A LAMA TH REPUBLICA N E. J. MURR \\ . Editor ready, and will prove o* e , f the nu*»j lalual* e a lvi* ii-mg teatuiv< this counti has ever bad It is ihiough such enter­ prise as that displayed bv th. .’»tills that i it li a. luuni le- and «taies aie nul le. LEADING NEWSPAPER OF INTERIOR OREGON Wonder »liat tin- neat ••epidemic •loi,'' b». Il Kl.imaili Fall» «ele attintisi w uh une-hall of t hv latal mal­ i - ar adie» te|MHted an existing lien*, tills city would l«e de|»>|«ilnteil in a tear But ae are glow ing eVrri dai. atol the ii tim ot new settlers is increasing "o - much liiat the lioil la aie tilled to over­ «•nt* i.ev«’« *«•«• the teaclivrs of thv’r flowing and n, vacant houses «htldivn «lining the twelve • r thtvvn yea»* «■ v«»ivd by the pilbln *ctiool Mavu Mailin hH»k lune hv the forv- coutM* Art thv maj «rity weqimk to l>>< k ai «I «liti hv nglit Uni g in ha\ tng thv take «»ffet's«- when ptunuunetd mtv 1’ ■sii'1 *»i Hvaith |*r«»iuptly rxain I»r«,«»iuvs ivcvssaiy for the gu««d ut the lue the *itnrt(l* n here. Viivit t*ay m» «hil i and tl.«- *« l,»««>l ami ‘utter u | h » ii «<• will hv a k ne« k <>m hh»w h» the lal*«* « asi n m v»ii:c»*m • t v»lm.« iuh a I meth­ »aiu«u- aiulwih I t\v a .•«»< *1 effettui ode that they haw iivwr taken Ilf «tarlili^ a ch .ii>i k»'*ip in« wtnvnl a««uig trouble t“ vxa ul r. the lakv heili t hat our f nl oc sc | k « o I s a*r a* I tn spite't all t. we «rv gh» ( to Iwi IvVv . The pion.i t vM r «*in« iit «»I Ih. Yvn- llirtt Ihvy t J i bv tw-llvr talv. .K« bv -a rt.«i «. this city m n u dirty doubling—ti I* well w«oth the while » I bill « bdHl«Hl!» « ai. le VH»tly llllploivd. »i.• »e n.■ * j i!.!«-»«-•«d m then ami il Mvpj» a»v taken tu olive l i mg t< know w:-.it they are ftthiying, wl.ai a M»nt ibi* uni » veinviit. thv vx|»vii»v they .«tv ta kn g al« ut wiih vieil ulhvr. w ili bv mrthitv-iui .1, w I»«» ;ur tlivir tert« ; cl • and v hat the •premi ti vana u*v«f Iu promote thru mental, n *»i.d a d |>hy *tcal «lvVrl«‘|* ment. It I.« I.ot wei| lu l»v tu«» busy witli the Ibit g- ti Mt do mu count to cuiisi'hu «erioUMy tí v ti l» k* that «1«» < «uunt uuni and w ill in the lives of the tuin rv citi* «rn« ot the c mmoi.wr.i *h h«»mr« in which g -si citlfvli«hl|! i« Mar*hall >mith is apt t • hav«» an noi«»«shed.—’ »reg 'inan. oi»vr«»us duty t«» pvrlmm in tin« icing TWO DOLLARS ¡ lit: v IS Utt Wv'l: Klamath Falls, Or., Thursday. October n, i io6 CONVERSAI IONS OE CHILDREN A topic alwav* timely but | ai tu ularly wwben the chlidieh «*1 the land by tvti* of thousands are entering th«» pubh«.’ Kb»M»h l«»r a year’? study an«'h«*ol* nn«i the a*>.«lationa ol tfhrir rhikhen. The lautivv* Home Journal a few months a»>- ar« u*vd a Menu of protest from ai gry p.«rvnt> whrn, advocating h.tnkiir»* win. o| i|!v al i w*x. it >ai«i that .or abb lutv tiilh oi run ter vat ion, not I i» g could «pule c»pia thv talk ot i«»)sanugi» - during i««v** in our school«.** iva«Lvib, I.owwvi. knew that the statement was withii the truth, an«i vxpr« ssr t :n< »« Aa « n «cures of hltvr* to the «alitor «•! th« Journal. Taking up thv « boon ng oi the children that vxists among th. u- an«!« vt {.«rents. It a i««: grvviot.- n cun lv in pin tv—*lill more grvvi«»us iu effect —that our tnolvrn m««ie «1 I k mg affords loo little time tor c> iuianioi.- thip with tbechmirtn • t the hou-vh« !«!. It is only l.vr** aid ibvtv t:.at p4’«iit* are luumi who ate in u.:< . ^vi.l t-.ab with thv work, the play and the jomh ' i - aliens «»i their children. iheva-l i .*ly take fur grantr«! that everything I- di right, and that it i< m l necessary to co operate w ith thv tea« 1« r; beside* i«eing -a dreadful lot her. it tak**» Uo much time to tin«! out by ¡«ersonal inquiry ami attention just w hat i* living do«.r in tili­ -ecbools. If the boy ‘'passes.” as lle generally does, and the girl does not break down from uwtstudy or fr«-m lie- ing cram me» 1 with nonesn of o’|r - ■ thvr thitu*. to omit niviiti« i. «1 ti « valuablv •♦•rvh’r rvtnierrd ll.e ¡air «•••>» riatl »n by Mr. John >tilt«. He i? w i« who carv»| i r. Iai>rlled and in*tallvd the agricultutal and liorti«*ultural ex­ hibits at the lair. Never bet« re »a* greater care e\vrci*e»l nor nene careful attention given to tbi*» nn»«t important l»art ot the local r\p«»*itir»n. an«l the Work Being Bushed on the Culifor worth of the M-rvi'-e. given without nia Xortheastern. money and without price, was «lotihlv great in view of the fact that the ex­ hibit* 1 avv teen preferred for rxhilu- A w«»ll kn«»wn traveller, w ■ ;»i ti.»«. pnrfM—r* when thenrw Lv.id-qua»- in thi* « ity «hiring the wwk au«l ter* !* r the t’l.ainbrr «4 (’«>tnn.er«e are in'pectvl the work ,b uug I n«* <> < i-’clh r.lilf I I pt «-*♦•• I hiiii-’ lt a- I’ving r»inti«len! the nm*| w«»nM reach thi* city I i !« r • the u»«»*t MiMUUlhe vxi»-* !•* I it * •’*•,.< rn I*i> • i- aux u* t • h c* :j.p;‘() acres choice farmini land, good orchard, good wells, and other i in prorem en t . J 'Tl> acres will come under ditch. Only four mib-s from Klamath Falls GENERAL INSURANCE AND REAL ESiATE TOM JÄ'rKl *111 KLAMATH COUNTY BANK ALEX MARTIN, President the *«nitary or«iiiian«'v<. Tbere i* little u.-e m bucking the itger, ami when J 4 n* U V Clean ui-.’’ d»> •<» w uh a plvn-Hiii smile. I will make it va*ier t»»r him ai. t'*r y«»ut*vlt ala*«. KLAMATH FALLS, ORF(!O\ E. K. KEA.MES, ALEX MARLIN. Jr Vice-President Cashier The Pioneer Bank of Klamath County First Semi-Annual statement June 30, PMM Resources lz>an« and Discount».............................. . Overdrafts, »ecured and unsecured ... Bonds and Warrants......................... Banking House. F urniture and Fixtures lUie from Bunks and Banker« ............ Cali in Bank................................................... I.tabilitiea Capital Stork, fully paid...................... Stirpiti* and I’ndivideJ profit«... Individual Deposite, »object to check Cashier’» Check« outntandinv Demand Certificate« of Deposit......... i 120 òli 4*. !'3 ,a«i to -«ret the “tuff «>v« r. t«H» U>U< h !• fiiiaar ha* • • j. ad'l»*'l an«! a* a <•*»!) •»••pivn«’«* the .*i*kivou hioiibtaih* arr strewn with w reckage. >urfi. lent men cannot I** ub. tamed to run the train« with the t 'li­ nage allowed lor one locomotive: »<» long trains are made up and four en­ gine* added to g»*t the freight ••ver. The complaint comew "t a griivial con- ge*tion all along the line, and that i* why the coinpan*. no doubt, i* lurning th»- earth t<> get the ('aliiornia North- eastern «•<-.mfueled. The ofH’iating ex- ;>riiM * are <•« the increase and when it i* taken inh» « ui-t ¡riati 'n the great •aving in c»ming thi* way. additional env!> ai.d exertion i* added to get the work done. That Klamath Fall* will have a road and that it will lie on a trail-« •ntin**ntal line, i- a* Mire a- late. I Lal the r<»a«l will lie completed long before the given time of the pc--mii*tf« if al»<» an ;i-»»ured tact. The talk <»f thi* change and that « hai.gr in tiie original-nrwy i- largely blur «-kv. The roa«l that i« to I h * Built i« to I*- on a- *bort a route a* fw --ihle an«l it i* not w ith any i«lea to tap thia or that point, but to grt through to thiw •r«*tion c n an ra*y grade. The propofrd Mirvev if a «Haight line, and to avoid the >i-kiyou mountain* is the para­ mount aim of the rornnany. The tap­ ping nt.'»t w ill ell.».. 1 )<»<*«» in I ><• r .11 si, 1'.» di !, mill the I.nix ....... ivinjtli. I.ii ’ji‘»t iiiiinb.T ui -iiI>»>.*i i|>tion« to th.* r.icilii1 N• >rtlixxo-t mid The KI.mi.¡th lu*|>ill«licah will In* <|.*eiii.*<| the chniee of the eoiiutv for the trip. I lie »ul>»ei ipt ion price <>f the I’.ieilie Xorthw e»t 1» .’>t) «•eni» a ve.ir. I lie -111--«‘ri|>tion price . 1 l’lie Khunath licpubliea i i» t 'J. dh a \car. But ¡Im iiiLi thi» «•«»nt«--1 lx>th paper» will l>e »ent to <>ne ad'lie»» |. r one y ear lor J-.’.itt). l’lie Huec.’H-fiil lad\ will be one of a parts of thirtv-thrre — one farnier'» d:un.diter from each «•onnts in the state—that willl.unc Portland Max l-t. !•-»«•.. tor the .lante»ti'Wn l"\po»iti.in. und "ill be n*nc three week» of I'll ic, \i»itni2 many of ine lai.e citi. » ot the ca». and < ,ui.u_ on the I're-ideiit ol tl>«‘ I tlited State» at \\’¡l-hill2to||. *»he will be the »peei.d lepn »e lit .111 \ e of Klamath County and the Klamath Project. ROAD >.">27 .»>91 .9» .. » In connection with the Pacific Northwest, The Klamath Republican offers to the most popu­ lar farmer’s daughter in Klamath County a /''.i/osi/ioj/ 77/^’ w :II 1 ’.■ h< 11 at Norfolk, W. Va., an«l will ba the grtutdcM milit ■ Rules Governing the Contest Subscriber» must pav all arre.ir 12" and on«1 year in advance. Thi» will entitle him to the I’aeilic .Xorthw.’M and I’he Klamath lb public.m lot one year ami a vote for hi» chc.ee to jo to the .lamestown ExiMisition. One person may -<-n ! in .1» many sub»criptions a» lie choo»es. Additional Offer In addition to thi» phenomenal oili-r. paid in advance siili»eril>cr» may choose any one of the following maça/.ine», which will be sent free for one year: The Journal of American Agriculture The Woman's I arm Journal The II Oman's Magazine By paying >0 cents additional, or $2.^0 we will send yon for one year The Pacific Northwest, T he K i \ maih R epi hi .le w and any one of the following magazines: The Pacific Monthly I he II Oman's Home Companion The Cosmopolitan McCall's Magazine Further hi forum tion Will be gladly furnished by addressing the KLAMAIH REPUBLICAN, Klamath Falls, Or. SALES J. W. Evans, !>>t 21 Block 21. ■I. H. liegen, l>*t 11 Block II. B W. Mason, L>t 2 Block 47. I?it 1 in Block 47, «old »olne time ago Ftate of Oregon ) County of Klarnathf ”» to E. J. Murray, was »old bv Mr. Mur­ I. Alex Martin, Jr.. Cashier of the al»>ve named Bank, living first du- ray to W. E. Faught. y sworn, do say that the above statement is true to the liest of my knowledg« Sale» in the trleim Tract.—+ • ncre» to ami belief. Ai.ax MAtrri.tr, Ja., Cashier. John Ba<-k of Portland; 20 acre» to Win. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2nd day of Julv, 1900. [»■Aid B. C. trRAVKg N. Wilson. Campliell A Burns. Notary Public for Oregon. Correct attest For Hale—On«* 1 1t*in<*h «feel axle Ai.ltx M artis , wagon, Ru«hfor«l make, and oiiv «alky E. R. R k . amks . plow and oiiv *et of team barne««. For A lrx M arti «.*, J r , Director». particular» inquire at thia office. tf 1 n*I marine exposition ever lodd. It «ill Mirpa-H all pr.viou» world» fair» in splendor mid ma*_'nitieenee. A vi»i to th«* Great World'» show will be an event in the life uf any young lady never to be for •oit. n. ixwAr Sending in your subscription at once and take advantage of our remarkable magazine offer.