Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, November 08, 1906, Image 5

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L. Alva Lewi».
Blue vltr«»l at **Ur Prug Ki«»re
• 11 * Ilk v«g*dal»l»> pMichmeiit
i*Miw«r at R«l»«rt« and llanki».
.L II. Mini l«»p ll'',’i»ig «»I Ho*
r«’luph*»m* «ill r«’k'gi««ph
*v#r»« In'Hie ril v b rt-iavk
Il H U
I 'iiipiiiy,
The I'.xpD ""
M ui M am I i ilp;k* imum’iialcly 1,1
rvat ui lilt» n«w piiaiollhe
« •
S cvcim I l«»tg I i ’ mv ' i » I»« v1i *»id re« «'iiffly
III ihu Hol Spiing* Ad«lltlvU.
I *•*’
early buyer« have firalchmui»
I'liikviioh A Field»*« l"«t on*» •»( th«*ir
baigtM on Ho» I r|,*,f ho»« I mi | bri*la>
ll wmw loade«! whh »«*i«lw m I, and wa«
rid« concern 1« rapidly forging to the
front on lliv Pacific Co««! ** reliable
collector« and it h«« built-up lor ilarll
an enviable reputation lor bohraty and
mpiare dealing» with It« client«.
The merchant» ol th»* t fate have long
felt lite n»*ed of a company to which
they could give lh*«ir overdu** not*’« and
aiciiiirit« for collection with the a*rur-
anc»’ that all iiionic« collwled theieon
would l»c piumpUy reioittvd
The l ompany numl**ra among it«
cuatomer« Ilia h ading hueliie«« fitm« of
Portland, ami it« |*»4k*y of making no
cliM’ge whal«oevi’( Ulile«« colh*ctlo|| 1»
made, «uvnia aliMiihiiely fair.
I hii* paper la «ali«H»**l that the Com­
pany i» reliable an<| we therefore have
iiu hrallamy in tet iHiiincnditig it to our
patron«. Hue their i* Id «»n page *
NWampvd 1») th* L'gh wave«,
Mr«. Mi«» < » im - im (»Min «iip|H”l and t*'ll
Il •<», get n rig fr<«m th« Mammoth
al her h«»m»* M »mi«y morning mh * i «Ua-
**tablri*. Tim*, gentle hor«H?«, good bug-
< uhium I «1 u*** mi*’ vi ih»’ aim m .«t th«
gir», t»*M*«o|iahh* piu ••«.
W rial, l»olh IH'IH * l»*'litg li|ok«;H.
For »ale 11 < h m I three ronin cutlag»*
butn i Krall! ami < ubbag»*: Jim K iimw
Hau« miiy l«l« 4i»l»*»ge 111 hi« K 1 nut. 11« a Illi two l<>t», will I m * «old at a bargiiin.
co >k «tuve
arid «»re
<»t r heater,
ha< a lew 10, klan I ftu galnm bgrtrne M«o • n ■ co»k
«love and
lull, al»o »«»me Hl*« I abbagr. K» m M0»U kv Empiler at my pia»« near the high
•* buoi. L A Martin.
wcel »ide of budge.
H w
n nh'w funeral,” an«wur«*<l the heurt
broken one.
’Largo attendance Y* a«k«<1 the ju
renile ,
A «mile of **nt)iu«lnatl** delight fl *«h
ad oxer the mourner's fu<e
attendance f * he cried. ”My b«»y. w«*
turned 'em away* New York New«
( olum hla'«** Fir«»
I l«»nr*t \ ill or* ami low |»i l« r«
motto. Tin* great iinioiint «»I Ilion«) wc
hnv«* »|M»nt in the hi**t few I moidli« in
only n drop in th** bucket cumpurwl
wind will hr Mprnt on impi««vriiie»it»*
w ithin th** coming year
I hr qiiratioii
I iiim oltrn been in«krd, uhv doth** Hot
fpiing* Improvement Co.. i»|»end an
much invney on their property? The
iinnwcr it* thiit we haw confidence.
Not only iu thr upbuilding of a great
**ity here, bat confidence in the wide
iiwiik«« energetic |H*oplr of Kliimalli
I' h II« ami vicinity, and it given iir great
plraRiire to announce that out of over
$75,0110.00 worth of pro|»vrty «old in the
I hh I few month», over $45,000.00 him
been »old to Klamath Falh | »rupie
Quite a iiiiniber of lotN have l»v»,n re*
«old at an advance of iron, fifty to
»«•venty-flve percent on
the actual
money invented, ami in order Hint tlioae
Reeking liivettmenta in out Iteaiitiful
may fmmiliari/.»* themaelvca
with the tine wide «trevta and I h » u I v -
vnrda, we will furni*h them a map if
they will call at the otlice.
H ot BI’RIM iir I vicrovicmfxt Co.,
Campl>ell A Burna, Agfa.
The Morgan Mercantil» company, a<l-
juiter» ami collectora, of the Fenton
Blil'g., Portland, Oregon, are <-aineatly
striving to diacredit the atignia that ia
generally appliad to collecting agenciaa.
Klamatb Rotel
Unsurpassed Cuisine, only Anteri-
can cooks being employed
Large well furnished Rooms
aeo. BHtntccon
On» lid» of the Month.
I>l«l you ever mwrt a «trntiger who
from on« aid« of bi* mouth.
UBUMlly In an undertone «nd with hi«
•yr« w«n<Urlu< wliila» talking? The
man'« manner la not «n Indication that
ba .« wmghlug bia worda or bo auma
thin« lm(M>rt«nt tn tell
It 1« almoat «
«ura algu that ba baa epant /ware lu
Thia manner of talking la ar
qulrad la prison. wbeew co© varasti on
■ qhh >< prinuuars la proibitali and
where the rv»an hara tn talk out of w
alila of their inoutbe In <>r*Wr to poven»
th* keeper from noticing that cnoraraa
Utm la gulag -m
Tha ba Mt «Urki ’o
the eoa viete fur /»«ri after they get
out Mew York l’reo«
L. Jacobs & Co., proprietors of the
Busy Boston Store, wish to announce
to the wearers of men’s fine clothes,
that they are the sole representatives
of Kuh, Nathan <& Fisher Company, the
Sincerity Tailors, and that they have
just received a lar^e shipment of this
clothing so justly renowned for its fit,
finish and quality . Thev will be al-
ways pleased to have any one call and
examine this line; and, also, the fa­
mous Acorn Brand, that has given so
much satisfaction in ths county
■ V
> J* **
Ia tb« Circuit f’ourt of th» Mt«t* of Oregon
for the county of Klamatb
Horman Mchm«>r plaintiff, v« Cauline
Mrhmor. defendant
Hull toe divorce
To raulin» Mchmor tb» atwre uame-1 de­
fendant !
In the uame of lb« Htat» of Oregon
You are hereby required (o appear and an
• wrr th» complaint flird again«« you in the
above entitled tall, on or before Thursday the
22nd dav of November DOM. being the last day
of the time prrarrlbed In thr • rdrr for the
publication of thia »ummoa« the flrvt publl-
< atton thereof le-tng vn Ihj 11 th day of Octo­
ber IMftr, «nd tf you fa«! to ao app**ar and an-
• ••■r,(«»r want lhereof the plaintiff »
U»fhr < ourt ! >r thr rr. rf pravrd for iu the
« «■mi'lalut here n to.» a For a ! r<** **olv
tug thr bund« •»( n atrim«» y now ♦ •» ■ < be­
tween p alDlltf • 0*1 drfrtidai.:
Th* •UM-
nioU» w»»«rrved by pub
Klamath Ke|ubl.<an
flth. ( aunty J» dgr of
goti. mad»- «laird «ltd
K lamalb
With its beautiful scenery, including Anna Creek Cao4n. Seven
Mile, Spring Creek, Klamath Indian Reservation, Indian rfUry-
ing Mounds. Its ghiriou« tlhbing. hunting and .'amping places,
can be reached easiest by way of Forb Klamath and HOYT’S
«iuideit. tea ui», pack and saddle
HOTEL at Fort Klamath,
* 4
A ! i
horses and camp outfit».
C. E. Hoyt. Port Klamath, Or.
«reek lor a per
t »•••» \ v we**ik*
• ■
BV5IN€55_COLL€Ge 34b
a .
H vv Kxru.r.. attorn?)
quipmenf $15,000tflujurpassedf
w«st of Chicago^
enrolhnenf, Au^Llipo4-Au^l,i9q5, 483 pppCM ..
Cnj-oltmcnt. Au^ljgas- A jj ^-I. ijo «, 68! pvpflif .
(¿«have on file, applications from bvxocss merr^
• • • S«pt.l,i9<5 toAv^l,uo« , 607v*
V Pupils placed in lucrative positions dur
this time, 287
, *
<iL vill not only equip you for life vor
buTunll piece you in a position when compel
You need us os a school and vk need y
> pupil; • • Now is the tts^ Jo act
H for catalogue ”
’ T
We ¿ 'II vk - i every" here
and nuke no charge
unless a collection is
made. \\ e plea"? our
I enton ItIJg
Portland. Oregon
$15 to $60
and on terms to
please all
You can pay in monthly
installments or quarterly
as you like
The Cash Down
• ¿4
C. D. Willson
“Hull < 'olomliia** wiib written In I7ttn I
by J-»«.'ph H«>pk|n«'»u when «• »iijr»*«»
In nimim I oii nt rhUadelphiM, w.i« debut
Ing wlmi nttltude to aaaiune In th«
BtruKgla l»etwuen Fran«*« and England
¡'arty finding run high, ami the air '
waa eurchargiM with putri«>tb* «mthiiMi '
tt«m. A young at*tur In th« city wh > <
wu« about to fiMVM a iM«n«t1i <*am« to 1
llopklmmn In d««pnlr am! aald tint'
twenty b>x»*« remained un«oldK ami III
|o<»k«*«| a« if the proposed benefit wouhi
prove 11 /iiilura If l!opkln«i».i would
writ»* him 11 patriotic «'»ng adapted to
the lime «if
I In- Preyldent'« March."
then popular. It would »ave the day
I h«* following iifh*. iiooii lb«* «mg wa«'
ready. It wn» duly advi*rtbU*<i. th«*
liouve w iib ptt' .»«-d, ami In wild <*nlhu«
«Mm th«« Bong w in en«*ur«d and re en
4’apt. O. U. Appi«*gat»* returnmi lr«»m
thu Agency lael Tburrlay. where h«
wo« vngMgvd in MB«i«ting Indian Ageni
By Klamath Pevoluptncnt Co»
Wllaun in ti»e work ul «p|»»HHoning the
Wralinghouac, .1 new rooming h*»u«e,
fit.».UUO allot men I tutlie Indian»
corner Pine and 10th •!ravt«; 27 r<»»m«.
Mi«« l.rla W«i«on, who waa lor ootna* preeeur« waler, hath, toilet«.
liiu« employed aa «k»n«»grapher in U»e Il'cr tKia 11«»«« in town ia »ura to In* a
utfico ol County Clark CnaaiMtn, ha» ac­ great money maker
cepted « |MMitioti iu a Ilk« capacity with
tha fouibarn Fact tic iaiiru4*«i in A«h-
The ramping M*«e>n 1« «l»otit over and
land, bar hum»*.
you will need a home.
it y<»ar money
¡bad McHatton will «h«»rtly open a ia limiiail, keep your eye on thetw
jewelry «ivre in lhe Klamath < ommer- prices;
cial Agent) ’• building
He !• now in
lx>la 7, B, B, I, II. 12, IB. ¡S, 16 ami 17
/'an b ramdacu purchasing «<•« k amt in block tU. $*Jh) '«0 each
<>•• •« • VI»«.
Won.rn <U> not m.M ua wail aa man
Mr. McHallou it«« « ho«l «»I
L't*» J,
4 I
• • id . 11. 1.1. iu.
Iriunde in tl»l« city who are glad to 3>. 21. 22. BS. 24. in bl.M k 30, $200.00 do Tb.y Ina« by aK<T«:atl,n A ,trw«l
I rar full of -
an tuaka. walking aaaui
Ulearn «»I hi« decuanm ami who w l«i* iiiu* each.
attra. tlw
gin.ant of man la plaua
L»t« 2, 3. 4. 5, 7, H, 9 ami 10 in block 1
Ing A roiiliut-nt of w >nivu would l>r
The family of J. M. rinkarton arrive»! 32. |2ftOOO each
<11.Curbing Mj thrrr arr aonia flowrr«
Term« «»nr third .U»wn, Imlani'e in<me| that. «Hb nigh Individually Charming
iiera tin« week fnun Wl««»onffin, au«l
or tw«» year« at H per cent.
Taken in large
do n >t bum'll wall
wdl make Klamatb Fall« their p«ru»a
H«»r >rai««u* Iwraovr mivt ('«».,
gr<>ui>a, woman arv o'ljectlonabla. It l>
nant home. Mr Pinkerton 1« a mem­
t‘am|»twll A Burn«. Agt«.
aa Indlrl lu.U or lu auiall a<|ua<la that
ber of the Fielder* Pinker tun bud com­
they am an Incomparably luterctlng.
pany, ami «nil*« hi» arrival here ha«
Fin« watch rofwiirihg
I Alv«lx*wix
yivmaliBtiMlr«i Io* W|lll»eA vi
lion to the »ItUcliallip «»I till«
Two Pnlwff« *»f I lew.
A Urial** Kept I m llrpnlr by Mnaavlg,
On on«» ix’t'n* on. at a party given by
T W. bt»*ph«n», ju»t plat
III« l>««UM. or «Ilk) l«*«nl, by which
I i
hi « *ii
abort, ha« hw«*i* ,elected one
U;** niu«»M«1 mooni !t»»-lf u> Hi»» «bin«, I» N ” ’
M uh ng a fninllinr «»t»j««< t of <>ur m « m rock*. It play tbv violin, when to her ftiten *
rector« <»l the Bidwell <i«d
auiiiaeuieut die heard Lan«i*»«»vr ex
I* In It* iHititr«* !fka- fli<’’«iik «>f th«* «»Ilk
I» $1
«'ompanv, th»* « Apitol <»l wh
<h»*kl grncloii*’
A w »uiai
l»r Ibi" n ui m uik ! ••vu'lv’« iti n glutlfiou« thread playing th«* fiddir* on th»* other band
ikmi . uul
The pr«»p«rtv «•aft»
from hii org.»!i at th«* Im*«* of th« f • »!
cuOipttiiM 1« «-meid«*»»* I very
The follow ng 1* nn InMun« «f In which mi old ftialiioned nobleman wbru h*
and 11 pn>M nl, imlh ati>«n« « «ntii»«*»’ h»»
th«* uiooilng <»f-th** lnti**»«*l wa* useful **an a gentleman «it «1 rwu to th«* plan«
MllV Ol*tun«
W • IfMII I* lilt. I • .||o div l- i» ufT«*< t n ptirp »•*•* will it linmaii «kill contempt 110*10) r«*niarlc»*d. “1 womb*
c nihl not a * oiupli«li A Lirgu brldg»*. If lb* creature « .in *•* w
• ( lotii«"* \V’-«latd !a»t w• • »
mi.!«•!«••! with twvul> Mi'l « *. hi the I iwii »«f
»■(•!>>« 1«» a l.rilurr,
repaii« on the !•♦• k cru*hcr, an I w«»tk !U«l«!«'f.»rit, hi 1 »«•» «»i»’«li r«* croNMM the
Jag.«by rj nil «hiv, offi*»!jer, 1«
n«u»r the «pot of II«
I* now Iwll;.’ • alll«**l 011 ’»II the lol l to Torrhlg«» river near
itil.h lib- fll.ink-tr<-<-t’• !•<•! ■•••mun
Jumi n «¡th th«-
j«’ law
iho t. |e rt«»w«
Ml.imot.t, |lii« will !»«• |»! ••*» •. •» g new *
Y*** J mxu *-'.' W| n | i v ni '! hi«* «!’r«*ct
«•» vi-iv rnphll) In r<* th it It vv um f Hind
1: - to 411 G >.:i t > lio' lend l.-> iur<
t«» th«* co’Hitv In grtieril, fur *l>etl«i*t lib I MM* i blu t<> k«*
• p tin* Bridge in rwpa r
1' ll'rnnin IThnt!
* i
' •
H|M.i .itl 'ii
l»v tutu 1*4 ”f m • tfur. I he
l»*’'U’- a: Ibi* tiiH'r of th«* tuurnina '
^- » »V
■ > '■ . • . r. . ’
tliFr»*fo|g k'-’p • 1 1’OlJ* ct pl«>v»*d hi
J !.-g*hy— Ye*
1 ti i-ii -» whi’ie I hie-
lo the btt’MklhL ‘ 4 ll*»'» fU’’b«'f 1 hi mid bring ng llln••«•l h I » !f. mid th«* Inter’
I. •* uu' I'm mirr e! Shei*'.* Chirac
1 are filled by tinn«l
l«*quir»*«l ;l gle.it «leill «•! dm I«» loake Ml.cue of tin* brk
y e w*
wtfh tin* o» mu**ebi. i.
It 1« «upport. «1
the repair».
from l*t*hig «hiven a
*'V the t th»
Notice for PrblknHnn.
i Hl
»'iitlniy by th»* «tr» • H 4 thr»* 1 I* Whi» h
ft • !-t«tr. land «»fill*’-at l «k«vl« w. Ore
(«hi«* I 11 ,i ¡ • W
the**** lilll««H*l* fit to 1 th«* Ntoli«’tv*jrk. ntid
g >n « »« ! .M *'**•
.1 Mi»« I
by nil net or grnnt it
I l< a «Time Ihible
Not.«, u hrt«*by «ion that u rotnp!l»nce
I ¡011 for any perwon to re- «ili» th«* 1
dulg • I in
«•! th«* m «* i «»! ' ••tigr«-** «4
1*7-» «'U«!,i**‘l In N‘" h.r tin- **!•■ i.f
*'*:•• “1 < allMrm« «»rv-
V ivillg l»«ik* lui I ¿1 Hi«»*’! •• «I |’\id ic •• v » l|-
K< « \< ad* a tul U a«’-, n» *<-u I • 1 ■ ■ t *r
S.«»tli»di Night«.
II k
file gll***t« W«**v Ml'*»v* F-dl‘l<
.-Mri.d. d to all th«- f ibllc 1 «n«t • a
by a< t
Il .J'iii, IrtlLa 11 .ililliv «nd . I>»’l I •*••11
of lu»u*t ♦ I*/.’ W ,.iam J Biod’• *. «1
Tltr II ii II iim l*n»«l«>n.
Hid, I HtUilv \ itgd* M i'bl N.rl 1’ I'HrihT
No •»••It ivNiMM tiiig actor will admit K '.atnalh Fa’** «• »»»!« «< Kiumath -tlfcie «•!
t»r«K”i» ha* H'.’-d .n tin» dri'<• hi**‘» ’fr *»«:'•
B'H»M*y, Ila/« I l;".|*,l bulli •* nith, l-*i
that hla «how H not drawing full uu-ut S<> it'i’ f«»r th« i ar* a-«* nf the 1 <>t J of
< ill** l ox. ! .»)••
H *4Ur an i Agtl«» tiou»«*« every night, i >ne of the profeg* *•• « r.«»n No
in To»* n»hi|>
7* Rung«* \’«»
Mur pl»*.
«hm who playa Juvenile part« re* cutlv 9 K v\ \| and w ill ««ff«-r |.r«v«»t to •!>«>« that th«-
Hr. i*. W M.»«t m h it ".»!iit«Uv b«r met a h*ndlng man on tbv lllalt » The land •• nht I* mor«’ valuabh’ t«»r Ila tin»l>- r <»r
leatHng man waa ilrenaed In «h*»*p atone than i«»r agrlcullural |«»ir|”»Be*. and to
11»** »•lift, fi» I h * al'«viit m I hhi I * ix w«’«'k«
There waa a wide ham! of «‘■tabliwh hi* claim to »a d land b«-tore < •» mty
II«* will take :i
giMibiiilr colli»«*
ul !»’.««•
«•nip«* on hl« lint, and he had dl«rarilei| t'irrk ot kianoith County <’ 1
while thri«* Mil l Will ttlxo iimlcrg«« Mil th»» patent leather «ho»*« an actor h>vea • *f bu«itt<*«*. at Klamath F«
op«*iMtioii for the removal of a |»orlioi> for other« of n ku I n I ik - i I |><>II h I> Hint
lit* ll«ntr* a* » line*»»*
• »f the b»«m* in hi*» injiirv«! Irg.
I ver apoke of grief
of VI •■•■-I < altfornta
What'« th»» matter?” naked t!ie Jn
Miner th«* injury which rr-ulird in «»nr
J t
v! KlaiMftth FaT.«, On 4 »n
ol III« IlloM remili Liihlr nm| coti I :itf«*oilK venlle
Harry l»e«ua, ol Klamath F m H b . Uruguu.
“My father I. den.1." nnawered the
vv .1 riillllp*. i»t Klamath Fall». Oregon
Riitgi« al «»!»«• i«t ioni» in th«* medi« ¡»I Mnmtb
Any and *11 pvt*on* < laimiui adversely the 1
ol ihrcnMMt, thr«l«M*tor li«** «ntìrivd con* leading man in a heartbroken vohn*.
The juvenile rxprr«'«i*d hi« •»ympathy abiivr deacHbe«! laud*» are rr*pirBte<l t>« fl ie
Mldvriiblv. Mhd hr hop»*« to «»r«'iirv per-
then L.aiiu« 1* thi* «»trice «m or bri^re *a.d -rd
•*Wh**n did he »Ik*'/” he .’i*k«*<!.
<!a, ot January , l*R
mnnrnt relief through the preaelll
“Mat w»*ek
We biirie«! him to»!ny
till 1
.1 N W iT.dON H*gt«ter.
For Sale or Rent
T— T