Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, November 29, 1906, Image 7

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    ••How *a»'l te Kami»* f”
Tb* H<Tlptur«*« uuiy I m « n danir*r<>
wrnpoti to piit liitu th* I hiik I n of th >
who pervert their iiH*nnhig, either In
ten I loiin I ly *»r throouh went of umh*
Exvix otte Ln« heard boo
Eoreiito l>ow, Imx Ing r*Moht*d t
preurli n Munion Hg.ilh«t womeu'e t* *
bunn«*l«, tuoa for In« text tbe worn*
“Topknot, «•oinr down," which hr li.ni
tiijpHiloiiMly |»««rv»Mt<’d from the 11m
"Ltd him which N mi the li«»u
come dow n “
Man artful Hinn till«. I»ut oulte n
Mruu«lng wit« th«* uin (»naeloua errm
uiudr by a young «tiidvnt of throlur
at XX Il I >ru hum ►••mlimi y. who*«* < .
wm rrlatml b) mii old divine
11 •
otudriit went out one Kiturd ,iy ’
preach hl« trlnl aermon
When lie r<
turned Monday the lenerable In N
raid Io him
“Well, how did you get along?"
“Oh. lery well, I thought."
“tiliid to hear It
What was you»
“*||ow ahull We oacHpe If we lirglv«
•u gre.-it «nix lit on
"X’ery go »d text very go*»d tes
Bow did you handle It?"
“Well, f1r«t I «h >wcd them how greti
thia an I vat Ion u n«
‘That « right. Ami then?**
“Ami then I told them how the.
might eacg|»r If they neg I«-« ted It "
Petition I or I Iquor I henar.
Wanted to Purihaac
A wi ll broken farm tram of horarr,
aliuul l.lflM M« iglit
A'bllra». B *1 I7W,
Klaniatb hnlla.
II ao, get a rig from the
Buena Vista Addition
I ine, gentle h<>i*ra, good bug
glea, ieaao|ial>le prlreg,
I or Sale or Rent
Wratllighoiiae. n new
By Klamath |)e\««lopmrnt (’«»•
ro*>ming h«»ti»«*,
corm r Pirn* and B»th at n*«*ta ; 27 namia,
preuaure wider, bulli, toilet».
lite thia clone Hi town ia «tire to be a
gn nt money maker
A L1 <1TI< > \ U I LL J’.E
tra« t rotDpriM-h ',30 acre», adjoin* Klamath I alia <>n th<- i>‘ ilh and
AI« I vreoiiN are uarm-d againat h*av-
mg dead b«-li«*« ol animal« on laid of
tl»«* Hot Spring Improvement < <>mpanv
or on the Mite bell ram h or Etat Klam­
ath l all« I ra« t«<, under |*enady of the
Ib'T M mi '» a I urnox » m s I (*o..
I »mk lia White.
To th«» Honorable ('minty < oiirt «•! i
IHaaolution of Partnership
th«* Mat«» of Oregon lor Klamath
< 'minix :
Noti«*«* I« her« Hy g x« n that the part
XX«*, thè umh<r»ign* d, r» «denti« ami
legai voler« of PlrviiM l're» inri, « jiiì tietwhlp ril«tilig l»elW«,VI| \X »•«■ iirein
t'mmtx ami Mate. ie»|terf fui ! v n»k limi and Maxwell ha*» l>««n »li>»o|ve<i by
a lic«-n»«’ to ««Il «piritumi«, mali an i mutual cotiM'iit. In future the bmunv««
xin<»u« h<pi»T« in !••■« «piantiti.*« than will I»«- < oidm t« d by XX I«« A* Xfaxwell,
olir gallon in ili«» l’rr< im t af»»re«ai«l for wh«> u ill p.iy all bilia ami « «»llrct all
a |a»rio>l ol «la moni1.«» h««in ih«* Nili «lux mitAtaidllig aiTouiifw
«*l Jannarx |‘«P, l»e granfed (o libri XV
XX' j Ml, A M XX W Kl L.
l»yar ni Krm». In «mi Prermrt. and
yotir |a*titionrr« u ili ever prax :
!.. <» Mill«, Bri»), I ami», (
M Ma«li '
l>iaa«dution of Parlncrahlp.
«•»h, <•
Max, XX
Sp«*nc« r, l.eon W <n»lrr«*»>n. t
I Me
No’l««* I» hereby gix«*n that the part-
('«illuni. J H. \«kl«x Harry II. Bear
«••n, .lame« llughea, < ha». t«or«|on. ner«lii|> heretofore eilating l«*tween
I I JhixalandT k . Kna« k»tedt. un­
Oliver XX Slv. J. XX . (’«»I«*, <»«•«», ||. I» h
m«m. Era in Hrown, F. II. l’wning. K ' hr the name ol Puval aid Kna« k-tedt,
A. Emmiit, B. XX . X|c<'ormi« k, I l«i«* in till« da » dl»»o) X «•»! .
M. m rgan W li W®
|i i. i. ». •
Puxal aid T. B. FNuehan « to
Tbug. Kvahbrr, XX.
F. .X|c(*o|lum. haxv «hop ami all ma« tnm-ry, i» to col-
ThbinA* Wi!«*»n,
( Ivi«*
Nhkvru.ni. led all aciount« aid pay all parlmT-
Wi’wlex ('ole. Ih !.. G*»nl«»n, X
I» ■hip bi b.
Patid at Klamath Falli, < begon, tin«
liner. II. Mait««»»n. Xlartin ownley.,
J 'hn S. Ik,i»'k« ll, favk Er »«t.
l’un Xth day I Nov, Ita*!.
T F . K V X« KhTFIrT.
Hlbdirork, XV tu. Ihiugberty, I
Hltchcork, W II Itavi», 1. X l*••«•l, <•
J. E. IH vxi..
Il I» 41
XV. Ilearihn. E. I. Newhank». <•*«». L. '
(‘ha««*, ( lo*«!er XX |ln«»n. I . II. Cooper,
A I». <«illinar, tir«» Kegg. I» s. M» (
Administrâtor'a Notice»
Collutti, Ralph I ;»»l l. X|ati««n Gonion,
N»«tlr, I« hrrrliy given that tl» « » unt,
L. N. Kar«le«i>n, I. I’*. M««»r«*, C. A Court f«»r k,an «th ««.»’»my. orvgnn •Hting in
Barn«dmrg. J. I . Nvwhank», Amlrvw l>r«>batr <tl«1 «•!» th«* 2»«l <l«> «»I NovatntMpr,
IW*.. a|'|»>tnt mr aa A'1inltil*trati»r ol th«» En­
\x ••»••• i r Maxwull N i
late of Marlin l xinc«l«l, «tr, » *>< u
«»rem, I» llearilln. Fr«*»l Chapman, G
AH !•«•» ••■«»• ha«iti£ « laun* again»! the »«hl
G. Kerna. I <’. Rohlxin». <.!*'. mdd, ratair will prt-arm ihm« l<» (eron «T lwl«»rr
F.ltiirr i»«»rd«»n.
Vlaj»»r h.or >, « < X« at m» <*lfh <’ in ih - rliy ut X .amati«
bprnerr, hm Bxrn«**.< ha* Hitchrock
► all*, «»rrget». «I n lx «rtift»’«! according I«» law
Noli«*«* la herel'X given that ih«’ h»t«*- l»at«*d ilo«, «lal day of Novembri, iw*
g«»lng prtltl*»n xxlll l»e po-eh»« d t»»|h«’
I « II» 11 \ !•
«ad <‘««untv Court mi thè 3rd day «d
Adn ini«irai«»r **! ih» Fatate of Martin I • n
January, IW07.
n : 1
l-.rdera on
Hirer and
I'pper Klamath Lake f r two nflles.
From thin addition ran la- M-.-n the giandrkt pan<>ran a <ai tin- Pacific
( o.iht
comprlHlng Lake. Hirer. Valier. Hill, Mountain and Snow-capped
peak*, blend into an harmonious picture of unequalled leautv and mag-
Boulevards and Streets are now being graded, and t hese will be lnred
with Shade Trees. Grading work on the Electric Street Railway
is now under way.
A complete M-werage nyntem wdl la- put in.
The entire cut of the tl<lr»Ha
-aw noil ha* la-en purchased, and th<>M- building in the Buena Vi,ta Addition
thin »ummer will have tir*t call on the output of thin mill.
Plan* for a magnificent hotel an- now being prepared, and construction will
la-gin thi* *ummer.
Thin h<*telrv will l-e h-ated on one of tiie mont pictur-
eMjue *|*>t* in the addition and will la- surrounded by a park.
If you want a home in the newt beautiful .ection of Klamath C<?unty, buy
a lot in the Haena Vinta Addition.
If you want to live where Voti will be nurrmnded with beautiful home«, buy
a lot in the Buena Vi*ta Addition.
If you want to live on the ntreet ear line then have your home in the Bneua
Vieta Addition.
If vm are l<a>king for an inv.-tnient that will yield return*, pttrciiaee prop­
erty m the Buena Vieta Addition.
Murdoch fiuild'g,
next door Postoffice
to buy property under the Upper Project
I hold exclusive options on some of the best properties under Upper Project
ranging in price from $12.50 per acre and up. All to come under ditch.
are the best investment in the way of town property in the County. The prices are low, $35
per lot and up, with easy terms.
Many of our home people have doubled their money
within the past month.
j *
If you wish to make some easy money
I have ranch property of all kinds all over Klamath County, and I can sell you a lot in
any town in the County. I will he pleased to hear from anyone interested in this country
and will cheerfully answer all inquries. A postal card will bring you mv pamphlet on
w mby Klamatb County Brows «
Here are a few of the bargains I have listed:
No. 11. Hero in u good one. UH) acre* all level laici, practically
all under ditch, all fenced.
Botine, barn and outhtiildiiign, three
inilea from a good town. You can nurely double your money at «17.50
per acre.
Tvrtnn Eany.
Bonanza Office- Driscoll Bras.’ Mercantile Store
Office: Haniaker Buildin’, across frrm P. P„ K’ÄMW FAILS, GREW