Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, November 01, 1906, Image 3

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Noblest Birth
Hy Honor« WHIM«
l<> ■
llMrvi»|| lay in th«« l»«»tt.»iii of hl« •• «
li'M» I In* ■ in
WH« llwd a f«»w fc«’t «n t
from the »h «i«*, and th«» rlv«*t*, «!♦♦ *p,
p«»w«*rTul ,i id in a m | i « i * i MjN. tu.:u«'«l at th«*
frail linit« . ruft
lint llinwll «II»! n «t
ln-«-«l the > .JI |*hc «L ii U iicnm wa« d«*«*;»
y«’l lUtlllll" it, with I In» pHHIllN«« of li!|
«•nrh iiiimhi , ami th«» night wind th it
m W «»pt fr »m Nh»r«*w ar«l wu« Mw«*«»t n ,1
h'MA) With III«' f 1.1til ll«'P «if b|«»«Hllll»g
ru diem
II ir\i*l| * tn t.i| upward I • the «tar*
«’«»•I) k««UN«* a« keenly iillvw to Un*
l»«»iit|tv «>f th» w«'eue M« if mind ami
ti«*ai t ha«l n »I b«»eii gh »• i u er for «Liya
t«‘ the pr ihh'in which h" had thrown
llll|iN««|f Into I h«’ •-.« '».»•» f.» Mo|\t* l-’inil
h he «tIrr«««I r«»Nth»»»M|y and miiu I halt
m I<» u «I
1 No |t’g o«» ti»««« I «’iin't «I« » It Nil«« I*
f*» « nm* ,m«l tii ituiigh'«i «• I I »r h iii v ii
comniuii Iwirii chap like nif to iiHirry
•rroaa the raplila
Th» wvh I, bt-fora
ivllh Inniiltv toll they timl laid h alngla
Ihi.* of iK'.ivy phuik« on th.» proji lectin*
roeks |roin m I ioi '«' to mhor«’. They r were
not jet fastriied In any way, ili**ir
hvuv) weight serving to hahinra ' llo-m
fairly well on lhe atones. The ■ lurk-
U vnh , ||o| ) e| lighled by th«» Uio Ml, CUU
«•ruled the planks, but <1 iigiug «I cm
per.it«dy with on«» hand llaiaell frit
about With the ««tiler Mild by rar«* g M»d
I irk found ii pitink, wet and sllpjw’y
with spray, on u neigh boring rock
U Illi Inllniti« toil he talsed himself out
of th«» Water II»' h by Inch until ul I mm I
In* « rou« b«»d on th«* great «tone and felt
the l«*«tterllig plank
I hen oil hillids lllid kiiers I»«« atartrtj
for |h«’ shore
lliliid«»«l i»y sprit)*, tb«*
plunks half turning so that h«» could
only pause, struggling with rlghl mu*»
« Irs for billutire, Hat xrll « law led Hlong
th«* fiM»t w ide planks
Ami with ea« L
pause « aine n«'w discouragement. Mar
garet would *ur»dy I»«» g«mc
In »•
panic «»f hast«’ In» Nllpp«*«! ami f«u itfld
bls way, now half hi th«» boiling water
half on th«» slimy r«»« k*. now again on
th«* plankw it . g lining tow ard Ills g ri j
to dim rry you "
I h«»r«» wm * it lung p.-iu*«« Th»» «urn
iiiur nlglit wnw vwry fair around them
Th«» girl ln*f'U<* him
to IfMrvtfll
a pint nf th«* wonder of th»* nigiif
"You think, th«*n."
th'-u." mud
mild M irirtr«*t
"that I mu to » L fm I u I«*** to ndmlr»* yu«»»
lluu mind. your *pl«*iHi«| pby«* pi«»7
Ihdntf. y.iu Niiy, wtfll born, I miMt L«« •
■n *li **
II trv *|| drew m long breath
fillet,” h«» mil.I, "will y mi many n
Win y »11 w ay yun M ll'tf.ir«*t ?"
\’<»t tint I | have told you." an a »»re
th«’ low vol«»«, ‘’that I wiim born un<!
bred In poverty In the iiiountMln* o'
Tennewwe that I am finely liorn old)
MM every A Ii i«»rl«*MI| I m finely born. Mud 1
Mm pr md of It "
I h»’ » »Uli I of Mage»' >u< h w I jcc I m ••am»’
Up the road, but Mirendy the I IV..
figure« u«i- f ir up the path that I«.!
to th«» bungalow.
U bv not Lave your home in the flot
*p tig« trait, hi ,«-re you < un Lave use
•I toe splendid mineral water? >1inlv
th«* 'ollowing analyst« made Ly the I’m-
vei «It y oi < frelon :
1»»sin* per • .
1 »al!■
Calimi chloride
< atrium sulphate
Magnt'siutn »»ui piiat«*
N n I ihhi Mulphiite
Iron and aluminum
Moliuin wilirat
Rt»M«l wIiMt fir.fi. E. HnriN«»n
J • II. MIC* 1C. AI/i i iii
I ihf>t Fi>liing in So ut 1 < i n i < 1 1 ).< n. It ats. earns
and Saddle Hor *•« •« f< r ourists. Wi Furnish
«mides. Will take vou to Crater Lake and
other jioints. Board bv < day, week or month
CALL ors
Roberts § banks
Cleanliness and Good Work
Clean Cut Cutiere
and Edged Tools
Fully (Guaranteed
"u iHo.ii:.
And llo. »••■■u If all«* al,oul>l lo*
loa. which l. au in.uu«' Ihjii.-ht on ,u>
l^rl. I'..* uo rl^ln t> l.*t li.*r .4.1 thv
I || .14, uulll tomorrow nml
<h.*n |il,«ad lol.In«*-., iui .I .It.a. p. .ir "
it llttlp .dr in*.,r lhe |>ier.
a. -.f tin* uuleriiiH.il. then 4 "otuuua
voire won.lerlully <le.ir uml awevt
"l-rt « «.1 here uu.l null fur the mo in
lo ri. *
lhe un^.iow 1« .0 ul« »M* a i<|
hot tonight "
ll.tr,eli » ri.-ht h.« br.-afh
Il W.lB
•he The vol.-.* tl.at replle.1 hv r«*c > ;
nU.**l a. 1I1 it of h , married »i,n*r. n ho
wa, ’Tt.ip« . nilinf the tei.14 il m pui:y
"Vol, bairn t lH*ei, yoiirwlf nt all. M ,r
Ifarvt. duriug th.* euilro nee.
"I know it. Agnva " The ,o.
It. tlrwl u >1**, wa. very touch
llarvell atirred rvollea.ly
lea. lo lliyaelf mid every ou
«•very one el.e," ahe repertted.
"Oh. u iliaenae' I'eggy. you uro I hi
flue mid whole«.,me to t ilk • »
Aguea atop|>ed n. If not darln,
to a" on
»1 ar ua ret'a rule contlnin-d
"I waul
you to help me to .leal off tonight.
A mu .«
I want to go home, and I may
Joint the We«ttmry. and go to I'arla
'Hie «I bm ** M
<|own at II and I ar.
Ipilnir to .-ati'li It and ateal off without
a worvl to auy one I’lea..., Agnea "
Tbe peraplratlou .tartml to liarvell'a
fa<-a aa he atralned hfa enn to catch
A<nea‘ reply When It came he <a«pe<l
' Hometime. I think brother I'aul la a
Manraret'a voice waa «term
I wlah you would never mention Taul
llarvell'a name to me
Rut b.*r
voice waa tfrowlu, too faint for the
man In the canoe to dlatlnKUlah her
tvorda, atrlve a. I m * would.
'-Tbey’ve atarted back to the buiiffa
low," he thought. "I ain a cad to have
llatened even tbua milch
Rut, anyhow
I've llva.1 up to tile adage
I wonder
why I'm a fool“—
Suddenly a reallalng a.n«e of Mar
gnret'a worda came to him. Nhe waa
going away, going within an hour,
and all that he had been feeling for n
yoar waa unaald.
For a moment hl»
atom raa.ilve of the early evening wn
Then he aat oraat, «»»ry
muacle taiue with atruaa of feeling
“Ita better 00," be aald bitterly "tt'a
my bwelneaa to tiegin to forgot. If ah.
never wanta to boar my name again.”
He looked off toward the twnk. thou
gave a atartlod .tclamatloo The pier
bad dleappeared
Illa cam» waa float
lag rapidly down stream, while hla
paddle waa safely locked In the boat
“I muat bo aluioat on the raplda," be
With the thought the boat
turned the I mhu I that bad ahut off the
aound of th. fall, and tbo canoo waa
la the whirlpool To awlm waa out of
the queetiun, for In the river boro waa
g maae of Jagged rock, bidden tn aeeth
la* water Almoat Inatantly the canoe
waa broken and eapalaod
daaed and brulaod. clung to a prajact
tag rock that bad wrecked him Fight
aa bo would with all tbo force of bta
wonderful phyalquo, be waa daabad
again and again upon tbo atoaeo. Tot
aa ke fought ba waa mnacloua of only
000 thought:
“I muat get there. I muat bare Juat
io won! with Margaret before aba
Thun ho »»v* a cry of r.membmnca
h, with tli« other tuen of the camping
*ty, bed been planning a footbridge
H olmes
Peninsular and Imperial
Steel Ranges
Finest Line of
In the Ci tv
The most complete line of Dry Geo ds in
Southern Oregon will be found at Our Store
Most Completely Equipped Printery
in Southern Oregon
We have what you want, and at the Lowest Prices in the City
The •’STILTS” Cloak embodies everything that fashion decrees.
Our prices
Finest material, perfect tit, and nobby styles,
They carry
are lower than charged by city stores,
our guarantee.
Wo have had the most phe­
nomenal »ale of millinery
ever enjoyed by any store in
the city. Three times have
we been compelled to place
large orders.
The last consignment has
just arrived.
This shows
the merit of our goods—they
sell themselves. Your hats
are trimmed here after lat­
est Paris models.
If you need any art good», sofa pillows, cords, silks, pil­
low ribbons—anything in the art goods line, you will
find it at our store, as we have just received the most
omple te line of these goods ever displayed in this city.
Art Goods
We guarantee our goods to be as
represented or refund your money
printing is obtainable, a business house is often tunes judged
bv its Hzticriery. Good clothes tu * rot make men but it
creates a favorable impression. Sc it is » ith good printing
it creates a most favorable impression for thr business man.
firm or corporation.
4» >
Honest Goods and Honest Prices "
That's Our Motto
The Stilts Dry Goods Co
Send in your Printing, or ask for Escmates.
We have the Equipment, then we KNOW HOW.
Pelican Bay kodäc
I- ruin'iN' «» i* <»t thi« water :
“A « archil examiiiMiion «,| th»* wafer
••oiivin«-«*- in»* that it i* «inNijrpH**•*•! in
the nut «ire «4 U n mineral content. Miai
T hr Mlatiir ul I.thirty.
Th«» t'olosNiiN i>f Kh »des probably »•bouId pruvv U
never br»iight imy rcturns In cash to utility m (be i ■itu»«'H! i.f r digested
lh«* cjty, Lut its Iradltion will last <*«>n<hti«>i.M an I fi
the g«*neral Hu*bing
wtien «’veryth.n t •■!*♦• IthoaeNlan Is en of the tiNMUi-M. I
s|«cp*u. • «iggi»h liv-
f«»ot by ft»,»t
At last on«* filial spring
tlr«4y lost front Inst »ry
Ho wlth tbls
rf. I im L iium I ron» pation. Mo-cubed lul­
and h«’ felt again the solid «»iirth be | Htatu«* «>f |jb«’rty It glves a welcome
i«»HNiiewM ami lui as h* t«la<he<- Ihdeti-
Heath him
Without thought of
tutnery stranger w h » « »u «*s t> Am«*r
h» «lue tl, I !.»• acrum-
dripping • l«»thing I»«’ wtiirt<*d oil
|<*n t « s«*«*k In« fortum* i : i a < »untry lille rLpiimatle |
nial HUI «»I o« i«- a< I or retention ol other
half mile run through the wo « m I m to
wblch bis I mmui iln» friend
frh*;id of
«>f the
th»» «»p-
4M*te produrti»
the s'stem, faulty
press«*«} fur •enturlvM It Is hailed with
»'llllllilMf l'>f) I.) (I
k .«in«-» -, aiid h long
"If the
Joy l*y •• •ry Aui«*ih -n « b » «•al<,t>«** a tram «»I uilmentM
Mp.oph-nt i.p -n m I miv »*
he thought a» h«» tor«» his w iy thr«Mlgh gllinpae of
it us be returns from a mo - «tal«*M «d ÌN«dily i lieuhlt an- i«enrfitt*d
th«« hc.i'x iin«!ert»ru*li
"If If on!- I J >ur:i In IZ.tt■•••
It* ineanuix is more l»V thè (ree *f » i».k
I si.«I batbli.g in
am u«»t t >o hit.*! I tm g »Ing to f. II hv npl'urrul i liter a »h »rt al»*un«v !r»m ■ Urli w «Ier# "
I* «H pf I«
anyhow, just I • prove to her tbit I am America Ui m perlui pM it was Ix’forr
............ Ilo*
• 1«>t spring* Improvement Co.,
a fool
I stipp<»se
Oh, h»’r«» Is th«- such Mtl experience
It I m one of th«’
Kian alb hah* ( >irg«m.
«tag«* r«»M«r‘‘
f«*w tblngs Hli ' h we ha\e whh'h is
«>ti up the szin«l) road, his doth«1
nut c«Hnin«*i • Lz«-I « !i. us » Tribune.
half dry with L * rapid p.»••♦•_ then wid
Che \V riiiiM 1 1er.
the great «• Ige of th«» suminrr m»»oi
A m m - <••) wh’r’i disM««mi.mtern moral
p««vr ng oier th«» top «»f th«« pine* It»
lltei atnr«’ oi.« ,• • it a railway manager
pcrrciv«»d a dim figure st inding by tb
u large mi.nber of fr*H» tracts to place
roadside Th»» fig ir«* shr ink La« k a Ki
tie nt th«’ sight of th«* inin storming in thr waiting r * » im * «tue was «•utl-
tl«*»l, "A Hout«' l«> tin« New Jerusalem.*' '
up the r«»i!
Harwell ptisN«<|
Th«* !«»tter which th' in »rul htur»ture
M it g ir«*t ’ * he « r.vd
»-«M’lety r<’c«»lv«» ! In r«’:»ly <L clin«»«! the
Y«»s.’ answpi«»«) «piletly the swis*t
\\ «• r Iiriot pl.ir, the triK-tM,”
tr v >;< «» that never failed to thru' •rarfs
w rote th«» nein-.ger,
it I44 .\ J. H n M
on our s) stein.’*
Mm gurut. why du you g • *'
Margaret to » stirpr »«* I by bi* su«! !«•
«lull«* n t nrlrfy
ilp|N*.iraiu*e to I n » Startled by his know’l
Also Mijent for LONDON AND
Th** f.i hl ihii'd«« girl ba I iKs ept«*!
edtfv <»f her movements, mad«» n » reply
Min un I t! •• y >ung inn wm * u »n Ivriug
"Itera use. " Kartell plunged on. **1
bow far In*
a w»»«*k would go.
nnn »y you «Ith attention, be< anse !
You intiMt rvmen:lM»r that life I n n »!
hang ou ) >ut rwry word and gklli«*«*
nil g 4f tiihl tennis " murmured hr
I n *« ause I nni tin or Unary chap w ith n
"Why. of • Mirne It Isn't,” she re-
mirrwtors, and y «u are the personUirti
•¡»•»tide I brightly
There's leuitlng and
I of « ultore Ita I de'b a. y Is tbit It
coaching and bridge and ever *o tunny
rg irei
1. »inm in«« Courier Journal
Yotl bflVe tv» r
wav I‘mil.’ said M
V« «Itr DiM'lnra' < Inh.
**<*arvun, w a» timt ■■|»«*rntl .n you (»er-
No, but Isn’t that true?” ¡»«*r*l«t<
form.«! on ol l lliiiik. Kiii-i
II irteli Th«» m - hi tins well nt»ove the
S chool that P lacm
*'Nui'<'eaaftlP Y*a. aliigularly *» **
treetop« n »tv
Hy Its light he i*ouh>
"Nmtfular'y '
Hieu b.**. re. '.vrrlug.
*<*e the look of pri.le with whhh Mar
la In*<'tiii-ui{o Tribun.*
garet drew herself Up
"&» you think in«» a stioh? You know
A Ittiaabin 'I .*** nut lee-.ime of age
tn«» Well ln«l«*ed
Until he I» twenty »II
Km»* you. ’ replied Harvell m’arr
ably "no, I know
nothing. «»x«v’»t
that I |ov«» you .«ml that I cun ne'e *rin<* »
h * • « r
ing. I AÌ va Y. v * ìm .