‘-tli>- prMea .ix.l la\e aiinoumed that i price» will In* inaiei tally advanced m or before January let. thwar Shivea, IVputv C.nintv Clerk lia* retusel an F. J. MURRAY. Editor. I offer of »'«' for his lot i> ir. base I a short time ig" for ».IO L J. Murray i edit« ! of 1'1 e Republican, Iia* tlevSined .in offer ot »'.VO a lot tor his holding*. II. !.. Holgate. Secretary of the Com­ TWO DOLLARS THE YEAR IN ADYANCE. pany. -aid yvsteniay: "Next year will see acute government canal coustrm terns iu tu<> «Ktutti .of llvuiania and * Owing to thr great farming 1 r ---------------- —-------—--- —-------------- - ■ Merrill, and surrounding of tribiitarv to these in print for Church Cnity. -^FORPY DOLLARS Not like the (An^ltU omfeJeracy of I towns a large ioree of uien a ill necess­ AV ACRE” 3* »er. It givea , where money w ilFln* s|wnt m the tow ns. i«t »10 an acre ” It:»*iiiucli •• wib aetl rtfpay leading ami study on ! i«need prices on the first of the month, The Republican wa* the only pa|>e* in the tfFvat them •< and iaaut*» oi. the , the -company apprveiates the fa. t that the prest-iii , - n«iderati-'n a»ki-«l for lot* the county t<> secure from the Chief Kn- immediate t»ic»ire - is ridii-uloimlv ! w. especially consid­ Vtin.-er the tacts ■regA'lx c th* prugr«-** bonanza rosperity ering the ,.<■*« terms all -w«-d. I hirty rill I future of the K iniitli 1 'roj-ct. it :«< Livel,. i :ere-t in Rbnanxa property five dollai* for m-biv Mv>is and forty in a position to i leariy s ate just wha: Mr. Xewell did say and the idea be and eep*S'ia-.y ittlie attractive Bowue 1 «loflara t -r voteeia. make eimvevaneea . Addition t* m.untes'.eJ The Bollenaa ‘ at tbl'.r\ uku gill». A re.-o wished to convey He did not s»y that this project was Improvement t C impanv has recently lution of the B*sirer 1st. which was made. Ila ■way, and the idea he wished to convey contra-la. to the |a*ople of the Klaiuath Basin, wa.- reported bv Mr. Hall, agent, were S. .*. til one of tlx* absent diwlors returns, this That if the Reclamation Service Mitchell. 1H lots X s Merrill. 20 lots i we mnst sell gt the glfoye fig irjes . bti t Mrs. Ax lell an I Mrs. Hall. A' lots: I we will certainly inerrase prices l-y the aac»sle«l to the wishes of th-w who are Wilnam Halton. Idiots: Roy Hamaker first of the year and hoi>e to do so uiUch crying out against the "go slow” ami fore,- account policies, it would run the 12 lots: Robert Halton. 24 lota: John earlier.” Asked concerning reported big buai- g»aee of the project up to »41*. He did Stilts, 10 lots: Oscar »hives. I lot: John net say that the Service was going to I Britt, 1 lot: P W. Holgate. 12 Iota: news and transportation enterprises that will efTect Honanxa greatly. Mr. change ns course of action and produce Katie Pal ton. 8 lots: J L. Rider, I lot: Holgate sax! : *'We are trying to keep K. Moses, 2 lots: J. E. Book, 2 lota: Xhie result; but be did say that it would I these matters out of the |>apera, until wst award contracts tn bidders at exor Mrs. Ore Skinner. 4 lota: Harry Stilts. at least, we can increase prices. We do fetar.t figures : that this refusal to award l 4 lots: W. A. levelace. 3 lots: Mrs. M. McMillan, 10 lots : Fred Buesing, 2 lota: not wish to advertise B.mauaa now. contracts would not interfere with the] "We cenout help the «gente doing eo. yroeecutien ot the project ;■ nor could it Ilawxharet Broa. 0 lots: Stilts Co., 12 lots: John Irvin. 24 lots: W.C. Piero* , and of course it in to their internet to to its cost more than the amount But every »ale postponed would be if reasonable figures had been •lots: Pr. F. M. White, 2 lota: Henry make sales •veeived. In reaching this decision the Boivin, 2 lots: I*»ter Kirk pat ink 2 lota: until after we receive our selling schedule, means dollars to the company. Reclamation .service has placed itself iu Thomas A. Grubb. 2 lot*, Col. M. G. Ì rhe poeilloti its critics dialled it to uccu- Wilkins. 4 low: P. T Brown, 15 l>ts : And. by the wav, [ am talking tor publication no«. I ani simply explain­ E I. Murray, 2 lots. ^y, but by a different course. ing why the company does not w isli to Owing to the heavy demand the Cotn- It has answered the yharge that it has tie interviewed until later.” been going slowly, by the public decla- 1 panv on the first of November increase«! nation that practically all of the project w>aald be under construction next year. It has answered the charge that force wecount work was more expensive and sikower than contract work by stating that it was ready to turn over the work now being done, or at any time under-1 * . . . taken, by force account, it a reasonable* ■figure was offered. It has shown that fosoe account is cheaper an-l a- quick as Do you want the best there is in Life insurance, based «kMtraet work. It has shown the land pwners—the men wh - have to fc-c the upon a clear, comprehensive statement of Income, Ex­ bill—that it cares little I >r the Opit:ioi, penses andrPayments to Policyholders? These figures h;>\ e *M tlio-e who own none of this land, but beep publiéej frequently and as tar is I know, are undis­ sire very s<>licitous of the welfare ami If they*do-not “tell the story,” then I kn nv >f no inwrests of them who have to meet the puted. «■««. As Mr. Newell said: "Our only nietiiod wherebv a man can intelliuentlv select his Lite In­ ¿lesire is to force aliea-l the completion surance and we may as well “¿o ¡‘blind/ is man-.’ pr>b- »< this work, having, however, at ail abiy have done in the past. Use tlie ame time- in mind the financial interest <-f selecting your Lite - Insurance tint i u 1 ) in (lie men w 1x3 have to pay for its con- and there need be no“vain regrets.” -struct ion.” i te R -I K* Cef 4 TShi* is a c it-ti-n* that ri.u-t >«■ con- trim I I* I net, Kartu p. S A M t E eudered dispassionately, Coix-liuion- ut Prem ; »n. • ixau must not I** jilir.jied at. The people of »•f Kisu «lisrti ortanutftmn xbis Ba»in do not want to pay to con- ÍMJ.D'S,“'» 1.7 5 M5 > 1 ’•.!•’* * tractors exorbitant prices, Tbequeetioti Aetna .............. 27.4',4| 3'3,011.5 m 7 14.3 » iL-lkrllite rnay be a-ke-l why are tlx- .OOO.MJ0 1 1 .QÔ jj2.759.jnj iJ4_.JS7.377 Connecticut Mutual - .2 .1 - - 477.L*"*4'. *' 3.773,0 ‘7 17.41 Fi.-gh? Has not the -erv Service placed the Equitable ... »1.215.410 •‘•241 •’» 7 2 1.2 i ;;•» 2’».55 . . . «oet at too low a figure? 7 The figure * >em>ania •••’ *>■» * * 45 >25.12« 2^.7‘**‘ I-.»» Home............... x(low*«l a- reasonable by the Service i- Haniiattan >.;7 »>4 j ,‘-'4..‘ ■* ‘.HI ,2 4 15 auipie to :ne--t the co-t of construction. ss 321.2"** ».42* n 17 ' .'2 m 2»’ > M.i-a« !. i-rtt- M ,:u’l 2l>.42i H7 2>H 5*7 001 . 270,07'‘ 12.72 .-•>• -:x a' tb- fe'«4.*nt i.ifh wage p.i : Mutual Ber.etit 4»'.5,4..S. ’ >. |‘«5 1,010,5.;*, 3*7 ♦ ->. 1 i5 517,420 19.1») labor. The n-as..n lor the excesctve Mutual I.if- X Y i‘2.I./.» N*. 113 72».J-41 I,17 l (I57 11 Xe« Ei.alan I M .tua '51« i-due to the uncertainty Joi tie N«w York l.iie 5.,. 4 •5,01.'»,4 - ; s5o, 152.4M 1 ■'.3.M 47»» 1*.'<2 oabvr market. Contractors know that North . —teri,. J75 ‘»I3JP» 12 X1|,!»17 *52 4.414.1 l‘i 12."2 7'‘3jso 32.55 ! 1.142 442 M. 10 21 .*55.*22 if they can procure tnen; if they have Pa.iii. Mutual . .rM>. 15 142.154.*3»; 7' ♦. m 2»». ‘»31 2.7O7.M57.. 1', 14 no strike; if unreasonable obstacles are- P i.n. Mutual 7 5.4 r.» 7¿5 415’ 1,7» »»3.‘.‘54 ."»55 4’».ir2>.152 P. mix Mutua ,s»*t met with, they wo'ihEmak«* a tfan-l- Prov. !.. and T.. r^5.5‘»2.s.{7 '.♦••.521 , m 51 57 59 1.110,079 12 «I **> i HO evme profit if they accepted the work Pn.- . .-avinir« 57 O| ♦4.5« 1.4 m 7.DI1 34 03 5»)..’> o »». m 7'‘ »420.97 m 15 -2 5O.1I witfain the limit set l-v the ServO-e. But '•Rie Mutuai 40 ‘»3 1 ,‘.3M.»i9»i 1' 47 "4,<*»7,22-* 3o,<**••*«****7 they do not wish to Take any risk, so r(non Central 73 m , < k »» . 5O/*»3.M7O 72.‘>'» l'rium Mutual ‘72.114 20.04 fd*ey seek insurance against every United State- :/.“U7,35' 2* 4*7 .•-»3‘» 71 477. m .*-» 24.37 jwiesible contingency, in order to have Wa-I.ington Life 44,506.140 71.62 »•2,134.752 1, 20.36 ample leeway to meet the igefeit they not this list out and tile it for reference •rill iiav«»4o.|»ay in case, tjie'work la :, it •e itnpleted on *che.4«l!e t.ifny. Aylairl appear again example <4 thi« are tlx* ii«j« I •i'.Jllve Fire Insurance written in companies that stand at the first unit of tin- Mgincaual. .head of list in point of Merit as regards settlement in San . ng ti e t w ! ,we*t bid* Lad uot l.*err«iL- FrapciscQ. »nitte l? >The land owners wouhf 4»BF*f ••en out thouan-l* ii[»on th-man-M of ! ' ’'TcVn and country realty handled at prices that make • tf dollars, and the contractor* wou)ii| . mpney for the buyer/ IrtTe Is en enriched just that amount, 1 TOM STEPHENS, withoutl having iiven anythin: in re­ Office in Willson Block. turn—provide'!, of course, their bids jid lieeir accepted. Yet Mason, Davis .At Company got the work at wlratwas oosidercl by outsiders a verg^/jow KLAMATH FALLS, OREOOS iigtire. They will eoniplete th -TsAfipi ALEX MARTIN. • E. R. REAME«, ALEX MARI.IX,.Jr schedule time and will’hare a President Vice-President Cashier ¡fair profit. ‘ This same instance applies to all the First Semi-Annual Statement June 30, 1900 'werk and should be kept in mind. The Resources lleclamation, Servient has nothing to Loans and Di»cbunt<.................................. . I 12B,5f1.40 fear from a "go slow” policy, when it is Overdrafts, secured and unsecured. . . .ri.ioH.oa tl> the cause bf saving money to the i Bonds and »Varrants......... .......................... 52,450 23 5,909.(g> Banking Hou*», Furniture,and Fixtures land owner. _ Du» from Banks and Bankers 241,217.75 Uv;L in Bank . ........................ 13,834.91 KLAMATH REPLBLICAN LEADING NEWSPAPER OF INTERIOR OREGON. Klamath Falls, Or., Thursday. November 1. i io6. P I aim to be reliable . FREE TRIP TO THE JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION Th»' contest will close December 31st, 1900. und the lady receiving tin largest number oí subscriptions to the Pacific Northwest mid The Klumuth Republican will be deemed the choice ot the couuty for the trip. The subscription price of the Paeitic Northwest is 50 cents a year. The subscription price of The Klamath Republican is f-.’.OO a year. But during this contest both papers will be sent to one adilress for one year for $2.00. The successful lady will be one of a party of thirty-three—one from each county in the State—that will leave Portland Muy 1st, 1907, for the Jamestown Exposition, and will be gone three weeks or more, visiting many of the large cities of the east and calling on the President of the United States at Washington. She will bo the special representative of Klamath County and the Klamath Project. 77/(' ^(//i/esfow// /lA/osifion Will be held at Norfolk. W. \ .i., and will be the gralfilest militari and marine c\p<>*itioti over held. It will surpass all previous world'» lair.*» in splendor an th • l.im«'*to\»n Exposition. One person may *>-nd in a* many *tibsciiptioiis aM he chooses. .4 dditional ()fter In addition to this phenomenal otter, paid in advance subscribers may choose any one of th»* following magazines, w hicli will be sent free for* <»no year: The Journal of American Agriculture The IVo/;?a//’s Farm Journal The Woman's Magazine By paying ço cents additional, or we will send you for'one year • The Pacific Northwest, I hi -. K lamath R1.PI BLk AN and any one of the following magazines: I he Pacific .Monthly The Woman's Home Companion The Cosmopolitan McCall's Magazine The Woman's National Daily KLAMATH COUNTY BANK The only woman's dally paper in the world The Pioneer Bank of Klamath County STANDING ON THE SEA OF GLASS . . Further Information will be gladly furnished by addressing the KLAMATH REPUBLICAN, Klamath Fall*, Or. »527,891.98 Liabi 1 it iee Capital Stock, fully paid.......... I 100.000.00 Surplus and Undivided profits, 4,784.59 301,370.09 i Individual Deposits, subject to check / Elder Larkin «tucker of Coiurado has Cashier’s Checks outstanding 912 35 40,010.15 .lately located in our city, and will hold I Demand Certificates of Deposit.......... servicy on the Bible Union, and Bible .» , • »527,091.98 cCburch Unity linee. State of Oregon ) '■ k( . County of Klamath)' ” , ' i He isalstcthe author of a book entitled : I, Alex Martin, Jr., Caahier of the alx>ve named Bank, being first du. “Standing On the Sea of Glass.” While selling it he also offers other Jyjaworn, do say that the above statement is true to tin- beet of my knowledge and belief. t A i . kx M arti «, J k ., Cashier. i ar-restlng aud valuable books vix Mr. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2nd day of July, 1999. WouW and Miss Church members. [ skal ] B. C. G ba VM Notary Public for Oregon. Sem-«n by the Devil and the Crimes Correct attest .an l E. R. R kamkr . •' ‘‘Standsng On the fjes of Glass,” is A l « M aition , J r , Kreetoin, irightly regarded as the strongest; plea i u‘ In connection with the Pacific North­ west, The Klamath Republican offers to the most popular younjf lady in Klamath County a If F cannot save you money, it is because you will not permit me » ■ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1--------- --------- ------------------------------ r>oar*r ijkt ^ ay I Sending in your subscription at once and take advantage of our remarkable magazine offer. *