law- until the Bar A«niociation j11«Igliie111 oil I i I m cane, paanes when he retire«» Irotn the pr«*4ideni;y chair than when she walks about. Ex- have been r«*vivw i < ì | i >» mh I • In coin plvlt* ! Boatoii la»! week from Arabia on the that hia amhitioii 1« to aucce«*«| Senator »pa«e r m 1.« borne in mind. tbe I' auaiiia ranni wvi«» i*»»u«*d la»! u««*k While Mar linei ('anopl«*, via the Med- ' iterranean. lie brought 17 Mallioiia Never w»«ar a »hoe that will not allow Gcmeral Pavia, Judg«*-Advoca’i*1 ««*n by the <‘anal < >ni I m « «Ione a>i» ma h« piiblit' l«\ (’hair- G»r hree«lmg purpoarM. man bhoiilx, a ho al"o ua\«« olii a leder a |>« I no I hi I I n I • i v 1« - w with the bultun ol law forbidding the u«e of the flag of the er than the outline of the foot traced with.« pencil « |o»e under the rounding II* wm *« forliide< telary ol War, gì!lug I'urkey. the colmili-«ion '■ i0iiMoii lor coni i ad mit any picture« of the Miltan, but I’aven- l liv impiirv w aa ma le on behalf of the e«lge. the work. The contrail ptovnlea (hai each blihler imial Itieleitake the entire Work i I i o|i«l I m I loll. No l»ar W ill he « »!!••»•♦« I to « <>r |Hital|on lioodnting in lhe llll'h-l lak Illg bill they lllU«t I m * legally oigani/«*«! itito a Mingle l»«»dy, w itti win« h the government « an «leal Bid­ der«« w ill not I m « coiiMbiere«! who do not have available capital «»I I’» ODO U' mi . A Cel tltle-l « lie« k for fJIMMM)) I« r«*«| ' 111 •*«! with «avii prop*»«iil and a bon«l of ||,IMM)INM> will be re«|i||re«| frolli the ail«« <- rn | i|| In l'ler. The bidding I» not |Mirt ineinoiize<| the Miltaii'«« featur«*» ami ma l<* Hketchi«*«. Aitei war«l Turkish at torn«-v» «if the Jamealown Exposition, who