Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, October 18, 1906, Image 3

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    law- until the Bar A«niociation
j11«Igliie111 oil I i I m cane,
when he retire«» Irotn the pr«*4ideni;y
chair than when she walks about.
have been r«*vivw<l, and it in now ««*mi* er« ise brings a larger quantity of blood
Homer I’avenport, the • art<M»ni««! for­ authoritatively elated by the friend« of into the feet, ami they swell appreci*
merly of Mlvertoii, Oregon, arrivt««l at the president that he frankly admit« al»ly. Th«* rmi»« I«*« also require ceifain
In buying -hoes this fact ahouM
Invitat loh tu )> i < ì | i >» mh I • In coin plvlt* ! Boatoii la»! week from Arabia on the that hia amhitioii 1« to aucce«*«| Senator »pa«e
r m
1.« borne in mind.
tbe I' auaiiia ranni wvi«» i*»»u«*d la»! u««*k While Mar linei ('anopl«*, via the Med-
' iterranean.
lie brought 17 Mallioiia
Never w»«ar a »hoe that will not allow
Gcmeral Pavia, Judg«*-Advoca’i*1 ««*n
by the <‘anal < >ni<nH"inti, an I the
blooded Arabian »1« <k ••nil of th«* Army, bm* informal the a t* the great t«M* to lie in a straight liiie.
forni «4 conila« t nuder whiih the uoik
Never w«*ar a sl»«a* with a sole narrow*
I’av«*hport ha«l mg-.«eruetarv of War that there i« no
I n t«> I m « «Ione a>i» ma h« piiblit' l«\ (’hair- G»r hree«lmg purpoarM.
man bhoiilx, a ho al"o ua\«« olii a leder a |>« I no I hi I I n I • i v 1« - w with the bultun ol law forbidding the u«e of the flag of the er than the outline of the foot traced
with.« pencil « |o»e under the rounding
II* wm *« forliid<l»«n to make l nited .'•I a few t«»r advertising pirp*««--
ritten lo the >e< telary ol War, gì!lug I'urkey.
the colmili-«ion '■ i0iiMoii lor coni i ad mit any picture« of the Miltan, but I’aven- l liv impiirv w aa ma le on behalf of the e«lge.
the work. The contrail ptovnlea (hai
each blihler imial Itieleitake the entire
Work i I i o|i«l I m I loll.
No l»ar W ill he
« »!!••»•♦« I to « <>r |Hital|on lioodnting in lhe
llll'h-l lak Illg bill they lllU«t I m * legally
oigani/«*«! itito a Mingle l»«»dy,
w itti
win« h the government « an «leal
der«« w ill not I m « coiiMbiere«! who do not
have available capital «»I I’» ODO U' mi . A
Cel tltle-l « lie« k for fJIMMM)) I« r«*«| ' 111 •*«!
with «avii prop*»«iil and a bon«l of
||,IMM)INM> will be re«|i||re«| frolli the
ail«« <- rn | i|| In l'ler.
The bidding I» not
|Mirt ineinoiize<| the Miltaii'«« featur«*»
ami ma l<* Hketchi«*«. Aitei war«l Turkish
at torn«-v» «if the Jamealown Exposition,
who <h*air«* to mak«* u««* of th«* flag for
ad vert iMing pm pose«
HpleM di»eovere<| in aoiiie way that lie
ma de MketcheM ai d
mean ln*«l hl* baggage, but they were <ll*-
Mr. Hall, reiireaenting lhe Wiliam*
«•ttw Vallry Co,»aid I«» the It •«••burg R»»*
f«»r (he wine artlnt
hidden tin* «Iraw mg* in a bale of liny.
view, after their lranrlii«e w a« gtante«!
t here;
Never wear a sine* that pinches in the
Never W’ear a -hoe or le««t so large m
the heel ti«Mt the loot is not kept in
Never wear a »h«»e or feed tliat has
«lepressmn» in any part of the «ole to
“The U illanndt«* Valley Co, ami a«- • lr««p any joint or le-aring I m -I ow the
level plane.
««M'iat«* cimccrn«» m»w own a string of
Never wear a sloe with a sole turn­
public utility «! 4(001« extending from
Boise, Idaho, to Cottage < rr'fVe, t’regnn. ing Up very mu« h at the toe» as this
«ausesthe cords on the upper part of
A targe «’oloiiy i« to t»e l«»«’at* \« gotiaiions no* now pending f«»r the
lhe loot to «• >iit wt.
«•«I in Butte Creek Valley, thiff«'*»unty, purchase <«f I’t. Kay'a ay stem« in Jack*
limited to .\in«*il< an conila«-tor«
All wheie the I’unkar«!« have purcha«-e«| «on and loaepliine c«>unti«*a.
If thia
|«lo|M>nali lie to I m « III Indole booti of 10 (I NI acre* of the Miller tra«'t.
fliey dial g'«e» through, it will extern! the
1 >«*r«*in I m * i I 2th,
when they will be will locate two town« ««Il the proji*c(«*d • ••mi an-. -* -Hing to the California line.
On Monday, O> toh«-r M. E. <». Wil*
.ill tin* | r .10 -111«.*« of the
lilie ««I lhe S. I*. If to, which I- !«» run I * 11 i to 11 el v
The! al««> Ifi* •t'ing will be a«»lgne*i Io one h*«l«lifig s<>n'» steam threshing «»uttit puller! out
<>iego|| tailt'illM will I m * under die t«» klnmath ball«, < >r
<>f B >. t»rigsby’« field, where it bail
watchful eye o| a wtate iaili««iid c««m* (••nd, it 1« wiii «I. to in<*rea«*e (heir colony company lor facilitating management
A a«*an«lal ol n«» mean pr«»p»rtiona and thre-hed over 7<>>) l» i»ind- of grain;
iniMion allei (lie l«*giilatme ha» ad . in Miae. ami make Butte Creek Valley
consisting *»f wheat, rye an«l harlev,
jmirned next Fehinurt il there la any the (argent l’unkiir«l »«*ttlrmenl in the win Ji given promi”«’ f »oin«« «eu»atl«mal
devfbipmenlN within the next lew «lava which had yiebied on an average of
Yr«*ka l«iuriia
(Miifi.i V in Ju* vf!«»rt « I the tmn*|M«rtn- woil«l
hi|-he|s; rye, .5 Inisheli;
t loll < < >tti in 111 ««* ol ! I it* > h il III I m * i o| com*
has sprung up al the Chemawa Imlian wheat.
The Mc< !ou«i Htver l.iinilM*r <'ompany
|M*r a< »•*. This gram
tlletce, ni*le«l an«! alM*(t<*d by tl««
in* will make a «ler let mine I ctf >rt to keep Training S< h««o|, an I it involvua suja-r*
intemlent L. I, Chalcroft, Assistant wa-all rai-ed <m "dry lair!/* that is
tturiice ««I piaclicnllv all th«* «hippera
I it» mill1* running all winter, ««»mething
without irrigation; and it is of excel*
*• i | m * i mtemieiit W. I*, Campbell. Asa I’
ami a go--I m illy ol the in ««i mil «lent ini
that ha» never lieeri attempted h«*|«»rt*
Bagnell, «i lull■ lil«esle«i Klamath Indian lent quality. « l«;an and full grained."
farmer« «d the «tat«
llie iian»p«i'la
• m n« count <«f th«* *n<>w
The pr«*«»ing
vouth. T*vear- of ag«> and a I «me grad­ This ranch ha« a«wa'» been conanlered
lion committee, innpire«! «y a de* ire
| demand for Ittmlter make« th«* opera I
uate «»f the institution, an I Mabel M> * one «if the I a * s I *’«lrv*’ ranches in the
to rvm«*>l! ronditi«m» «-xi-Ung in the
t ion of the mill« a ne< e««n v.
i>«ggit g |
Kav, an 1 5-»e.ir .»' I Indian girlatudent, county. Th«* toil i» a rich, sandy* loam,
Mate nt th« |H«*«««it tin*, 1« .1 «w at
will I m * t.'trri«*«l on till the late«*! «late
p >ssih|v »««me others among the ¿m l «luring the yeais it ha*» l«t*vn umier
w ok, under the dire« tlon ol J N. leal, ( |M»«»ibl«*. Michigan lumlwring •*lc,l« I m *- I
cultivation H has never tailed to pr«»-
«fficialw an«l student Isaly.
«Iralting «i bill which will i«e «uumitted
I mg u«ed in place of truck««.
While it in '
• Im«- a goo*I crop. It is sitnate«l alsiut
to th«* 1« g i * I a 111 1 e when it convene«.
' not ev|M*« tc«l that lhe »how will not In-
ten mile» from Klamath balls ami one
The Southern Pacific R. R t’o ha»
given out new* that 10,000 !>iiiiknr«l«
ar«* ln*n«lmg lor I'alihnma from the
stale« of i>hio, Illinois. Kwnwag an«l
l he gin-van «• « • mm it-*e of the O»«* i lerfete Mime With Ofteraliotl«*, the mill»
g >n But \ • •■«« i.tt ion . ii«il li*>r ixe I Pr«««e- md logging «'atnpN will n«* kept rtinnit g
« iter Frank w iitant !•» !i .«» di«bariio nt I alni"«! «'«•ntitiii,>u»ly through th* water.
Change* -.1 « « th«* * 4fe >i||«n*lt|<> Coml
The pre«;d«*nl w ill n « miii i-aue a procla­
agaiiiNt l'i«l„* AI ihoi It. Fanner former
mation withdrawing (rum entry all pub­
law partner o! '•••nator Mit« hell, an«l
lic land« Miippo»e«l to r«mlain
«• til.
agn>n»< Il II Furncr a «om.g >alem
Meantime an inientigation 1« under
law ver an i pi»tice «»I the |a a« •• in that
wax I»v the geol «gical «urvev (<» «leter-
The « barge» will l«e tl.ed a*» «••»•«n
mine the real < haracter ol the land«« t«>
A« Mr.ttrant «an prepare an I present l«e w iflidraw n.an>l «m b a« a««* ( «mid out
th«* nc«e«*»ary pa|M*rn
III«*« imnitte«*
!■• «011(4111 c«»al «i«*p *«it« will I«* promptly
ln«ir(initely p <»«|| mhh *«I further action
re«t*«red to pdblli entrs
Tur with*
in the «li««l>4rm«*nt j»r««« «•»••hog« p«-n*hng • 1*4 «<»•« wt|! cov«-r liiti'l« in »eVetiilol
«igauiNt (diarie« I
l/«t*l, owing t > hi»
th« wewtern «lateN.
f.iiiifig mental an I ni»! «i< .il coi» liti«»««
l b«* rep *rt« that Pre«l«l»*nt |l««««etelt
Ju'lgc lautier tiA« Ammutì« 0-1 ht« Allen«
lion i«« w itlulr.iw tr öin the praeli........ I w.inta t<* I m * M*r.at«>r ir«*m N«*w
and a bait mile- liom lz«st river gap.
Mr. t»rig-t*y lias nothing hut prai«*e lor
the «piality ol threshing «1 me dv the
I'eoph* will find le-« «litln ulty with" Wilson outfit
H<- -ay- gram w a- well
rea«1y made •h«M-». says an ex|a*rirnce«l cieane«! an i verv little waste. •<> little
-alcsman. if they w«»ul«l -land up to til «•»a* k«*d w fie at la*mg in the « m reenmg»
them on. in«ic«d ««I sitting down. Nine (hut it dnl not nay to haul them home
jM«i-«»u« «mt ««I t«n. particularly ladle*, »•»they were dum|M*«l on the roa«i«*i*le.
want a c««mfoitabb* chair while they Tin* machine is <«m* ol three steam out­
are fitting a sh««*. ami it is with the fits m the valley ea. h one «»I which ex-
g«e.»t«—l iliflicullv vou «an get them to |M-ct- to mak«*.i H> d.«y rim «»f threshing.
«taml f««r a lew minut«*« even after the |
Then say we cannot raise grain in
s | i « m * i- titt«*«l.
Then, when they begin Klamath • *uniy .
walking about, they won ler why the
All kinds of notions and rmveltus at
sh«M** are n««t so condor table a- they
were at first trial. A woman’* f*s>t it The Novelty >t »r«*. Biggwt line in the
• <«n-i b rablv smaller when she sit- in a city.
J»*pNftm»-nl nt th- Interior. Called Mat««
Land off!» «*. I.ak-vlaw Oregon **ep(«*rnte*r
17th l>*
A •«»HI« |«*nt r«>n<« •( affidavit l«av
Why not have yotir b«»mw in th« Hot
ing tM*en filed in tgla «»HI« e
Frad I. tfcinder
mart. < <>ht« *iar>t avainat b«*iu»-atra<1 entry No '•prings fra« t, wt.er»* ymj can havw um *
of tho apleridi'1 intn**ral water? Mindy
III*, mad-July llfh. ¡ am for NW », of or«
one Tp la A Range v M w m by Mary J the following analysis tna«le hy the Uni­
< r«*«-< ii. «on»«—«♦-•-. m «hi« h it |# alleged that
versity of < Jregon :
The »aid »-ntryman M»r> J « r«-e< n ha- ever
Grain» per I'. S. Gallon.
• ln<-e the «aid «la«»* of her -aid entry, to-wi«
Nodfari chlornle..............
Jmy Ifth, l ari « holly fai * 1 to re«fde there. >n
•>r ini|.r«»!e of » ultivao- any j art th-re. f. that
< "ale its tn sulphate*
ever etnee •aid date and for rarrte that« • <
Magnesium sulphate
ntomb» prwaedlng the .fate hereof namely
*s«siiuni sulphate
»topterntoer tr<l. 1'ar, «aid entry «*>tnan t.a-
Iron and aluintnuru oxides
whoiiy abandoned «aid land« and !a;.*l »ore
Modium silicate
• ide tb»-r«<.«• and now »till wholly at.ar h>n«
»«»d fall«*«! to re-id— »ipon ti»e «atne or improve
' .:
or euitivaie any part thereof, and that •«*< h
alleged ah«eii'•- lr<>tn •• -I land wa* not. or I n
mil «lue to tiff employment in the army, navy
Rea«l what Hr. G. F. Hanson of .Hen
<»r n arm»-> «.rp-of the f'mted »tale« a« • prl-
va«e soldier officer «carnai» or marine dur Frwnciaco rays of this water:
lint the war with »pain or during any other ’
“A careful examination of the water
war in which the (,’nhad Aiate« may
gaged -aid partlea are hereby tiolifled «o ap •*«»riviri«*es me that it is iiriaiiroassed ir*
pear. r»*»|«/n>! and offer e.idrnr»* t«»»»<h t.K the nature of its mineral content, and
•aid alb*ga«ion at in o’rbe itam on S>.t» m »h«»ul«! 4»r«»ve of che greatest ¡»oaaibl«*
fe-r loth. I' am . before <»eorg«- < haatain. coiinty utility in the treatment t>t congested
• Jerh ..< Klamath coijnty a K.amatb Fa.i«
<:«»nditione and for the general Huahmg
Oregon and that filial h»*aring will t«e held ar
lu o'clrM k a m.on N*<»vefnt»er 17th, I'«» befor«- «»i the tissues. iHapepsia. a’ufgiah liv*
the K gii'rr and Re« civer at the t'uited -’a-**- e«. habitual < «»nstif»atu»n, so-called bil-
l.aiid Offl«-e tn (.«k**\ :»*w <>r«-goti.
i«»n-i.e*s an<! bili«»us headache**, indeti
The ttawi cotite-tan« hating in a proper aft:
ni»e rheumati« pains due to the actum
davit, filed September 17th.
ulation of un«- acid or retention of other
fa«-t» which »how that after due diltgrn« «
personal »ervK-e of thia n««u* e ran n«»t be waste products in the system, faulty
mad«-, it la b«-reby ordered and dirw t**d that elimination by lhe kulneys, and a long
-f« noti«« be given by due an«l proper ; ub
tram of ailment« dependent upon above
I h atlon
-tates of b«?«!ily ill-health are benefited
J. N Wat*c»n. Remitter
bv the free drinking «d and bathing in
sm li w iters.*’
For price«, see or write to tbe
In the circuit « oiirt of the Blate of Oregon
Mot Springs Improvement Co.t
for the c«»untyof Klamath.
Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Eliza M. Marple, plaintiff, v» H B. ntafford. .
Tu H B -:»ff«,rd, the above named defend- '
Petition for Liquor License
In the name of the Mate of oreg«»n : You are
T«» the Hon. County Court for th«»
hereby r**u«»tred to appear and answer the
• 'iiniv of Klamath, .Mate of Gregor».
complaint n e<1 aaain-t yoti in the above en­ We, the un«iersigne I, residents an«! legal
titled «ult on or before Friday tbe %«tb day •>! , voters of Wo «i River precinct in th«-
Novemte-r IA» being the la»t day of the time (*«»unt! of Klamath. State of Gregor,
prr«M rit«*-d in the «>rder for the publica’:<>n of w«»«i|«| respectfully a-k mat a license t
tr.i» -i.mnn.ii-. the rtr»t publication thereof -ell -piriuious. mait and vin«>us liquor-
being on the ittb day of October TA«, and if in I»-**» quantities than one gallon, ai
you tail »o to appear and answer for want Fort Klamath. Klamath County, Ore*
ther«*of the plaintiff herein will apply to the
g «h. for tbe period of three mon th-
« ««urt for the relief prayed for in the wild com­ fr«>m t»«e MiL «lay of November, 1906. l»e
plaint. to-wit * for a f>e< re* of the Court, quiet­ granted t< Jame* M. Emery, of Fort
lug lhe plaintiff'• title to I»t number one fl) Klamath. Or, and your petitioners will
In Bl««rk number
in the city of Klamath ever pray.
Fa. • «>-eg. II a
f o
h further re * f a- ’
J H U neeler, H B IxMslev. C E Hoyt.
the Court may
.u meet and tn accordance I. He<-ig John R Sellers, William
with law and <*quity. Thu» »umtnon*» i* ««erved >keen, H L Scott. J B C Taylor, C G
by publl'-atioti there»»! tn the K.arnath R»*p«ib- t ■•|M*la»Mf, \| F Parker. M I* Morgan, C
litan. a weekly newapa|«er. by order of Hou
Ue«»tl«»torn. J Aniell, L (’ Siwatoft*,
Henry L ft« n»«»u Judge ol >ai«i « ourt. dated Hamel Ryan Sr. John If .-mart.
the c.th day of October. 190. requiring thia
Tin* j«etition will l»e presented to »aid
summon« to t«e publisb«*d «»nee a week for ' *»’irt ««ii th»* Mth day of N«»vembert
at lea»l -ix <-on-wuttve werk», and c<«vrring a 19U6.
James M. Enierv, Petitioner.
period of c««ntinuou» publication of at Iraat
forty-two day •.
T homa - D bakk
10 11-11 ."J
Attorney for Plaintiff
K lamatb
limber Land Notice.
Complete Stocks Fall and W inter W ear, Rubber Goods, Underwear,
Sweaters, Ladies and Gents Furnishings, Coats of all kinds. Blank­
ets, Quilts, drunks, Vai ices. Crockery, Etc, Etc.
Raiiroa.i, Oregrn
'tage Company, S.utbern 1‘acitic Con -
4:3o a. m. L v Klamath Fa’.I» Ar 4 p. m
• » :U0 a. in.
2:30 p. o .
10:30 a. in.
8:06 a. n
1 UM) p. m.
1 ;17 p, n .
7:35 am.
8:4*5 p. d .
s 30 a. tu. Ar S Francine«» Lv8:2O p. n .
Timber luind. Act June 1 1*78 —Notice for Pub- '
United Mat«» I jii .4 «iff. ■ . Lak« vit w. Oregon, *
Oct ll. 1W".
Notice .» hereby given that in compliance
with the provision* of the art of Congre«* of
June 3. »87» entitled “An act for the -air of
timber land- in the State* of California, Ore­
gon. Nevada, and Waabmgton Territory.’ aa
extended to all the Publi« Land State« by act
• 4 lugual 4. l^dJ t’iyaae« E Reeder of Keno.
county of Klamatn. «täte of Oregon, ba»
file«! in th)* office hi* *w«»rn statement
Following are the quotations of prict s
No. 31. i. for the purcba*r of the s,a*»-iti»f •f the local «lealers:
Section No. *. in Township No. 41 > Hauge N--
Wheat, gi io.
7 E W .M. and will offer proof to *bow that lhe
Oau, Si 75,
land *viight i* more valuable for Its timber <»r
Bariev (old). H.&41.&5.
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
Barley (aew). St 2-»<l.O.
establish bls claim to s«id land before Keg
Hay—Timothy and alialfa, P 00.
i»ter and Rei*eiver at Lakeview. Oregon, vti
Beef. 5C.
Saturday the J»th day ot December, lw>
Pork, Ac.
He name* a» w itue*i>e»:
Veal. ac.
E*U .M. Morgan, ot Keno. Oregon
Mutton. 10c.
<»eo. B. Morgan, of Keno, Oregon.
Eggs, 35c.
Any and all persons claiming alverse'.y the
Butter. «50c Stb.
above-described lauds are requested to file
Chickens, G 30 doz.
their ci a im» :n thi* • ffi > on er before »aid _•»
Potatoes, ¿’-jt.
day ol l»vc .
j. n . W a TMON.
Beans, 4c
Turnips, 1‘^c.
Cabbage. 3c.
It will pay you to
F. W. Burger,
Onions, 3c.
the Portland contractor, ik . w of thia
Squash. 2:jC.
city, for anything in tl.e building
Bevts. 3C.
Cucumber», 2 jc doz.
Plam and ,|>ecitie*tiuna fur-
Flour. SI.15 per sack.
Local Markets.
Most Completely Equipped Printery
in Southern Oregon.
carry complete lines of
Rubber Footwear
Leather, Rubber, Corduroy and
Mackinaw Coats
Fashionable Coats. Skirts,
Sweaters and Shirt Waists
Get our Prices
We have the largest and best stocked Shoe Department in Klamath Falls.
Good dependable shoes for every occasion.
Walkover, Dress and Business
Nap-a-tan, heavy and high top shoes.
Rubber heel comfort shoes.
Ladies dress shoes in all
Juliets and lined shoes of all styles
Come in and inspect our goods.
your winter order.
Let us figure on
We will save you money
Klamath Falls Best Store
is a work of art. A-
stage, when good
printing is obtainable, a business house is often times judgee'
by its stationery. Good clothes may not make men but i
creates a favorable impression. So it is with good printing
it creates a most favorable impression for the business man.
firm or corporation.
> > > > A A
Send in your Printing, or ask fo« tbiimates.
We have the Equipment then we KNOW HOW.