Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, November 22, 1906, Image 7

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B pnpn (I)
> Irlnwa t*Mlau* Th ml la Fatal 1« tha
l.lvra of Mm au«| « «III*.
Ill Ilia dnrk ■I iih I«* «»f Itifly |*|na tret»'»
and under Nprvmllitg imk» In inure
uprii w < mm |* ii inuMliruotn la fuutnl •••
rvmarkuhlr In <«»l«»r and grM«*«*ful In
iurill (blit Ila hritilly Illi* rv lh*d l»«'
lulratlon fur linndrvda «»f yenra.
color of It« blight «»rung«* enp mid it
chalk while aleni mid k III m I n height*
•m«*«l by the aurroundlng dnrkneaa pi
the w < hm I n and prvNentN it rontrnat 11
aingnhir nn It I n beautiful
Hut b«*in*iith the pleiiNing eiterlor of
th I m brilliant ftingiiN 11 pulaon lurk* no
fatal to the llvea of men nn«l cattle
that It I n eallcil the deadly amanita,
and In different coiinttlea nicdhera «‘»ill
<1 »11 their chlhlrm to l»eware of It«
Amanita iniiNvarhi. Hie deadly, or
fl) iiinanlfa. I n completely Incaaed la
a fleece like covering during ‘he car!)
NtNgea of If n groivth, whl< b niakcN It
dc'ldedl) t‘gg ■I hi | m *.| In form
th«* Ntmi lengthen^ thi« covering either
adhere« III I imhic pilD'lira to the top of
the rap or It allpN away and fort»« a
abeathlng to the cup nt the Ima# of th«*
Another Inner covering iHreaka away
In It* turn from the •• «p n« the mu*»b I
.atM>m ewpmidt mid forma n conaphuioit
collar about the upper part of tin*
I tie ImlhoUN lolNe of tin* Idem <
and th«"'C ritpfur«**L flewv covering* |
ir*» protemmed clinrncterlNtlcw wbhli
arc inoht helpful In dlKtlngiibdihig IT,»
daugeroiiN fungtiN from tin* other vara*
Um of inuihr«MiniM
It I n strong, free fr »ill pe«ta mid
grow« to a height from four to n I x I«*<* j
In color the rap la aomotlmv1«
bright scarlet again «»range or yellow
or reddish In the center and light yel
r|ow t*»war»l th«* «*«lg«*M. and It has ti »
Uceable wnrtllk«* pnt«*lirw spread over
th«* t«»p tin ol«l plant* the color f id**«
out. an*l lat«* In tin* season particularly
forms of th«* deadly amanita are found
m hleh are almowt white
*1 In* stem I** 1
vuslly separste<l from the «up nt Its
This mushroom 1« more generally
known than any of the other poison I
lion« In a warm room
If pulsou<»UM inushr«N»nis are parted
in Ilia satite bot with «*dl I dr ones the
ilrus from th«« p »Isonoua fungi Is uh
A<»rbed by th«* Jiiirinl«*ss mushrooms,
and the) l»«*< «»me as dangerous to ent
ns tin* oil, Inal ofT«*nd«*rs
In certahi counirles the deadly mini
•I’d i seems to I on «* som«* of Its vlruleii
<’)', mid In tin* north of Husain mid
parts «»f n »1 thcastrrn Asin It I n used In
th«* same iminnrr as wtlnr for Ils In
I »dinting e.'T«*« t«
lb«* mushrooms nr«*
gather'd In hot weather and nr«« hung
lip In th«* all t » d y or lh«*y are sum«’
time« pl« Led fre^h and put Into sou *
or smn «*s A siiinll amount swallowed
wind«* I* enough t » produ«*r a day's hi
t<nl« :itl«»n
Another fitall.v dmig«*rous member
of the amanita family is tin* «lentil
cup lAmambi phallol<!«*Ni, 11 b«*autlfu*
musiirt»oin which also grows In tin*
wotsla, c*p«*< (ally In pin«* forests
It 1«
not so highly rulor«*«! ns th«* dr.ully
nmnnlln. and. unllk«* that mushroom.
If has a smisitb, satiny cap
It Is u«u
ally white or straw colonel, but nj «••«•!
tneiiN are found which are light brown
green, irlluw and spott«**!
Th«* stem
Is whit«* and nearly nrmwth. and the
cup at the bus«* of th«« stem I n Invarla
Idy pr«*»««nt
The «tenth cup Is even more poison
«»us tlimi the deadly nmanitn mid
stands hist ntnong all noxious fungi
for Its pols«*tious «pinlltles
It grow
In the «»astern and mid«!!«* states an I
In pnrticulnriy larg«* «pimitlties neat
the citv of Washington
Another nmanitn (Amnnltn vertiusi
found in the w < hm | n I ii sjirlng. Is nls<>
ver> p dsemMts and may I»«« told b*
Its c Nor. which is a creamy whit*
Alth »ugh It I* snl«l that the nmanitn *
nr«« th«* «»nly miiNlirnuiiis which have
l«r«*>ed fatal tn human life, there nr« !
other «ar «•<!«•* which rmi*e such acut« !
dlstresN that It Is well to guard ag.iin«t
citing tlieiii'
The Isdetl, for Instance, have Severn,
varieties which are m»m**||ble. although
many k!ml*. on th«* <»th«*r bnn«1, mak«
«lellc'.ous f «si The buietl are dlstln ,
g.l»b«* I l»i n spotig«* like surface of
|s»r«** Instead of gill* l»enratb th«« cap
‘I hr harmful varieties arc bitter, us »•
rule and « hang«* « »lor to blur «>r re«’ 1
when cut or br«»k«*n The <*dltdr varir I
ties »au.ul! White Ann «« Orikes Hunt
lligtoii In 1 «»nth'» <*on panloti.
After lltr Fall.
s(H*t |«*« It has I mg L mmui used a**
’ I always piths! Admit nnd Eve f«»c
a fly poison In Kuro|M*. ami It take« It*« tw’lng «*rlv<*ti out <»f I* Irn In *urh io
uamv. mu»«'iirlii. from th«* Latin word sufll lent clothing, just as winter was
fur a fl)
Its p Ha iti ms effect U| m » h h’l
ts’gmi ng "
man be.ng* l»«*glns a few hours after
"Il«»w «!«» you know It w as winter!**
It ha« I h ’ cii eaten. The aymptuius are
"Whi. It was just after tin* fall,
nausea nml faintness, with ct»hl per
wasn't It?” (’let elan«! Lender
splrntloii nisi NtU|M«r. followed In •»«•
% ere case« by death from a gradual i
Th«* Is’st education In th«* workl la
weakening of th«* heart
thnt g.«t by ttriigfing to msk<* a Ihr
A str >ng rincth* should l»e glicn nt Ing 'I'blhlps
on<*e. mill In all < h « h * n a physician
should l»e ml I«* I
Sulphate of atropln
% natter I'*«».
I n th«* only known «ln*ml«nl nntldotr
Nur*»«* ito fom! mother of <*eh*bnitrd
for thia poison, ami to save the patient
musical pr«s!lg) « l,l«*a*«*. mum. Is Mas
It must I m * prompt!) ndmlnlstere«! by ter Will) to ’av«* 'Is morning sl«*ep or
b) |MHh*rmlc lnj«*«‘t ion«
go on wlv ’is Si\t«*«*nth Sytnplieruy?—
'ill«* | mi | s « hi may al««» tn* nb«orl»<*«l Punch
A1 »Ugh th«* p
■ of the «•’. ii mid bn 1
ch*«** of p*»|.<m ng have I»«*« u produced
!f thou fnînt in th«* «liv «»f adversity
by simply holding an amanita In til« ' thy strength la stnnll -Hook of Pr«>v-
c I om *«I hind or br«*!itlilng It*« exlinla |
Buena Vista Addition
ready mjoo sod lota therein will be placed on the market.
tract <*<,iiipriM-h .">3o acre*, adjoin* Klamath Fall* on th«- n«>rth and weal
and ixjrder» on Link Kiv«-r and Upper Klamath Lake for two mile».
From till* addition can be keen the grandeat panorama on the Pacific
<'oa*t, compriking Lake. Itiver. Valley, Hill. Mountain and Snow-capp«-d
Peak», blend into an harmonloua picture of un<-<pialied beauty and mag­
Boulevards a rd Streets are now being graded, and these will be lined
with Shade Trees. Grading work on the Electric Street Railway
is now under way.
A <*«»mph*t«* **i*w«*rHg<* »*)>t«*m u ill I m * put in. The entire «'Ut of the <klrw«a
MawmiH ha»* !»« «*n purchase«!, ami th«»m* building in the But'iia Vista Addition
thi* aurnmer w ill have fimt «all <<n the output <»f thia mill.
Plan» fir a maicnifleent hotel ar«- n<-u la-ing preparetl, and conatruction will
la-gin tin» rummer. Tin» in>»lelrv will lx- l-H-ated on one ot the m<«t pictur-
>-»jU<- »¡»-t» in th«- addition aixl w ill la- »urrouii'led by a park.
■*.- **
If you want a home in the m«»t l»-autiful aection of Klamath County, buy
a lot in the Haena Viata Addition.
If you uant to live where von will lx- »urrouixle-l with beautiful home«, buy
a lot in the Buena Virta A<l<liti<>n.
If you uant to live on the »trevt ear line then iiave your home in the Buena
Vima A-l-litioii.
If you are looking for an inve»tnient that will yield return», purcliare prop­
erty in the Buena Vi»ta Addition.
Murdoch fiuild’g,
next door Postoffice
to buy property under the Upper Project
I hold exclusive options on some of the b jst properties under Upper Project
ranging in price from $12.50 per acre and up. All to come under ditch.
are the best investment in the way of town property in the County. The prices are low. $35
per lot and up, with easy terms.
Many of our home people have doubled their money
within the past month.
If you wish to make some easy money
I have ranch property of all kinds all over Klamath County, and I can sell you a lot in
any town in the County. I will be pleased to hear from anyone interested in this country
and will cheerfully answer all inquries. A postal card will bring you mv pamphlet on
* UJby Klamath County Brows *
Bonanza Office’ Driscoll Bros.' Mercantile Store
E. B. HAL!„
Office: Hamaker Building, acioss from P. 0., KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON