Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, November 01, 1906, Image 6

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(Copyright, In«», by C. It H.itcl.Xe J
If lletty I.ee of tlie vlll.ig. of I.ee«
Ville, mimed after tier father, was tut
the handsomest girl In the village si“*
waa handsome enough at leant to In
•pire sentiment* hi the heart* of half
a dozen young men. not one of »h.uu
happened to lie around when the gold­
en opportunity came to make a hero of
The river ran close to the lav* home-
stead, and Mis* lletty had a boat aud
was fond of boating On tins partieu
Jar afternoon she started down the
river tor a romautle spot, where she
meant to tarry for a couple of hours as
she read a ue« ls»>k Site Inn l<si lu a
clump of w illow all right. but had
yearvely drawn the l*oat ash
X cow camv wading jicrmm <;*» river
She w a* a
straight for the ipot.
hornless cow and had a bumble
look, but to the girl she seemed to have
the exj.ri ssiou of a rliin.H'er. ■» beat on
murder, i'herv was a »truggle through
the willow» until a holing place was
The cow landed and proved cd on
her way, but the maiden h id hardly
breathed a s.gh ot relief when a.. ..or
danger menaced,
two years' growth
nier ani! rt»«
ter of the willow
fleet and sleep,
him. and Ue put up a bluff, lie was
as harmless as a kitten, but the bluff
worked. W hen lie ehanked his teeth
at her and made pretense of e ha rgiu 4
a big
she caught the lower limb of
willow and drew herself u;>.
Five minutes later, when the hog
moved off and left the girl free to
come dowu she couldn't come, title of
her feet bad got caught between two
limbs, and try as hard as she could
it was impossible to extract it, it w >uld
not have been difficult for a yo.:;;g
mail, but there is a difference which
sex is up a tree.
Miss lletty struggled until »be real­
ized that it was no use and then be­
gan to call for help. She was a mile
from the village and half a mi’e from
the nearest farmhouse, and It was a
gloomy outlook. She did not scream
at the top of her voice, but neverthe­
less she had not been calling over live
minutes when she beard some one or
something approaching.
"Who is It and where are you?"
asked a voice, and then the girl knew
that it was uot the hog.
"This way. up this tree." she replle.1,
'wondering whose voice it was and
hoping it belonged to same steady old
farmer who could be sworn to silence.
Her blood ran cold when she saw that
It was a stranger. Mot qnly that, but
a trail p S .« * and i».ivts wen» * ek*
"I am down," nuswered the girl aftei
tlig to h * . olios to ■ io» that he had
n great rustling
bis-i sle.-'n r; oil the ground. Com
"And the prf'leip I« «nivel You se
I'ttitd’•fate« I «ti4 otti« c I akv)i< x«
Ing t .. a halt five feet away lie could
my b. < k « «’iti t iw.inl you X nt «ee '
hardly * s> the g rl r usting In the tree, take • y .lepa'tu •• X 'll see the Craw « »«'» i ’I ht It* '*fca»
X 'licc 1« |ict««hx *<x««n tliNt In »’«»nti'i1
but lie d iffi'd li * old cap #nd queried;
ford f.unl'i lin» lived up to It» tradì «s til« th«« vtox imiihi « «if tlie ii«'l »«f t’fxniir«’*« •»(
"Am I m »taken in betlevlug that
fions S y p. ith'ug. sud n» oi.e else • 'n«* 4 I** ' m cniitt»».| )n «ti act ?,»• tl
some one 1» «ip tint tree v»
flmh«*t I nh 'I* In it»«» M ini «»« ««* i‘Kll
will H ud day misa."
M Qt'AD.
"I n'n up here mil cin't get dowu.
0 nun. \ « a I n hh *I U **h iHgt«Mt t '*rri
My fo.t Is .u^lit : i t o I tis XX'on't
*• t»\ .’ll.I«’.I lual! th«» I* ihlli* I.IHtl Mta
y nt c > t.i the villr.ge and get help tJ
> *ct «ii Uurnat 4 ’v»,*
Ralph ►
rv'l»*a»e me?"
k 4Hta?h Kali*. < «Mini) «»f Klamath
"My < «'.ir vHitu luîy.”
' ori*«t>n ha* Hl«*«1 in till* «<fflct* hl» *u«»ru atat»
' meni N«» *ltM h»r tin* i»«tr« ha»»* «»( th»* H' ,
tramp, after a in »it;«» i: 4 rxllevtl.m. • |«»<
*•« • inn i ’ an<| )) ' , \')|),ol Mi ctl.in No
u» do n Hhint: (n a tu ry
I h»ft th*
lt»x» n»h 11« N.» e s Ran«»* N«> h» F « 'I ani
village an h ur .£»
The cotiNtable
xxtll.'ffcr t»r«»af In ah«»a tha’ th«* anl mmi ^R i
said If I reittrtiel he’d guarantee me
n campii* it *•«» ' I» m»‘r«' xahiah!«« for it« timi»«»? t»r »hm«« tha
thirty days''
ot t enure»« «»( f,»r a«rlciiliural l'iiri»«»««*» ami ••« «*«tal»li«h 1«
It it what shill I do?" n ki’l lletty.
fur th«* »ai«' of rla’tn t«» »a'-l an«| l>»«h»r«« <««•«»
' XX'e will (..-st iittr ..Ills-»' ouraelvea.
Alil'irni* Or«*
«'«nmt) < Icrk t»f Klamath vmitit) a? hi« ««tfl
a» «Mal place «»f hn*in«*«» at Klamath Fall
That s, I « I ;':t'»lu.'e myself as XX'ib
I * at«*» I- x acf gon on FruUv th«» 4th «lay ot January
llam Crawford. une time gentleman,
ii..»au . t M« r
Ii«* nam«*« a« afn«*»*«*»
but later on a highway tourist T > my
rr«*'l I < in«l«»rmati ««< K amati» Fall
Intimate fr end* I am H.ll
That a me,
)rc|t «' i<«hn««»n of Klamath Fall«
aud who y »u are is no cMicern of mine,
t F’ N«»wltti of K lamat h Fall*. Brago
Having landtal jet sifely en the
H«*rf Hall «»I K lainaili Fall« t'ragon
grvuttd. our p .t s V. ill tliencef >r:b di-
<h) ami all |Dr«««ii« claiming a«lv«*i
verge "
alH»x«»*«!«• ««*ritn*«l lan-l« ar«» ra«|i
"But !: iw will y vi release me?"
thvlr claim* in thi« nftk'»« «m or •
"I must e .mb t ie tree aud see how
«lax «*( .'attuar). IHMT
your foil :■ ■ uiglit before auswerutg
It i 1-1
J N W I r*»N
that quo st 11
"Meicy os
Petition for I iquor I kenae
come up lis t
To »Iu« H «t) C«H|tilv (‘.»iitt hr tl
"1 roilire the Bituat.v»n. y »uug lady.
Coiinlx i»t K'iinHitli, S'fit«* <»i <h«*tf«ii..
fully relll.-e . it. T» leisure you. U't
Wc tl «’ 11’ ’ «* I ” 1^'! i f t . t « * I-If* I. t *• 4 Ut I I t‘b’ t
me say that we i'r4)% fjr.h ar»» a curb
v.»t«*!«o( Wowi River prrvincf m ihr
ous family, My uro .i:*ir.iutliih»i her.
Conn!) o| KItiiiitllli, State of (h«*u'«oi
■rd ))t>u|i| i«*a(K*Ctfiillv rt’k Unit a limiiM» t<
n.hl lay tn >tb«»r all
my graudm
diint>ed trees mJ k »t th.» r f«».»t Csiiulit.
pititti«»itu, imut tin«l )ili«»U<* h«|tioi
V « Ms. X K. s
*• «pianhtiv« Hitti» Ot)«» ^tllhlll. u
All were re- .«* I by «Brang«»:*?*. Every
KitinntL. K .iii.ati (’•»tintv, <H«
atnin-er t .rinsl out t I h » a geatlemdu.
|«»r tIn* p«*n«»«l nt tlir«*«« month
As a Craw, d 1 < ur.i >t f ir.et wh.it I
t* »• S' I. J.i\ «•! Xov 1‘inl'cr, !i
XO1 «vt. I OR Pl Bl K K I IO\
owe t . tli '-•• other uv.itlemeu "
"Oh. why wa* I s . ftsoi.sli as to lie
afraid of that hog!" wa led the g.rl,
■ You c
u't h' ip it. X >u I.e.e him
l a I O l.c. I a«. «
that way I lie big his departe»!. how­ i
.*» I
ever. ai. I u iw ciime» the other .(Ue*
x gi)«*tt that it« comp, nhc
tl >ii l'i y >u want to come dowu?"
l»r.»v i»...a
be act oi <’« ngr«*%«
4 >rn. I
"Of course I do."
noth I
Au act
Kt nn ?
"I> y va w.iut tue to go t» th<» vll-
’ ti 1 er «o 4» m th«* Ma?* of * a
«»it th»*
«£• n vvl* M aiut )) N«li|iigt«»u !
"l-l -n >!"
• am**
"Thea 1 shall Infer, my dear young «•* • ti l.' : to all th«* |*ubt*c I at «1 *-xi *» »
of A g «• 4 I*.*’.* I e«>n.»rt* F >’ox*bn. *»t a ai
lady, that you have dt>clded to permit
at i ha I* < oun*) of alama’h. Hiat«* • ' »*r
me t> reteass' you. I am here at the got). I.a» fllrd in tbit «»tb«’C tier »worn »tat
I imber l and X otice.
foot of your tre- I always cl mb a tio tit So v.'U ?«»r th»* I'nf' ha*«* ?!!■• I. ■ i
Thnt r l aid let hi
tree with my eyes on the ground. Here
, ,
. .4
are the limb» Is'ween which y mr foot 10 F )V M and will off r pr«»«»( io «•,..»«% that
fat«*» l at. 1 <
is caught. I might u it have I»«» a a !e lan t m < ighi • n or«* valuable tor n« iiuit>- t
to release my owu foot from the trap, «<»ti« tlian to agricultural puriHO.»
I have uo knife with which t.» cut ««tablith her claim <*» »aid laud twtor
away, but by swinging ».T on thU lar- <’ erk ot Klamath c * n jr. at hi» <»th<
o bu*»iucM at Kiamaih Falla, or« <on
ger branch 1 can break it d >w u Here T i ir*»day. the r I ‘.ay of January. I*»’.
I go. and your foot i* released "
S e naiii»-« a* » t i« «• ••
"But how am I t • get dowu?” asked
An h e Joi n on * f a amath Fall* Orr<«*n
J r Now I n. oi a .amath Fall» Oregon
"I»ead easy aakitig your pardon for
> ra .k Hail. «> ala > ath Fal.» Or« non
F ** i d-Tii an of Klamath Fall*. • »r«-<*»n
the expression. I stand »o. back to
A i ’ a ««i a I , er««» i* c.a iutn< ahe*«.-. y t
you. You seize that other I.me and
swing d iwn ou it. if you cry out 1 abo.e<1«-a rib«-t land'» ar' rej-ieod t»» ?l
tabi«* for
ahall turn an l grab you. if you don’t their claim* in thi* «»fflce on or bcf«*re «aid I
4 *y • I J io a y . I* -
1 shall know that It s a success. Cotne
J N W 4 t**oS H- < at er
• til lwf«»r« K-»!
let -amt H« « eher at I. n U oìcw t‘t»*g'»n on
Falunia» lit«' JWtli 'lai «»I I •«•««* n» !»•'t I’FM i
liv name* a« wllm*««***
Kall 'I M«»taan. ot Ken«». l»t»'»*«in
tO’«», It MurkMii. •! hem» <h<aoii
All) au.I all I*« mu» claiming akhwlr
alno* «(•*•« i il>« <l lauda aie r»«|iiv»u*d to
th»*lr claim» m thi» «'itti e on c
)\ I I Ml N
ilav ol
Rvglal* r
to Klamath Falls. The investment tf a few.hun
dred dollars NOW means a profit of thousands in a
few years
Hot Springs addition is in the heart tf the city of
Klamath Falls, whose population will be 25000
in less
Hot Springs Improvement)
Kluuatb Etite, Oregon
Will Make Klamath falls famous
t>u ■' I t»w n«hip
•alii jiftHtf will
ihrk »>1
u«cv al
I UtH’tfUl
of th .'Non
fiHHl of III«'
nut) of K lamaih
aff<u i
Mar pt«< piai ti I IIT.
Il -•
I iin- «boxe iiatiK I »I- i. i. I
Buy* one or more lots in the Hot Springs addition
I «»R 1’1 III K \IIOX
st MMOX5
To acquire riches if you start right
I»«1 P*mu til nt Hi« Intt'rliir I Mini t>ff|c«»Ai
I. 4» x I« m , iHviuti ih tt»i««i |T ram
«Mil««* 1* h* i< *■> gl)*n H um l.>> i 4 I i i»nn
<»l K»H" i>i'g«»n. I iä « i I g 'I i«*'i ini*,nil<iii lu
ihn a t- Hua I « ««tn ntiiiNt i>*ii |>i <M»f in •ii|»|»«iri ««I
pmx a
K « IH» ' »I
I tiat«*»
alfi lavii hav
r t»a » rv«| I a
twtncalrail mi
AA tr
Ali L. L?
k «1114th l.ak«*
lag«» I unpa h i ,
I ui ».
tn. I.\
il sii 4. nt
.». a
Ar 4 J»
Iti lii a. ui.
1 ani II. ill
s it p.