Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, November 22, 1906, Image 4

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To the People of Klamath Falls:
E. J. MURRAY, Editor
When I came to Klamath f alls I was fort­
unate enough to find a “ground floor" proposition
in the Mitchell ranch, known by all okl timers tor
its splendid soil, tine orchard and ideal location as
"the best ranch in Klamath County."
Klamath Falls. Or., Thursday, November 22, 1006
There aie many mean lien in the
| w.-rld, but to a newspaper the meanest
Is the skunk who week after week will
take the |-a|wr troni the poet office un-
id he owe» many months or y ears sub-
scription. ami then inforni» the |»«t-
master lied.ws not want it longer. . That
man is a thief
So much the more so
alien he would steal tor »<> small a sum ,
and than take such a mean, eon-1
templible, inwardly, sneaking wav lol
get out ot |s ymg w hat lie honestly owes. '
Soiiienl ll.viii try to hide their crime |
Iwhind the excuse that they ¡-aid m ad­
vance an i ordered the |-aper st.qqcd ,
when the tune expired, just as if lie .
were the only *ul>»eriiw-r a paper had to'
Why didn't lie stop the !
¡-a per in the same manner he adopted
allei he had stolen them (nun the pub­
lisher? It was the sneak m Ins make
up that prevented turn—the dishonest I
tiler that he tries to hide troni public;
view -Ex The Republican lias hsd a few
such |s-r»o|>r t>> deal with—very tew we
are glad tosai—but one in a c .unte is
too many. T.r linee who think they
have teen iiupoiMd iijhiu or who are tool
poor to pay their lan k sul«cripti<-n. we
will sav that il they will either call, or
write, ami explain their reason why
they can't pay up. we will take
pleasure in striking their names off the
list. We don't want to torve The Re-
publican oh anyone, but we do want ,
that to winch weare honestly entitled—
the regular subscription price ot tins,
The returns from the stockholders of
the Water l*sera' Associati.»», as
elated in last week's Republican, w ill
Htnnd almut two to one against a levy
of one or two cents per acre. the fund to
»«exclusively used (or advertising. o*
«heir face, these returns would indicai«»
that the senti.nent of the laud on ner.<
was b.i-e-l . hi the feeling that ne have
government irrigation, it is all we nets I
and what is the use ot further ex-
pendirure of in >nev for advertising.
This, to a great extent, actuated mini
to vote no. But there is another reason,
we believe.
As so-m as it became
public that the opinion of the st.sk-
holders woul.ll« asked, you could hear
the word "graft" whispered.
those who tirst conceived this i.fla saw
that they were not rebuked, they raise.!
their voice als.ve a whisper. No spe­
cific charge was made, and mi direct
swtirve of the origin of the avvusa'ion
could 1« located—it was simply a ' some
other gralt" remark. But tt had its
••fleet. for a* we have la-fore staled, the
stockholder* jum|«ed to conclusions and
voted no. To those who cried • gralt"
we have little to sav. A great n ritei
' B
• mce. in referring comparatively
enemies, stated that "their soul W Xi!* !»O
email that a million <>( them could find
lodgement on a pin point.*’ Tins is a
magnanimous comparison of th.-se who
have intimated gralt in the advertising
To the stockholders who were misled
by this charge, we simply refer them to
«lieir Isiard of direct- rs.
You know
Ever occur to you that we sometimes
every man on that board well. You need money? We know it has to some
know that if they had chosen to do s<> of our subscribers; but to others, well
they could have levied that tax without wc guess they have just forgotten all
consulting you in the least, and that you aliout it. Now is the time to ¡my your
would have had to |>ay it; but they subscription. Pay in advance, if you will, I
were possessed of too high a sense of but pa. it. The Republican is making a
justice to do so. It was anew thing; it liberal offer to its readers, in the way of
was an innovation—let the stockholder» free magazine*. etc., and m doing so it
«let-ide—and they did decide. Was such lias an object—the collecting of back
the action ot grafters? Did you ever subscriptions. You get'nil value in The
know of grafters going to the people for Republican alone, and we hope you »ill
their opinion where graft was the goal? appreciate our additional offer suffi­
W'e guess not. But you did not stop to ciently to step into our office ami pay
«■aider these things—you jumped to up.
your conclusion hastily. These same
fellows who are crying graft have some
kind ot an axe to grind, and you may­
well lie sure that if they were in the
•shoes of the tsiard of directors, you '
would have had to pay the levy, and ’
without a voice in the matter, either.
:5»iO acre*, four miles from Klamath Fall 1« <»ver g«>od r>»ad*: large |N>rti<»n of this
Another thing you forget to recall:
ranch will come under i.ov.-rtiment Project
; good orchard, good general ini-
That is, that practically every land own­
Price »2J 00 |«r acre,
er iaas made from »10 to »30 an acre on
160 acres; a very tine quarter section of raw land north of Manning* Bulge,
liie land since the government stepped
Has some of the largest aaire l-ru-li in
i Kianiath county on it. A bargain at
in. All you did to earn this money was
25.00 per acre.
to sign up. The government is doing
the rest. Do you think—now be honest 120 acres 4'g, miles from Klamath Falls; good »ell. house ami bar.I. For sale or
with yourself and this question—do you !
think you have done your parC1 Before
deciding on your answer remember this Business property on Main street from »35.00 to »125.0J per lront foot in lots to
(government irrigation is a good thing,
suit bluer««.
the best thing this county has ever had. Nice residence and business property for sale. At prevent rented fur »15.00 per
I.ut, let it lie the greatest agency in the
month. Can 1« made to nroduce »40 00 with small investment. This is an
world, it will but benefit Klamath coun- j
opportunity worth investigating.
ty very little if the people are not here
to make n«e of it. Fifty thousand peo­ House and 3 lots on Bush street: honse well rented Price »1960.00.
ple can find homes and happiness here, '
if they but knew it, knew ot its re-
New 4 room cottage well located, easy <>f access. »15.00 per month.
aoarcei* and possibilities. Yon My: But
3 room cottage for »10.80 [ier month.
thousands do know of it, why don't they
come? Many causes exist for this.
There are those who do not wish to
Genera! Insurance Business Done
emigrate, those who do, and find equal
or Utter advantages elsewhere; those
who are f< rtune hunters and would
benefit us lint little, and tho«e who reach
here and stay. We got our |iercentage, a
percentage regulated by what the home-1
seeker kuows of Klamath. At beet we
get but a portion of this class, for there
Office in Willson Block.
nre many other sections fishing for
them, ft rests with us how large this ;
portion shall lie, and its size will depend '
on the amount of advertising we do. I
Now, to the man whose land has in- ' ALEX MARTIN,
creawd from »10 to »30 an acre by rea­
son of government irrigation, we would
ink if he should honestly hesitate to,
First Semi-Annual Statement June 30, 1908
contribute two cents an acre to help
............. .
(»ring people here? That is your part, Loanfl and Discounts..............
your duty. The government is doing Overdraftfl, •©cured and unsecured .......
Bonds and Warrants.......................... ...........
its part; why not do yours?
Banking Hou*e, Furniture and Fixtures
Don't answer or feel like saying "Oh ! Due from Banks and Bankers ..................
we’ve got it, what’s the use.” There ' Owh in Bank....................
are certain things the government wont
Ȁ27,OB1. OH
do, and one of them is to pour water
over land that is not cultivated. If it Capital Stock, fully paid....................
» 100.000.00
linda that the Klamath Basin is not be­ Mirplu. arid I’ndivid«-.. profits..
ing settled as rapidly as it should, you | Individual Deposits, subject to check.
Cashier's Checks outstanding
anay rest assured the government will Demand Certificates of Deposit...........
wait anti! it is. Work on the project
will come to a standstill. The govern­
State of Oregon
ment will do its part, but it wants the
County of Klamathf "
jieople of the districts to do theirs, and
I, Alex Martin, Jr., Cashier of the above named Bank, Ireing first du-
trheii part is to so advertise the Klam- ly'sworn, do say that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledgs
A i . kx M artin , J r ., Cashier.
iift Basin that people will fl'x k here to and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2nd day of July, 1806.
Hike up homes. If this is not done,
S. C. G raves
then the penalty must inevitably come.
Notary Public for Oregon.
“We’ve got it,” it is true, but only a
Correct attest
part of it; it rests with the people of
Ai.xx M artin ,
E. R. R iamkh .
the Klamath Banin to say how soon the
A lix M artion , J r ,
bwole project is delivered.
Through tiu» ctw»|M*iMti«*n «»I invii ot
in lati«l matter« tht»
tract na» a<»|uir«»<l and hai I wm » ii ent in­
to miiim II tractu and «»flvrvd at prieva and
on terina that nill «*nal*l«» th«* purchaa
era to ivalta© hainloonn* protltfl A |*>r-
liuti of thia ha* l«rvn piatti**! into h|«n’k»
and lota and I» ii <» h th«» Milla Addithm
to Klamath Falla It na» th«» original
intention to »I ii *| m >»«» of thia addition in
block» only, But a«» great haa l»«M»n th«*
demand tor »ingl«» lota that I hav«* de-
ehied, tor a »hoit linn», tu givi* th«» |n-«»-
pit* of thia city ami count) an opportun-
itv to buy in amallar aica than origi
nally |»laun«*«l.
Th«* Milla Addition 1» hn*at«*«l niihin
atañí! a thouaaml h-«»t of tin- xard loca­
tion o( th«» California N»»rtli«*a»»t«*rn
Katina) and nuhin almi! thiw bl«»« k*
«»Í the depot »il«», a» imlicat«**! on th«»
m»n City Mat». It la admirably local«*d
f >r Imut«*», nith th«» natural »I» i | m * lor
diainag«», r«»«ptiring very Ititi«- grading
to mak«» the atrevta. «*v«»ry lot Iwtng
platinali) lrv«»l an<l non tu allalla,
timothy ami m«*»i«l<>n graaara. Il» loca* |
ti»>n inaurva rapid im rva*»«* tn value, (or
the gi«*atv«t gronlh «»I thv city niitin-
evitable Uv louarda thia pm|»erly. I
have ihr I ií II vm I »'«»nh«lvii<r that thia
properi« mil doubl«* in value in ihr
next year.
It ia the pur|Mw»e I«» »«-Il thia pr«»p«*rtv
at a price that nil! all«»n th«- lot buyer
t>* mak«* aomrthing «Ml the invr«tm«»nl
ju»t a» )<»u ar«» Hilling that the prravnl
on nm »h mid do likrwtae. Thrwr lota
arr tu Ire «•flrrr«t one block at a time,
iM-ginnirig nith on«* ot th«* unmld block»
nearest lhe«lrpot location Block No 101
ami the pnrra nill I m « f'.IM) f«»r the cor­
ner Iota and $125 t«»r inaidr lol».
The lot» are 50x130 feel, ami thia
price make» them by
th«» lirit hit
Imrgain <•(!«• red in Klamath Falla.
Some Bargains in Real Estate,
Town Property.
For Rent.
District Reoresentative of Oregon Military Land Grant Co.
The Pioneer Bank of Klamath County
In connection with the Pacific North-
west, I'he Klamath Republican offers
to the most popular young lady in
Klamath County a
Tho contest will close December 31st. 1003. and the lady receiving tlir
largest number of subscriptions to the Pacific Northwest and The Klamath
Republican will be deemed the choice of the county for the trip.
The subscription price of the Pacific Northwest is 50 cents a year.
Th«- subscription price* of The Klamath Republican is $2.00 a year.
But during this contest both papers will lie sent to one address for one
year for $2.00.
The successful lady will be one of a party of thirty-three_ one
from each county in the State—that will leave Portland May 1st, 1907,
for the Jamestown Exposition, and will be gone three weeks or more,
visiting many of the large cities of the east and calling on the President of the
United States at Washington. She will bo th«* sp<*cial representative of
Klamath County and the Klamath Project.
The Jamestonvn Exposition
Will be held at Norfolk. W. Ya., and will be tlx* grandest military and
marine exposition ever held. It will surpuss all provious world's fairs in
splendor ami magnificence. A visit to the Great World’s Show will be an
event in the life of any young lady never to be forgotten.
Rules Governing the Contest
Subscribers must pay all arrearage and one year in advance. This will
entitle him to the Pacific Northwost and The Klamath Republican for one
year and a vote for his choice to go to the Jamestown Exposition.
One person may send in as many subscriptions as he chooses.