Itticlal Newspaper ol Klamath Coun'y KLAMATH REPUBLICAN. KLAMATH FALLS. KLAMATH COUNTY. OREGON. OCT ’BER i8, 1906. VOL. XI. BANK GREA I IN I ERES I IS AROUSED NO. 29 Sili AR BEETS OPIAS I OR BUSINESS l-ouglit taro |..ts on Tiii.d str. olii«’. - Lini! on th»* « ngin«*ei - line, m ill h.ti.d a resideiice there.,n li e while th»* gn at m.i illy didli I build at near l>i me; X|, J, \\ » *z >1 1*1 all. I In ir-ull Ma- \M»i*e than h*i «id* California A verni«*: XX'. <1 .-u, H II* I uiilk” n! dl Mi tin fi’idde «-am« a n» I ii I hhi ! tin • .go the I’»«* nf lie migli hi Rcinarkatde Offer Made li> file Pe­ American Bank & trust Company Op I. I Xlurrav lol on Third *tr, l‘,*»'pll I’lvrfe live ¡..f- ,,o I .< field li’ trs, cued Its Doors Monday. pi ill an I» Appiedateti. \*l lr\tillk Wil* ord* H- I laiilt ”|| >*■• lid «lire!, lending I” I Wain a ll< Iglit* Th»’ oppoft uniti p»rw|i!»d Io Ti l»«‘- the tliii I tinari< la! iioUitufiori for lhe qt|« 11 »II <»( a pit id lite d”| ai ! ”•’ -• I hi I i I mm I up 1*1 a lit! ’ It! ’elit I**!», I'll! !le pu' In an Io »•liii'-l** «»!*«• of KlrtfliHlh’» Ki.oiiath I m II s , opened if» doo*« h ami will .'«.n l»-gin th.- laying of a Monday and th«* event mark* ’lain to the I p|»*r Itk*'. II.«- »'>,*>-1 |S>puliM \’»Ultg IM’!!« * Io \|-lt fit»' .'»’Ml ! • 'iiimith* xt.i* ii”l I’»i’ll to miikr it ar tra. k ha» Iw.-n laid »• far a« the U <>rld's Imr h i Irtin»**t'»w n h»i* Min irlt »*d mi epoch m th«* lai and i*u»i* I* I oli anl fill til* l time w a- gl anted I ir" i*«'d inft'iot' iiiti’f«**! throughout the im --» progr«—« *>( what Will l»e Oregon*» fieadgate and the work of baila.ting it i”i m\* »t iga!loll. Maniiget <> B ! »lite» wit» pil.cllt .Il •«min* i'ount v. and numU*tb *-inquin«** »eroi *| city. A- »fated in la«t week’s is pr** rapidly. Kvpiibl « an. the lurnjshing» ami fixture« T'. io i . and Hana’ierry. have marl' th«* Hireling, and slated that till' WBt.'l liMV’ dic. i I y nie jtcii ibi» olin •• i»g.«r i rompitny intended rxtrnding lb» •• in* I mg tin* pi‘po*iuon. Many s«'ei»i tn • 4 t|ii« Lank ar»- second to non»* in the completed their d.wk on the lake mam lhe t ntirr b*ng!h ‘4 Mam «li’ ’ ! j think that we did hot m« .tn that th«* -tat»*. It ha* l»*’»*n’’onreded oil all »l*hrir Ir >nt. and on into the Hot hpiing» addition I Ire«* tup meant jn*t w hat It », Mild that tin* new mstittitiuii will be <*ne *4 His Success Can Be Duplicate# Coinniillee Is \|*poiii’ed to Draft have asked if if includei hotel and trav­ “shou place»" '»i ilii« city ior many ilm* giving th«- en*t « nd ampi« In* pr* Else* here In the Basin and io the wars Mud will mi -I materially in .-»eating Resolutions in Secretary llitch- teitioii The propot itI’Ui <•( pur« basing .cling expenses ami a«hiii»»ioii amali’r !,••*• «ail and •’»»> !•■• I «•( ho»»’ That i» ju*t what it «loe» a luvorabh* itnprevsion in the mind ui Would Mean a Profit of Fifty- 1» just what H cock Sinit.irx Comliiionx <>f to l<* pln< ’*r the »id»* t ■ wi i !>»• run in conjunction with the wit* tlir gmrral opinion, li**ur\ri. tbat I 41- III! . < >n • '4 th** tìnest «-xhibit* of grain ami Tl»« qn**«tioij at to whethrr mirar thi« ,.m mil ion should !*•- taken guide» and «’Very conevivM1 h i on tnercial t*i.d of it. Every effort will Th«* meeting •>( th«* ChimdTr •»( <’-»in alfalfa » ver seen in this «*ity i* on dis­ (•rets can I t ra im -4 in this ba»in or n<4 I «lid lit«* that In*» to lie met with mi «u» h t»e put forth to make tliia a »uhocv : 4 tup. irrtiv«* sidewalk wa* p*«tp<*m**l fm ¡•enny earned/ ’ President saved 1» a «i>>h «rie irrigation irn I »anitaliun dry ranch« - of tii«- Y «nna Val!«-y. The ’•ta/e coinpah> i- dur the credit o( pro­ Y*«u c*nil long ag. tOamath Batin to tee if it were adapt- gbl«' t<» lire th«* HTVice» of tlie eX|4*r- taken t«» the savings department where »|T«*dily a» i» >»«|L|w. j i,,* i* id «ng tl ’ IO the In I «t-’.ltl'.ll trip, Mild when a man would have U-en laughed able to il*r tuccessiul cultivation of h’ln V’i guide- tloit will pilot till* part) aI rea- 11 1 hr, e < aioli. late, are Hl tlie tivld it i-o|M’ii»*d by the cashier and the con­ Ihivw ol the rwuhlH’»n a l*»|i*i» I by th«* at who undert -ok the extensive cultiva­ -ugar beet. In discussing the matter w herever it g*e»; you uoiiil not gain Mi., -telia < 'ampla-ll, w h>> l*gau Work tent» placed to the credit ol the deposi­ \\ »•• i I’ . . . - • .1 .*,,*. tion of land in Yonna, but b-lav the with a iL-pubiinan representative. Mr- H’iini»»ion to many o( the ex»-lusiv«* Ill'll. • : letiiii,* .go lea'i. Ill tire ra.e, tors. I’.\ employing these small hank- At« Vly's r»**”ltiiioti wa* pr>irn|’,< I by ».■offer i» mute when bmnirbt face to Azdei! raid : plart s that Will **e oj»rn to th**»e reprr •lullowe l by XJi., Areille Kie-e- ,XJ,-« tor catching the stray nh'klrs ami dimes In« mt« » 11« u mili Mr N’-m II uhi» a face with the result« <*f this first at- “I dug thr«e beetf fr«»m a patch grow­ tentative* »»f Oregon J y*u *’»ul.| Iron rargeant i tl v children it teachve them econoin« KnIvin, when tin* <*bi«d cugincrr «luh d tempt. ing on Mr. Davit’ ranch. They are urr able to frtur«* an audience with the, bavi'ig olii ai ’l makes A »farting for a Lank AC- that funtvill I alw.iv« I t f *! 11,’ ’4iHh < tile of the itn|--rtatlt points in fav«»r questionable all right, an i I believe art­ I’resi lent of fin* I hl’e*l States ; ami yuti «•op.nt. w Li« b i* on»- <4 the greatest aids for tin* |-r”)”’ t. Lilt hi” unit |*)an wa» alrendi m i of thi» <■ otm’y uperioritv over the equal to tiie -ugar brrtt grown i.i Cuke- would I m * unable to see, hear and learn ivttvr kuowii h » <’)nip" s C. Ur* in ucquiriiig a «'ompetenc’-. A!l money s*iopl«*»ite*i m th** saving department will !>»> mil’ll land «»n th«* maikrt al unv • tailed ■ ut ty of «ee«l reqiiired to th«* acre. In similar to tl*«—•*, tet one foot apart, ae would uiii*» 11 h”l a metiil»rr <»f this i«lr**M>i\ »i' ft• « f •»HUA thi’«* percent illt»*rest. finir. hi \ir« *4 th' fa t. *tit*l Mr those who »|*ea’>•»*•♦ 4h’»H«itfht In .d«»ut ten -lay Nlaj -r Worden will A’l), “that thì« (mi i» gr ••indi«*«» It * t - avriage twenty Untato the acre. Thia well known randier of Merrill, -aid: (* mii you make any va«ier? Can I* supplii» I n itb lull in- L-avr for th* -onto, ami while away he « u» lo * X’ rl our*vlv«*» tou.ird* “Few |»-.ple |N*<»plv seem -.-em to realize that it | would represent a gr.return of I’ aj O you gather together a greatet (uni oi • lit thi* v»»'4t V”t;!r»! MU') mil p’licha-’- the ca»|H t-. < l.andeliers take- ju«t \*uuim»tu 4 thi” ‘ h'tt ft* ’h tin muid« ••( ju-t ab«*ut al-'iit from two-third» to' j«rr acre. In Colorado we Ogure that knowledge than you will acquire on I •If Irrt and other furniahink- and fixture« yet three-fourths less Mich a vffrr trip at tine will l»v fur so small I tl.»- Ik»*» Limali «n i.i!-. an l thii« le*» serd seet iiptioii. hr w il) • m » i votir n,*c.—ary in th«* Willamette X’alley. the berte at the lactory. at a cott ol $4.'’ The sanitary c*>aliti»n< were again county wi’l have a representative, why rnaintained throughout th«* institution. v«Hr h»r 4i>v i It»!«- > ’U nut* » Ins *•*. Cv«*r there it take-a>»'iit one hundr«»l' an acre, leaving the fanner a net profit g*»ne ov r, and the eaminittee ap|>dnt« not try and be Hint |*er»on? Ina few day» work will commence on p >und» of wheat to the acre to pruperly ; of Iò5 per acre, line ligure rej.rteewi* rd Ml th«’ ia«t inerting «II in«trU’ led m I * ■■I’ll»- iinpiirttiil’.ti I h H iuc iiuiinLtin«*’! Th«* liepuhhcaii will have paid can- » l»lt th»' installation of two marble public hv 1 1» 1* pttlsT. m » Il Iu»« II” ’•)*”!’r, )**rti • s.*e viissvr» in tl*r fi»-ld. They w.ll If drinking fountain«, a f^ee public tele­ twenty-five to thirty. ing lliu! rn’brly t Vole (or you a* th«- representative «4 tbi» ette X’alley 1 would have had to u-e one not hai the experience, and cultivated! Attorney Brower that il wa» the duly (lirinU in otir bvhalf. Thvir vote W ill great iM’cti«*n to g«» to the Jaiuvstown of th«* Marshall to »arar I” tLi”*» » *»m I«» «■«•! whi»'L«*v»-r *»v thry dirvvl. hutidre-l j-'iiud- and get no better re­ lhe beet» like tie would auy other crop. Fxposition» You don’t have to solicit The to!’’ t«»*Utr i» »• (<•))”*»: The ground Lad not been plowed deep plain!», arid lhe «entlnrriit «d the unh«» von want to— pi»t tel) them to The Sadgation Co. XX 111 Open Chan­ sult«. Thi» i« due to the great fertility Mt»» ’**tr)ln <’itniplM'il .............. 1« for enough, nur aere the beet» thinned out < Immlri w«» that hr «hold.I do ••> of our «oil. I have seen nearly one watch (or our canvasser, »ubsciiia* nel jo Feet XX ide Ml«« Ar» lilt' Krr««'»’ 11 sufficiently to admit of their full de­ .Secretary Mon«* wa« appointed lo run hundred-t«a« • of wheat from a «ingle The Kepubhcan ami vote (or you. Miss I -»tii««* I’ Nargmnt the 10 velopment. Had they received Uar- fvr uni* ><*rrvta»y tppl«*gatr rv i- n>> dreamer. H<* ha- had tain they Mould make a bitter sbowiug tanee Is-gan work Mon«lay morning on pile* t » you in thi» rase. Ji yo<| get the rd to *rr tlo- Itoard ol Comiiiiaaloi>| puhliahlng literature Southern Klamath—the blasting out KUinnth Indian» have !««••» • |aanng t«» do thing* is N<»W. So of a dir- crop» aie nut rotated. You take any l.l a channel 30 feet w idv an l ;k<) f«*et Tiii* is an opportunity salmon m .’"‘prague river recently in • ff moie crop producing auch an immense ton­ long aer..»s lh«* reef at th«* lower eml of quit«’ large ntimirr». time. You will ha\<* more fun, nage as the sugar beet, and the result learn Lake Esanna. Tim «..rk is living don« ( •«! !!. V. < »a!»-», ”( th«* Mid wav Tele­ happy experience«, *e* mole, Mould be the same. In Colorado we occasion Hot Springs Company Preparing P.ans tor tlie Klamath latke Navigation t om- phone Co.. j*a«»rd through lUiry, en- inure ami travel more on thii iMice beets two season» in succession. I rank Ira XX hile Makea l arge Sales panv. than you ever im»vmg iiipidly th«*»«* day» and You get a |>A|H-r that i» A iiutul’vi «»I her»l* »if lw»vi cattle have Velopmeiit companies arrive«! here l.i-t tears. By tins method the Soil is re- Iving loaded to her full capacity. All during ill»’ pa«l wr«k Frank Im While I mth ainfu!, is not at mu bat ID than any other one thing I awa\ in the north part «4 the valley th«* this for yon: It will give you the l»est navigation will continue, for thia «•■Ion I mii I i lh»'»«’ lilac«'« h * »»• m » ii »» ma­ know of. • »thrr «lav, making a aravennent «»I «iii ¡Hrm and home paper in America fur eliainiel will l>e «levp enough to meet all -vriou». terial Urtli be delivered. Mr. Nattxger is hen* for the pe.rj».««* • 1 have gob«.1 uX‘vr tLe [»asm pretty hnl«*« along the load. the .iemamls of «> .|iiliierioii, M imh I hv /me published ill the Cnited States t«»r netting out iruit amt »hale trees. <$«*111X11.1 for the pa.t ten «lav*, more con­ work. It is not exfiected that a com­ anu a »"oil mai ket lor tlie product --H* Thin tract Is b«*r<»ming rrvogniwd aw Mr. An«leiM»n i* 11 mineral ex|»«*rt in th«* .* hi relit» additional, or If.-V) fur The tract« haiHitf l*»*en *z^iie put in before the tins soil. The sugar beet is like every­ mi«’ <»i th«« moat «fad ruble wlimi <»f emolo) of the Noiitlu-rn Pa< ifir railway Kepublican for one year. The Pacific U iih * than *ur any like period .inee thi» arrival of th«* railroad: but that part of thing else. it cannot l>e stuck in tlie Northwest for one year, on«* <»f the three and WM* enroute for the coimtri north- thin i itv in which to build home*, and property ha» been p!a«*ed on tiie mar­ it that pusses under the government giound and let take care of itself, but when the sal«*» that are pending are ea»t of Bly, 't he inl«*ivnce i- that the oth«*r niagaxin«*» f«»r one year and any ket. C<>u»ideral4e building 1» 110« canal will lie installed prior to the turn­ where it receives pro|>er attention, it cl<>s«*d it will plac«» th«» word “sold" <»11 milway management ia anxiou* t<> dollar magaiine you uiay select for one under «ay along California Avenue, ing in of the water. It is also probahl«* will pay a handsome return on the year. No greater offer than this has know romethiiig ix-garding toe mining a large nuiiil»er of tract». and much more i» cou-teiuplafed. that some extensions w ill I*«* made, but tune, money and labor inresMed.” ever before been made. pro»p«*ct* of that region. C. D. XVilaun lia» punh.i'ed two lota the»«* will necessarily !»• liniittd oil ac­ Mr. Azdell has visited every r'Stwv*i>- A limit the great contest we arc inaug­ Ali Walii*. tin* Hungry Hollow ranch­ adjoining hia pre»« nt home, and will at count of th«' great e«*st of n-aterial. lueut ami private irrigation enterprMe man, confe«»«*» that he want« a wife*. urating—to send one of Klamath’s fair once liegiu the eieetion of an addition Another important improvement will in tlie "«‘St during tlie past five years. He aava that ‘moat anv girl would duughtt'is to Jamestown, let lie sav: tu hl« r«*»i«leuce. W ork or. tlie Buell be tie1 erection of a t«>*-story brick He is tlioroughly posted oil conditions Sidewalks In Nkhols’ Addition Again »nite him *, any woman who would agree You air interested in thia—every one is. residence, which ha« been purdiawd by office building, plans for which are be­ as they exist ui these sections ami is I nder Consideration. to cut the Htovewo’«!, build th«» the«, N ote f »r your choice and help her to tltorney J». \'. Kuykendall, i» rapidlv ingdrawn by \ rchitect-t'oiitraetor Tay­ amply able to make comparisons. He win You won ’ t have to work hard — a milk the ’’ owh , f«*«*<| tliehor»«*», the pig* nearing completion. Contractor Berger lor. This structure will l*e located on is lavorabiy impressed with Klamath and do other little clair«** about the word here, a word there will do the «ill Ifvgin the erection of a home for Main street, east of Utli. and will be “Build ymir sidewalk on th«* line and County, and if be concludes to locate place—W(»ul«l «nit. He i*n*t particular business, and you will not have to hiiu«elf next week, hi» lots fronting 011 imslernin every re»|*eet. The walls will here, will make a valuable addition to grade given you by the city engineer, or a* to her good look*- jiut «<» all«* i* a «iTiid much tim«* at it either. Take a California Xvenne. C. T. Oliver has In* oflirick and w ill lie finished through­ our population. we will do it (or you nt yoiii expense.” good I ioum kee|»rr and can attend to hand and make it interesting. hi» re»idence em*lo.«>d, and the carpen­ out in natural Wo*«l. Thin la th«* ultimatum that Marshall I'be beets leierreil to have been ad.lev thing* while lie ia away from home. Mr. Naftzger expects to remain 1 h re to the Chamber of Commerce collection, Smith in directed to deliver to th«’ (.<•111111111.1« 11 w.sil—tluct world fa­ ter» are now ongng«*.! 011 the finishing But he aaya th«* girl* all llv ahy of him. pio|H*r(v owner* in the Nichols addition, mous Article—sti.l slipiwr soles, at Tin* work. F. .XI \iiiini« lia« just purclia»«*d for about ten days longer. and will undoubtedly attact a great lie lately ran aero«* a girl that juat two lots on California Xvenut* and is and loe w ill do it, too, and mt that they Novelty. «leal ol atlentiun. Mr. llall has been auitvd him, but she wouldn’t «top long having the material l.auleil on the consume no more than live day* in Inde Sain XX ill Build on the Hot imielat¡gable m his labors to interest For sale—«hie 1'g-ineli steel axle enough in hi* pit‘M*nce for him to get a ground preparatory t. » erecting a nimi- pondering over th«* <|ii«'stt«>n, for ¡he Cuiorado sugar beet men in the great Springs Addition. chance to propose. So All ia pretty wau.'ii, Kn-hfor.l make, ami one sulk« ern cult age. li. .1. >lieetii1 formerly of council -aid they mind l»rglii umk with­ ) -sibilities of the Klamath Basin as a near in dr-pair over hi* mid fortune, plow and oil«* set of team liarne". For tin* furniture firm of Sheet «X Murphy in that period. lavoim ivcaluy lor their industry, and particulars iti.|tiire at this ollie«'. tf lie think* In* is aa good looking a* tin* of XVhitelake, and t.ow employed by A di al lia- just been closed through is in a g. . «I way to have his efforts re - Sometime ago tin» cmincil directed the Don’t lie a dremiier. but «¡el busy. ordinal v run of young men, could giv«* tlie eleetri«1 light company, will Jwmn the npirseiitativv* of the government property owner* in thin addition to warded w ith success. any woman a good lioine and a decent The lime is now close at hand «hen the th«* eonstriii tion of a cottage 011 tin* two with th< ll<»t spring* Improvernen Co. build aidi walk*, and the city engineer living, and «till lie tail« to tind anv one i-outhern l’aeitic Kail«av will be run­ lot» In' r«'i'ently purchased oil California for Block one in the Hot Springs tract, accordingly established the grade and An investment in a Hot Springs lot that will have him. lie ha» my pro­ ning trains into Klamath Falls, and Avenue. and a large office«building i* to I t erect* mean*, among other things, a home in line for the work. But 11 *arlv every found »ympathy. Th«» casual reader now is the time to make vo ir -a leetlon Among those who have pine' sed lots e I noon, to I t used by the Keclaination the l””it of locations, easy access to purt one disagree I with the engineer, and t A '11’1.1 l.l. A may think this a little funny, but Ali for . i.. sin --location many prcin’ water, and to be surrounded by perfevt «iolgate and M. 1'. iViliiems «ho Ansociati u. provement Co. the line they anpposed to be correct, him. sanitary conditions. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE liiip