Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, October 25, 1906, Image 1

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NO. 30
The Kent) Cimai Will Also Be Constructed, but the Cut
Will Have to Wait Several Years
Brraklngol low line Send» Steamer
to Bottom of I ake
|')i« Mesmer Ewauua went to tin
Isitlutn tn "Tin- Mrail»" leal Saturday
It »«■ Is-’i'il towed from
Laird» l*y the Klamath, when one ol
the tow line» I'ri'ki-. whirled the h.»»Ulia
.in it« aide ami la-lore .'»pt. Wmslt'iirv
could stop. «auk. Mindav preparation«
w«-n- m»l» lor r al«ing the t«>a!, »nd
vi ndaVer,
Iitti, damage »»« done to the ma< lilm-n
which ha» tre«-.i tli'ir'i’iglilv in «•rhaulKl
and put in la tter condition than it was
ta-lore the a* culent.
’¡ her*- waa m» on® '»n
ta «ard
tl r
Whitlock ha» moved into hi» tr»
building, corner of "th ami l ine street.
Work Is still pr.gre«»ing on the Morgue
ami < bapel. ami tbr»«« will I«- in lea'll-
ne»» 1er public use» in » »hort time
W lu u tlnallv completed. Mr XX Inti« ck
will have one ol the lost appointed un-
taking and «mbalming <»tal lishmeiiU
In th,- »tale
Joseph lleasig. presMent
<4 the
Klamath hlrpb.m.- amt Telegraph c. tn-
pany. »as in silver l-ake the flr»t ol the
week. Ire.kmg "It a route l„r a tele­
plume line from Fort Klamath to silver
Ijike via Klamath Marsh
Tfii» «oiii|Min»’« m»»t
Iron Fort Klamath to Ager, »here it
i.innecta with th«- I*, s. T. A I < " S*>d
when the line i« completed t<> Silver
fuike it »ill give direct conucvtton to
r-irtlaiiil and all valley |»>m’«.
Mr lle»»ig »av» lire line I« a sure go.
ami that work »ill be c«iuimem-e<l in
Ibeapring. Hi» «'«»mi-aiiy )ia» •u,'«tari
tial financial t«, king ami it I» ex|*cte«l
that when the line i» once »tarted the
work will lx- pu»lie«i to completion a»
ra|-i.|lv a» p-xaible.
Before the line can ire built. h"Wev,-r.
it is i,e« «-««ary lor the com pan v to obtain
two |<rmit> from the government, one
t»cr«*»the Indian reservation and one
to er«*« the forest rvM-rve. Tin« trans­
action will niii»iiiii'' about su month«
time, after whicl. »«>rk on the lilie »ill
ire commence,! at once.
Mr He«aig liellevv» the line will *»'"
develop into a |'a< mg proposition, <•»)«•<•■
lalh il a lim- i» ,-xt,-n<le*l. from Ik-nd to
tins place.—Silver I ake Oregonian.
Mr» skinner ha» Ireen very »i< k with
gall »tone.
Mr. Mil)« an
ol I.. o. Mills,
paid Kene a visit.
Chandler ha« gone to the
Willamette valley, on a visit to relative»
Mr. Header'» new home ia nearing
completion. The Ladd brother» doing
the work.
Mi»» French is teaching the Keno
►i lire.1 with gre»l attendance, Mr«. Rose
Tra«k having quit and gone to White
Luk«- City to teach a * month school.
Mr. Hitchcock. «J Long lake,
moved to the K«-m> «aw mill, having
rented the »ante for four year«.
will complete the mill and Iregin sawing
in the mar future.
Blackey has the
reputation of Ireing n good sawver and
wt* may look for amir flue lllmlier.
The logging lutainesa is progressing
In go<"l shape.
One of the hauler«, C.
Snowgreise, concluded to weigh a «mall
load of log» drawn bv two horses; hut
when he drove on to the scales he found
their capacity too small, la-ing only
10.000 pounds.
Mr. Mapleton is here delivering a
tine lot ol fruit tree«.
This shows that
people here have faith in the fruit busi­
ness in this locality; and well tlu-y may
have, ns we have grown a« tine fruit us
grows any where. Yet some |reople »ay
wo cannot raise anything.
The potiitncrop is unusually light this
vein .
Henry Chapman brought a few
«puds to the store one of which Weighed
four pounds mid bad the avneon been
gtM 11 I they would have wviglivd from
ti b> H pnilHfiM VHCll.
(’hll|>lllllt) *11V* lit*
will have ft bout UM) *a<k* ol line potato* *.
Mr. Haycock, who recently had hi«
leu broken, was the vietiin of another
fall Saturday tnorniiig while mi his way
to take the bout for home. Ilia crutch
■ lip|M-d on the *id« walk canning him to
fall, bm ' v » r« |y wrenching the iihim I i '» •»(
the injured leg. lie wa* taken tofun
r<M»m. and Hr. Cartwright »uii»m««i»ed.
Chief Engineer Newell Outlines the
Program for Next Year
tione we ilaciiled to go slow.
1 believe
unit to Olene ami tba laterals ia*> l*i«
Vnlley and to c mneet with the .Vlwua
canal, »ill be <• .ii»trocte-l through Ihw
me-linni of «mall contract«, aide.) by
the Reclamation service in sue ti a
mariner a« to do justice to the r-ontnmw
and the land owner.
“ The construction of the Clear Lake
reservoir «lain. so a« to shut oft the
waters of Lost river now running utUt
Tulelake and Iregin the storing Witte
fi'ssl waters for u»e on the tTpfcr
Project canals a» soon as they are csxss*
“The construction of the Keno caaaJ.
“This, in a nutshell, is the program
mapped out for till» Project, and wdl,
1 believe, meet wit) the hearty appr<>val
ol the people of thia basin.
"I want to assure to people of tt«e
Klamath Basin that I. as veil as evwry
official of the Reclamation Service, have
only their best interests at heart. For
over twenty-five year« I have levotod
my time ami energy t- ± ••rnn.ent irri­
gation—in the Ireginning to see it mar
nrienred and now to see it consummated.
In view of thia fact, I will leave no «tone
unturned, so long as I am connected
with the service, to promote the work,
hasten its completion an«l at all tubes
conserve the rights of those who hare
to pay for its construction.”
When asked if he had «een the article
in The Oregonian, relative to the atti­
tude of Senator Fulton on force acrnent
work, which is published herewith, Mr.
Newell said:
“I don’t know as I can add anythrsg
to what I have already »aid on the sub­
ject. My statement on force account
work, I think, cover» the grouno.”
Then, generalizing his remaikr, he e<m-
tinued: ‘‘I think that the idea con­
the comlition» that prevailed then »list
now, ami more ar>, lor ¡1 the work ia
crowded it will remit, a» I have state-1,
in increasing the cost to alru-xt pro­
Ix»it PrettV, who ha» ta*rn wielding
hibitive figures.
th«' rai'-r and »hear* in th«- Klamath l .r
"Now in regard to the work on
the pa»t M*\eral woiithn, left |.-r Port­
We propose to
land luat Hunday, whrie be wul »prnd
interest »mail contractors in the work
tlte winter.
Wherever we find a man »ho will do a
W..»k ha* commerced on hprir’g
«mall |x»rtion of the canal, he can get
Street, which lead* from the Hot
the contract.
We will give it to him
spring* to tie h.iutfiern l‘a* itic
at a figure »here we know he will
and when completed it will be a very
make a lair profit, It is >-n the «ame
aitractive drive.
principle a, work is done on railroad«.
E I tpplegate ha* r»o|d bi* lOD-acrv
We pro-
The big contractors »ubiet.
ranch near Pine Grove to Mr. Keiaer
(x«e to sublet.
This work hat some-
of Nampa. Idati", the »ale having ta-»*ri
times Ireen c!a»»e«i a« force account
made through one of the l«* al real re­
work, but 1». in reality, contract work,
late agent*
< ..nHideration $“’**'
with this «iifference: It a»mres the
wrk being done at a lee» figure than if
J>r. Ida s. Stone, who ha* l»ern visit­
it were awarde«i as one contract to one
ing with !»» r par« nta near Montreal for
firm. This policy will give tfie pe«'p)e
the |a-t two month* r«-tufi>«*i home
Satur«lav. Slie had a delightful trip, [
here an opportunity to get back some
of the money the work will coat them
marred «»nly ht tin* bidding adlru to
tier parents«
and it leave, the cash in this commun­
But if one firm will give us a
Poring the pa*t w«-ek a lug hunch oft
reasonable figure for ail the work, they
cattle I* longing to kittridgr BoJthrra, i
can liave it this minute. That 1« the
1’ Porter, * harle- I Pitcher.
’th !•*** Ila,»
policy of the Service vn force account
Brother* and Mr Egir were deliv«-re*l
at Merrill for > L. >kma, »bo |.ur-
“When do you expect to begin work
cba*r.| tfirm for l.l* firm.
cerning this force account work is m»-
on the Upper Project?”
What* the matter with the Hot
Wherever this work baa
Blds for the construction of the Clear
Spring* Addition? J.«»ta are going last,
been undertaken by the service, it tee
lake reservoir dam will Ire asked for
OVerlhirtV bd* liave I tern »old in t he
been «lone because no bid* were received
early next spring, and work thereon
pa*t few day*.
Alm ng «orne of the
or those submitted were too high. II
«ill commence as aosti aa low water
purchwBera are G W Wl.it«*. ol the
any individual, contractors or firm
will permit. This may be in the sum­
F ir«t Nati u>al P>ank Mr-. Max Mangold,
think» that the work the Service iado­
mer or toward» fall.
and Mr* Hattie Wilwnn, ol near Klam-)
ing is costing more than he or it caa *•
or mb toon ftt l«>w water will peimit« .
The darn at this point i»easy of con-
ath Fall*, and E I. Murray of Klamath
the Klamath l-r«-j»-«-t. Mr. •trncti >n. and pratically all oi the it for. I wish they would come forward.
Th® Kr<•tarnation Service *»• in I
They can have the work at oaee. The-
Kewell sail! -
material to be use . is to be loan 1 on the
Service will even «io more ; it will pay a
The wmi annual atatrnient of the Klamath Fall* , thin week—that it, all I
"W“ have ta-en considerably di.ap- ground.”
, reasonable advance on what it is douig;
financial condition of Klamath coor.ty ! the lira-1 <»ftn iala except the Secretary
“How aUiut the H iraefly reservoir?" the work for. fhe trouble is contrac­
pointed hy the railroad construction, i
aplx-ar* e!*w here in thi* i*»ue. It *»h«.w*'o| |jle Interior, and no doubt he would
“Oh. that part of the Project may
It ha* not lieen «• rapid as we antici-
tors cannot be had w ho, owing to labor
the outstanding indrbteilnr«* of till*
have been preaent if it bad Iwen poaaiblr l>at<«l. Thi». of couree, is attributable not tre needed at all.
If suf«reqiient in­
conditions, will take the work at a price
Countv to l-e $H»*,4M "W. and $1<I,JH<LWU
to the name cause that has haiiq»-re<i all vestigation proves that it w ill Ire essen­
that will allow them only a reasowaHe
appln able to payment of count) warrant* (or hint tn do mo , (or it if a well know n
larire un<lertakm|{» in the west—lalior. tial to the project, it w ill be built; but margin of profit. The only object '.l>e
Tli«* work of prefacing thi* statement fact that Secretary Hitchcock ha« a
Contracrors are today doing work at
service has in view i» to have the work
ha* tarn rihauwtivr, aid County Clerk warm fj»nt tn hit heart for the Klamath
double the cost ol two years ago. fun.ls and lai«or to Ire devoted entirely
doneat a price that is fair and within a
('ba»tain arid Treasurer Lewi* have gone Project—the tarirewt, chrap*-*t and Iwe!
Wage- are »<> high that it might tiatu to the other part, time assuring
period o| time that is reasonable. Tlx-
iiio*t thoroughly into the matter.
• •(«lithe jp>vrrnment*« great irrigation rally Ire sup|>oae«l it would attract thou- earlier completion.”
work already done bv the Service ham
figure* show mg the indehh«dnr*a I* a*
• How ».mi do von eijrect work to ' been far below the bids submitted . it
«and» <4 men: but
this is not the
nearly correct a* it is |***ihle to make
If the M«cretarv wa* not here, he ua-. case. Even »here men are idle they Iregin on the Keno cut'.’”
has Ireen completed within the tits«
it, in view of the fact that many of the
abh rrpn »ented by Ch ar Ire P. Walcott.’ will not work at these high prices offered
“That i» a bard question to answer.
( limit set. ami in many cases touch
outstanding warrant* have l**rn l<»*t or
director ol the Gr.»)<»gical Survey and | for their arrvieee. and thia condition of Under present condition», that piece of
sooner. I agree with Senator Fili ton,
never l«eeii presented for payment.
Reclamation .*M*rvice: b. II. Newell, affair« ha« re»ulte I in striking panic work 1« a very difficult and extremely
that the work should be done at a mini­
The dancr given by the Twenty-one chief engineer, the nun who ba* dr- among contractor» ami forcing them to expensive one.
This reason alone is
club wa* an umpialifie I sm-cess, ft wa* Vul«*d practical’) all of hi* life to the bid tor work at prices tiiat will meet all sufficient to cause a ]«istponem« nt until mum of expense. and that is why the
Service has taken the position it has re­
the first of a *• ne* to I m » given semi­ arrvio*: C. K. Grnneky, consulting en­ emergencies.”
ialrer conditions »o adjust themselves
garding force account work.”
monthly by tlit* organisation, and Invi­ gineer; W. II. Heilman, rcientiat in
"Thi« bring« ns to a p«iint in which that reasonable bide will Ire received for
tations to further functions will prob­ charge •»( «oil survey®; 1» C. Hmny. the people <4 Klamath county are deep­ its construction.
But there is another
.The Oregonian.!.
ably be m great demand. Ender the (au|«rr\ieing engineer, and E G. Il"p- ly interested—the construction of the ami equally potent reason,
When 1
Reclamation Service abaft-
rules governing this club, each memtier « n.
a«Mrtant euperviaing engineer. second unit umierwhat 1« known a» the I was here last year, it was prof«,»ed that1
i* limited to one invitation ami his re­ They are here on their annual tour of force account. What relation does the the marsh land along the west side «4 Jone its plane to undertake the constru««-
quest must ie passed upon by the invi­ in»|»e<tion. Nlort of them have ta»rn cost <4 work done by the government Lake Ewauna should be diked and ex• tion of the irrigation projects at Uma­
tation committee and if ac«*eptal»le to here l>efore, but thia ia the firwt time ’rear towar«ls the cost of the -ame work jreriments carried on to prove its fer- tilla and Klamath Fails, instead of hav­
ing the work done by contract. Senatui
that body, the card is issued. The list that the entire Hoard hue l»evn lit re in a if done by c mtractwas asked.
ti'itv and value. At preseut nothing
Fulton is of the opinion that I’regies
• 4 invited gm st, with the name of the I mu I v .
"It is cheaper. But don't tnisnn ler- is definitely know n regarding its agri­
settlers will lose thousand» of dollars.
sponsor of each, i* open for the in»|M*c-
Kmce the arrival ol the official* they, atand me and jump t<> tlie conclusion cultural value.
Thi«, of necessity,
Yesterday at the Imperial Hotel he de­
tion of the mrmta-r* of the club, ami if together with Engineer* Murphv and that the Service Contemplates doing
must Ire definitely settled before the
any member raw* a valnl objection, Humphrey, have l»een in ronaultution this work itself or is deairous of sup­ en.irnious expense entailed in its drain­ clared that if the Government uta’ee-
takes the work the settler» on the .«rd
the Committee will refuse to issue the on the progre*® of
rk on, and the planting the contractors.
There is not age is undertaken. On our tour of in­
imitation or withdraw it if one ha- al­ future plan* for, the Klamath Project. a piece of work now ill progre«» or Con­ vestigation I observed the cut that is to l>e reclaimesl will have to stan<l an
exj>ense of several dollars an acre over
ready l»eeii »ent.
The work already done hue lieen in- templated by the Service that we d<, Ireing made for the railroad right of
and above that which would lie incurred
E. T. Tynan of Roseburg «a» here *|ierted and the plan* mapped «»ut tor not prefer should be done by contract. I wav.
This makes a large body of this
if the projects were carried out by too-
during th® paat
the future carefully gone over.
hut this preference, strong though it land available for experimental pur-
tract. He believes that the commercial
establishment of a < -Id «turane plant.
Wednesday morning. Chief Engineer I*, is not sufficient to cau«e us to shirk |«oses, and steps ought tn f>e taken to
Tlii* i* hi* second visit here, ami it is Newell war interviewed bv a represen­ our duty ami let out the work at prices carry out tiie "Hgiual p ir|»>ses ol pruv- organization of the state should unite
and demand of the Government that
not unlikely that he will take definite tative of The Republican, He I» at> that will prove a heavy burden to the > nig their Value,
the work lie done by contracts let totlie
steps toward the installation of an ujeto- plain a* an old thoe; one of thoae men land owners.
“Then there is another im|ortant
It is the land owners in­ I
lowest bidder. When he goes to Wisls
• lute Ice and cold storage plant at this who. though honored and exulted by terests weare seeking to protect. We considerativn.
The first and recomí
|M>int. No ta tter opening for such an reason of hi* worth an ability, yet re­ have had this question up with our Í unit, with their laterals, »ill bring un- ington next mouth he will use all hi»
enterprise i* to be found on the coast, tain* that ea*y, ruave manner that oldest ami Iwst contractors, and they I iler the main canal over 30,4)00 acres of icHuence to this enJ.
Senator Fulton says that it is a no­
in view of the (act that the rutting ami make* tho*e he meet* |»er(ectly at ea*e. say that under present conditions it is i land.
This land must Ire settle«!,
sale of take ice will probably b> pro­ It i* plain that hi* one hobby i* hi* absolutely impossible to figure on work ilevelo|red ami made productive. This torious fact that the work done by the
Government is much more expenwre
hibited by the council. This step wa* lal*>r hi the field of irrigation, a latair within a reasonable figure.
Take for is primarily important.
This is the
Considered last year, and ha* again Ireen that ha* received hi* undivided atten­ example the construction of the lateral land that must Ire cared for first. After than when contracts are let. He its-
given momentum on account of Hr. tion for over twenty-five yearn, and a system under the first unite of the this is «lone, then the marsh land, if its dares that it has Ireen proved tfait
Yenney’a attitude on thisque*tion when labor *o well j»erf«»rmcd a* to place him Klamath Project.
The l>e«t prices we agricultural availability has Ireen fully there is a great difference in the crest
he wa* here two weeks ag".
I amjm I in the lead among the greatest irriga- could get on this woik were 25 and 30 ileinonstrate.1 will conic into the lime­ under the two systems and considers!
capital should take up thi* enterprise, tion engineer* of thi* age. He i* the cent*. We felt that thi* was too much light. All these things take time, and the matter one ol grave importance!
as it i* a profitable one.
protege of Major Powell—the father of and undertook to do it by force account, it will l>e many years before the marsh He say» that the needless waste of
money by the Government, if it does
A 32-foot boat, equipped with a 25- government irrigation, under w hoin he w ith the result that it cost very much lands will be in a condtion to admit ol
the work, will fall on the settlers wfa,
their cultivation.”
horsepower engine ha* Ireen added to worked for yearn. When the rvctatna- than thin,
have to pay for the construction oi th*»
“Thin project has already cost more
"When will be work on the Keno
the fleet mi the I »wer take*. This boat tion lull wft* panne*! ami Mr Walcott
projects undertaken by the Reclamation
i* the property of I. M. .McIntire, who wa* placed at the head of the Keclama« than one-fonrth to one-third more than canal begin?"
“Under our contract, the first mile of
ha* the contract for transferring the
He Irelieves that the work shonhl fv-
freight from the terminus of the (’alii- Newell—for he knew of hi* ability, in­ n«»arlv $25 or $30 an acre, because of this canal must l>ecompleted by Octo-
done at a minimum of expense unu
How well hi* the advance in labor and material, and Irer, 1007.
ornia Noltln a*terii to the boat* of th*' tegrity und fidelity.
Ibis is the most ilitHcttlt
that there should lie no extra burden
Klamath Navigation Company. It wa* judgment wa* proven correct in testified if we crowd it no« . n» s, 'inc w nut us to pint of this canal, the rent of it being
imposed "ii the settlers who willlmy-
iornicily un ’l on the Rogue river. I* - to by th*' evreration* that have l»evn do, it would run the cost away up to practically onlv excavating, so that
the kind reclaimed.
He does not try
low («rant’« I’a»*, but th** con*liti*»n <»f
when it is begun it will be finished
to disguise or conceal bis alarm and ip-
“To recall u little ancient history: w itliout a stop.
that turbulent stream prevented it* be­ that bulwark of hone*ty would not, tin­
plehensioti and lio|res to arouse the peo­
ing a siicces*. It wa* hauled overland der hi* direction, permit the Rcchtina- Lust year when I was here, many of
To sum it up the program of the
ple of Oregon to concerted actu -n t<»
iroiii (»rant* 1‘a.**. and arrived in pei- tion Service to I m » proMitutvd into Iwing the prominent men of this county were livelani.it: n >ervii<- «o tai a« the Klam­
avoid extravagance by the Ib-ckuusiioi«
fect condition.
It wa* launched in an avenue of political graft or inc*un|n»- discouraged and thought it was im- ath I’roj.ct is comeruid will Is- al»>ut
Lak«* l.wanna thin w«***k. living<<f the teucy. Political pull* had no weight po«sible to niake this project a success. as follows:
Many Kectrietkui- — Uwlw
flat-ta«ttoined typ«', it is particularly with him, it wan ability that counted, Apathy wa« apparent everywhere. 1
“The first unit of the main canal is
for the construction <4 the uiainditds
talked to them ami explained that priu 1.1 ally completed.
adapted for service mi the watera here,
In other wools
of the Klmm th pro ect wen- re«entlv
ami will I»*» engaged in th«* transporta­ ed a**auit* that have l»ren inade • n it success could Ire attained by doing this it will I*«« ii-uly to deliver the water to
tion ”f freight,.
Conminéis next spring.
lie secund
it "i,turned uli 4th page.)
Every Part of the Klamath Project Will Receive
the Attention of the Service Next Year
pi-rinu-nts on Marsh Lands Must Be Con
ducted Before the Cut Is Made
The Reclamation Service can no longer be accused of
••going blow.” for next year will Bee every part of the
Klarnath Project receiving attention.
The program for next year as mapped out by the
Reclamation officials, who were here this week includes:
Turning the water into the first unit of Main ( anal.
Completion of the second unit and I’oe Valley
Advertising for bids for the Clear Lake dam for Upper
Construction of the Keno Canal.
The bids for the Clear Lake darn will be asked for
early in the spring, and work will be begun in the summer,