Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, November 22, 1906, Image 6

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Average llnataeaa Man
1'erritory In a
"If 1 bad a reut far *»x ery tullo 1
walk during otDiN* hour» every day I d
•oou bo aide to rv< rx\” la n roniArk
frequently heard from m.-n and wo­
men who are kept on their feet while
at bnalness The general Itiipreastou I.
that the distaure traieled dally 1» very
gn at. A'ul s,> it may he. But the alm-
pie esperlment of carrying a |.edou»e-
ter tor a fe* week:« « .1 probably
• how that o.ies Ineouie at a cent a
luilo w >uld not l«e worth eoll«*etlng un
til the end of a year.
A downtowu otli.v man ha» Ju»t f*u
ished an ex|>erar.ent of this nature, He
came l a pouonie.er six weeks, regis­
tering Its total each u._lit. At the end
of that time it was fou.i.l that tbe dis
tanee travele.l. though vary.n: greatly
from day to .lay, eaaie t > a fairly evea
average at the end of each week
llow uia: y ui.Ies do y.iu sitp|a»e he
walked on the day of his highest r.v
ord? T«i-n-»
Vlftyl No.
only nine miles
I'lie lowest ns-ord
came the te y next day uud was a
tulle and a half. H it tin* average for
eaeii week was thirty three and one
third ni lea. or an average of s.x and a
half r.iiies for e.ieii working day. The
six nos-hs sh iwe 1 totals as foil wv*
39««. -7’-... 37. :u. i'i1... 3<’. or n-a aggre­
gate i f 2Ut> r.-.iles and a half t:i:'.o over.
At the end of six weeks, therefore, be
would have collected $2 at a cent a
In tbe course of a yeir this office
traveling represents an Impressive
walking tour, with its total of 1.733
miles. If made as a eoatiuuous trip
across country it v.•»-:!<l take b in from
New York t > I’. - ire's. N I’ , or to
G.ilves; >.i. Tex Envikiyn 1 .’. ,le
s tice F«' Publication
■e* Laud office. take vie a . Oregon .
Octol er
Notice I» h n by given that in romp! arc-
with the |>r*>x isien« «»f the act of t’«>ngre*s ol
entitled .unet tor the »ale o<
June S. K».
timber h *nd* in the e s’ates of California, Or»-
Territorr." a*
g -n. Nr »da. and Washington
. * i •» by act
. .
tv ol Si*k •on. siate of « alifornta. !• a* f*!r«1 in
this, office bi'
the pur*-1 a«r ■ th E
F ’ ’ j , S\X
SW« >4 Sec 4 an«i E‘,
X' • m S.inTp
. in Tp ? ’ S.
*. R N
No. 9 F. W M
and will offer pr«x*f to «how that th* lan«!
sought i* more ■■ aluable for it* timber or stone
than for agrici dural pnrpoae«, an 1 to e»tab-
■um t > »ahi ' «n i before county clerk
lis h hli
of kiatn tl> O’unty a* hi» *4fi< a ! j » a . -* «it bu*i-
nefts, at klarnatb Fall». Oregon, uu Monday,
the 4th da of February. 1907.
He nani< i* «:tn-'»»«-»:
J. C. fttir.th of klamath rail1«. Oregon.
Harry D* am of klatna ’» Falls Oregon.
W. J I hil’ip» of • «aiuath Falls. Oregon.
W.J. Broderick of klamath Falls. Oregon,
Any and all person* c.aini'.tig a«lver»«.*ly the
•bore «!-*« r:to*d laud* are requested to file
their claim« in thi< office on or before said 4th
day of February, 1907.
11-22 J-l
J N Watson. Register.
Notice of Final Account
In the co inty court for klamath
state of <»r**fc’ n.
In th- Mener of the Estate of t
FJ .- ne ft. Cintoti.
Deeea«»* J
No1.ice i- ! ereby given that J N F’earcy. *4
mi’i!*tra!« r of the above entitle*! estate, ha«
duly filed hi' tin a. account as a lin m.* t rat«>r
of sai l r*iate and that the 24th day ot De­
cember lí*»5. at the hour of 10 o’clock a m at
the coirt room of »aid court, ha* been fixed a*
the time an*! place f«»r settling **a.d a« > *»unt
and fo; hearing objection«thereto.
Admini»* at’/r of the estate of Eugene <.
Clifton. d«¡eea«ed.
11 A’-1.» JO
SI 11OS3
In th ■ k’lrcuitCourt for the State of Oregon,
for th»- county of kiamaih.
Sarah N ' annuli, p«aiiit’ff v*. Ira -. Van-
non. defendant.
Suit for divorce.
To Ira « < attuon. the above name I defend
In the name of the stare of Oregon, you are
hereby req*..red to ap|»rar and an-.ter th*
coflBplaint fi.ed against you in the ab»*ve en
titled *.uit on or before Thursday, the 3rd day
of Jan ary I9U7. being the la*’ day of the t;rne
prescribed in ihe order for the publication of
this ««iinmous. the first publication thereof
being on th«* Z2n«i •1*1 of November, 190fi; and
if you fail to so appear and answer, for want
thereof, th»- pia«titiff will apply to the court,
for tn«* relief prayed for in the complaint
herein, to
fur a decree dissolving the
bonds of i aii rnunA, now existing between
plam’.fl and defendant, and for »uch other
relief a* to the court may »«•»•su just ami
This summons is served by publication
thereof in the klamath Kepubln can. by order
of Hon. Henry L. Benson, one of the judg»-#,
of the Fir»c Judicial D.strict, M hate of oregon.
Mad«- date«! and filed in this » Uit at klamath
Fails, Oregon, on tin juth day of November.
1WM», which »aid order requires that ■u in moti »
in ibis suit. l»e published on» e a week, fora
period of s;x consecutive an«! successive
week», from tbe 22n«l day of November lUOfi.
H.w Keesee,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
11 22-1-3
UiAsolution ol Partner»! i'
Notiee is hoix‘hv «jixen Ibtxt the pari*
neral in hervtof«*rv existiii* iHdxxoon
J K. Duval and 1'
KnackMedt, lin­
der thenaiue« t Duval and Kiimkstixlt.
la thi«i *lav «in» olwd
I E. Duval and F K. Foreban h In
h ixe al.up and oII iiirieliineix . i* t«» ix»l-
I s-i all account* and pay all parlnvr*
üliin b|i|4.
Dato I at Kl.im.ilh Fall». <hotfon, thi*»
Alb day «*i Nox. IVO“.
T. I . Kx x« k »i ri»r.
I. I . Di 1 M
11 9 4t
solici: ro« m BLICAIIOV
tK'pariin«’uI of the Inte rtor. I.aii«l Office at
l.akex lew <>t«'g«’tl Ih loto l 17. I’M*'
N«xt .«f m hereby gt en that Lou:*a J «'aim
ot Bivio. Otrgvn. I a» ti.vd her intention to
make final coiiimutalioti *cr«»of in *iU'l*»rt «'I
her claim \1/’ lli'hli**’. S<l F lit TA X * »113
n a le J- lx 11. I’Vi i.-r th«' E ' t M \x t.a IX l4
S \X 1 4 and > r 4 X IX ’ , >< Ct ;o|| 7 I'ou lifthip
40 S. Range * F \X Al and lhai »a d |*r«»of atll
be made br<•»€«’ <»••»•. C- «»tain, co rk ot
<»teg«»n. at h’-» «»fftiv at
K lamat h
Oregon on »rd day ol 1».tvm
Klamath Fai
brr. lRMk
KM . » •
' ' kg W ln<*»M*A to pro» «•
hcr coni innon» rr»idrm • t i«P*»n Albi *• »lox a
lion oi. t he ¡au»!. vii :
S XV r«*x»rr. «»f Kvn«x. Or»’ g“n.
x, . .
• eg «»u.
Jane Pratt, m Ken«». Oregon.
Nathan E luard ol K< n *. Oregon
X XX A Pk» N li «• « Ster
Department ot the Intvrtor. Unite»| nate*
Land Ottav I a»« a vw Oregou. October Mth.
.k -i.rti« imi c«»uie»i affidavit having
been filed hi thl* < dice by Frvd I. >i nderman.
« • ; • ' v * t 4111. akA U*t th* ¡!.i I,"*:« 4-i vi.::x X.>
314’ of Sarah M. ;« a*»>m r. contvtt«*. mad-
KuguM lOlh. «•*'*, for the > F ‘4«»f ** c I» Ip
;* * K ’» F W XI :t u • > -. ’ - a : w -I lb ’ <
•ani *arah M K-a-oncr ! rd about th«* i.i«>nih
of Augu-t. I’44: that th«* only heir* at ian. a 4
>u<T*-»»«»r» in interesi «»f >ai«l Jr* « a >*rd known
iv lb. » alba. i. are: Frederick
Hirtha R. Rvamguar«!. Alden F Rr«M»ner.
Cbariea H. K«-a»<»uvr J. < Laudo» KrAM»uvr
and A. Mx rue Maine re ; that »aid rrv.lci.c* K
Reasoner is al*«» the administrator of the «•»■
tate of .ftarah M R«
asm»ri, d«*«•»* am ‘4 ; that
»aid •»arah M R» a»«»n«
isoner r never,
never. during h« r hie-
time, resided upon, cullixated
Ilivated or imj»r«»v«‘*l
»an! de-« ribv«l lan«!. n*»r any pvriton Iheret»!;
that none of the heirs at la»», »ticceftwor« in
interest, legal or personal r«*pre»«-utati»«•» o'
»aid deceased, has at anx time rcsnte.t upon
*aid land, or any portion thrr«-«»f, or :mpr«»xe*i
«>r cultivate«! the »ame «*r any ¡»»»rtlou there«»!:
that »aid storah M R-*»» h •
wholly alwH-
d«»ne«i »ai l ian i for m«*re than «lx m* nth*,
prior to her death, ami that all the hr;.-» at
la«, »u«cv*sor» iu intere»i, au4 1» gal or |**r
*«»nal repeeiuTitat:x«** *»f »ai l <ierraM*d hax >•
»nice her death xxlmily al»amtone«i »aid land
ami have tailed to reside iip»u, or cuitlxa’*’
the same, *»r auy portion there*»!, am! have
wholly lalled at all time« »tnce the death o
*a..l !»arah M K« a».*m r U* mpr«“»* •« *1 land
in a iy mini'.’, a i I i h«i a lot ■ icti fail ire»
ami abandonment stilt c«»ntinm*. and tha
»aid aL«*ge«l abandonment and faiiure to c.il-
tivate ami improve *a: I land. x*a» not due
ami is not due to the employment mi the
army, na»y, or marine corp» ••! the U ihu -4
Stale», ol any of the per»«Hi* a’»•>•* naim**l m
mentioned, a* a private »«»Idler, otffcer. **•«
man or marine during the »ar with •‘j aim
or during any other **ar iu wa.ch the I ulted
Stale.» may to* engag»* !
lhWfeiore. tbe sai l partie» *r«* h**reb. noti-
rie«l to appear, respond an*! off *r ex ¡deuce
touching -a 4 allegation* at 10 »*'«ma‘k a. in..
on November 19th- I’*»* b«*mre k» >rg«> i ha»-
tain, county clerk.of Kiauiath c«>unty, Oregon,
at bis office in Klamath Falls, Oregou, and
that filial hearing will be hebi at 10
o’clock a tn., «»n November J7th, lik»* before
the Register and Receiver at the U mieti
stales Lsmi office at Laxevi-w. Oregon.
The said conte-tant haxing in a proper
affidavit, file«! S-ptember J7. 1*»>. a« t forth
fa< ts which »bow that after due dnig-m *• per­
sonal service of tin» notice Cau not be made
upon the above name«! Frederick K Reasoner,
Bvrtha R tb amguard. Alden E Reason»*! or
Charles H. Reasoner, it 1« hereby ordered ami
«lire» te*l that »uch not.«• • b<- given »aid Fred­
erick K. Reasoner. B- riba K B arnguard,
Alder F. R« a»otmr ami Charle* H. K«*..»oner.
by dur and proper pub .¡cation.
.«>11-1 < ¡9
J.N. WatM»n. Register
ab« vc > « «rlived lau»!» are u» p e»t»*,l I«» tie timber lami» In Ih*’ lltate< of Uallforiila. Or«*
their « a tn» tn ibis oilier «»n ot belor« »auf 4th g««ii. N«xa«la. anti XXa»hiugt«>n l'vriHot)
dax of tannai ). IA»7
rxivml«*«! to all Ih«* Public Lami miai «*» I h act
J N. XXatsuu. Register
• *t Xugu»l 4. IMW. XVllliam J Muilhaii. «tf M« i
rill Maie ol W igooRaia ha* file i hi ihli ofih •
ht» »n«»rii »ial«*m«’til No L’. ìà . lor th«* pnri’ha»«’
Sotke for 1'ublkatlon
«»I Ih«’ -**lw «»f
uf Mr«' No IN, Hi r««Hllslllp No
Department of th«* Interior I and office at s.» s Rang« N-» rt F XX XI, and will «»ff«*r |*ro««f i«»
Lake»**** Oregon. October. A» hAWi
»how tliAt Ih«’ lami *« Ughi l» mor«* xaliiabl«*
\ tn« iftbeit’by glxeu that Tt»oma<* Martin i«»r il» iimhrr or slum* ihan fot agricultural
ol k¡amati» Fall». Oreg« ii. baa filed not e« -of purpo»«*». aii «I i«» r«iabll»h In» riami I*» »ai«l
ht» lut«*miou Io make final fixext-ar pr«»oi in lami brioro t «Hiniy «'Irrk «>t a1 Alimi li «»»mil \
support *M lit» claim, xi» H<»n»e»tea I Kntrx ai hi» >*ttl< al pia« «' ot biitim*«». >»n t*liur»«l*)' .
Xo I I n.rt.l I' « X* 1’4’1 f«‘t I’.,.' XI Í *F g ih«' <■ «I dax oi Jaanatx r»1
I1, \ l. , ». « ."J ami X XX », sxx ', « < 11- 4«’ »
II«* name* a» xxiiiirs*«’»'
R 9 I. XX M. ami that »Ahl |*r«»oi will I»«’ made
llrnr» U ÿparr. Ir , o( Foresi Oregon
iH'iorv ih«nl*»k ot klamath county. <»»*• ai
Frvd xj.ia«b* «»I F«»resi Oregon
hl» ortUv ai klamath Fai«». O h on Ohita) oi
ìhro«li»re N Narri«, «»t Vhlaivl. Oteg«»u
Jännät ». l*)7
Julin» I* XX.«li, «»f ,X»lilaml. Or» goti
Il< nam« s the follow Ing n Hm»»e» to prow
x n « a .i l ali p raoa* clalaiing adx’erw» » the
hi» vomitinoti» re» d«'i»«<e up«»u, ami ciiltlxa ato»««-»|r»rrll»«*«l lami» are re*ii|r»te4 lo Hl»
lion «d, the lami. x u
lili lí « >41111» Hl ih1* »• Ilice ««Il «H beion- »ai4 .ir«l
Andre»» Ryan of k atnath Fall». Oregon
day i»i January, «‘.o?
F II Ranishy oi k«aiuaih Falt». Oi«*¿on
Il Id J
J X XX X |'M« iX ReglslV»
< i an toi 4 II ill o: » .amaih FaiI». »»reg«*it
« .M Kam»by ot sìamath Fall». Oivg.m
li .» . ju
J X XX a toon. Register
Sotke for 1'ublkatlon
iX'parinimi of the lnu ru*n Land office ai
lakrvten Or« g«»u Oetobvr u* pax,
X< : c.- ;♦ In !- !*\ g veM thai ’ t«arifv A|.i»< r
h»tin«;'.» « harttx i. « >!•*.il. «»t Klamath Fall»
Orvgott ha» tlv» »la» tl.«'«l h«*r luteinkin to
mase finni coinintiiaron prool in »upp<»rt oi
Iter visun. » - H«>m <ad Eutry N»»
■* x *' » x •• . x a t
and x b 4 - a t *. .
; • ¡ vx '! •« .
thai »a.«l pr»H»l a .« I» • made l«rtorv Ihv «Terk
oi klarvath roiintx at hl» office ai klamath
Fall». Oregon, «ui 4th «lay of .lamini » l'*1'
•iu' 114111« » t he l«»lti*wH>g witllr»M * to pro\ <*
h« r cotitinuou» residence ii|««ii. and « ulilta
Uoti oi, i tie laini, a u ;
xx \ xvinnof klamath Fa » o .««g.»ti
!.ynn H Va frn oi klamath Fall». k>r«’g«’n
M latmn* >ii oi klatuaih Fall». Oregon
F Roy I of klamath Fall». Origon
1 x Wats
ft U-JU
Sotke lor l’tihlk «Iloti
• ■1er ami Reeelxer al l.akevlvw , O<»g»*n. «'ll
Maiurdax th*» JUili «lay *»! Derember. !**<•
Il«* nam»*« a» xvlltte»sea
Mil M Xloi gau, ol Krtiii, Orrgoll
Ile*» Il Morgan >»f Kein», Oiegtm
An» ami ail persiitis vlaiming a lvenrly lh*
abox «* «l«'»r» ll»e«l laude ai«* r«Mpiv»iv»l I«» 111*
llielr t laliiift lu lliis «*rtl«-** «»uor l»ef«»re «ald ’ • h
day ol Itoe . UN*
J. N XX A I "ON.
10 I» IJ U
riiiisil »ia(M I ••*.« nin.r. Ia»»,i»w. Or»,
gnu Ihl,
Noilc I.
(l.sn ili»’ la ■
«liti III«' imi» I.I iiii . ulta» «>'t ni l'iillgr... ,»t
bine l l» - ,.ullll. ’
V ii a.-i li» ili,’ Mie ,.<
lllnlii'i Un i. I» Ih" »l»l»« ni ' •lllnrlll». Or,
sul w «. ioii , i < hi (■orli.,ti . ••
. ll. ll.l. I a. «il ih" 1' >h
I vi I sial». li, ». l
ot tu, I.l I ’O
«I.h.'ll, l.l.'l, li.lllilli, ut
Itlaiiisih r.i - oogioi tonni, ol klsmalli.
Sisi. ol Olinoli li*' il ."il in thl. olii,» h.r
M M Hl »S S
■ Morii .l*li nono So .1*1. tot III» liulvl,**» ot
i e " » n io r *u.i
In ib«* Circuit Court of lb*» state ot tingin. 11.. . a , s " ’. - •
XF 4 X», »►', *«» *• ’ N“ i-’. ih kp N.»
lor Uu* * •••uni » <•• K lamath
Raiig’ N" '• • v' '*
’*••• ••<!•'» I»*
FU«a X|, Marple, plaintlrt. x« II
■huw tlial ih'1 I*“ * »»ugbl to mora »ab
»Ictvmlant i
f«»r agrlcul
|o II II Maltot«! th«» ab»i\«’nam I *1 ■•* 11 ‘
purpuft**' ami i<» •’••Ab i*li h”r « laim tu
lu i Iu* name »»• the State of Hreg«»n
Y «»I are laiul l»«»tor»' » *”IUI » ’ I l k . I»! K lAillAtll < «u
b.iftHi’ ai Ria
l»vr«*l»> r«*»|iilr«’»l l*» aiq»» ar an I an»* i »'•« al hi* uilb I a I piA<*»
cuiuplaim filed agaHifti you in th«- a »»« « h Fall» tir«'g*»u. un Tmii**l*y ih* '**1 <lj
iillv.l »mi mi « h I»'i«»ir Fr»»lay Hi* soih »lay «»I Jau«i*i) l>'.‘
M||»’ HAIUV« 4» UHI»*’’**'
Nu»«-ml»ri. I'Sft* to'Hig ihe la «1 <l*y *»f lb* llm»’
J « amiili, «>f N ¡smalli Fall* <h>*4>»u
prem iIII ilo* ortler l«tr III«' publication «»I
Man » I» a »* *>! Riamati» Fall», ilf ’i-m
HH* «umiuoii», th«’ rtr«t pubilcati*»n ii»vi**»i
XX J lb«>l* rh’b. ♦•! a a UAih Fa*l». O> g Hl
being *»u th»- Itili da» «I oviuto-r Mks* au I >1
solici roit m hi ie ai ms
X» I i'mlllppft, «•! Kiamaih F a H*. i»r •gmt,
*»m tail -»• to app* at ami ati»a*’i lor waul
X u » A'ni *H poi ft«»u« < ¡Al h • h < a !.«•»• » tb»
thcrcoi ihr plaintif! h' iviii Mill apply to th
• n.»
• ito»rrib*>l latt i* ai *’ i«*4t4«»a|*d
••» I ami >«ifi* r. I ak» x )< «« Oregon « »»ml lor th* i«'hrl prayetl for In th*» «aol »■••.»»
||»*’l| • lAHUft tu Ihl* «»Hi' * t»u *»r b ’! ¡•»r »- «a I h <|
piai ut. t«* »»H b» i a I» • i • * »«I Ihv • ‘"111. t * * "
«k'toto r JM, 19»«>
Notice '» I” I*ln g»xvii liiat in
ou pl i am . mg ihr planili!!'* liti«' t«» Loi number »m» tl) ila» «»l lauuAtjr iw»'
J N * xr«»N
with Ihr pr«»x l»i0ii» of th«* act ol Uoiigre»« «»I Hl llliM'k mutila r IJ. Hl Ib»* *'•!> <•• K AmBlh
. W •
• un«’ i I* » vntille«l Xu au a- t fur the »al»' I .. . «I » 4.
ot imito-r land» In th«- Mtate* »•* k'Alih»rni4 111«-« »»«Hl ma» •» >i mrvi ami Hi a* - o lam'»’
Ot«-gon. Xei«.h,ftiu| XXa»hingt«»n l«irit«»rx ‘ with laa au»| r«|Uily !’.»»• »umm•m* •» •• i » » I
a»v\tvml««l I»» all the Pubh«’ lami 'ktatv* bx li» pui»li 'aimu il»« '•’•’! hi ihr K ¡a «ia< h K p H»
art «»I Xngu«t 4. INRI. Ralph F
Kuller of liian a
Klamath I'a’.i*. «'«»unix “i Klamath, »tate «»I Ihnr» I Hen»”
i»!«-g«»ti. ha« fil»'»l in tlH» .«iti» «* hl» »»«»’rn »«alv Hiv fit I» day of
** XX 1 t *umim»n« ti i »e
ion i .’ami XXx\x»4«i( *to«'ti«»n x.» Ilin ai lea«t »i» c«m**’V'iHi
' • ■ '> • ; x i
* Rgngw X • Li E U '1 au t |M'tk«Ml «»( C«»mil|UO*|i
«xilli ffiT proof tn fth«»xx that the land »«»light forty i*«> «tay s.
.» morr xaliiAblr fur It* limb, r <>t Moite Ihan
I'll- ’M
f«»t agr.«' «Hural ptirpo»»'«. a ol !•» v»|abli»li lii»
A i .tn u* > lm I*, ai ni rt
> .Atm I«» »aid am! bri.«»v «,«•«», < h4*taln
l oiinix « :• rk »>i Klamath ruutu» at I»'» ••ftl
«m. pia«» of bu» ti«’»» at Klamath Fa » ihr
stilivi i <u m bi ic míos
gon. on Fi. I« » ' »*• 4' h dax «»t I an ar » IW»?
Sotke tor Publication
tmvtu of the lmrrl«»r. Lau.l orth’.- at
w . k>r»*goii. tk’uibrr tt» | k*i
N,mev tw hereby gi»»'i» that Frauci» E Ri»yd
«»tK.amath Fall*. Oregon ht* filed iiut.ee ui
IM* luienttou to ma*«* bnal ««»minutai.«»u
I r««»i iu *up|4>rt o! her « aim. in H>>im *t« a,!
ry N«», « • ma«ie May
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K r. xx »1 amt that aaul pro»»i
ift iorf the clerk «•< Klamath c«>mik». «»r<- at
hl* ofbv«- a Kiamaih Lai.*. Or« uu 4th day • !
January. I9u7
■ nau»! the foil«»*tug witneaM'ft t«i
illtllll uous rralxtrncc Upon, and cuittxa
id. lb«* lam!. VI*;
4» N Meyer ol klamath Fall*. Oregon.
Meyer «>! klamath Fad*. Oregon,
inn of klamath Fait», or* gon
Yatlen ol klamath Fails. Oregon
J N XXatwn. Register.
All* Oregon
J X XX x i *< *x
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hia mfle '
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I hoher I «ioJ Sotke.
Xvl hi
Notier tor l'ut»
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sollet. POR Pl BUCA KOS
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Sotue ot I Inal Account
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Unite«! Ntgi
I. ai .1 Office. Lake» icm , ore
O»'tôlier «¡4 P>
N*• la ben »y given ibai in cumpHance
with the provision« »»f the a-tui Congre»* of
1*7* entitle I Au act n>r ih«* •**.«• it
ui i*u«iar
lv a » i: j
4 tininlfttra1
,|m « a.. •!
Hot Springs addition i” in the
heart of the city of Klamath
Falls, whose population will be
25000 in less than 10 years
Why not have you a home in
the Hot Springs tract, where
you can have use of the splendid
mineral water?
Notice for Pvblicatlon
United State* ¡.and office at Lakeview Ore-
gun. <art. 24. *9u6.
Notice i* hereby given that In compliance
with the provision» <»i the act of Congr*«« of
June , I MT»», entitled - An act for the »al< of
; n:.d* .!'.•
' g
4- Ofrt-
gon. Nevada, ami Washington Territory.” a.»
extended to all the Public Land
'«y sk i
of August 4. 1*^2. William J. Bfo«ieriCk, of
Klamath Falls, county of Klamath, si ate of
Oregon, ha* tiled in tbi« office h.**w-»rt »tale*
inent No 31117. for the purchase <>f the Lot 2 of
Meetion No. 3. in Town»h!n No. 37 •*. Range N«».
E W M, an«! will offer proof to sh«.« that the
¡am! -ought 1» more valuable for it» timber <»r
•tone than «or agricultural purpose-», an«! to
establish his claim to -ahi lam! befote county
f 'lerk «4 Klamath < «»unty, at. hlnohlc »« plat «.*
of buiine»». at Klamath Fa'.!*«, Oregon, on
Thut»day, the 3rd day of January, 19 7.
Me name» a» witness**:
Geo Tordt, of Weed, California.
J. <’ Hmlth, of Klamath Fall*, Oregon.
Harry Dean», of Klamath Falls, Oregon.
W.J Phillip*, o.' Klamath Falls. Oregon.
Any am! all person* claiming adversely the
above-described lands are request««! to file
their claims Is this office on or tor fore -aid .3rd
dav of January. 19P7.
li -1.1 .3
J. N. WATrtON. Reg I. ter.
In the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon
for th»* county of Klamath.
Herman Schmor, plaintiff, vs. PAulin<
Sotice tor Publication
Behm or, defendant.
Lakevhtw, Oregon, Oct, 24,1906.
Hu it for divorce.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
To Pauline Hc.-bmor. the above named de­
with tbe provisions of the act of t ongr»*«« of
fendant :
June 3, 1M7M, entitle»! ••An act for the sale of
In the name of the State of Oregon :
timto-r lands in the Btatos of California, Ore­
You are hereby required to appear and an­
gon. Nevada, and Washington Territory,’’as
swer the complaint filed against you In the
extended to all the Public Lan«l Mtate« by art
above entitled suit, on or before Thurwlay the
of August 4, 1M92, Charle* Chester Hogue, of
Z2nd dav of November. 1906. b».*ing the last day
Klamath Falls, county of Klamath, ¡state of
ol th»* time preecribed in the < rder for the
Oregon, ha» filed in this office his sworn state­
publication of this summon*, the first publi­
ment No. am. for the purchase of the H'^W»^
cation thereof being on tb* 11th day of Octo­
dec. 2 and FJ aNW'4 of KeC. No. II. In Tp No. .36
ber. 1906; and If you fail to so appear and an-
M. R No. 9 E, W M. and will offer proof to show
aw» r, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply
that the lain! sought is more valuable for
to the Court for the relief prayed for in the
its timber or stone than for agricui*
complaint herein to-wit: For a decree dissolv­
tural purposes, and to establish Ills claim
ing the bonds of matrimony now existing be­
to said ¡and to?fore county clerk of klamath
tween plaintiff and defendant
The sum­
mons wa» wrv»*«! by publication thereof in the county at his official place of busines«, at
Klamath Republican, bv order of J. B. Grif­ klamath Falls, Oregon, on Friday, the 4th day
fith, < «»unty Judge of Klamath county, Ore-, of January, MU7,
gon, made, dated and fi»»*«l in this suit at
He names as witnesses:
Klamath Falls, Oregon, on the 9th day of
October. 1906, which »Aid order requires that
Edwin Ecb’.lnaw ofklama«h F»l>, Orsgon
summons in thia «.lit >•* puhlhbe I one: ■
fu .lifts ofkiMia b tali* Xhtgoti
weak !i it ;»•« i< • tit cr.eeritiv si«l »ua I
Ray D. Hubbard of kismatn Falls, Oregon.
es»Mt* week itrcm tie iltb day of Octoi>er,
Ruby A Hubbard of klamath Fall*, Oregon.
H W. Kent«, attorney for plaintiff
Any an«! ail person* claiming adversely the
Study the following analysis made hy the
University of Oregon:
Gons Dei u.S.oonon
Sodium Chloride
Calcium Sulphate
Sodium Sulphate
Iron and Aluminum
Sodium Silicate
Read what Dr. G. F. Manson of San Francisco says of this water
“A careful examination of th«-watar convinces me Ihftt it 1« unanrpaK»«! in the nature of ita mineral content, an<l alioubl prove of the greatest
poaaible utility in the treatment of congi-»ted conditions and for the general thiahintf of the tiaauea. Ilyspi-p.in, slnggi»h liver, habitual conatipation,
RO-called billiou«ne«a anil bilious headache«, indefinite rheumatic pains due to the accumulation nt uric acid or retention of other waate product» in the
ayatem, faulty elimination by the kidney*, and a long train of ailment» dei>endent upon above »tale» of Ixxlily ill-health are lie no 11 ted by the free drinking
of and bathing in luch water».’’
For prices, see or
write to the