (tie Jack Craa ford of thie city w.»< uftanlrd home of Dr. Mastoii—next door to our to the latter on a foul in the tilth round. store. Buy your Xmaa prrxrnt- at Winter*' Have you paid your *ul»*< ription to and twke a chance on t.*.e ladv’x gold The Republican ami voted for your u itch. choice in the Jamestown Exposition J. C Thompson of Sun E«an<,i*<,o ha* contest ? purchased from Abel Adv »40 a« re* »»I Thinking alNrut Xmas presents? Marxli land ami ba* taken an option on Well, there i* nothing nicer to *• ml a a like amount. Irieml than a magazine. Any dollar See the ladv’* gold watch to lx* given magazine ami tw > other magazine* ami away at Winter*'. The Republican sent for one year to any Social meeting of Klamath Lodge, one t>r rliffereiit ad»lre*s«*M for $2 50. No. 77, A. F. A A. M., Saturday even­ L»wnry's delicou* Iron bona at New­ ing, I)eceml>er 1. Work in M. M. de­ som A 1 mlerw< od’s. gree. Master Maaon* in standing arc Have you paid your subscription to The invited to la* prrftent. By order of W. Re publican and voted for your choice in M. W. E. Bowdoin, Ser. the Jamestown Ex|M>sition contest? The night service • f Newnorn A Un Bargain list of lots for sale in the Hot derwood’«, w hich < an l>esecured by call­ springs Addition. ing at the house of Dr. Muston a> I join­ Ixrts 9, 10 ami h block 3M price ing our store, will a great conven­ |450 00 each. ience and avoid the dangers ot delay. I»ts 20, 21 and <»•» block 37 price The Stilts Dry Goods company has $450 00 each. been making extensive improvements in Ixits 19, 20, 21, 23 bl.K'k 82 price their store room during the past week, $250 (M)each. by the addition of new shelving and Lots 21, 22,23, 24 block 30price $200 00 counters. The phenomenal growth of each. the business of this firm is forcing it to Ixrts 5, 0, 7, 8, block 14 price $400 00 seriously consider uaxsand means for each. enlarging their rooms. Lots M ami 9 block 11 price $600 no Knh, Nathan A Fisher, maker* of each. men'* Sincerity clothing, ahirh is rec­ ognized as the most, porh’ct clothing made, have ap[»ointod I . Jacob* of tin* Boston "tore us thfcir rej e*entative in Ever '«cur to you that wo Honictime* this city. This is a well deserved rec­ ognition, ami the good dressers of this i ue.-'l money? We know it ha» to »ome of our »ubecritier» ; lint to other», well county u ¡11 be glad to know this. Miss Mabie Simon, formerly manager we K'l»»» they have jn»t forgotten all in the telephone office, but now book- •bout it. Now m the time to pay your keeper for the Farmers' Implement »ubacription. I’ay in advance, if you will, Supply House, who has been quite ser­ hut pay it. The Republican i» making a iously ill for the punt two weeks is much liberal offer to it» reader», in the way of liettvr. Miss Simon is being cared for free magazine», etc., and in doing »•> it by her mother ami sister, who came ha» an object—the collecting of back here from Ashland on learning of her Hiil'ccription». Y ou get'nil value in The Republican alone, and we hope you will illness. appreciate our additional offer «nfli- 11x15 vegetable parchment butter ciently to atep into our office and pay pMjMT at Koljerts ami Hanks. up. 11 Ht4 I I > Spring. «.* The Lost River Re- ally Co. will sell ycxi lands cheap, and on easy terms. CHAS. PATTEE Manager For Sale— A rooming h«>u«e and restaurant. D’-ing a pr«»aprrt»uii hum- nc<*. Price f ¡(MX) * v.i*h. Mawti Plough. It i* it Newsom A IT gt t tlir*e pure, (re«h drug* S. C. Hamaker, the Bly merchant, ar- the result de»lit I by yn content? L.i- G roce ríes, Fruits and Vegetables, and Bakery Goods I lli: nil'll; HAKIIHY i-.loin l.u-in. —ul tl.o same olr«»xI conditions, and solicits a share of your patronage :: :: :: :: »»th*.** m this The Iuidivs Home lournal and tu»» A»e you a reader «»I other magazines and T ie Repiu ¡'.».in Home C »m pa mon? li so for one year f<»r $2.50. Silhxet i*»tbi|| thereto thro The Lakeside Inn Bar. C. Ross An- put • • an and save m mev. FREE DELIVERY WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS . . . When in need of CLOTHES that have fit style and workmanship, at Prices to suit your Pocketbook, you will find them at WILLITS PHONE, 453 John Colwell was here Monday on Briar and Meere. I .vim pi|»'» at the matters connected with the e*tate • I Star Drug tore. Al».' all the leading the late Daniel Colwell. brands of cigars. BRICK STORE CO. e Sauer Kraut ami Cabbage: Jim Strau Mr. anl Mrs 1.. Jacobs Hlt<'iiftn Kx)HMtiiion The regular immthlv Immpiet was ‘ context? given bv the ladies «•! the I a*trrn Star I have just gotten hold of one of the ruesday evening. br*t snap* m | ¡»er acre. AI «el Adv. Call and see Our Prices and Our Goods, as such values have never before been offered When you are in need of SHOES, that you will find a complete line at W ILLITS, and at prices that defy competition. the D» y< n need visiting cart!»? H so call at the Republican office where you will find the latent stvle* in cards ami tyj»e That must be sold before Jan. I. 19o7 e e e l L. Alva Lewi*. Have you paid your subscript ion t,» The Republican ami voted fur y«»ur choice at Win* in th* huucaiow n Ekpoeltion coiilcwl? John Depuy arrive*! from IVkegama Eve»y wmnan should suLxcrilx» (or Tuesday w ith a loa«l of f»oUd pounds ot the W oman's Home Companion. X on irvight for merchants of the city. can get it, two other maganne* ami ¡'he Ju*t arrive»! todav la»lie*’ ami misses' Kopii1 >1 lean for one year hr 12 50. street cap*—at the Boston Store. Have you pai l your »ubsciiption U> Die Dry Goods.. Fancy Goods and Groceries \ Remember Wat* hrs. Will- burn, tan and freckles. have the l'en.tit ot »electing your Xina» present» from my large ajou­ rnent of holiday good». Repairing Department At -X Free Delivery ll.iv»» you paid your subscri pt ion to The Republican ami voted tor your choice tn the iHiiieatown Exp«»»ilfcm content ? For *alc. G« hm | three room c«»thigc get the with tu«» l«»ts, util l»v »»»Id at a bargain. VI*»» « nc c«*»k siove ami one healer. Empiivr at mx place near the high Keep both eyes .»n the Hotspring \e the work BRIEFS. they are cheap BISHOP’S Furniture Store e e e e e e e e e e e e e is the place to furnish your house e e e e e Don’t send your money to outside dealers e e I will guarantee to save you money on e e a bill of goods .... e e Il y im M t ’ > r g" to tliv cil y t<> l»ny % mir furniture let nie give v.»u a let* F hr ir W le »Irrale h*"l«e., «Itere r >>ii < tu «vie. t «'■ 11 htey )oil Ilk'' e I haxe on tlie rtM.I 4‘J.o«' ««olii. prtn.ipalH E.i-t R.Mk.-r» and Chair» e r the buii'lny trade We will try to maki : . . !• S Don’t forget that I rline of Pi inos of EHER S PIANO HOUSE for Klar Sand I of the in ikes w ill Jbe ■ >n my floor ir» a feu ! in Pi Sfth Stu. Klomom Falls, Of. fosifnd I