E. B. HENRY Coald Tell I« U.lh.r We*. It you are not « regular sulwrilivr id Many year« ago mi old nmt well to I l'in iii'piiblii an. »libs,nt«'now ami take do farmer lu western New York had i advantageul the remarkable liw maga CIVIL ENtllNEER and St RM A OR I sine offer. something of a reputation a» a litlgaut. ».T-TT KLAMATH KALI s lie had a peculiar twist almut his (CMcinal J mouth when lie talked, due to some All kind* engineering «nd draughting The sunlight coming down through muscular affection, which gave a strik tbe leaves danced in spots 011 the Ing effect to tils utterauees III* old Flans and Specitication» Furnished grouud The brook flowed merrily. neighbor* tell of a trip that lie made ■ending back from below where It to se.' hl* lawyers ou a certatu occn- ■Ion w hen he bad mude up his mind to tumbled over the rock» a pleasant CONTRACTOR and Bl ILDLR have a lawsuit He sat down with hl* sound. Occasionally a hint In the top Are You doing to Build? lawyer and laid out hl* case liefore Rtorv and Rar FlrM Ula« W, eri most brauebes gate two melodious Haturr* Guaranit^l him at leugth The lawyer said. W ell II so I «ant an opportunity o figure MAIN STREET Ret. 5th and 6th Su notes, attune,! to the brook, the low on that statement you haven't auy on your work. I aui prepared to make Ing of cattle, the chopping of the S • 8 •» case '1 he old man litichisi hi» trou prices on all classes oi buildings and trunk* of trees, the humming of lu- •er» nervously. twitched IH» face and will (urmsli plan» whenever iiecv*»arj : hvi * indeed. the harmony of couutry hastily replied. "Well. I can tell It an All »oik guaranteed. sounds. C. T. BONNEY. [ But what was that?? I.ike the notes other way.”—Cam* and i uniment. A M. Taylor. o Contractor and Builder. Attorney and Counselor at Law i of tbe bird, yet something liuimiu lu t he PemlHluu ut « [ It. At auy uuy rate. It was delicious. 1 The Ibiuiiiiion of t'auada enme Into Examining Alwtracts .1 Specialty listened. There it is again. Tills time existence on July I. ItW’. I he prov I recognised a girl s laugh, It was NOTARY PUBLIC ince of i nnada wn« dn Id,«! into upper more than a laugh. It was an expres- .'nd lower I'liiiiula. winch dlvislous are O ffu b New Worden Building slou of perfect happiness As tbe known now es Ontario mid ynetiec re sounds of the couutry were attuned ► lavtlielv It was »ulisequeiilly nog to the uotes of the bird all were at incited b' the province of Manitoba tuu«"d to this laugh. • nd the Northwest leri Itorles In l«70. DR. WM. MARTIN 1 heard voices coming, mid present by British Columbia lu l«7t mid l*riuce ly a bevy of young girl* emerged from Edward I->lmnI in IS73 mid now In a copse Among them was one whom DENTIST cludes the whole of British Sorth I noticed twyoud the rest. There were America. tall girls aud short girls, girls with piercing black eyes, gtrls with thick coils of hair The one I noticed was Mrti are higirr >on, they nere Molli. IHI m h like none of these Her face was slm Vntll the sixteenth century anno, new ordvr. BONNEY A. TEXTOR the I pie pink aud white Inuocencc. her tig developed tu s logical way. Its form« AB- ure a perfection of the ordinary. A rived anti can be m * h at LEGAL. REAL ESTATE were governed by the necessities of More Th»*t |*y*M*»M the m STRACTING Bl SINE>^ simplicity of attire, together with the war. and changes In it were the re »tyle and dvaitf l*»r which Will farut'h Abstract» of tide and pay tan * harmony of her various physical char »ult of practical experien e and actus I m noted. for non residents. Afte The examination, registration and perfect acteristics. led one to admire without experiment on the battlefield at first realising what was admired ing of mle» a Bpeeiahy. the sixteenth century It became f.u I have leaded from the Klamath M ain STirrr Ferfaction rarely strikes us all at tastlc amt meaningless, a gala costimi, Office. Naw W obdkn B ru k once. It must bare time to grow rather than a harness The givate t Canal Company and J. I>. Conger all on us. feed <>n the ram hra ow ned by lhr**e | n * o captain« opposed It« use. but ttie n Suddenly »he burst Into a laugh, the bles clung to It a« a mark of .listine pie, ami all flock tre*parai on thver birdlike ebullition I had heard a few tton After It w«< made bullet proof preniiMVM will be iin|»oUlided. minutes liefore It became so enormously heavy that nt 15 KMf. bird Umaley. Doubtless some one of her compan the end of the aixteenth century It COUNTY SURVEYOR Ions bad said something amusing, but wn, complained that gentlemen of thir It did not appear that this was the ty were even at that age deformed tn cause of her merriment. It seemed the weight of their armor til sp te «• ratuer to l>e a spontaneous outburst of the huge armors of Henry Vili . o' a hap;iy soul, au inuocent sou), a soul Anthony of Burgundy and of some otti LAND SURVEYOR. that had uever known suffering, it ers. the average »lie of the mister? was two notes at the end of the laugh man 1* greater thnn that of the sol that were almost au exact repetition KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON of tbe notes of the bird I had beard. dler of the middle ages and tbe re oatssance. If we can Judge from th. To me they seemed to rise to the armor preserved tn the museum* o’ heavens, then come back as an echo, England and the continent, which are 5OLIL1ILS OI KLAMATH FALLS DR. C. P. MASON They fioated among tbe branches of with few exception«, small nnd liar the trees, 1 drank them In with the row. especially the leg and tli'g” DENTIST » air I breathed. piece». — Ixmdon Mall. These fair creatures were like a I yffice in new Kelsav Block The I naalnlr "Mud Devil.” meteor in tbe «ky—an appeaMuci kuj a disappearance, with nothing be A molt ctirlout ugly and ungiul. semi aquatic creature Is that v h "'i ! OREGON tween. But now and again at Inter KLAMATH FALLS E vhi tfrllnr I*n*ltft S‘<*» ** th gree o( vals I could bear that melodious laugh known by the common name of mu. \\ Hnn«.r Uwlgr mrrt» III thr A. ■ • I jl>rngled with others, each time grow devil or belltiender The niud devl hall rvt-rv ••fnn*l an*l imirtii riiursdai • EVANS 4 HUSON ing fainter till at last I was left with bus neither the sp k M t ill, tbe Im'- in t h»* no »nt h. Nanrv 5 U hit»’. C. o| II. I those country sounds which hud been head nor the cloven hoofs that are si.p i Je»«v Marple, Re<ur<ier. ATTORNEYS AT LAW »<> sweet, but now seemed to have lost posed to ls> the distinguishing mar .« V\. <» W Exeunt Camp, No. W. their sweetness. of the evil one. but be Is bhleou« KLAMATH FALLS. OR. Five years passed wh“U I saw the enough to sugged all sorts of borrii* O. IV., tnectj evrrv Tuesday «*y*niriK at 7 :30 o*v1n»-k at San«l«raun*» nail. All girl with the blrdllke laugh again. I dream« and nightmares, and on thu nvigbburs c«»rtiia!I> iim liv.l. was visiting the Golden Gate of tbe account baa lieen made more repúlale» C. k Hratidmbnru, Clerk WILL A. LEONARD west. Da* morning 1 was awaiteued by the bestowal of his uneuphonlous A. F. A A. 54 Klamath I. wlv*’ No liefore day by a huge mass of tJaster common name. Ile I« not poisonous In DENTIST 77. M»< I m MOttnlat «•VfiuiiK on *»r I m * railing on my che«t. I Jumped out of any way. has no horns or «ting, but I- (nrr th«* hob'ii ni vHi h ni*>nlh in the Emma Block. Klamath Falls bed and was thrown vloleutly agniust »Imply a mud devil because he Is re ILill Alf\ Marfin Jr. U. .51. a chiffonier. Tbe building, a hotel, pulalrely ugly. In general nppeiirane \5 . 1.. iLmdtnn, >rcrvtarv. seemed like a flag lu a high wind. 1 Ills distorted nnd wart covered body |. () E . ** — Aloha < haptrr .\n.G|, rnrrt» <-» g-»-.-» o r» rx> r> o «■> recoguized the earthquake I got down not exactly unlike that of a gigantic in the Ma-onif hall «‘Very m *«*«* h <I and on the floor and crawled to the door; tadpole Ills average length Is about bnirlh Turrda* rv*niiig* in f.u h iiiuhtli. then a« the rocking censed I rose to eighteen Inches, but occasional well fed I.Hnra A. U illit«», W. M. Jennie my feet and went downstairs and Into Individual« may exceed even two feet l<t*ainrM, >v< rrtar\. th* street. Men and women were from tip to tip. lie has n broad flat I G. U. F.—K latnath I^Hlge 2 UliRN S HARDWARE SIOfiE ; there, nearly ail In their nightclothes, bend and u sharp «awli'.e fin running inert« •very >a!urday* rwntnit in the women very properly covered In from the ml Idl« -»f tbe back to the tall A. <». I . W. hall Jii-jM’r Rrnnett, N.<». é Klamath Falls, Or. *) long, flowing nightdresses. <»••«>. I.. Humphrey, brcietarv. N tw. I had gone to l ed tbe night find Error. ooo o o -oo-g-»o <-* <-» before unable to find two parts of the Ewanna Enrarnpinent No. I'», I .< >.< ’.)• "That wrna a rather Rorinua mistake Encampment meet* *v<otid ami i«>urth same suit of pajamas. So 1 had put the type* made In apeak mg of young Saturday* in the tn<»nth in the on a green »birt and red trousers. Gollghtly ” A. <». C W. hall. Ja*|«er Bennett, C. !*. Having a cold. I had also worn a yel "In what way?" 4»eo L. Humphrey, ><.rd>e. low skullcap. “Changed a ’tf Into nn YT nnd anbl Prosperity Rel»ekali ¡*odgr A new shock came. It seemed to laut he was n ragged specimen of athleth I,<>.<>. F. meet* in the A. 4 minutes, but Its duration was only manhood.” hall everv flr-t and third Thurwlavii AND seconds. The face of n building fell the month Jennie Horn, .X. 4». Into the street. New flames burst out An (exception. Lorinda M.> hu I* t , >ccretary. in every direction. A man was carried "I never heard such a lot of gossip K of I*. — Klamath Lodge Nn. by with blood streaming over bls face The walls In that boarding house have meet* in the A. O. V. W. hall everv There was a rush of cattle mingled ears, haven't they?" Monday evening. Bert Bamlier, C. with men. women and children. AVa‘ "Yes. everywhere except about the John Hamilton, K. of R. and H. this pandemonium? dumb waiter." Il.i.t.m .re American M. W. of A.—b-lge invida in the Suddenly aliove the discordant uo I hcs W. L. McCormick, 4 >. I . W. hall every firwt and third I beard a familiar sound. Was It at Manager and Contracting Agent Illa m*e. WednrMlav in th»- month. angel’s voice »p-akiDg to tho atrlckei Klamath Fall«, Oregon W. B. M<-IsMUghlin, Consul Cbolly Nowltt I »'ye know. Mis» people to give them courage? Surely W. A. I’help«, Clerk. Smart, though I've only Just met yon Office at end of bridge amid this frightful din a voice so heav there seems to t>e a sort of Intellectuu Forratera of America—Ewauna Camp enly could not come from a human be sympathy lietween u«. Yoh know Jud No. ♦•!, meet« it» the A <• I’. W. hal Ing. I turued and there stood the glr C. P. Newton, bow to appeal to my tastes, you see ».y**rv »«*< ot.d and fourth Fridavw in the with the birdlike laugh. Beside her Agent, Pokegama, Or. Are you a literary woman? Polls month. C. I>. Willaun.C bolding her band, was her Image, i. E. E. Jamiaon, Rec. Smart No: I'm a kindergarten teacher child of perhaps three years. She was B. E. Joy, no longer a girl; she was a woman She was laughing at my red. green ami Agent, Thrall, Cal. “ yellow attire. "Surely," I said. "If this woman can laugh amid such surroundings, she wi? laugh when the earth Is burst asunder aud scattered through space. Time contracts made for special I was destined to meet her a third delivery for all classes oi height time and that In a few days, I was PROPRIETORS between above points _ _ working among tbe sick of the stricken city when a man approached aud asked Storage warehouse at Klamath ALL KINDS OF FRESH, SALT If I were a doctor. I replied that I Falls beside Ackley Bros, sawmill— was. nnd he asked tne to go with him Storage rates one cent per 100 AND SMOKED MEATS I did so and was taken to one of tin pounds per <lav. Freight delivered better class of residences that bad not SAUSAGES OF ALL KINDS to any part of the citv. been burned. Mounting a staircase, I I i.iAill.lliio.dlh.JlU Ulatki.ibl.nlUn.. iA^ll BUY A HOME J. E. DUVAL SMALL DOWN PAYMENT EASY TERMS ON I Hl REMAINDER A< io k . i y sí Office over Klamath County Bank MELVIN D. WILLIAMS IT IS YOUR CHANCE Civil and Irrigation Engineer. East Main St., below 4th I cm JOB D nRlNlER 3 » - Bnänniü J0B RIN,tR tjowooiN S SIGN |GN W inter IAINTER 9 EAST KLAMATH FALLS TRACTS 1<*Clink Ii'fi W 1 lit v Klamath Falls, Oregon SHIP Reward I will pay the above reward for watch my repair department cannot put perfect running order Klamath Falls I Pokegama Transfer Company City Meat Market Rates as Low asLthe Lowest MEISS & ARMAND was shown Into a bedroom. A woman m<* me at tbe door. I started. It was she of the blrdllke laugh. She led me into the room, evidently not remembering ever having seen me before. Ou a lied lay tbe <’hlld I had seen holding her hand when she had laughed nt my Incongruous eodtini» Tbe mother looked at the little 1. it face then at me wistfully. Ilin! I never beard her happy laugh perhaps that wistful look would not have unnerved me I saw her child In the grasp of the dreaded pneumonia nnd knew that I could do very little to cheek the dis ease. One morning I was sent for In great haste. I went and the moment I saw the rhllil I knew that It was dead. It was my duty to tell the mother. Bhe gave one heart breaking moan. I have seen her often since, and I know that the merry laugh of one who has experienced a great grief has gonu never to return. F A. WlTi'HEf. M ason & S lough ABSTRACTERS KLAMATH OREGON FALLS AB s TK.M T s OF TITLE tnadr with ne.itn««» and dispatch. We Invite attention to our Fl 1.1 NG ' MIIXET SYSTEM. IsPOfil 1 C «<• t f I t 4.« We have a choice Hue of lands In trai ls laige or small, to suit pur- chasers : alho city property of all deskription». ... I iistiroiive ... We carry a full line of Inaurance, Including Life, Personal Accident Fire, Steam Holler. Plate Glass, and Liability Insurance. Merrill Creamery Hutter UNDERTAKING £. WHITLOCK Lakeside Inn, M rs . M. M c M illan , Rrop’r. Modern irnprovomonts. 73 rooms und RiiitoH. Sample Hoorns, Bar Boom, Parlor«, Two Club K oohih , Ete., Etc. *_____ $ SPECIAL RESORT FOR TOURISTS FUNERAu director and em balmer have purchased B. St. Geo. Bishop’s stock of undertaker’s supplies Holder of License No. 29 granted by the Oregon State Board of Health. Calls promptly attended, city or country, day or night. Telephone ji j