CITY Bonanza Improvement Co. BRIEFS Fin«» watch repairing. Mtw patterua in d STORE I \n«<th«*i a« . id«»nt I»« balked up huhiiih I tli«*«fsnth traps, call«»d hri lg«»», «m the H« nh*\ M«’iiill r«»ad. Thi* inn«» H 1» a broken arm \ h •!*«• whnh was living rid«lcn b\ l hailvi lh »«11« y, had hi* I» h )| caught hi »me «4 lh«* budge» neat llvii- lev ami fell. I ii hi* ethal (•» regain bi* Iret li«* ki« ked th«» h«o ** arm jii«t ab’»ve th«* «1 lata and fiavtiirvd the l»«me. IL1 w a* attended by Hr. Steim*r. Th«»re is m> i«'a«oiiahlv t'\«*ii*«‘ |»»i an a»*«i«h*nt Horn such a »au*»», a* the v<»iidiU«»n »»I the*«* brnlg«*« ha\e l»«'«»n well kimwii I«» th«» ('«mntv < <»mmi*»ionet* f»»i many w, «*k* Fhi* a»'«’i«leiil «*an I m » chaigt'd up t«> culpable negligence »»it th«' pail »»I th«* I*»ai l, ami will und*»uhtv«llv c»»*l thl» vutiiiK a nice litt|,‘ * uiii I'»» damage* Khalewi». i K K K lh Pattrmoii «f Merrill wa« in the city Tec-day. IS OFFERING LOTS THIS I'hitWiMMl» T< ilvt cream will cure *Ulb burn, tan ami freckle». WEEK FOR 30 DOLLARS I*or a »ale investment, we A Burin*, the home »vliem. Fop huniuenn lot» near the l‘a« ith* l,e|’ot. »«•«• Campbell A " ultlicltl Burna. 15 ca««*» fall ami winter ntylri over *h<*« « ju»t arri\«*d. K K K onthc unique terms of ONE dollar down and the balance on time. Step into their office in the Hamaker Building and find out all about it. Walk- I t »RE. For an investment that in a nu*e winner, buy a lot in the Hot >pring» addit 'Oil. \irang* in« nt* hav«» b««*n p«»ilccf,'d h«> tw«*«*n the Klamath hall* laml ami rranspoitattoii «'»uiipany ami the Klam ath ball« Light ami Water ««»mpatiy l»»r th«’ hn ingot a water main (toiii l\»iigrr ami t'alifornia a\»nu«’« to the up|»vi lake, a «h«tan<«’ of WJikt («•« ». :L mk > l«»et ol this will I»«- *ix inch«’» in «hamvtvr ami 5|<»i feet will !•<• f,»ur inch«’*. \ »utfh'ivnt «upplv ol th«* latter sir«- i* on haml to till ihe c«»ntia» t . hut the *ii inch pipe will have to hr oulered from Portland. Mr* A C.»«tr|. uh»« ha» l»een in IVirt- laml tor the pa«t month, returned bom«» la«t satuidav. Suprrinten«lent H G. Wils. m of the Agtmcy was here «luring (he w «*<■ k «m official bujiinvH«. Frank Silvi«», pronrleto »r «»f the w.ll known Williamson riv«*i r re»'ort, W A* «low n this w«*ek h»r nnppll i«’S, 2,000 acres of land tor sale on anv terms to the real settler .... Chop >uev and N<»«»dh •*» At the Log Cabin R«*n(aurant ami ('hop houne. Wong A «»kt* and W«»ng Yw. proprietors. BONANZA IMPROVEMENT COMPANY A Smitarv Engineer will In« on the ground shortly to make the plan.« for a complete newer ayatrtn for tiu.* H *t Spi mg« tract. Mins Stella ltolan«l. «•( < Mkland. < alif ami Mis..I. Wise <•! Merrill, are guests of Mrs. R. Ellen N<ckvi»«»n ami Mr». Alic> Foster. R/ it R/ Ui< Complete Line of $ Jawt> D. Fay, well known in this city, ban ^ajrcha*ed an interest in the Medford Tribune. Hi» many friend* wish him the fv»* of success. Dry Goods Fancy Goods and Groceries James T. Burn». «4 G|aut*ii Pa««, a brother o| Mark I. well known realty mAn, an«I may decide to te and Mrs. E. R. I.iMwIev. who iat? «uiumer at Fort Klamath. pa««e«l throng^ /pf%- cilv a*urda\ on their way to tbefr Hl'ih ,n >i*kiy«»u county, Mr. We will tell you later our object for giv ing such bargains BRICK STORE CO FREE DELIVERY WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS Perscripthms carefully rilled at New sum «.k Vndvrw wl, Fidler aid Pink« «t ii Lave pun ha^ed the »h ambuat formtoiy owm*d t»y |i M. Gnththt. It Im* G*«*n the’ m.lT;. over hauled amt renamed th«* Hornet It will l*e u*»*«l f«»r t«>wing oj-etnii"i»* on the Vp|ivr lake Tbi* ti«m ha* nine men emph'Ved m cutting w••••«! at« hlr«*a and v\p«*«*t t • hav«* a *utfhu«*nt s’i|»pl' on hands to meet ail dcuiami* tbi* w inter. Fall ami winter umlvrwear swvaten*, K K K STORE. Remember When you are in need of SHOES, that you » will find a complete line at WILLITS, and d at prices that defy competition. * d When in need of CLOTHES that have fit style and workmanship, at Prices to suit your Pocketbook, you will find them at WILLITS. s e » » L. F. WILLITS Agent to His.Majesty, the Ameritan Gentleman, for first tlass goods /------------------------------------------------------------------------ » IC AI XI 1> W FAVONITUS TOILET < REAM—f or Tan ami Sunburn A NT i s I PTK ' H.I’T 1ON— I»i-inf«<t;H,t and < vermicide BLAC KBERRY (oRDlAL WITH JAMAICA GINGER—Diarrhoea and Summer < omplaiht LITTLE LIVER PILLS—The Ideal Laxative Clihwo<Ml*N • Drug k« it Mannitig** liirml* who W|*li him sme»’*« ami hope lor In« if-tiirn * «on. The mt rage that wa- nmler construc tion on the Buena Vista addition for I. L. Buell has l»een purchased hv fl. V. Kuykendall, ami a« »««m a» if i» com pleted will l»e <M?cupie«l by him a« a home. Mr. Buell is having plan«»lrawn for a one ami one-half *n<\ cottage, which he hope» to get <*<»mplrte*l ami occupied l>ef«»re someone el«e admires it sufficiently to induce him t«» di»|»»>»v of it. d 0 d * d d d d * ami Tuesday work wa« completed bv the dredger on one side of the railway gra»le embankment, and the machine return»*d to the |»»int of beginning where th»* grading on the other half was l»egun. Th«* first cut is nearly hi si fr«*t long, laist >atur«!ay afternoon the main shaft, which controls the o|»eration <»f the spoon, was broken, and it looked for a w hile as if operations woul«l have to la* suspended fur some time. The ingen uity of >U|H*rintend«-nt Meyers, however, wa* successful in improvising a «ulaitaii- tial repair, ami o|»eration» wore re- «timed Monday morning. S I have inst revviwd two carload’, of Furnitur-, which I will sell it in. k-bottom prices. Being ciow Jed tor loom,*| w ill |oi i short time sell it è prices to suit everyone d d Biirvnits, Itoci*»« C* 1111 I I'M« Coi'pVtM* 1C to., iCto., d d d S S S » i : t o Call, see, and examine. I im going t<> sell these on the installment plan, and "V* >» i t- i’c‘< 11I I.*» •¿,<»<><1 xx’ltli d d THE 1, « ♦ T J. 4 * EL ST. GEO. BISHOP d FURNITURE MAN e A Few Prices at HIRN’S HARDWARE STORE * Vert va»I o»»k .V. s-i* I <d«* I.» »ii « i taigi- \\ »«rigirili th, I Lui» Win, pet cut * It *ta» i u i ti. I nult« 12-th. **' » JV ’i«r » hilled pi-»a » .* m > liwiih •ti*«,l I« W» harmuw lhi| i U hit« -i u |i>g iimd ii i I • . t \ f I 11 «-I-I- in 0,* io e it i« ^’ai. at» I iiin-»ii>Mt|i |i ut «I prive». (Ml fri I (■ ’ i ■> « i. rd pt >. .•» GEO. R. HURN + + 4* 4* T + t 4* 4 + 4 John Faught, brother of Prof W. E. Faught, c<«mmercial teacher in the high •« ho<»l. arrived here from Kan«a* last Frnlay. H«* hr«»ughl with him a carload of household go*«!« la'longing to hi* brother and J. B. Ma»on. a tine •’» vear okl I’ercheriii stallion ami two 2* iear "Id trotting tilli«**. Hie latter lieing th«* prop«-rty of Mr. Mason. \. Jensen, who i* employed on Th«* Republican, n*« i »v«*d a teh gram M«»mlay. annoum ing th«* «l«*ath ««f bis »»•ter, Mrs. J. L. Art*»ga-t, in St. IL-lemi, Napa c«uinty, California. She wa» th»* wife of !>r. Krls’gast, th«* w» ll known physician. Mr. Jen-’-n ba-tin* »nicer«*’■empathy of hi* many friend- Klamath Rotei Unsurpassed Cuisine, only Ameri Ex|»*rim«*nt* are living made with pumping sand from the l*ed of the Williamson river ami if results prove satisfactory |«vrmanent arrangments will I *• Hinde to pr.idiK’e n nurticleht .upplv to meet tlo* .leiiinii'i llirrelorr III tin. city. Attorney Pierce Evan«, who had the mu-lortune to break hi. leg a leu u.-ekn ago, ia able to to make hi. appearance with the aid ot ciutchea. Ill« many New waists at The Novelty. Popular Iriend* are plea-ed to «ee him out, and hope he will toon I h * a. nimble aa a in Style, pattern and pi ice. cricket. Col. Wilkin» wa- not satisfied with Col. Geo. S. Hoyle wa« .truck ami th»* pr»H>f he had at the time he -praiiie«! hi* ankh* that he was not an killed by a tram at Atlanta, Ga , a «liort a«*rohat, but in-i*te<l on another trial. tunc ago. During the *0’a Coi. Ilovle La«t Saturday morning, when he arose wa« a «econd lieutenant at Fort Klam to see that the Steamer Klamath got ath, and ia renieinbered by many of the away from the d«x*k, h«* tried to come old timer«. down stairs head first, The attempt was disastrous to the Colonel, ami would have lieen to the building if it «lid not have a »«did foundation, The accident was due t<» the Colom I s crutch slipping on th«* top »t«*p, a* In* wa* pre paring to descend. II«* was «piite s<- verelv bruised, hut wa* not «erioiislv injured' H<* hu < < < «* led in saving hi* sprained ankh*. d 4- 4 4* t\ cany ill) pa-«ehger«. which h«- ln.p « t. Lave ready f«»r hm-ine»« next spring. More lot» ba»»» been toLI m the vari- ons aildltion» «luring the pa*t ten day» than at anv other |>ermd »luring the pa»t year. This stimulus in realty bii«inr*a has been felt principally in the )!•»( «'springs, Buena Vi«ta and Ea«< Klamath Falls Tracts, ami indicates a healthy condition *>f the real rstate bnMno««. Vour Credit is d 4- 4- 4* 4- night. This will I m * the tirst lime the V, J«d’,i ».»n. win» La* l*evn city new floor will be used, and the h»vera <>f edit »r «» tire Ht*rabl, ba- ic-ignei anti thu light la ill a» < in wi.l certainty eiij"y am •. h ii return to hi* h**me in San the iiiipr>»veingm. !>i»*go. Mr Johnson i* ««-Cretan o(«»ne \ ■ \ \ • I a- vf the g«’ n • mpani«’« >p«-iatmg Hi that upper lake, a 2'»-l»»»t r«|ulpped w itb city, ami the rap’d g«owtli «»( it» h |l|«'H*t horwefsiwer gasoline engine. Ile i- huHnt-H demand« 1 * pr« ? building a boat lairv vn»»ugh to M hilt Leu* Mi. J .i • «on u.f *•’' many Call and see Our Prices and Our Goods, as such values have never before been offered s s * s r H V. Gates, a« « um|«anu I bv Prof, h. M. Anderson, J h«» mineiai 1*s;;*i ex pert of the Southern P ali fie rAilnt^l, left for Pm;« vide .Moioltty morning riiw will visit silver Lake, Hatncv ami other M’vtions eiiruute. Mr. itales *iatc«l before iii» «L’parturr that thttre .t- » was n«» *peclal tig.’ ti an««* aita< h«d tn the trip; that it wa* »imply made lor the purpose of familiarising himself ami Pr>»(. \ndct”?n with the country tv The Twenty -one Club w ill give a danC< to !r.’» Versed. All kind» of ntt J’ in the Houston n|«era hou«r to im»rrow That must be sold before Jan. 1. 19o7 » » * The dwfiling «m J. K BallanPs home stead iii the >pring I «ke nvighl*»«hco«L WHS totally »lentr«»\e«|, wilh practn all) all of it» contents, lari Saturday m«»in- ing. I he lu »use wa* «»••• upird at the time by Mr*. Rallaid. who, with the H!»«i2>(an«'e nome ««f th«* n**igl. I*»i », succeeded in saving »orne •»( the hoium- bold rtlr. 1». The origin of tire lire I« A litj *H*l ) . b»lt Is t>Up|*o*etl to hav«* I h ’« ii caused In a detective tbi»* The 1» ■* 1» «•Himated at I m U w < wd >.'<»• and r * With a perfect newer and drainage avatem, the Hot Spring« Addition ia certainly an ideal location lor a home. For a luiaine«« lot m ar the I’epot, «ee Camplrell A Burna. It at Banana«, orange« and lemon«—freah .Manntng'a. REVOLUTION LN CLOTHING The Northwestern Gnarante«* Trust Co., oi Portland, On*gon, t'nder New Condition* Tailor Made Lend \ ou Money flood* Lone I avor. at Six per cent on first iimrtgag«* city or farm security. The (*u»tom of “having your suit S«*»* Klamath < 'omm«*r«*ial Agcm y, imide to order” in rapidly liecoming a Klamath Fall*. Oregon, Klamath < oiin- thing of the past, ami thin i* ‘hie to the ty R«*presentative. gnat change that han taken place in tin* Property i* moving «piite rapidly in pant few yearn in the method» em th«* Hot spring» Addition» Have you ployed in the mannfact iim * of “ready bought vour lot vet? made” clothing. Heretofore it wan the The I akeside Inn Bar. C. R oas An practice to have practically all the work derson fur High grade Wines, Li done in sweat shops or in the b< m«s of quors and Cigars. the pourent clastes. I nder thin system can cooks being employed . . . Large well furnished Rooms (i€(). HHnnECOn, the service* of experts were di»|H*n»ed with and the (¡uality of the work wa» sacrifice«! to rapidity of it» execution, for it was all done under work” rule. the “piece The material u»c«l in the manufacture of toe »nit wa* made for looks and not for wear, and it waa no uncommon occurrence for a man to »tart out in the morning wltK a new suit and return in the evening, after gutting caught in a »bower, and fin*i hi» clothe» shrunken to a lioy’s »lie; or stretched out to twice hi» proportions, with Ide under garment» saturated with the cheap dye Used, The clothing industry, however, like everything else w as l»onnd Income un der th«* influence of industrial prngrew- »ion, and soon a marked change wa * manifeHtf d, both in style and material. The result of tin* revolution in that many of the bent d res*«*«I men of today are buying ready imide clothing. And why shouldn't they? The• material I n the h«**t that money ami skill can pro duee and tin* style and finish are of lie* very latent. The cry that ready made clothing lo*es it» »Imp«* or shrinks in no longer heard, for under modern cindi- lien- these defects have been overcome, and one can purchase <*l«»thcM that defy improvement. The advantage of all thin to the nv«*nig«* American lie« in the fact that he can die»» in up*to*date fashion on about half what he lined to «• « «. Proprietor w lien he had hi» “clothen made to or- and > f j material. Of coume then* are ready made clothe» today no l»etter (han they n»ed to l»e, «lue to the fact that tonic llriiin never learn that “improvement in the order of the age,” and a No to the fait tiiat the manufacturer» of the high grade article allow their good» to be handled by but one »tore in each city. Tli«» dotting hnu»e that in fortunate enough to get thin exclusive privilege ha» a valuable a»»et, for it al way» com- mandn the trade of the bent drrnnern of it» city The flrmn that have ln»vn fore* moat in thN great uplifting <»f Altieri« can mad«« clothing are Hart, Schaffner A Murx—-wh«»*«* riothen are worn by more people than lire thone of any other linn in world; I*rieml Brother»: and I. ami S, Bing. 'Ihene line» of clothing arc -n|<| |>y the I’ortland < lothing and Mioc -»tore •>( tin- city, who are the « W «lu-ive iigviit* for Klamath county. " Watches. I.. Alva Lewin. I he Lakeside Inn Bar. C. R om An« demon for an Optimo cigar. Small tract* of well located tide marsh land» offered for one week at f20 per acre. AI nd A«ly. Do you want your wood sawed? If wee Pitchford iV Co. Leave or phono your order» to Ncwauni t’nderwoud. ho