•I• J I k 5 (JRHATliST OP IAPOSI I IONS all exhibition- L« Id in th« I ml«d Hint»*« Mine«' llie I'hila l* Iphi i • »*nl»*ii Dial in |s7b, lb«* Juin»*"town li*i i «*n teiiniul to t«c field ««n th«* «höre« ami wiiteiN ut lliiiiploii (load", |i»«ar the eitle« of \oif«dk. I'ortMinoiitll and New port New», Va . April 2»» to NovrinlM«r .'10, 1-107, I" I'» be the lii«»#t ilhl«|U»', ail'l in «»iiginaliit uml novelty will c«/iu- ph'lxlv «*« hp#e all prcxiotiw I xp«-«ition» The velabrul ion c«'in in«* ilio ra f «• * the ni<»#t importiini «veit in hiwloi* the fminding th«* llr»t Engll»h p< .iking net th II»« lit ill \tll«*ll'U, it .lalll»**l«»W II. Va., ni |no7 when' < .»plain John Smith uml u »mall parly of c«>loiii»t« cHab- li»he I a villag«’from which Ini# grown \lmtiiu, w ll h lu ¡11 h «'In* humlic'l Hill A Will I m * dlMplused «o ill I tinged ami ma« Thought*' nil1! Vance Thompson’« < laMRitled that visitor« mayohtuin uu in­ “Where the Toy« Com« From” will I in* former, lull ut tiu* kindly telligent n nd«*t «land ing ut the hi«l«*ry indicate, ami giowth of any ■p«*«-|||<* bramii of the humor of ih»« g«*ntI«• |ihiloMop|it*r, tell# I faci« ii-ga « 'ling the I iui I ch ami IndtiNtrh*«' Without the ««»me inleicMlittg tieci’BMili ■ •! vi-iling other huibblig* to origin < of Milt«, Mli'l preiit'lli’N M t lilt* tiun' a valuable (hristma» in»|»ect another part of the «urne ex «Mine M'rnioii hlhit, Among the »bort »tori'-*. ''In the l>«*ep It i« within a few horns'trawl of by Churl»*« <» I >, K««ln»rt* tm»re than VI person«, ami o| the Sno a twenty foui hoin* of two thii«l# «4 the 1« m thrilling "lory of u little child lost entire |Hipnlat loll of the I 'tuh*«l Slut»*#, ill the Ctiii.yliuii winter wood« surely • urilv reached by »»even (tunk hue« ol ¡1« line u piece of fiction u«»rk as it« railway# and twenty mx line« of author h.i* ever »tone. Mary Ifeaton V uim * coi tribute« a dainty tale that «tcaniwhipM, which center al the Tide «re i «»w to uring « »»mplctioii. .-• mj tilg \ idil* I*U1|I M ll.'!! »<• "1 c 41. ! I • fui \ri», Mine#and Mctaihugy, 'Lu »m« tpt-L.in« • Ma« hm»-»'. I - d |*r«*iii'I# l«- a have gU«*«M* I hl- c«»»i.man«l *U a VK hl ami lini«lirer fiehm-atior i# a tvpi< al hri*tui4# number. Il i» »ulli'lently prematur» t«» a»#i"t <‘hri«tm.i> maker# will H r hint# b«r t'hri-tma# gift»» ami Klamath Fall» k ftio Hnkpgama 'I brail I'ortluiel > f ranci»« «» Lv A r 4 ■ H :«>5 1 :I7 n * n 2»> p. p. a p p. m m. m m. m The National Steel Range will do the business hohdat eiit»*rtaiiiiiieiil, l»»*#)d»*» «»»ntMiii- big aii uhundam*«« ot I m’.i*i»nable litera- t oe < .licmaied I«» lit in i from miu until Marni Baliitigton N*«w Year's f’ay* |U*»tb c iilribtl e« 4 m »»t to ¡dung 4»? »< flpli 'h ol the w-.rk «»I th»* Volunteer, liiwaii» « ’ by William H itiiil!n < r- nd tbo*»« for children “The mo,” by V i «, giniä Wo.xlw4rd * 'loud I ” ített y E vol ve« a < ‘hri*tma II.-* t MixaU-th Pre#t »n B.t Ig«*r H I d Egert .ti < 'a»tle*# romane» \ ù .'Utig » olpipif .1 \ ami Irithoiiv ll.ipe*« •li «rt »t »rv, ‘ ¡ hv b ikr'f* Al t-«p. . tally «altabit» ment *' LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INS. CO Avoid Poison I FRY US by using MULL' Cooking Utensils a SK The finest that i< made thtm MORGAN MlM win I i nt »n I I - co. P ortland, Oregon reading on winter evening. But the emu n of the Chii-l.mi# Inculture i# Falwiii Markham • #pl«*n aveiy »»I .’ «ip rotiti.ui. by Lillian Bel I, 1.1 P“"lt loll »«\»’l held III th stall'» in which ev»*rx pini-« mci» oil «ul indii’l i .al 'lev 4/$o Agent for i hi Iwtma- *» iri*him* in the #h.i i««w < liri-*.in « - »t*»rn«» for adulta ar»* * I b>- l'\vfgo*tr«’ri and oi«# 11 < i w til I#* i*l #<*mi T •ml id «ohwtrii Hon rti«l in i w ill ex* « I any »imllgr group of and il.e I i I m ’I. i I art" th»« manag« I X p •Hi m has c been « at» till can only l«> m- KLAMATH BARBERSHOP H# i aiiiilb ui ion# It La# l««-n the gcii* cial exp<-< tali'n that Mt L »w # >u ««»ni l tell an iiileii»» ly int»-rc»tmg wturv, but ng#ever erected. In nr« i ill nil in* «’I the i «loin Lak»* 1:30 a. III. I.v mar velon-ly interpret« the heart ol a li :00 a. m. lu 'V' • tn chihl. NeWpOtt Nea«. 1 :oo p. m. \ rem.irkable feature of th«* ( Lri*l- World # Fair« haw been the lime* 37 U» 4 Hi. ket |M*|" of proglcN», but the Janie»- mu« Etervlnniy *» i* th»« r»*pioduction in n .'XI a. m. Ar t «wii Exposition I# tin* advance agent • «»lor of \lphon«»« Mucha*« painting# 111 il # t f a 11 \ »• o f th»« Beatitude# Nothing <»f higher cix ili/ation, which will eri at»« an era of inei»*a»»*«l pro«|M»rity ami mor»« remarkable ha» yet achieved by material advancement, aid at the «ame tbl« gr* at French painter, the famcof time a ill m m than r«*nlize the piedi»* aho«e religion« ami allego|jcal pictures J. M. lion to I m - tile greateat, im»«t gorgeou# i already rivaling that of l>oie. an i ma»d • ¡is mid \cl»»«, but at the #ame time dilli#, manciiiei#. paia I»#, ch Mote than twenty lit* exhibit pah Good Cooking T A LA L E TIME Klamath «uh i citie« »4 Norfolk, l’or (»mouth, and lion |Mipulatioii lb«* • debrath'ii will nh«»w the icimit k.iblc p«»#lll«Ui ult4lhc«l by the I nll*'«l Mate# in hi»l«»ry ai»«l • d iica U o II, t«»gelher Wiih th»' limn el«»U» imlu«li lal «h«v»'l'»pmeni and « «»mmt ici.il count r \ expansion «lining three burnire»! y«.»r*. < 'olltclllpol a||«MII|l with th*’ I. X J»* »-iti'«h I scrybojy’s Mnga/inr lor liwcnibci, will I m * lirl'l oil the w.itel# <4 H n in pioli I u<>(> H««U«I* th»« gleUlc*t IIUNul p.Igeili» I «Vet w filt h «Icta» hiiieiit# «»I tr«H»i»s «»i I m«»1 p»*un cmiiilrie« will unit»« with IL«- «Iler«« of th«' I nit» l Mat« « lh a «•eric Churchill, uml “Fulling Together Through a Crisis,” by William George Jordan. fhivi I Belasco contribute* H mo-» inter»*«iing • rlptlon of Making tl.» Play he» in Heal ” flie usual am« imt «4 «pace o* devoted to ip to «fat»* lM«liioh« in giirrnent« and milliners, and p»4»li»ul pa|**rs and de partmenl« for lmt*ekee|**r*. ’* Elimina' » g Non ePM ntial»,“ by l.ida T hs S chool that P lacci • £>00000-0 00-000-0000-0-00• TOV IH A GOOD POSmOH. H olmes BUSIHESS COLLEGE WASH & TtNTH-5TS PORTLAND, OREGON Urite direi l tu Principal. Huuto | To the Retail Liquor Trade I I To the People of Klamath Falls: I ■‘ground floor" Having opened branch houses in Merrill, timers for Bonanza and Bly, I am now prepared to ranch tn Klamath Counts'." fill all orders for supplies from these points, Tl.r «»ugh th«* co-operation ««I men <»f able ei|»erieiice in land matter« this thus saving you time and expense trai t wa* acquired and ban *«ven cut in­ .< .# th-rr«l at price« and * k T H I s I S Y O U R on term# that w ill enable th” purchas­ A |»or • er? to rvalue hai.»I**« !! « pr« tit" tlo|i of this ha» be« ti platted into block# and l<’l* ami I# now the Mil’« Additi »n to Klamath I ill# It wma the original intention lodi#p«»M* of thif addition in l»|«»«k# only, but »«» gn at La.« I m - cii the demand tor Miiglc lot« that I have de­ cided, fol a #hoit tune, to give the pro- ph* of this city ami county an opportun­ ity to buy m »mailer .ma than origi­ nally planned. The Mill# Addition 1» located w it liin a I H»ut a tlu.usami led of the yaití luca* lion of the ( ’ali!««» ma N« »rlhra#lvi n Halin ay an*l ultimi aitoni three block*« of the dr|H>t .«¡te. a# i nlicated on new (Tt\ Map. tin* It i# a Itnirablv locati#! for liniin #, with the natural rdopv tor iliainugv, ivqiiiring very little giading to make the Mrrvt*. every l«»t p-aclicjillv level ami now timothy ami meadow gra#-e#. being in alialia, It# loca­ tion iiiMiire« rapid im*rva«e in value, for the gieate#t growth of the city will in­ evitably be toward# thi# pro|M»rty. have the fullest confidence pro|n»rty will double in I that thi# value m the next year. It i# the purpose to j»vll thi# property at a price that will allow the lot buyer to make Moniething on the investment ju#t a« you arc willing that the present owner» »hould do likewise. Tlie#e lot# are to be «»llered one block ill a time, beginning with on»» of the unsold block# nvnrot (liedepot location .Block No 102) ami the prices will he |200 for the cor- tier lot# and |I25 for inside lots. The lots are 50x120 feet, ami till. price make# them by far the beat lot bargain offered in Klamath f alls. FRANK IRA WHITE o p P o R T u N 1 r Y C. D. WILLSON KLAMATH FALLS. ORE. Ç , • -0-0-000-0 0-0-00-0-00-0-00-0-00-0-0-000« KSamatb Rotel Unsurpassed Cuisine, only Ameri- can cooks being employed Large well furnished Rooms « go . BunnECon, c < c Proprietor B€HNKG-OALK£R fteLading BV5INÊ55 COLLCGG .48 iäKSi.«,« t^Tquipmenf $[£000 unsurpassed < west of ChicaÿOA enrollment, Au04-Av^.1,1505, 4Ô3 pupAls Enrollment,Au£L'P<8-AvÿJ.ipo», 6Ô1 pupila .ùJehave on file, applications from bujmcss ram. • • • S«pt.l,»9<5 toAvyl,\9oa , 607 * S* Pupils placed in lucrative positiona dvrirrt (this time, 287 '«’. , • V V S ■ Graduates alt /'employed will not onh/ equip you for life