Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, November 22, 1906, Image 5

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    S. O. S. N. S NO I LS
tor Vou
Pre*. Mulkey wa« In Haleiu laat week,
attending inalituie
Monday morning Prof.
intereating talk
*'Hctetitifir Iriacoverie«.”
Payne gave
Rev. Phippa favored th«* atudrnta in
I chapal
Tliur»lav morning with a talk
I un “Element*
of Hm-reta.
L. Jacobs & Co., proprietors of the
Busy Boston Store, wish to announce
to the wearers of men’s fine clothes,
that they are the sole representatives
of Kuh, Nathan & Fisher Company, the
Sincerity J ailors, and that they have
just received a large shipment of this
clothing so justly renowned for its fit,
finish and quality. They will be al­
ways pleased to have any one call and
examine this line; and, also, the fa­
mous Acorn Brand, that has given so
much satisfaction in the county.
Saturday, Nov. 3 tne Normal foot ball
t«*a*n «ieleate«! the Grant* Pawl High
School learn. Score 11 to 0.
Did You Ever Realize
The Eiiter[M*an Chib
met at Mr«.
Neila. laat Saturday evening. Jhiaclub
liaR for ita object the practicing ol chorus
that Ihe Klamath Project is r**ally two distinct
Che Upper Project
utiliiea the waler of Clear Lake, and will irrigate
about 6-5 000 acre. of rxcell.nl land, lying in
I.ange||, Y orina and Poe Valley.
All |H-rwiii. are warned axairi.t leav­
ing dead bodies ol anímala on land of I
the Hot Spring linprovem.nl Compan.
or on the Mitchell ranch or Eaat Klam­
ath Fall. Tract., under |ienalty of the
Construction Ulork
upon the Cp|ier Project will liegin ea*ly in the
Spring. Thi. the Reclamation Service ha« re-
crutly announced.
H ot Srataoa IMraovaaaNT Co.,
Frank Ira White.
the metropolis of th»* I’pper Project, if you
are nt all acquaint**«! with the country, you will
know that Bonanza haa absolutely no fear of
Dlaaolutlon of Partnership
Klamath Falls Realty:
Noti«*«* is hereby g ven that the part-*
liersblp cJURting between U l*e. Orem j
ha« advari«’**d *ev»*ral fol« 1 since th** beginning of
work on the l/«wer Project. B«isines* property
sella for from $51 t«* 1125 front foot. Residence
lots from 1150 up. Andi will go bigi er.
mid Maxwell ha«* l>evn dif*«olve< I »•> I
mutual« hi » m * i t. In lut'.re the Lu«iness j
will I m * conducted by U i»«* A Maxwell,
who will |aay all bills and collect all
<»ut«landing a« count*.
II < >KKM.
W ish a M ax w an..
Bonanza Realty
will advance by jumoa in the -Spring. If you a e
l«»oking for sure profit, buy now while property is
low. You can get lot« that will In* btisineRS
¡»rojiertv at price« ranging from >2 to I*) a front
out. You can get splen«iid residence lots for $35,
up. We can sell you some desirable lots lor $20.
11 :: »•
Administrator's Notice.
« on*« quriitI) the |H**»*«*ng«*r a were df ixeti
Ov«*r ltd« end I«» th«* I all». While here
Mi Ihisi« puri'baaeil the new launch
Pelican," reientl) built here by Law
For Sale or Rent
By Khiimtlh Ih*velopint*nl (‘o.
\r«* y«»ti tiikin<4 mi .) ni th«*<b«ll*r ttiugi
unir« u«»w ? Il
'mi cali gel il, t*«»
A Male, an«l It w aa ttmv«*«l «»ver In the
l'orner Pin«* mid luth at revi* • 27 room*.
olhrr iiuigufih«*« mii «I Ibv Kvptibhcan
Merrill iahdihtf on Whitvlakv Wedne»»-
oh*» )v«*r tur ♦ ‘ mi ,
• lav where it w.m launched and run pr«*««urv water, bath, toilet*.
It la un«ler*l«MMl that the lice thia cl« mm * in town la aurv to I m * a
I» i « h I, in lina vii \, Tu«**d<*%. N«»v**inl»t«r over to !uair«t.
20, William Tu!bu.
uà« di*«« lo Pel.« .in wil la* iiw . I in l uAdlin^ aoine I grent money maker.
¡wrtnmlioil ni Un* I •»>*»«!■
Mr. r««ihu the pM«»»cng«*t trathcon th«* lower lake
the Mr. Pavia, it laaail, will ¡»Im«* a much
h«« livvll rliipln) **d Uh Ih»' «lltcli
trinain« uprv »hipprd In \ alley. Wed* larger engine in the Pelican mid it will
c/ras. e. woHOky
tu*ada)*, l«»r boriai, wliftì* the <l«*«»-a*«*«i otherW'iae !»r lUipr<«Ve«l.
la *tirvh«*d by a «i»lrr, .M ir . Ituina
The Merrill Hotel wdl I m * opened
< «uv
Mr« Canon ui I take charge
ImllM? Law
The larxeat g-xne» re|Mrrtod ltill<*d thia o| the
»«» a Ron w *• brought «low n bv lien N«»w* |,aa • m cii rdurriiahe I ihmug.i «ut.
S. <‘ liruvea, ul the Itepublican alaff,
Illi th«* Ural «4 thia week
It w aa a hugt*
honker meaauring 5 I< M in Iron» tip l«» «ame in eaturdav nu<l r« inaiiied over
tip of It« monater wmgM and weightal Sunday in the interval «4 that paper,
12% lb«. J, I
Nowlin a I ao kille«l a Ihe Republican ia maku.g un effort lor
honker that wcighe«l a little I«*«* than the leading |M|M*r in Nuithein < hegon
and ir out Lu tl»*7 I m I m II i «4 the country.
did Illa brother’«
It «leaerwa n I i I m * i al pal.onage (loin a<l
Tin* lrh*|dn»ln* miupaii)* lo*« decided
a<«urvea. Su««e»R t«> )«iu Chap
I j rm t n I mo «lofy ulti««* building at
l.«»ui* Gerla«r, w Im ha« la*en one fit
lite «’«»ruer «4 3td afreet and Klamath
owner* «4 lb«* llonanra Bulletin I imm
It * ill I m * a Iran»«* structure
Tbia atr|> baa la»« «»ine *»<««*t***4iry rvtirv*l, and in future that publication
oh account «4 the rapid iii«'r»***«* «•( the will I m * publiRh««<| hv J <>. Ilaniakcr A
Mr. <»« rh«*r, w bile taking no ac­
bitein«**« «4 the ta«» mmptnlea which Son
Laa ren*ier»*<l
pieleni quarter* tive part hi th«* nianagetiieiit of the
Bulletin, l<»un<l that Ina other intcReata
Inadequate lo ni«*vl the iirmaing «lv
drinan«le<l ro much of bl* tun«* that he
niand (or l«*llrr accumula latmna
«•«»ul«l not give itnv attention to the Bul­
Haw )<»u |Mid )<»ur «'ili-ri i|di«»n In
letin, a*' resigned.
Mr Halliaker han
The Itepulilivan ai»<l v-»te<l lot )«»ur
the l<*i»l wi-hea of The iCvpublican.
choice in the Jaineal«»u n I.x|«»«ition
c«»nt«*«t ?.
Have you |aiid your aulwcription to
the Republican and voted for your
■ lime.- in the Jamvatown Exposition
Aahland Tiding*.'
Mr«. Alic S Foetar, who ha. Iwwin at
Aahlaml tht.
Stables. Fine, gentle horse», good bug-
giea, reasonable prices.
noon .
Mr. Willard, w ho la preparing torn-
W anted to Purvhaae
gage in thedairy bu.ine«. Ill Hie vicin­
ity of Klamnth Falla, «tartial acr.wa tlie
A Well broken farm team of horaee,
mountain« Irom Aahlaml Tue«dav with
almut 12.0lM> weight. Addrvnn, Bos I7tt,
a her.I ol twenty head of Jrraey cattle
Klamath Falla.
w hich were alilpped here bv train from
the luvld farm near Portland.
Notice For Publication.
lakvview I. vatninvr.]
<1. T. McKendree lia«
lairella to Menili.
III. wile baa la-vn
on an extended vi.it to Aahlaml, while
Mr. McKendree ha» l»*n out oil a aliecp
buying trip up in Crook county. Mr».
McKendree ha. returned to Merrill
where they will rvnlde thia winter.
The moat da«tardlv tuvev of work that
human being ever aloo|>vd to |>vr|a-tratv
i» Iwing practiced in Lakeview the pant
two win'ka. So lea« than eight different
lire» have In-en net ill the town in the
paat two week«. The llrat two were act
in the jail a week ago Wcdnemlay
evening. < >n Tliuraday night the Mam­
moth Livery »tablet were net on tire,
which rvaillted in the aecond largvat tire
the town ever had.
Next morning
three different tire, were atarted bn. k of
Hie row <d reaidencea that did not burn |
north ot the Livery Stable block. |
Thurmlay night another Are waa atarted |
back of the Linville botine, in the name
vicinity, which wan ilincovered by a
tarn *n.LHAae
V il r-Pria Heal
jruu can invent in Bonanza property. We make
ea.y that anyone can buy. Tina ia
your opportunity to «tiare in Klamath county*,
proape nty.
Klamath Commercial Agency Building
Klamatb hotel
The American Bank and Trust Co.
Capital Stock $100,000
Unsurpassed Cuisine, only Ameri­
Klamath Falls. Oregon
J. W. MAtaMS
can cooks being employed
lnt<r<st Paid on Saving« Deomu
. . .
Large well furnished Rooms
c w ni HB
4 »»iatant C-tahtar
0GO. BHmiECOn,
II so, get a rig from the
Klamath Fall, lor a numla-r of montila,
return, home Io
*lf You Can Save $5 a month
Xoflf r 1» h*-r«*l y firm that the Counly
C«»urt t«*r k at a'.h «ouniy, orrgon, «IltlnM lu
p „bate* <! »t on th«* J.-i day of November.
IWM'r, a|>| o nt nr a * A«.n-lhi»trafor of the E*-
lat* <»f Mail n I > -iindal. d«*< » a»« I
A'l | mtm ij . I a* mg < 'a tn- again»! th«* »aid
«••tat«* w lil prr»ent tbrrn to tne on or tieforr
lour w«*«-k»at n y <*ft <• • in the < ity of klatnath
Fall*. «>!**<• n d dv »r.-|ftrd a<cor<llng to law.
bat<-d th » .1»! da) ol Noxrmber, ISOS.
J <* Kt’TKNIC,
Admlniatraior «»! th«* Estate ol Martin Lying
dal «MeOsaed
M U 12-11
t'nm-.t niair, tan.l otrtc*-. Lakeview, Oregon,
ootobsr M. leni
Notice I, herab, given that In compliance
w lih th«* |»r<>vlaltut« of the «< ! ot ('ongr«-»a of
Jun«* S. IM71. mini«*«! ’’An *«'t for th«
thntier latula in lb*Rtatea«if California, or«*
gon. Nevada ami Washington territory.' a«
extended load the Public l.aml Hiat«*« by a« t
«d Align«! * l*W. H«'*uford F liay«1en, <»f
talamaih Fall«, county of klamath. «tale of
<>r«*g<»n, ha« fll«*«l in 11» 1« office hi« «worn Riat«*-
men! No :.•**, for Ho* |»urrha«c t»f th«* N’jSE^
Mee. M. ami W»t MW «4 of Mee :i\ In T|> No. :<?
M, It N«> •» K. W M. and will offer proof to «how
that the land «ought 1« im»ro valuatde for It« I
timlx'r <»r »tone than for agricultural pur-
po«ew. and to «-Ntabllnh hi« claim to raid land
tiefor# county clerk of klamath county at hl«
official ; la< v ot bu«lm*««. hi klamath Fall«,
orrgon, un Friday the 6th day of February.
Ite name« a« wltm*R«r«:
Wm l.akhua of klamath Fall«, oregon
F.duard Kchtinaw of klamath F m II n , Oregon.
<’. (’. Ilogue of klamath Falla, Oregon.
K. P. Hubtiaril ot klamath Fall«, orrgon.
Any amt all |H*rm»n« claiming adversely the
above deacrlbed land« ar«* requvalvd to flic
lheir claim« In thia office on or befort* aahl
6th «lay of fvbruary, l'.k»7.
II 22 2 t
J. N Wateon, Rcglider.
The quality and make-up of our garments can not
be surpassed for the simple reason that we handle
This label stands fur good material, good taste and good workmanship
SUITS, $23.50 TO $35
Other Suits flade by
VALUES $7.50 TO $21.50
An elegant line of
Boys’ Suits and Overcoats
You will also find here a
swell line of Dress Hats,
Shirts, Shoes, Gloves, Fancy
Hoisery and Fine Under­
wear > > .« j * J*
$2.75 IO $8.50
We carry a complete line
of Rubber Boots, Snow
Shoes, Mackinaws, Leather
Coats, Duck Coats, Comfort­
ers and Blankets
man who ««» alevping in a barn and
who rnahed to the tire and put it out.
Then again on Saturday night of hint
week, a tire »a« alarteli in George
Reed'» burn oil Howey street in the
»mth end of town almut .'I o'clock.
| llonanza Ihilletin.)
W. If. Davin, the Willow creek farm­
er and one of the leading apiritn in the
promotion of thia xection of the coun­
try, wan a Merrill vinitor Tuesday. Mr.
Davin had been to the Falla where lie
had l>een looking after bin interenta in
the lutko Shore Stage Co. The Steamer
Klamath met with an accident Sunday
We collect everywhere
and make no charge
unless a collection is
made. We please our
Fenton Bldg,
Portland, Oregon
Ask for "Dry Sox Shoes'" for Men
and “Billy Buster Steel Bottom""
Shoes for Boys.
None Better!
Portland Clothing and Shoe Store
< Bead to Toot Outfitters for men and Boys <