EXCHANGES »t machin»** is a loregono con ■ lot Mam and First to the cornerät the strong enough to l»v unpleasant some ('tienda* afternoon the wvv«»nd Christian science chinch, a distance ol |s*oph* fancy it* siigg«»stiun of aromatic g»mg mtt» n machine «as «lis two blocks and two street crossing«: on pine bicatl. ami th«» black, unpleasant , Bon*nu Bullet in ' « hell the A i cent in «chine in the north side •»( Front siteet from < HV wann Born Vo the wife of Cv !\*. I in Yun­ I the M hi * *«!•» »n w 4« it» Hl I with the * to Limitin« aero«« one bl s k and two mask wa«hes off eaaily with w atei and soap. I'll»» skin come* out, na valley on October 10. I AM. a Hue girl b.«< k p’le l off ami the content* of the ( st reel*, an»! the south si le ol Front to alter several applications, sott, moist, i perventag«* sack g»»ne, A.i I there is connect the present walk at the coiner ami tinted like a balv ’a. Born—T » the wife of H 'race Pelton, 1 con side i able nivstery al» »nt (lie affair. <«f the Baldwin building t»» the River­ in Portland, on Octoner •’». I’A Wk a tin*» Jack ’ b »(ter k i »a n a« ' |> itch.” side hotel, and from th»» p »«t «»tHce lo »girl. Mr«. Pelton wa« former!» Mi«« w.«« night 1»ir ten let and when Proprte Mam at the new hank building an I a Morine, daughter ol x I . Monne i tor Bran L»n «»|»ene*l up rues«’av morn- eroaa walk from the bank <•» the Mint this pl ne'e. • mg there w a* nothing apparently «ahs»n : cross walk across front «»n th«» S. C. Liter m th«» moiniug aoiuv«»ne west side of Main H» Martin resilience Fallí.. n Pietl—At Bly. Oreg • u. of p leumonia. wrong | played the sl »t iiiathine ami it didn't and sidewalk to south oirtier of ini« I ihm reti Friday, »untv Clerk nut barn* lound over the coiiutrv Some as far as the winter is concerned t«»uvhvd. Nt-ilhri were th«* 2 » o» S cent culprit entered the Slukel barn re- ChnMain. h it Satunlnv t«»r her borne in Their adire*« will tie Trail. O < ¿ u. ma« bines toil Led T' ic till wa« stand- ceiitly ind »to e «t• ai»«. line* and other A -di land tor a «bort vi«it. 'Lakeview Fxaitmer mg op »n w it ♦ » »i I» in it but ||.«<1 not part*-»I harne««. -I.««. Inman, who has A serious accident « sen rrv*l Tuesday been m »le« •••«. fheme night and h<» will I«» pa king away up with all modern r»»nveniem*«•*. a sen received a deep cut on the forehead sal«k»n «1 irmg th’evening ail w I* abide lull of shot—ami it w »nil serve w h«»n o,M»rations are c«»niplrted will and the tìnger* of his left hand dis!«»- I there when the house wa« ci«»eed tur him right. either rented or sold cate«!. H »wever, he was able t » come on night. Hut again the «¡ue«ti»»n art-«-« : Air and Mr« F >. Brandon returimd to Lakeview the same day While com­ Why didn't he take everything Farmer«* bend «le««*t iptioti, giving Tm * lay from a plea«ant trip t » tl «* ing down the Thomas creek hill the sight wdien lie was turne«i I«» »«•» ii e a«t oi t'alito* ma. Mr Baudot» «.«vs full information of v.»ur pro|n*rty h»r brake gave way and the team ran away. place alone without fear of l»etng m «Iin have -tn. ken >an Francis«*»» is rapidly le ■ •ale, to i*. I. !*. machine in the Riversale «ab*<»n w a- that Broad*av I ow prv»ei»l« ah mt the «»f tl.,- tir«t a I tn . i t .»nt • f tiw f »<*• "•»» Portland. H. A. Hunter, ..f the Hun robltrd, (tie »obiter in that « a*» tin- activity that ’Fria«* rtppo.p? irt’ed hl I.»«t c.-hgr»«« ’ • pav file iamd Co., and Thua. A. K. Fd-* hn ked bolli I lie d«x»r and machine to traveling freight and passenger agent of Klamatn Imlian* I* r the land iak» n get ac it. which makes it ap{»var that a the Coast Division of the * I*, r.vdr id. t'om tbelU by settler«, a»«- .«l*»ut Coin* skeleton key manipulator 1« at arrived in Uikevievv first ••( the week, plvlrd and pav ment* wil l»c madr m 1ML here. the judge and those of the law profes­ the uesr future. The »uni I ■ ■ ' M , \ ¡ . .OOH sion to attend the coining *e>«i'»n of Mix one «|MH>nfiil ol the best pm«» fir tributvd amouht» t<» SJ circuit court, and Mr Hunter and Mr. I rank Adams ha« bet-n quite ill but in one pint of pure »»live or almond oil, api*•rtiMiiv»! ainung al»out IIM Fasset to look over the country. Mr. their friend« will >»e pleased to know bv beating the two together in a tin y of Fort Kininnth. Hunter represents the large firm that that he is convalescent. cup set in l«»ihng water stir till com­ » ¡»«»are conm»i«»h»tier imrchased the road land in this section One thousand dollar* i« to he spent pletely mixed an I smooth, putting m »f a dispute with the of the State, and a« was announce»!, at on. r by the town l««ard ut Merrill more oil it the compound i* too th i* k to orge l'an Á C«» Tlu« that company would endeavor to inter­ in building new sidewalk«. run easily. Rub this on the face when dl«|H'«ed of it« busi- est the Southern Pacific rail ma ! people, This was the estimated c»»«t of the going I«» |»ed ami lay patches of «oft, but ow >ng to a »b«* and this is the initial trip of the*»- gen­ laying »•etween eight and nine bl«* k- t «»hl cloth on the cl fhem«elves a livrlv tlemen for that purpose. new walk« by the tow n board at a a pre nil to keep the tar from »e» t. w beh Media!- ¡r Tl e [Merrill Ree«»rd Old meeting Tuesday night It wa« decided led linen inu-t He poured *>il <>n the That there is somel« dy in or around that walks Were badly needeu I rum the sheet* foidv'l oVeT nd adjusted the «II»- Th* Merrill who ha« a [»enchant for rob- end of the present w alk at the corner «wlor, when mixed hot ci ry LOR BRILLS Roberts $ banks HARDWARE DEALERS Cle/ut Cut Cutlery and Cdged Tools I :u Ih ( iua ran teed Peninsular and Imperial Steel Ranges Finest Line of ROYALWARE hi the Citv SKIS Roberts^ßanks Buy" one or more lots in the Hot Springs addition to Klamath Falls. The investment tf a few hun­ dred dollars NOW means a profit of thousands in a few years. Hot Springs addition is in the heart tf the city of Klamath Falls, whose population will be 25000 Will Make Klamath falls Famous '0