Fine Imported Fabrics in Men's Clothing . . . « ? 'A To be absolutely sure of giving first=class value to our customers we have bought liberally of Imported Goods the New Models of Men’s Suits. Hand Tailored, containing these superbly styled imported fabrics must certainly appeal with unusual force to the most critical buyer. bv calling at Our Store any time. :: :: :: |Thev can be seen We feel justly proud to :: show such makes as :: :: The Acorn Brand Clothing==Prices, $7.50 to $28 Fours for Proper Clothes THE BUSY BOSTON STORE When we advertise we have the goods. P ai up vom ■tih«l-rip!ioii. tf«*t th«» fr«*<* brr A«!» l<«r tn«r»li land«. tn.14.u1n«*« Th«* >r«* Blur viir»4 al Mar l>rug NraomiiA I* ij'lvt * •» »I. I !»•» druggl«t*. I {««a« I th«* |{«*pul»hcan ah I g«»t th«* Hr* «. Juwt arriv«*»! al Im* «»I )«•*•••! V . Alva «, K «»ff«*r« an*! vot«» f.»r your favorii* «ainlidat* for the .1 Allie«! 'M» II I ||»04|tiu|| trip >p»’ng« R-ldttion »••lit«* <>( th-»«* Auk w h<> hgv«* l^xi^iit !» « V« ti need vi«iting « ar K’ ii«*a buy« I here i» «me profit for the early era iti lite H-'t I New *»tvl«”* hi wtylUh h-itA j i«t iti. V k <>o-o<> 0-0-0 000 0-0-000-0-00-0-00-0 • I I HOkkÄÖÄY § WHISKEY 2 $ BEER 9 I C. D. Willson • 0-000000-000-0-0 0-0-00000-00 0-00 • BeHNKe-UALKGR. fK leading • • I I I i \ ff5ffqulpm«nf'$151000 «»'t unaurpasjedi F' wsst of Chicago f ' €nrol hnenf. A u ^U9< m -A v ^1,19 o 5 /-483 pcpUs ’ Enrollment.Aw^l.ipo». ©81 pupils I f CJe have on til«, applications from bunneas mm .V • • • .Sept 1,1905 toAv^lipo« , 607<«■*•»•) ® Pupils placed tn lucrative.positions»during i i-»“-.??’' v ! i •/ • you ~ for?lU« whifo wo»* t will not cmVr«quip tn a pQ.'i tf m xjrtxn 1 » schad and «« nacd y Now is tbs HmJ» ad gu» U \ T—A« /• - - MJ.TMONS. In thr < irruit Court of the at ate of Oregon for th«* < ounty of K lamath Herman tk*hm«»r. plaintiff, v» Paulin«* Mr h mor. defendant Mult for div«»re<* 1«> Pauline m . nnior the above named de- fondant In the name of the Mtate of Oregon You are hereby required to appear an t an- ■ «er tlx-complaint tlfod a! October. ItM. H W. KKKaxr attorney for plaintiff «i'cIcM'k a m ot» Nuvember ‘¿7th. 19» befort the R«*gl»t«*r an«! Keceivrr at thr United .■»täte» l.and »ffler at Lakrvlew. Orrgott. fbr »aid < onle*tant havmg tn a proper affldavlt. fllrd Meptember 27. 19UH. srt forth fact» which sh«»w that alter due diiigrncr per- MHia! aerviceof tbt» notice can not be madr up«>n the alwt«• nsin«-d Frederick K Reasoner Hertha R Hcamguard Alden E Reasoner or Chari«-» H Rea*«»ner. it 1» hereby ordered and a«oner. Bertha R H amguard. Alder F Reaaoncr and Charles H. Reasoner, by due and proper publication. lu ll 11 IV J N Watson. Register. LOST I ffoparitnent of the Interior, United State« Land Other l.akevi«*w Oregon. October Sth. ; ha». A »ufhcient cont»*»t affidavit having been flh-d In Ihfo other by Fred I. Svndrrmati coiite»tanl. again»! thr h«»m**«tead entry No of Marah M. .‘raaonrr. «•«»ntr»trr. made Auguat loth I ISM. for the .« E ‘4 of Mec 1» Tp BN . R $1.* M. In which It 1» Allrgrikthat thr ■aid '■arali M K«-a«onrr died about th«- tn«*tith of Aiigu«t P.MM: that thr only heir« at law a d •ucceawor* in Int« rr«t of »ai«l dr«« a»rd known to thia affiant, ar«* Frederick K. R«*a»«»n*r. Hertha R Hcamguard, Alden F. Rra»«»nrr. t'harlr» II K«a«otirr. J. Chatuloa Rea»otier and A. Myrtle Ganlrrv; that »aid Frederick K. Rt-aaonrr la alao th«* administrator of th«* es­ tate «»f Sarah M Rvaaonrr, deceased; that ■aid **arah M R«a»oner never, during her life- ! tin»«*. rc«idr«i upon, cultivate«! or improve«! «aid den rib«*«! land, nor any portion tln rrof. ■ that none of the heir.« at law . aucceaaora in interest, legal or personal rvprrsrntativr« of said drv« a«vd. ha- at any time resided upon 1 »ahi land, or any portion thereof, or improve«! or cultivate«! thr same or any p«»rtl«»n thereof; that »aid Sarah M. Reasoner, wholly aban done«! »aid land, for more than six months, prior t«> her death, and that all thr heirs at law. successors In interest, and legal or >»rr tonal representative* of said deceased have since her death wholly abandoned said land ami have fatle«! to reside up«»n. or cultivate the same, or any portion thereof, and have wholly fatle«! at all times since the death o said Marah M. Reasoner to Improve sal«! Ian d in any manner, ami that all of such failure« and abandonment still continue, and tha said alleged abandonment and failure tocul- tivat«* an«! improv«* said land, was not «V»e 1 and is not due to the employment in th«* army, navy, or marine corps of the United States, «»f any of the peraons above named or I mentioned, as a private soldier, officer, sea man or marine during the war with spain’ or during any other war in which the United stat«*« may he engaged. Therefore, the said parties an* hereby noti­ fied to appear, respond and offer evidence touching said allegations at 10 o’clock a. m.. on November 19th, l‘M«‘>. before George Chas­ tain. county clerk, of Klamath county, Oregon, at bit offi«e it» Klamath Falls, Oregon, ami that final hearing will be held at 10 THE SWITZERLAND OF AMERICA CRATER LAKE With its beautiful scenery, including Anna Creek Canon. Seven Mile. Spring Creek. Klamath Indian Reservation. Indian Bury­ ing Mounds, its glorious fishing, hunting and camping place«, can >»e reached easiest by way of Fort Klamath and HOYT’S HOTEL at Fort Klamath. Guides, teams, pack and saddle horses and camp outfits. Address C. E. Hoyt, Fort Klamath, Or. A black «ilk watch fob with gold buckle and a ne chain. Also Waterman fountain |a-n. Fini.r ..f cither will please leave at this office and receive suitable reward Prof. Faught. [OTS CONTEST NOTICE J BOHEMIAN BV5IN€S5.COLL€G€ ¿48 iä«VÄS.