Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, November 01, 1906, Image 7

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I or Sale or Rent
Tbu uni/ wny Mime pcoplt» khow la
tbrlr wuy
ll<»apitii!lly la ofirn iioihlng muru
tinnì lunedine *
A arerrt I n I h * ver mite lift IH* »«»llie <»!*»•
kliuM a /uii Imi e It
If y«»u nre loiturnlly rnd«» It a preti/
brini t<>dib>:iilse thè furi.
11. /ull »«»
tlixit /oil I m *
lieve |MM|»h* iM-wr bilk Iwhllid /uiir
I ni eli ?
The trouble
Un blu l<> |»u*li
thè righi
Poii't give
Wnh li /olir wide I »»«in
thvin bo inm
h ntle.ition uà I > ruin
/olir limili i lamie, wliirli make» you n
iHltl't la* mad if you arc Interrupted
M lieti yoil ur«* talking It luuy have
prrvehted y»»«i fi h sii/lug *«<inH hliig
fiMillah AIrhlNoii i. ¡ohe
Kt« N Ikl AM Rl
Buena Vista Addition
Nine 1
«’S soliti.
r«-.i'ly MM»n, and lots therein will be pl teed
Why Thry
An oflh'ial of the poMutthe <lepart
nient nt Washington Iella of a new
|HNitofth'«* that wiu «•* I.» I<ll»h<*d In M
certain »mall town
A milite of the
plair the proprirloi »f n gr m « t ). w na
iliatnlled n* postunislei
It wna nut
i erv long l»rf«»re «'«»mplnlnta were filed
with the department limi no mull wan
I wing forw arded from tin* new ottici
Bo nil ln*|MM*for w ii» detailed t * I n vet
ligule the matter When Io* cttlled up
on the pontmaater and asked why no
mail had been scut out. the former
|Miinl«sl to a large mail bug hanging up
Iti n corner mol mild
’’The mail ■ in that bag I ain't sent
It <>ut yet I»«-« i»i"e the bag ain't
w here» nigh full
Wk«* • uaprrlrd It.
••Why. Mr» I’an mu. Hila la uomia
tnk*tbh nil « ! I nm«f**r *' Hind the rtilhu
«Insti«* miler
••Tlmt’a jii«f « lint I loht John. I'll I
»mit It buc k b» luivr» It re|mlnte<1 nod B
new frnmu put oti “
tract >'''ti>prlMa» 530 acre», adjoin» K amato f all» ai tío- i.mth ai. I
and borders <»n
River and
Fpper Klamath Luke f r two miles.
th is addition ran be M«n the grandest panorama on the Parille
( ‘oa»t. comprising Lake. Hiver, Valley. Hill. Mountain and Snow-capped
Peak» blend into an harmonious picture of unequalled beauty and mag­
ni tíceme.
Boulevards and Streets are now being graded, and these will be lined
with Shade Trees Grading work on the Electric Street Railway
is now under way
One of thè mali) persoti» w h >tn
frrd Iteli, thè diamond inultiinlllluii
aire hnd liefriended rep.-ild him with
Ingranitele and abuae laiter ihe In
grntr fell oli ex il tifi •** Titoligli down
In thè guttrr, he «t.Il hnd a little »baine
left nini wouitl hot n»l
Hult fur
The Moiith Afl
magnate orli! for olir •
tinlu« ky
olle» friend» ami »ahi
Mo-aiid »o A»k if he want» nny lielp
and gl* e it t» him but don t let litui
think II
from no* I bave hnd a dlf
fervore with him. ami perhnp» It would
anno/ him
I* «al II Ira.
”\foriiln‘ vsstigre«smnn I“
. , I I
Ml tb .1 .m. how
gre voll I la' e n • iw »i -> in
’1 houglit l’d « «»me nrmnd to teil /oll (
tliat Id moved out <f /oiir <li»trict.
”!ndc«sl. Mr Mmltb "
•'You »ee I WBhlrd to find out IT’ —
••Ye» Minlth ”
“|f you ruuld um * y<»ur iiifluems» tow— l
••florry. m* man but I «au t »top 1
<«< mm I mornlng
>n the market.
c'othes, if made riRht, are
the only satisfactory kind
of (¡aiments to wear. It
makes no difference
what vour »h.ijie is,
clothes made to
your order by
A complete sewerage *y«tem will lie put in.
thia aururner will ha\e first vail on the output of thie mill.
Plana for a tnagnitivrnt hotel are now being prepare«!, and construction * ill
l»*gin thin summer.
Strauss Bros.
Thi» h«*tclry will be he ated <>n one of the moet pictur-
the addition and aill be surrounded by a park.
a lot in the Kiiena Virta Addition.
Master Tailors
If y.'ii «ant to live where von will be surrounded with beautiful home«,bay
will li' yoo .bsctute'y corrrctlr.
Thri- wonderful c.pjnmtioc.
ctri -roinf ti e Urgt.l saniucy
•heft in tbs wctlj. employing tbc
tuctl dolled cutters .nd tsiloes,
nrir.i ck'hts »» jod «• it 1« jx»
» Uc to nwke them You !l have
no trouble ii. t&tLuig • ..' .Idiocy
•rlcciKO been ’be ¿..orttuenl of
over lour hundred orwest Ufcrics
we art lew dicylsytog Price»
very lew. S«i»Ucuon guaranteed.
V r enMiaCy irvi*. vm tc> evJL
n | m »! r hi
It you want a home in the im~t beautiful section "t Klamath County, buy
The entire cut - f the Odeaaa
paw mill ha* l»een purchased, and th«*e building in the Buena Vieta Addition
a h't in the Hut na Vieta Addition.
If yon «ant to live on the street car line then have your home in the P.uena
Vieta addition.
If you are b«»king f* r an investment that will yield returnw, parchare prop­
erty in the Buena Vi»ta \ Idition.
Murdoch Build'g.
next door Postoffice
to buy property under the Upper Project
You have seen what happened here in Klamath Falls!
Lower Project was begun.
How the price of property’ has trebled since the
\ou will see the same thing in Bonanza and surrounding country.
An investment made now will yield you larger returns than if made in any other
section of Klamath County
I have opened an office in Klamath Falls, and will do a general real estate business.
I will sei
your property or find for you the best investments in the county.
Here are a few of the bargains I have listed.
I guarantee these properties to
as represented
No. is.—For tho »peculator.
IttO acre» of tine level land under
<1 it< b, f< need anil partly cleared, rained 35 buaheln <d <>atn thi» year,
ry fieiin it ir
The chvii|«>»t property in the county nt $2500.
No. SI. Here in a «<>od one. IfiO acre» all level land, practically
nil under ditch, all fenced.
House, barn and outbuilding», three
n ilen from a good town. You can surely double your money at |l*.5O
er sere.
Term» Easy.
Bonanza Office* Driscoll Bros,' Mercantile Store
No. sj—tf you are" thinking of a gexHl-siseel place, one that two
or three families can take together, thi» will suit you.
520 acre»,
all but CO under ditch.
Small house, gooel barn, granary, all
The l>est bnv in the- county for tf> an acre. Easy terms.
No. J«—2-tt*-acres nearly all under ditch, partly under cultiva­
House, barn and outbuildings.
You should »ee this to
appreciate it.
f2t> an acre is the price, ami it will double within
w o years.
No. JJ—320 acres, nearly all under ditch.
Geniel house, barn,
windmill, fenced, etc.
This place is a money-maker now on a dry
ranch ami is the liest buy in the1 county for a home.
Price 122.50
and yon can have terms.
No. SB—440 acres, good house and barn, all fenced.
land has a good river front, insuring easy water for stock, and best'
of drainage.
H you were to tix up an ideal ranch, this would lie
It goes at |50 per acre.
Terms easv.