n L<*1 »............................... ”7 i Heard hi the Fog ; ; |(’o|>> 1 lalit. I*« m > In Homer KptMgur | I bail elioM«*n Weymouth, on th«* aouth ef 11 aen 01 . ami only oik * bout fw'«*d tn«* OUt 11 n «M'etipnntN were 11 num mid 11 wo- num Tin* num hml chiirge of th«* «fili lilid I no . hi had raiiM* to w »ndrr Hm» In* hud l««*«*n |M*rtnltli*d l*> take a anll I khi I out |( wiin deal that lie k ie\t pl vdoiiw little ii I m HII III«’ iiiuu . i . < ><«- it of nu < h a cruft, mid lifter aw hl«* I brought my I n it up Into the w ind mi«l wailed fur him to < inc up th it I might glv«» him a w*nrnhig W h-’H hi* «'lime along he wiin H Itlllll mi are of i iitthig me down, mid I i rie out to him that but for the wommi Ii th«* era fl I ahould like to «•<*«* It bolt »111 aid«- up mid b«* h inging 011 for den Ilf«* II«* gave tne a«»m«* Impudence In reply, mid the woman »(<>>«! up and hrhl her urina out to me plmdlngly It nt Aral mm ’I ihh I to I»«* 11 ca*e «'iillni • for lnh*rf«*ren« r. but on »«*<«>n«l thought I «'himged my mind The wonum whom I look to I m * th«* mnii N wife, Im1 not deinnnd«*«| my Mid ««xerpt by algna Tbr mnn bail tbu« far •*N«,upe«l <|i*a» ter nml might *nrry the boat bark lie wua wailing atralgbt out hit > the channel, but b«* might turn at mi) mo mrnt To Interfere wna «««rfnin to bring on a row, and 1 even might be la nd «««I in jnll over It I rraiime«t mv rourwr 1« .»ring awn« from thrill, but aa I wat< bed the other « raft al>r suddenly vaiilabml from Right like I I m * anap of your Anger A fug rolling in had hidden her The other la»at wn» half a mile away when abr wn« bi«>tt«^l out ’Hie ti«!r waa art 11 ng In. and I knew that ahe would drift bark townnl me na aooli aa the brrrtr fell It waa {•rrhai»« n qnariOT of ru boor l»rfure I heard vnlrea and ten mlnutra latrr t»ef«»rr I roiikl make «oil wonla Tlxy came from the other Iwiat which wna drifting alowly In Tt»r man wna curving and ttir«*atenlng and tbr woman lagging and praying "! will Irtivr you. I will go away. If you will «pare my life." pleaded the woman "T«»u promised on««e t»rf »rr mol then llrwj to me.” came the voice of the man ••Rut It will tw munter murder. noir der* Oh. Bichan!. you don’t invan to hH) me- You have tiren in iny -Rut I do way f«»r years Curve you? Why dl«l I ever nin acr«MM y«»ur fa«*e? Yoti have efond l*tw«rn me rim I happln«Aa long enough " -Rut I'll g«> tills finir I |iroiiilnr you tie f <»n* Ood ITI K-» Hlf lmr l I li.»\r !»r«-n a k < mm 1 wife» to y«»u, but If you have mm«* to lint«* mr I'll go '* **||ate you”’ hr grow l«s| like n ■arngn anlmnl Why, I bate you t > th«« death I’d hnvw niur«lrreii n dorm time* over In tbr Inat two y««nre If I’d ha«l a fair »how You are g »Ing tn dlr now - “Qh. my G- m 1, don’t d<» It. Ilictmrd! hon’t kill me’“ 1 knew their I m »at wiia clou«« h» im* now, und I gently rniv«*«l my ruirli »r a» ii■ t<» «trift In coinpiiny with It I litighi tint «• crie 1 out, bul I hut did not go under the aiirinee With Hie h.»at h • »k I reiiche i un fur out aw I could on the port »1 !e, mid preuently 1 hint her mid WIIM pilll lug her in 'Hie two craft were not ton feet apart, and ,v««t tri h n* hi h gilt « fllhl pleli'O th«* f g I m 'I wcc U I hel l tile Wollimi N lie 1 I out of the water f«»r ten niluutvN 'I ben I buiim * how knew thill the other bout hud dr fteil ahe id of 11 «•. mid with th«* ill nioNt « nrv I hnul«««l the un< ••• iim ! Hl» u • num Into the bunt mi 1 Inld her on the bolt >111 1 waited ncvcii or «*ig if minute*, uiire we Nlruck th«* lieiicb I bud forced auiiir brandy down her throat and *h<* I hk I r«*guin«*d roneciuuauv « but 1 dhl not ekplaln luattviM to her until w-r were on th«* Nuud« mid the fog had rollc«) nwa) Sb«* I hk I begge«) for her life like n w«*nk wutmin und I <*X|MN*trd to find her h) »tel leal She beard in«« through without Interruption, mid the 1 her eye« Nnapp«*d. Hint «hr «el her J mwn I got n farmer to drl.« un over to Weymouth, und during the journey ahe did nut ape*uk 0«** wordN Iler buebund a l«»at hud not mud«* bn |n>r y«*t The fog bud dlauppvaird. I but Hie brrrxe wna very weak We went to th«* houi whvrr lb« tx>at bad la-m hired nn br 1^1«*« I »a hiding The pair were at the hotel for kmi wrfk« after I left, tmt ao far aa I could keep track of the caw the man Lad Hot fx-vvrrrd llr could walk around but br eiullrd ■ nd Labtilrd lu ■ Billy way. and bla mlud waa that of ao Idiot And at rang er than all. the wo­ man never tliauked me for what I Lad done or made meuUuu of the affair though I mw her three or four tain««« • day fur two w«rh M jl Ah It««her Roifh. Above the »fairway there flickered • candle, and then a deep voice called from the ahadowa ••Katherine. Katherine, who 1» that ■nnd|»n|M*rlng the wall thin hour of the night r A long wtlllneaa and then "No one down here father, dear I guewN it muNt !•«• newt door.” The rnndlr vnnlahnl and then from th«* glm of th«* parlor ••<;«* «.g«-. j on l«:g g • •’»«*. 1 t-»ld you never to cull on mr unlraa you bad t»e*n "hnv«»«»”* riiieng«« New« Buena Vista Addition IO KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON HE <»F PLAT BEAITIHL THIS APIHT1ON WILL BE and l«»ta therein w111 tie piped on the n aikrt. ready The 1r.i«t <•' lupriM’s .',30 M r«»», adjoins Klamath Falls <»n th»* north and w«*st ami t» r-i*i on 1 o m Link River und l‘p¡x-r Klamath Lake for two mile«. till» adilition can fa- wen the grandest panorama on the Pacific i-oniprlKlng Lake. River. Valiev. Hill. Mountain and Snow-capped Peak». blend into an liarmonioua picture of unequalled beauty arid mag- niflccnce. Boulevards and Streets are now being graded, and these will be lined with Shade Trees Grading work on the Electric Street Railway is now under way. A complete aewerage ayatem will I m * put in. 1 The entire cut of the Odraaa pattinili ha» lwe*n purchase«!, and thoae building in the Buena Virta Addition thia rummer will have firrt call on the output of thia mill. Plan»« for a magnificent hotel are now luring prepared, and conatrnction will ln*gin thia aummer. Thia hoatelry will l>e located on one of the moat pictur- ea«|ue a|M>ta in the addition and will Io* aurrounded bv a park. If you went a home in the rn<«t iwButiful »ection of Klamath County, buy a lot in the Haena Vieta Addition. If you want to live wlierv you will I* surrounded with la-autiful home«, buy a lot in the Buena Vieta Addition. If you want to live on the vtreet car line then have your home in the Buena Vieta Addition. If you are looking for an investment that will yield return», pun-hare prop­ erty in the Buena Vieta Addition. Office: Murdoch iiuild'g. next door Postoffice KLAMATH LAND & TRANSPORTATION CO. I NOW IS THE TlflE to buy property under the Upper Project .< I hold exclusive options on some of the best properties under Upper Project ranging in price from $12.50 per acre and up. All to come under ditch. LOTS IN BONANZA .ire the best investment in the way of town property in the County. The prices are low, $35 • vv per lot and up, with easy terms. Many of our home people have doubled their money within the past month. j * .* j * > If you wish to make some easy money BUY NOW I have ranch property of all kinds all over Klamath County, and I can sell von a lot in any to>vn in the County. I will be pleased to hear from anyone interested in this country and will cheerfully answer all inquries. A postal card will bring you my pamphlet on « Ulbv Klamatb County Brows <■ WRITE TODAY Here are a few of the bargains ! have listed: No. u.—For the aprciilator. 1(10 acre« of tin,- level lan-l under ditch, len. ed nnd partly elearml, riiiae.1 35 bu«li«li< of oat» tliix year, dry tariiiinu—Tlie eliea|*Ht property in the roiinti nt 12500. No. at.—Hero i» n k < h ><1 one. IflO acre» nil level land, practically a., under ditch, all fenced. Ilouac, barn and outbuilding», three miles from a good town. You can »urely double your money at |l*.5O per acre. Term» Eaay. Bonanza Office- Driscoll Bros.1 Mercantile Store No. aj—If you are thinking of a good-sited place, one that two or three familiea can take together, thi» will auit you. 520 acre», all but W) under ditch. Small house, good barn, granary, all fenced. The la-at buv in the county for 115 an acre. Ka»y term». No. 34—2-10-aere» nearly ail under ditch, partly under cnltiv a tion. Houae, barn ami outbuilding». You ahould »ee this to appreciate it. 120 an acre is the price, and it will double within two years. No. jj—320 acre», nearly nil under ditch. Good hou»e. barn, windmill, fenced, etc. Thi» place i» a money-maker now on a dry ranch and in the l».«t buy in the county for a home. Price 122.50 and von can have term». No. 38—440 acre«, good house and barn, all fenced. Thia and has a good river front, insuring easy water for atock, and beat of drainage. If you were to fix up an ideal ranch, thia would be I, It gee« at *2’* per acre. Terms easi. E. B. HALL i Office: Hamaker Building, across front P. 0., KLAMATH FALLS, ORIGON