Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, November 08, 1906, Image 1

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_________________________________ u *
■*' '
. pj Klamath County
* -e
■ • F
so i •
Splendid Showing Made by Those
Grown Here
H. C. Dolby and
Wakefield Raise
That Show {Fine Anal
y sis and Open Way
a Great Industry
atiere tlie fleets wire iii'fWii.
do not represent » Irtir #\rr-
l«> gAHl
I age,
the reason that
tin- l»-»t rr»ult| trevi» lu i-t I h - «ul*
’ tivatvil. and tfdnnvd to a dista'oe ol
Ttli# give« th»' Iwa-t
ton inclini.
o|>|x>rtunlty Io. <l«vrl*>|i in «' >rn* t
p »ilion« ami givei it aullii'ivnt «oil I
w ich to draw th«- #ugar making |
I l.r 4i(r* »•<ret a out t
Mtn ph*« I« that thi« ***«• nut *>•»>»<•
|<»r |rr timi a lair trat c<ml»l I»«4 m««l«*.
That within th«* n«*xl
this i Ewii nVvh’t till» A'lvrr««’ rotei it »<*b«
cottnly mill I h * tl»«* »•••nt* r ••! <»nr of the how« V« I !*!<■ IMl !» prodlh«* I Afr •»! lililí
lArg«*»l l »er I ougitr
intintine» «»n tl»«* »"UimyttJal \«lu«« und d they rrpf«-
ct»(kMi i« un ce«tain «• the •«»!» ri»e» and mólte I th«- Vrr> l«e»t I« ••»(»«• « <•! th«' H»ll
»et#. Th«* K«>)•<»l»|»<4in h«« aiwa»#’1» Í »r«*> o| Ap*r.»k thilt n«nd I pi«tih thgir
tended that On* »o|| u| the Klamath i|»lantlug a * a cr»|», »im!«’ the |A*r« «*ritrt^*-
B a »in wu» pre eiiiìiirntI)
auilal’l«' for I« «iilth'ivlilly higt) <•» inukv lli« (i» rr«<IÌK
thr growttiy •»! th# Sugar I m el, ah-1 «* \ « r \ mA>k«*tfthl« and tl»«* touting«-,
trwt that ha# b”,ii mad«* -»n’v further I H ><lhl .«««-«Age *lF«>tll.i'» to Ap lotlti !•» til«’
■ <*rt i« •.
Strengthen# the trull» <4 I hr »»Ate no nnt aer«’, largi* » n >ugh lo > •«-hi a liandi** É»<*
The hit ’M and hr#t r vampi«* .1 pro.il ‘pr «Ml I” th»* produt «*r.
It li i> it', t'int'.-» r« i Mgnìr«* I f.t» t aiii <4.g
tin»! t hr Silgar I hv ! Mill gt’iW h*-»v I»
; tho««’ •' I»' A«* lllp'r«'«! <*4 ill the giunti»
produced hy II <’ IMby
two va aii’l '!• * i’4’|'.i»«*iil «ír¡ i» « •» .ul' that t”
f >u Tu ♦' ’fc 'I r !>*
ntak«* H I f >«’}*<*r< il» the country must lu*
riiiv« ol the I»-«* t on tl.e I
' •««• tile«I »ip. \ iiriou» -< h» i»»«-* ha . «• !•«•<• 11
A »*«• I
I ali# tr»«*1.
t Eu
fnrni#h«*-l hy Pr*
4’i'4i>c«-<l to tiling ««I»-»*»! thi** much
a nd »ample !• It
d«**tr*d »«-ttirinvlit. but t.o* etnei
Mur y
ih A»«** I from tin* l’or! in i
it) M< VHotUl-hUig
r**«Hllt h.»** I m gn
pahv Aithout »(*nouM «■<m*idrn»
pAi«v. Mr. Murphv pt* «
ilii* I.n tor i» Mr. ’fci»g«it B« «»’
Iroin tl»«* A h lerb’Ah B«*«*t •*“
Ih i»i »ii"tfair fully that til«* «ligar ÍH*rl
ol • Hmir»l. « « •
lhe**e Isert« with a «Irti!,
•ran ♦»•» *»«1 ■’»’•’•fntjv <«•»*»« h»*re and it
m ar »it X
tura «I# A |#»ptl attoii o| a! 1 ra#t ?I/MIU
l*"l »Ir more If» an it it c-iinnot I h * grow n
het* .
Tlre*li. ilt’irv altrinp t» ma l«* in
liti» ■lireclion have pr«»ven that U an
The »Ainplr# »en! for
tlHnti«*d at a i
anniV"i» we r.' taken I h . iii tin- grouti.l < •* •
(ober i?l. an i »«mt to a . 1*. Knisrlv,
« h«‘ini»t <d hr Oregon 1 \ <«ri mieti! sta- lute ligvUl
AU ! s'-iematn- r:f«»rt !•
^IJ.II re-
!«<>n at < r ralli», by Í t. i Da W IUI«. |Og it! t kf 4#»' A
f 4 n «’ i l*»1«
lire resilo ■ f IJ.«1 an*«. A#i# '« i' fjl. »ult III 4’1 lll qtl lüflthi aH»t b ufWputn’tie
«rivc«l from the i Ireiiil.t imi 1er -late *>f /|i'mun* tr.» th n >1 U>. a lai ta liity of tire
N .veuilwr 1
•oil *.| tire K »math E.*«ii f >r thi»
were Ir *oi II B U .ikeff. i l itl<1< l.trv. « it i tin* fact on« «* »et tir*!.
ka mpl«4 ’
and wer«« g row n in hi» gA'den m tiu» th«* Ude of nun iigration will turn Ibi#
A pit I t iuulat 1 V l.|lg«*laets WAV «•lii inlitn ited «apilat will t«* rt
weighing m Ole than till. , and Oire l.all han 1 t.,.lcvel*.| th»* industry
llriv i#
jMiuinl» w. hoiit th«* i'iown. Ati«! a» i# » X' •rtf W O| » I* . tlf < iiamber of < ’«»in-
Irrquenth h«* ra»«- with large I mm t», «•#■ iiuT ■e. 11 It » II undi’itak«* and « ai f \
|s*<-ially wl> »n t*#* givrii, <h«l n«»t eitin to A »II« < «••still 1 lllvltlNtoU til •*e •• X |H-ri •
a# high a p« i» entagr f sugar a# »"ine *•!
!#. it will l*rovc it- ri.'lit to tire
I •• i e- il! of l h»’ a
' *l»
! ■ :«• ot lier»
claim tliAt it# « rigm au I pur|»»»e i» ft
1# A« follow
Sample A»-Orown lly H. C. Dolby
No. 1
W. qfljt of I m ’H with cr au grani»
Weight of l* vt witlioiit crown gram 4)
Weight of I mi -! withmit CtoWII oUhC «•»
Mprrifh gravity of juico
No 2
.... 712.
.. *..
Jlrgrev Brix total »o|id*
!‘«’r«rnt »ligar in juice
l‘er« « t» t sugar in la*«’t
1’nrity •f juic«*
• 1.0
.... 18.10
.. 17 20
Qi, ‘J
1 .«••I
Mi 1
No .1
• «•»*».
77 m .
1 071
’•? 7
Sample B--<lrown By H. C. Dolby.
No. S
No. 4
. . ’»‘H
W. ight • 1 I»« « ! w ith ci ‘W n giant#
Weight o| l.'.'t without eroa n urani.) .
... 15.3
W eight of !#•«•! without crown ’»uin’r#
Hjrecirtc gravity of juice
... 17 0
1 h’grci* Beil total eoUde
... 12.50
Prrvvnl sugar injiiu-r..........................
1’cr’ent sugar in beet. . .
1‘urity ol juice.................
... 11.8*
... 73.5
. ..
Sample L"--<)rown By H
It. Wakefield
No. 1
No. 2
U eight of beet with crown gram* .
Weight ui I mt ! withoiit crown grain#) .. ... 907.
Weight of beet without crow n ounces... ... 32.0
b|H’CÌfÌC gravity of juice.....................
........... ......... ... 213
Degree Ilrtx total soltils*
Percent sugar in juice ... ................. ». ». .. 17.55
Percent sugar in Ireet.................
...» ... 10.07
.. 82.4
Purity of juice.......................
In the letter Irmu Mr. Knisley, trans-
witting the result to Mr. White, the
chemist says:
"From the result you will see that
the lire’s grown hy Mr. l»olhy, included
in sample A, are richer and have lietter
ptirlty than those of either nf the
other Iota.
The purity of good beets
should 1« at least HO |ier Cent, and the
higher the per cent of sugar the lietter.
Good lieets should run over 10 |ier
In Colorado and some other sections,
the basis ot purchase is ltl |ier cent.
At hne time it was aa low as 12 per cent,
the basis now in force in Michigan and
Wisconsin. A jiercentage of the stand­
ard indicated by chemist Knisley is
high, ami any section that can produce
l*eets on such a basis must stand in the
forefront of beet raising districts.
No. 3
when visitor» a#k for the location of the ar«!» doing.
.Mr Muriloeh ha# done ids
It wga ^erplr
1 part nobly. This work h * a » redit to the 'institute iq
im »# tofficr.
p. >1 ,l*i
nrxt local I
aom«* tiif»r*|*
• ;
• » a
30x40 feet.
hisialled therein a’r the, «.quel * m * aer.vrd. ( For h'*pii*lny, th a ,
tM*#t post office fit u re# that money ran, stgMrtfiU |
«nd the Merrill tea« hr th • <
buy—keyless lock l«oxes, em-a#«*<j ini rAt»a#»t hr WMrllnd« an<4: tfw--ban<|«>e»4 .•
•olM owk frame#, plate glass, nb klr and and meAi* arrvrd by-the Hi* hilieu w»re I
front»; general delivery
and’-«# fin«* 'Ar Chifi I he served and the
»tamps, and money order and rrgi#t«*h*«f ’ teiHiers^iM^ 1<4fd ‘in their“TraHe#.
* e
Levy May Be Made by the Water
Users Association
• * *>
These are ’»•> link The Kist iati* b’slfw* teil her« hope to
I m ■»«•# for reft I. jt ad thw nnuilwr aill •»« , »j-pMV iq part the g«*nerou»> hó’^fltíáfity
a l hfi 1«» ## demand r»«*««•►»it»*!«.*», ¡ »”
ita teacher# t comq to(
»-» a ««
VDl'ill tiNVitig Iteen nia.le |«>r their instai- , Klamath, E»J|r
1ati*»n When t!»«* flxTuVr# uerr pnrrhaM*«!. ;a
'Tlir interior j* .« ranged And «•qtf!f»f»ed
»nil every «iifitenien<»e’f««T the rapidet *#.* •**..«»
and <*«»nvenirnf hamrling of the tnail,
■ ’» 4
n»« -friail having Itren overlook««t. A
I larg«* firr“pr«w»t H h M «»f th«* !Ate#t *h*»ign Ret Ismit iorf5er. kePrc par e<F6r
,.v —
rfiort Is I q Be .*iade to
Districts of
the Klam-
ath Basin--rtonev
to . • be
Vsçd 1OT
The lobby 1« amply
^urc Operation«.
•i_ r->ùz
large «*nough to accommodate a |#M>tal
» os.
»Ä .vcV-v-J«
’ol S" Hme# a# gr«mt u now
A ’ -*s.Tii«*.»r wtfti 14»>U «aprsity^S Ttti- wKZft thw^*N
-dWMe.1 t°
exists here. A# the city gr<»u# anti ad­
II totis'ha- t*r**r*p'f# .litici fdfm tin/, tench'niini k«*r iff' *
,^4*t W-é- '• A»»o-
ditional l^* ihtie# are required, they car«.] Cíi.’-CIfcilAñ* r .rniiany n i’T.lJvp. by ’daflon if .*,,!»! , .r t n wlt’.rt, w.i! be
i*# frftn
!•* hsd Lv tiw n Idrtioii of the r om ind ‘ . ; * ff^alni!ioi;Wvi..^aL’dlrtlO*be-fi.
^•rnite’i *a' request
for th^fV ¿pinion on
J the
the r« ar of ti t* f»r«-»»-nt quarter#, this hi 4
",¡%r -‘.pr •tó.”'
mg hmded qji. w ■T
/»;>'•/ *♦’"
<fi)«#« having b«*«-n in '.uind w.ien the.
., • K»-i,
Krim. -W
' . Jl. ‘ Ij.UK-'l
.4 ovi 1 !■
Ap’ 'c ¿’>1 * UL ’51p»rnt
f po -nt <J
«•; < o^e j{ ’a
■«. J’**»
tructure wa# plann**d,
( 11 4C«*J-’n.’p.r .ppw b«g ba'gqFreVl’ihe ipr a-^ep# to iw usod.Jar-aVvarU-ii* pnr-
The Mur i'H’b bl«ok <t#ell 1» »»plcndid
, klan alii l^ake ^avigalym «viupau^and l
Thia>4» p fWI*
<-<ded <»n .«.pfhe
» 11 l»#tantia! bn« k stnivturr two stort«*» ‘ , M.u»#!vrr*4
tbr uurth e««d 14 < «i**F’,»t-| I:«-»
tnr MriHwvB ar«k 4 DifWfnr-
i)«gh,‘ having a frontage tw» feet. The
tHe» V#cwi.rmif tartd
entire ground fl*M»r 1»
plate gia##. euntfStr r*4i<rn of tf..
F o . v B h - i hr# - <h»#X 4-,
ymg the t*» N*#t u.P *.•.«!!
*IH> the •«-V<’*p’1oh of the entrance
• ’
•' mo-Sii.
au.*’heil return po»t>l An which Tf.e
to second #t«»ry. Iron pillar# a *1 *t»*el
lintOls complete 4he front «»f the flr#u
£ver ionce the government «iedded to
w .»g -n* at K«*tfo. full they wit! I** run.
Th«* FU»t half df the building ha» »m th thb baVfc
c thu# Avoiding th«’<lcl»y^jaK|» hubl of and < pn^r irt.the Kiiyjtg'ii
iH-ru r«-nt«*d . by tlit* f.initille Saddhry
an<T vxpeopv "( r»-i..’ud li» it.
I h«;j. pfujet 1 me <|uestngiisui ’ »e tie#!.. tnyUi*«d
(ompiiny. aivi it >• now having it fitted
1 »(are Uberv th
r will !>♦* .••ualrd^.d pigomv the
a‘ag»*> •! thu’fcdnm-
lit Up to-'i.lle #t
BftMn U*fw»- r »• r»w‘ u- ha* twwi. a*
u#*.Vi|t. »# y«’t iie«*n «irfiniteiv drvidrti I
It» new q’M*’ter
011. Uul n»e \. u » di lot <»p|i >»ittj ii»«* -hhtnirig me. VarioQ# jdahs tia’iM’been j
will have tew.
A*, dru’h cottage*. o¡¡ Third street launder
A ‘and 6hr wa# trir'!‘ ify the
consitie rat ion.
/Rfamath Coffnty Cham’l’cr of C«»m-
The «-art hilf r*t tie* s.-rond tf.s'r La»
One <»f the principal uses tn whicli ‘ . mvp v, fiy tji«*i»m;aiice «»T a
be«*n r«-nh*d for Hi.* headquarter» iH the
the ernwher will l»e put 1# the nianu* fimilijdilet. Tin- fiiu.i* fur .tin* |>ampj/let
t 'harnher ef U
fact ;ré*»! »and>* The •ervi« «* ha# mftdt aer*- runtfibute*l by the bu-invo» u>* n
Iwing divide«!
suites of <*tficc.
exhaustive tntvfHlgattoin« to b»cate «
f ti|i*’«lly -.Tb. «cheme
"tti'S - are
Among lite t«*riantn to .x-.-ilpv
I» m I) <1 -ati I flint Will c tne up t" th*
five • ,‘iie.band pr*<duce.f
to LI a M. M«.ne’ AH. ..uno C. E. Mom*
•taielard; but it ha# been imamve#-ful ThP patiipbM w.* a n<
al..I Attorney ftiouvr.
in finding the 4 ndii' desired, and dr uwxraa e**.’ntf:i1 In an-av
I 1 r coiistnictiun of
ci*h*l tu. tnanuhic^ur«* it. The ruck t< iir.i»« of inqiliHe* that Tin
led «»n uti’ler the
.Ur iiw*d tur the, iiumvnsr amount o' nig ih b<v- >:.*» ver «iiice it I
11*1. im o| Mr. Mu»«!m
<t>ncr«*t« ttmk 'Vidalso befurni»hei b) that uov. ii.iuviit .rri^atioi
v.*rv t* l«e#t ot material an i workman-
•ti»i» nruslnrr**
was an actual .fact.
-filo • wa* employ«*!,
lie 1# deserving ol
The «•••mpl«*»e plant
weigh* «*vrr¡
There yeX,ci;u>.ii>ed «>*n
■metliing elee to
pound*, and irone »f the l»e#t on 1 lw* doiur. for tl.e pamrh
•blet, while an
ili«* bii»inr#« mm of thia city and justly
the market
I essential pnit of the »< he etile < f puhlieitV
entitiwl to prid< hv ive»# Hi the cuu*
was not effectively > rear,: iva
It did*not.
» uuhi . ati««n •»! hi» ambition.
turn th«1 irttehtrori .fthe r b. meseelter in
this direction, for. wfiilF ’ th.'ol-au !*" al-
ready know ol it, there e yet remameli
hilliilred of thoii*an*ls w ibo have eitl er
I nion Pacific Officials Here for Pur­
not. heard of the Klamath Project or
Held in Merrill I a.«t Week The Lit­
pose of Examining Conditions.
only know of it »<> slightly- that enough
tle .Tetropolis .Takes Good
interest therein he« not f*ven aronsej t<>
ha» I m * vii itistnll«**l
in/ 'lid it-.-*iF'tiAifiahsI flhi <4
homeseekers into
California that ba«e
1»^«/g'p«si^fi1. i;<l
< Tji|V.g»*»''-r tire
populat!'m the greatqr'A4it vajownflbe
lai.'l,a»>t arties« Vhe'pevpM Come here-
land values rri'ie« drag, Ltw. great »re­
tem of "irrigation will Y^’ai’Tailiiiv and
Klamath county Lr+i U, wer-eofftban
it wa« before. DmThe people witfeoaw
— they are coming and the is-st »vidsnan*
f their presence is thr
thy i.igiicr
higher. L>I
comn»an<lr<l one year ago.
_ _ „•» : 1
the construction of the govern men r
- aMlMiatdlUt
/rm J-
irrati-.n of ¡ r - pie seeking home# and in-
li .
Tbe question n< u .#: Is this immi-
gration stiD ^le.-fred* ahd'do the Larsl
sa.-r i» »•■•¥* -.*! , Lfdhs land •»Hhiei«Wtre
»f tfiat opinion, they should un louhted-
¡vjgise tiour gaa-
aa lordialan^‘ '«e—
ment •
•• p!
• • n
fthe K-.ir I • •:
Director# to rui-a-an advertising fun<?.
The iLiernljer-
A<>ard are sen**ibi/» .
#ol»d, v »^M**vatHv, progre^fivt* um » k
They o» n, like the men wfi»> v >i»*d the»»
into olhee, lart<iaun<irf th».* 1’r
They can have no #ei!i*h mutiwr X *
serve. They have at all time# sh wr.
’Pre/ f ‘ v’mer:$-r
re}M.»sed in them aei.<i <lem<>n#trated ihatf.
■ -eSi*
!..*-tn’y! -
1^1 > t
intere>t that cau*e# them to subcoil the-
• i-h-tion of the levy: it i* th* interest
•;.<«: caii’J- Kttieiii-to adV’H-at»* Kn-adver-
ti*iriii can .1:4/.. ajid
reaching th>
de«’i*i”n they have -hown them*elve** to*
nt the a’MM i;<-
tb’ll Lt'iieVt-l them to be when they*
elected then, as ¿¡ret .tor». .
Il » now up to th« t* land ewner
At thu Luna. The
fl* (hat thie papA !<A~
A-.-1.» trk: . tl.y desire |> >-■•<» KlfFw
< -uirfy forge ra; r I.y ' ahea f. to — ’. i*.
gr.at y
ihirion hetyuiu f aikre** Kt
developed, tli^s paper, h^e r.
interest in thii question. It wll not.
profit one penny from this levy^tor the-
uidhey will Be used for advertising' l .
Tw’» Union Pacific representative« cause them t > investigate it« m*-nt. oiiteioe publications, with peihatejihv-
. were here for several day« «hiring the This fact caused a number efeifzen* is-uanee of! a »mall, roncisew■ etk ■:!»%•• •
.«c.i of iinyi. Idirig enterprise t< < ■ • pamphlet containing informati<-.
week pa^t for the purj.«oi‘e of more
On >ntnrdav. November 3rd. i local ¡cl«N>ely examining condition# in litis
r- will angwiu- the g* neral run of mqyiiae».
tract lor one year for'a page a ive
Tv.i, her* Institute was held at Meinll.
’ countv. with a view of diverting pome ment. in which the advantages of tl;t« Therefore The Refuibliean Jias »> kee-
The Klamath I ail* teachel» drove down
I of the heavy hometveking travel of that county, were set forth. Every man who iiauey in giving its unqualified support
Satin day morning in time fortlie morn­
I great .«vatern into this Harin. They were invested feel, amply, repaid f->r hi» tp the movement, for it know» that it
ing session. The Institute was held at
t»e’»ix«‘ I- Mel1 »neugh and R. S. Ix*mon. investment by the results.
The repti.*»! will benefit evjry la al owner -in tb.
tliv -vliool house, which building would
far exceed ♦lieir m -t county. It is true that some may.T<-
Mr. MrP’OV-ngh nutlet* a #jM*cialtv of ami iispuri.«
reflect credit mi a much larger place Imlonizing w..rk. It was mainiy through
sanguine t*xpectations and have lemon­ t<enetited who will not eon tri hute be.,
than Merrill, and is an evidence ol the
; Iiir effort# that the Punkah! c<»lonv war str ated the fact that tin« kind 0' a lver- the Klamath Water L'ser.’ AstuccHioig
pride tin* pcnpleof "klt-rrtll take in pro­
I kx’atvd tn the Butt«* Creek valley, where ti-ing pay an ! i- what tTii- Basin need». i* not so narrow and seltt-h thali it
viding educational facilities for tbeir
These experiments have been closelvl would"withold its endorsement on such
j thia #ect purchased IS.(MK) acres of land
children and their foresight in build­
Not a voict-
and where, within the neit year, eev- watched by Secretary ,lpplegate anil a petty ground as that.
ing lor the future ns well as for the j eral thousand ot them will locate.
the Board of Directors pi the Water slioiild l>e raise. 1 against it.
Show Ing
County **npt. .1. G. Wrigl.t presided
and Prol. Carlock of the .Merrill schools
aroused milch
interest ill his dis-
cu>sion of "Arithmetic."
He brought
out an expression from the teachers as
to their ideas and method*, and although
the discussion was quite heated at
T h Project Engineer Murphy is due l'«er»' association, and l.e*L.lheru t«ttl*e
i th«* credit of the presence of these gen- decision to ask the. approval uf the
rtlemen, and through hi# effort# they mei'ilwi« .«I a levy.to carry on an adver­
I were shown the government work# ami tising campaign on a more extensive
Claims His Defeat is Due Entirely tu
I tuet
many of the leading
citizen#. scale. There shmthl l*e.and undoubtedly
President WUkinr of the Chnml'er of will be. but one response to the inquiry
(’»•nimvrct* waa indefatigable in hi# ef­
NEW YORK, Nov. S.—-Special)—
Klamath c unty and the Klam­
times, it brought about the very pur­
Mr. McDonough war very favorably
port* for which these Institutes are held,
imprr*N«Nil with what be saw, ami that
an interchange of thought ami methods.
g«Hxl remit# will accrue from his visit is
After dinner, the teachers re*a*sem-
bled. and Miss Hayden of the Klamath
Mr. Lemon, whose specialty is pub*
Falls public school, took up the subject
licit y work for the Union Pacific, col­
of "Geography.”
The teachers and
lected much data and many photo**
visitors were much interested, not only
1 graphs to be used in wrjte*ups, etc., in
the development of Klamath County. in the talk, which showed that Mias
Union Pacific literature; He said to a
At least fifty farmers throughout the Hayden was thoroughly up to date and
Republican representative:
liaain should lie induced to plant from umlerstoixl
how l>est to teach the
"While many know of the Klamath
one-eight to onei|uarter of an acre of «object, but also in the note book«
Project, that is as far as their know­
sugar lieete and cultivate them properly. which were the work of the pupil* in
ledge extends. Few realize the thou­
If necessary an expert should I* ein* Mits Hayden'« classes in their Geogra­
sands of petfple 'who are anxious to
ployed to superintend the work and phy work.
come to just such a country a# you have
visit each place where the experiment
Mi«g Hidings, <4 the Klamath. Falls
here, and they are hungry for informa­
is being conducted,
These expert» public school, opened the discussion on
tion regarding it. Don’t ever imagine
mental plots should be so distributed '•Nature Study,” in which discussion
they will come of their own volition.
aa to prove the value of the soil in the Professors Wight, Dunbar and Carlock,
Many may, but there are thousands of
greateat possible territory and every Miss Horning and others took part.
Professor., Sw.n .nd F.ngl.t, of the
“ndl',",y h?“0"
care should tie exercised to pnsince
results that will show that the soil in Klamath County High school. gave very •liey have not been reached with the
the Klamath Basin is equal or superior
right sort of literature. Publicity is the
Prof. Rwan urged
to any on the coast for the successful interesting talk«,
keystone ol vour rapid success here.
the noce««!!? of teaching honesty, and
production of the 5ugar Beet.
Neglect to advertise your country and
lessons of honor and morality in the
surrender your rights to other Sec­
school room, and Prof. Faught «poke on i
tions not half so good.
The other
HIV importance
ininv X'S
of <•
a iruiHl
pupil nilivw
that course of study (or which he is places are advertising and are getting re-
Postmaster Murdock had the dream
The samples sent by. Mr. White by
no means represent the maximum of of hi« administration gratified Saturday
quality that can lie produced on the night when lie transferred his office from
... I
; •■•tv and a grratyr crrd;t to him. It will py.^liiqpary.
, ,.f fc
1 <*n<iiire lor years and a ill ta- #• a monu* |y Ut
a rwwa^ g^yen
Ment to his themory, for he ha# madrfwt the Mhnol heu#»; l«>-rfh«* leadber#
I ad«*4|uatr provision# to meet the «!«•
trnrft Klatfiarth Fills >»* th«* trs'-hrm
I uian*l# for p‘»*tal larilttir# n»*« 'r»#ary l«» and citizens of Merrill,
the bucrra*dul handling of the mail
a * ’ «M-iiil evening. th. («'Vmpany arfjourrie.l
«H> of ^>«6ou.
to the dining rrX’Ui
of th«4 Hotel,
The r<#un dertipied By th«* |«ofttuffic» is 1 Hit bilieu w!.<r« a ino»t lioontjful tpr»-,
57 4
10 8
/ •
th« old to jl» new home
The transfor* Ing, and an a|*f»r«e-iatmn 'd the faith
■'•u»pl»'tr an! h aio.tth la
•** aV'tlie i«*d>
nerd no longer Lang it# head in shame * er# in fhA p
tl4)! ails have done undl
most adapted, and the practical vain«
of M siiiik I Training.
The Institute closed with tulks bj
several of the citizens of Merrill an*,
vicinity, expressing n spirit of co-opera­
tion in the work the teiK'hers were *l<-
suits, and if yon do the same here you
will reap a rich harvest of homeseekers,
people who have the means to buy ami
improve the property and make good,
safe, sane, intelligent, progressive citi­
zens* **
Hughes plurality w ill lie cloee to 75.000
the knowledge;« only general. It now re* His election is attributable largely tolhe
mains for the. people of this llasm to so speech delivered by Secretary of Statt
crystalixe, mold and concentrate this Root and which was accepted as a
ath Project is pretty well known, but
knowledge as to rivet the attention on
and interest in this section that w-hen
the idea of change enters the mind ol
the homeseeker his first thought will l*e
of the Klamath Project. This "can 'bnly
I* dotie by systematic, effective knd
judicious advertising, and to carry on
direct message from President Roosevelt.
It had the effect of bringing the issues
onto a solid foundation and same con­
siderations won.
Hearst claims
defeat is due "to bribery and gross eie* -
tion frauds.
BOISE, Idaho, Nov. IL—(Special^—
this great plan funds are abcolutely It will require tne’’officials count to de»
cide the result on governor. Late re­
Take the case ol California. A man in turns, however, indicate Larding» elec­
the east who contemplates coming west, tion by a small majority and Dubois’
first thinks of California. And why? defeat (osCnited States Senator. •
Becauee the Californians have ham­
DENVER, Chlo., Nov. 8.—(Special)—
mered their State day iu and day out The Republican state ticket was elect»».I
until the people of the east look on it as by an overwhelming majority. ?h»-
a paradise. Thia advertising of Califor­ oppoeition i« sitting up its customary
nia has benefited the entire Pacific cry of fraud, but there are no ground»
Coast, because it has taught the people for the accusations thia year.
two things: That the Pacific Coast is a
SAN FRANCISCO. Nov 8 —.Specials
desirable place to come to; and that
—It is conceited he re that Gillette will br-
they investigate not only California, but
the next governor of California.
every other coast State. They have
WASHINGTON. D.C. No».8.-HNpec--
learned to look for and seek ci>ast adver­
ial)—latest nqxirts from Congreasem»'I
And the people of California
district» indicate that the RepuUrrw .
have profited by this advertising, for majority in the next House will b*»
land that ten years ago could la* bought 48.
for from f-’i’ to IBM) an acre is worth
For cement sidewalks, buy a liotne ir/
ten time« that today, and the advertis- the Hot Springs Additiuu.