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About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1906)
KLAMATH KLAMATH FALLS. KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, OCTOBER VOL. XI. NO EPIDEMIC OF TYPHOID Says Dr. ft’enney, Secretary of the State Board of Health MAKES A CLOSE EXAMINATION «-onditi n he Btate<l that health «•»ii«h* Came Here at Request of flavor .'hirtin, who l ook ti-»t»s this ««-at are tatt«-r tl».«n th«»*«- <4 th«« ¡u-l three ««*ar*. *'Tw»» \«-ar* sgu th«*re were 17 «a»«-» «»I t«hp<»i l, last y«-»«r 37 ««*«■» ami thi» ««ar Illis .Method to Effect 13,” ».«1 I Dr Mrt*t »1». "I iiiler my car«* are « m * v «* ii «»I ualh Stop l alsc Report tie-*«' «*«■«•», Mill •-«»■•« •«»««• ««f th«- paiient* air re«ent arrivals hr!»- F ive ••I tl»r L« <*a*rs a »«* fr««»u F«»»t Klamatl*. Tliorouglily contrr»ant with the »itu I <h«i|l»t 11 th *r«- 1» a single « am * in ihr liavr n«» t a !h»n Io tc and luHv mimiv that the » it« that >»t igiiiut« <1 tier«« rumor» of a REPUBLICAN. ty pl»ol«i « ¡>idi n»i> were total ly fnlw, ^1 a\"r Marti t«»"k th** m«s»t i»flrclivr method Io fclut«* tl»v lai»«* •Ialrmenl, and d-» *o >» ii the authority «»I tlo- lliglieat 11 i I» ui » a 1 in lb«* Mats, H ••king I’r. Y»nn) ol Portland, »vtitiai* of the •‘•tat«’ Board «»f II« with lo < «»ine her»» ami )M*r»ohally investigate the mat ter. ! hr invitati«»n * AB immiwtiately a. ■ c»ptv«l, and Dr. Ymiiey aimed here I ridav evening, haluitta« *»• devoted to an evliAowin«* ilivr»!igalK'ii, rtnbrac’ log inter\ ivw • u iit« rVei y ph)»it lall in lite water th«* city, r ex MAiitinalion a tn mat toil *»l tn«*« Ink 11 g of »Aiutile» supply ami the tarn» of tl»r aainr , viatling veiling the lake front, ba« k yard*. tollet». l*»il» t» ir»la«irai»t«. Iruit »torr«, lb«* g »V4 tnm»*nl «anal mii <I i'Atn|N> hele a |H»»»obihiy ami every plate w wheie f might exist I »r the pro|«agatloi» *»l »h*<»a»«* or inircti«»n Io» t»«ur < ««I in- < <in >n h o lour a|*r«'tiufi l»v u a- a««••*«» '«Ulipwnird pa hie*I by .*11% official», a committee Irom the Clium« la-r <»f Commerce and a rt*pf esentati ve of The Republican, I»r. Venne) ’* Nothing was methtal» aiv th«r«»ugl» overl<M>k«-«1 am) hr •|»arr«t Idmsrll none ill bl» rf1«»rt* to at'ipHfe a thorough knowle«lgr of the actual condition» a* they vMiwt, t*pl«lriii|c hrrr, Mini t-« At no till»*- hat«* w«* I Ii I • At«*t»«'«l With <»!»•* I hrrr an- Itowrvrr, rxisting in thi» . « it« many unsMiiitarv pla« «*•. I have ni«titlr*| ih«>*«* responsible f«>r t!»«•»•• «■«»!«• ditl»»ii* !•» a I» m I«* the nuisance, but thrv have ign-»r«‘<i u>) rr«|Ur»t. Man« of ihrm Lav»* l«rrn «»ffrmlrd at my action. II is imp' sw|Ll<* f«»r ti>«> tu g*»an«l take tLriii Lv tiie La« k »»f thr nr* k ami mak»- them «h-ati up. T«» mak«« my or«l«*rs rffrctiV«« I must L av «* the a< live »up|M»rt I Ukd 4H| a*-|s’Alice o| the mMidiall an«l • lirriff I 1« see that in« or«lers are eti l».rcr.l. li this 1« «ione, then thi* citi will ta ■ he o| the • -leal»«**! ill the slatr '* Dr. Mailuii was t(»lh»wr*l by Ihr other mvmtais of ti»«* ('oUUCli w h«* «•Xprr»sr«l Ili«-in-« lv« - as willing ni »«I anxious to afford a I |x»*wil4r Assistant'«« t«» th«* I«» **lth • tin »-r t*» niuk«- « ffrcti«r In* or«l- rrs Dr. ft •*miry then t«.*»k th«* floor and -aid in part! • »I ctil| m glig««m «• l.ikew I-»* w»»n!»l , the S a »«« B>< hi *I be g»llltV if W •* *ai.e»| Hi •nr «Inly. N«*xt *|»»ti'g, it pr»*»e|it »»»i»- liti*»n* .it»» i»ot impmved and if it is evi dent \ mi ate imaUI»* to improv«* them, then 1 a’nirtlly it might I*« ** m - |acl«*»i foi tin- Mat«* H-'iod to stei* 111 ah'l <lo it for y«»u; but I «1« f»* ’ tahev»* i ti»is i• ne« « »sal v. At pi.«••»i«”,*llv 10 «-x- p«*n*«- you « .in n.ake \our « it) the li»«»st s iiiHar v hi the Mat«*.'* - In i*l«-*ii»g h»» M-marks, D». Yenney s.*i«t that naturally he w«»ui«l ta ex |>rcl-. ••■I to make a re|a»rt t»» his superiors, and woiibi. therclote, lik«* to have a »ta'en ent from th«- «-oun» il a- to what the) rX|M*< t to »!«» m the matter. < hi behalf of the « uuni'il and city. M.ty«»r Martin «tateil that L«* talievrd they ha«l the authority to carry <»»>t the sugges tion mad«' by Dr Y«-nm*v, and that it would I«* «lone. Memtars ol the ««»on- '» it j( | ih * l.»*en lik** the <4»l stosv <»f th«*, • I»» *-u ak*-i '«• chj|<lr«*n going Lar*4»»otrd, | II«* -, can’t *ay th.«i 4*ny more, in Li* • < how« 5,«*r. II«- will now have a bom«- am,.’« larg»* enough to entertain' Bi* friend» in—ami their name i» legion. TI**- «•l»ok *d th«* weather H a * ta«*n dialling «»«it a most exquisite «juahty of l»i* pr-*bi« t o « «-ntlv. An«l the evening* I»»* giv«-* ns are *iin|«lv t«eautiful tayond «I»■** ripli«m. The .«zur«- hm* <«f the hills and snrroiimling mountain* at sunset jof |H>, a »j*4-« ta» i«' of ui»er«.*rile>l gram! > • 'ii. Thoma»* ( amptail, th«- j*a*t must 1 •»•« taen m » »me »u«h clime when he I •'n«l tiie >>}M*hing hrii-s of his Pleas- tire-«»f H«»| m - f’ for then he wrote: DOINGS Henry M>»eh»ler has i»nilt a gran«'«)'on his place «*a»t of Dairy. n«*w MARRIED A. I*. Mitchell ha* taen *uff«-rmg from >mith-Kuyken<iall~At the home of an at'ack of bilious fever, but is now th«' bride’* par»-nt* • m South \Villam«'tte Convalescent. street on Tue*«lay. 1 h t »I mt 2, 1** h ». R. M in. W«»« m 1 has been in Bly the past E. bmith to Mi»* > ibyl E. K ivk«-ndall. wr»k where rumor * a « s . he has tacome Mr. Smith ii u prominent lumber* interested in a saloon. man of Minm-apdi*. and M1-1 K»iyk»-n- Mrs. Frei l»e« k I* »ti l a sufferer fr«»m dall i* the «laughter • •f Dr. ami Mrs. tlw effect» of th»* jolting up she g»«t in Kuykendall of tiii- « ity. They left «>n the Bonanza runaway. the northliound tram )»-*t«-r lav f r Du- Mrs. W p. **»-dg«-. win» has taen visit luth, m here they u ¡11 n.ake their home. ing in California f*«r several week». 1» —-'Eugene Register. expected hum«* shortly» Mi** Kuykrmbdl ua* one of the teach I*. I! <«rav. ««Hr ami a part of their er* in the high pchool la*t year. an«l hit* re who wi-o her fatiiilv. of pot* Valley, visited with the a h«»*t <«f in«nd* muci» joy ami happinr**. Attorney la*es in Dairy last Sunday. Edw . M*dge, has g««ne to live <»n his Kuykendall of thi- piace i- a t r«»ther of hnuiest« a»l. a ! m » v «- Bonanza, and is mak th- bride. ing *<»me iin|»r««vements thereon. 1906. NO. 28 FREE TRIP TO JAMESTOWN i 1 Opportunity Is Offered to Klamath’ Most Popular Daughter ' ALL HER EXPENSES TG BE PAID ’ At *’imm«*r*» eve, when Heaven’s ethereal l-»w Spit n», wit!» bright arch, the glittering hill tal«>W, Why to y«»n mountain turns the musing • I expressed themselves a« cording*« , eve, AI|«I I»»» «l«»U»»t the mn» h hee«|»-d lljo’.e- Who»«- *uniit summit mingle* with the h«eiit W ill la- iiiAllg'ltate i at olice. »ky? Why «io th »*e cliff*, with shadowy tint, Appear more sweet all the Ian I- smiling near? G. <». An*l* r*on went to the Falls last ’Ti» »liitänee lend» enchantment to the view, M«i»»Uv on bueiness. <»-«ai la*t* ami wife of Daily were Poe Am! rota* the m<»untain with its azure hue.” Valley visitor» last week. DAIRY • ii , Off.cial Newspaper of Klamath Count/ ■ stories high, of brick and red fir. The finishing i* the natural wood, and, like the banking offices. only first ria«*» material ha* enter«-*! into it* construc tion. In addition to the bank, there i* 1 a storeroom faring on Fifth street. I’ m - *tai t* i* divided into ft »«litre of a<*rr-- to whim 1* gained from I itth street, ti.e •fairway bring finished 11« fiard w«»j, tiling ami steel. This will ta the thirl bank for thi* city. The officer* ar?: President, C. E. Worden; vi«<—pre*!*lent, Fred Mrlha*e; cM*hirr. J. W. hit-mens; a-ri-tant cash ier, E. M Bubb; director*, Fred Mel- l.aM*. ft\ T. Miivr, <»u* Mrlhase. J. W. Siemens ami ('. E. W«»rden. Owned an<l directed by a l*«dy of the riioet <« n-« -native ami sutatantial busi ness men in the county, thi» new finan cial institution i* certain to meet with favor in thi* c«»mmunity. Every officer ami director i* well known here, ami need* no introduction to the public, for they already |*«■-<•** that mea-urr of •nfi-ieme <>i an<l e*teem that a**urr* the *u»c»-*-* of the in*tituti«»n of which (hev are the hea»i. THE BALDWIN BLOCK I he Final Touches Arc Being Applied on the Stru.ture. MRS. HUTCHISON Greatest Offer Ever Hade By Any Paper In South ern Oregon Of Great Educational Value A fr»-e trip to the Great Jamestown Exposition, With *ide trip* to the prin cipal eastern t itie* and a meeting with the pre*i«irnt »/f the I’nite«! States in Washington, l>. C.,to Klamath countv* Host ¡-»pillar fanner’- «laughter—th« is in a nutshell what the Pacific North west ami The Klamath Republican ¡s.-e* to do. Thi* i- the greatest offer ever made in this county, ami one that will no doubt I*- fully appreciated by the reacting public. Thirty-threeof Oregon’s most popular farmer* daughters will comprise the ¡»arty that goe- east, and one of these will be a representative from the Klaiu- ath Project ano Kiamatb County. .Mie will take with ner a mil supply or liter— ature about ti.o» great basin, ami will at all times l»e t.»e («rrsonal represen tative ol the grea esi imau«l Empire orv tne Pacific Coast. Tins excursion ie conducted under the Auspices of tlx Pacific Northwest ot Portland, the lead ing home ami farm jjurnal of the Pacific C«*ast. By »¡»ecial arrangements. The Klamath Republican has joined this great journal in this popular cun- te*l—a c ,T.le- ^p4 ba» set everyone Hi the stale iu>k:ng. The Republican wants this county to be represented—it wants to head the list with the greateat number of votes, and it w ill do mj if the young ladles will take an interest and help, and we know they will. The Reptiblitan and Pacific Northwest should l«e in every home in the Klam ath Basiu and we are going to put it there. This will mean that Klamath county will lead am! mean* that the succvasJii! candidate will have the ihooeing of the chaperon who w ill accompany the party. Tiie people of this county has never done anything by halves, and they are m»t g«»ing t«> make thi* an exception, it we lead in this contest it will be one of the greatest advertisements Klamath has ever had. In addition to this remarkable offer. The Republican gives its reader* an op- |K»rtunity to get some of the leadiug magazines abe<»lutvly free. Else where in this issue appears the particulars. D. P. Sh<M»k ha* rotin«le«l up ataut 175 The unsightly l*»anls that have mj lira»! of his !w«*f rattle, ami starteil liis long <leiace*l the l*-auty of the only **l am n«»t lirrv to qiiairrl with you ruler» f«»r the r«-»«-tva»ion to round up The heath of a Well Known Pioneer ’ f««ur stcried brick bl«k in - .nt hern nor with y«»ur citism«. I c«»mv her«* at the I »a I a 1 ice lust M«>n«lav. Oreg* n Lave at last Ix-en remove«!. an«l Resident. th«* invitation <d your mayor, and I have Mr. ami Mrs, Petersteiner were the magnificent plate glass front in- ma«!«* a v«*iy thorough rxsmination of Klamath Falls visitors la«t Friday. stai*«*; i i their *t«ad. This tranefor- your city. !h*f«»rr Dr Hargus dirti tili» The Litter rnarkete«! her stock of young Drsth ha* removed <»ne <»f the pioneer mati««n t«- k place M«»mlay, under the town was rr¡M»rted n- taing in a very turkey* while there at a g'*«d round r«-i.|«*nt- ■ f thiscity, Mr*». Annie Hutch- directi«»n of Contractor Taylor, who ha* i-<>n. u h<» died at the home of her — •». bud condition. Since his deuth t hete price, t«M>. demonstrate«! his ability in the tine rr|a»rts have al»«» been made, and w hm M*»nt I Hutrhi-on. Monday morning. I taminr» Water Supply Complant isheaid of i r regular it ie» in work he ha- «lorn* on the store r«H»m and After interviewing the phv«n iaii », Dr. I came hrrr I expect«*«! to firn! a worse the «list 1 il»ution of mail matter at the She wa* 79 y«ar- <•( age. and had l«een a fnmt <»f thi* buihiing. No one was r« — idrnt of this city for nearly forty V«*nnry la-gai» l«is examination of th«* •late of Affair» than actually exist. B-maii/a poetotfice. The )«oMma*ter is more plea*«*! to see the l*»ar«l* removed Mir 1-survived bv four children, HAtei »upply. A««• inpani« «1 by Mayor 1 hrrr is no rpidrmte hrrr, «-itbrr «»f a |*>pular fellow , but he mtiiij to get a y»-ar- than Ju«lge Bal«iwin, who lias patiently TV l*ll«»ll> ON ANV oTHKN IHAKAs»:. T h XKK Mr*. I 1» Appb-gate, <»f Oakland. ( alif.. Martin, F K R«-am« -. I V. i«atr*. O. little car«*lrss sometimes. await«*«! this «-hang«*. Mr*. J. E. Fairchild am! Mrs. Charles B.tiatc* Health iiftlcvr Ma»ti»n and a IS A AM «11 EM I'gH* KX r U.K OF TYI'lloil» Tiie four big plate gia** window« are It is rurm»re*l that the county c »in- reprrscntatlVw o II*«* RepublkMI», hr HENN IHAW 1» tllK AVKRAUg ><»M TH* mi**l««nrr* contemplate alsrlishing th«' Putnam of Rotiland-. Calif., and 5L»nt I six lee* square, an«l over «me fourth of F Hutchison of thi* city. w» fit t«» th»» • ¡»ring fi»»in w 1.1« Ii the « ity ’• •TATK. ! an inch in thivknc*», the wh«»!e making offi«”C u| r««ad *u|«eivis<»r next year. Midi Mr-. Hutchison was the fir—t t seh«"'l “There exist, Itowever, conditions supply 1» pi«nure«l. Alter rxaininilig j amove wmihl remove tr«»m this pre teacher in Ibis city. when. So years the largest and mo«t ornate front in unsanitary, ami the prtHAUllot«* taken to protect Irom that *it«* <!«•« nlr-lly this city and surpassed by few in the cinct a lame «•! contention that ha* tarn ago, ahe prr-ided over the tir*t ] public state. ( ««iitam mat ion the »ource «»I supply , I»«* thrs«' sb- il«l I «• abated. It y««u all w rk a fruitful s<«urc«' of bu«l l»h*o«l. school <*f the town of l.inkvillv. Her look l*«» sample* of th«* water, and togvth«*r ««»ur« itv can la* «*it«ily ch ain'd The storeroom, which ha* a floor spate Mrs. N. S. Drew an»! tw«> of her n—idenev ha* l*een practically cont in- < >minent«-«l favorably <»n the tiioruugh up. I can *•*«• no reason f»»r stringrnt •)f nearly «UKM feet, is fitted through c’lildren will *|>emi the winter in A-h u*u* since that tin«*, with the cxcvj»- ami a<l«*«|Ual<* piotectloii to prcsvrve tiie 111« AMirrs, for I taliwr if tl»»»M* rrspin- with shelving. l>»xes. drawers and cub- *|»ots will land, whe’e the children will attend tion <d a few year*, «luring which time purity <»t Hi«« water Eroin the »prlng • iblr for the unsightlv b**arda. am! is as mo iern and convenient sch<M>|. Mie ri|s*cts to depart s«»tne *he live I in lb Hand* She wa* jm »*- an excursion along the luk«* liotit wa. promptly remov«» them if the matter is as 30 years of ex|*erience can make it. tim<* this week. Her daughter, Nrtt, *v**rd of tho*e rare traits that endeared taken. The |.nrty «i» here joined pr****-iit«-«l in th«* pro)*er light. If they It is not overstating the truth when it i- :dr«*a«lv there attending the Normal. her practically to every resident of this The by M ai *l»aii Multi», 11.«* I »octor |*ulnted d«»n’l, then make them do it. 1- «ni l that there is imt a finer tinishe«! Dir Dairy merchants are enjoying city, who join with the tarrave«! one* out tn«* many unsightly pool», rriuse Mate lUiard lias th«* authority to close nor better equippe i ftaidware store in mourning the departure oi an esti up th«« h«mt «hair of any place refusing such a rushing trade this tall that it is h«*Aps and inipr«»|wr metlnnis followed i room on the Pacific coast. j in th«* «ll»|NMiiiig «»I sewerage, am! ma«lc t«» al*at«a h nuisance, I Isdieve Volt hale very difficult for them to keep supplied mable charade r. ♦ W’ork will lw*giii atonce«»na broad The remain* were taken to A-klaml cement walk in front of tiie building, •uggr»tioiit lor their statement. 11«* the same authority and ought tu eu- with the necessary st «wk of goods. i«»rce it. Their estimates of nee*le«l supplies are Tuesday for interment ta*ide those of and when this is finished it will com staled that the mam i>l*)«*cti«»n tolhvM* “I wotihl suggest that a scavenger la* «•iitirrly inadequate t«> meet the demands of her husbaml w ho died about three plete the finest business block in South- unsanitary conditi«>na wa*tli«*ir nasti Prof Pre»ton W. Search, a lecturer ri 11 Oregon. years ago. ness and the <»p|s»rtunity offered by einplox«-<i b\ the ci.y, who would r«*- | ol th«* tra«le which in coining to them. of National lame, this week gave a serieu them a* a breeding place for flies, move all garbage. >«•«* that proper re F . M. Bennett, the thresher man. fell of three lectures in the assembly hall through which medium disease germs ceptacles are provide«! for garbage ami from a stack of grain Thursday last and of the high school. They were fairly refuse, ami if this is done vour scaven-' alighting u|H»n a fenc«* ¡»ost. almost broke can lai carried. secretary ’« Quarterly statement, be well attended, but lar short of what th« Hr was pickeJ up uncon In the afternoon the reservoir was g«-r w ill «!•» the rest. Dry earth Hotels Ins back. 1‘roi. ginning July ». 1906, ending October 6. merit ot the lecture» demanded. t should ta sutatitutvd for those in gen- scious and taken to his house, suffering visit v«l ami another .ample taken, 1906. Search is a giant in »tature and intel , eral uh *. II thrM* »re in.tailed, your intensely. His injuries were not of a W ill Open Por Business Next Mon- Then the g«»vrnimenl canal and camps I city will I.' |Hrlectly unitary. TI i «* m * KKl KI ITS. lect. His lectures were maeterpieaia» permanent character, were lookad over, typhoid patient» and he has day Morning. Collected from Assessments 1. 2. and delivered in a clear, intellegeut style, cun I h * ra.ily ci<*»ne<l anil ren.ov. .11 vi»Hr«l; restaurant», toilets and back measurably recovered. 3, receipts 91s to 1019, Treasurer's re that commanded the rapt attention oi jHi.aibility ol the .prea.l of ili.ea.e. The yards inspected. At no lime >li<l l>r. Eggs have ln*rn ten rent» a doten »703 91 his audience. cl<>.eti. a loll j! th. Ankeny ditch .hould Next Monday the American Rink and ceipts *5» to 71 Yrniiry overlook the slightest detail, higher all summer in I»airy than 111 Balance July », 1906 Plot. Swan is deserving of much credit 29» 4» I m . remove.' Mt once. There i. no water Trust company will open its doors for and he carried away « ith him a most 44 73 for his effort to interest the people here there now, and the maintenance of Bonanza. Is it any w onder that Dairy’s business, and also open for business the Warrants overdiawn .. thorough knowledge of conditions here. farm trade is on th«* increase? Rut in a lecture course. Through this med the.«, are a tn.nace. ti lest <*quip|s*d banking house la-tween Special Council Meeting then, on the other han«!, town lots are tV.’>7 12 ium are they enabled to avail them "Typhoid fever doea not originate San Francisco and Portland. No detail selves of the exjierience and knowledge msmRsKMEVT». Mayor Martin availed himaelf of the without the typhoid verm. Any one not quote«! nearly so high in Dairy as in has been overlooked nor no ex|«en»e Farmers, you opportunity to secure a public state who i. aflecte.l witii thia iuo«t deadly ot the lx»st river town. » I 5 10 acquired by years of studv and travel spared to make the equipment first- Office furniture and fixtures ment from the secretary of the Mate all diwaa.», mu.t have Iwcome infect*! know, have any quanty of town lots to class in « very resjwet. ami how well this Directors” |>er diem and expense» i 77» 00 and great expense, and those w ho hace Printing................................... 15 90 any desire for higher intellectual attain Board of Health, by calling a *|»ecial by germa from other patient«. It i. ( sell, has lawn «lone an inspection of the S5 ment should avail themselves of it. Stationery............................... All the farmers who havf* had their banking offices will testify. meeting of the city council, which con purely a tilth diaeaiie. The principal Postage ................................... ■Modern lecturers, like Prof. Search, 3 50 vene«! at the City Hall al N p. m. Sat agencie. for it. apread are drinking threshing done are in an excellent hu The room to be occupied is 50x100 21 00 eliminate everything which is dry and urday. On calling the meeting to order water, milk and vegetable.. Elie, play mor over the turnout of their crops of feet. Tlie floor is tiled and the celling Recording................................ ;o 00 prosy, and make their discourse one oi the Mayor said: an imjKirtant part in the diiaemination grain from the machine—and even the covered with »licet steel. The office« Office Rent............................... 4 50 lively interest throughout. It is to t« The are enclosed by a beautiful panneled Teleph. 'lie ............................... “I took it ii|Min myself to call this of thi. direaae. When you rememlier threshing machine man 1« happy. hoped that Prof. Swad will continue ............ 2*5 *|H*cial meeting of the council in order that bacilli measure from l-SOltOth to g**n«*ral expression is. It is far above counter oi quartered oak, surmounted Miecellaneoua his efforts in this direction, and that he 250 02 will meet with the hearty support a 1 Wheat is turning pv expectations. ’’ railing and beveled French Attorney's Salary.................. to hear from Dr. Yvnney, secretary of il'lO.buOlh of an inch you can readily niv ex|H'Ctations. 300 00 work of this character deserves. the Mate Board of Health hiiv suggestion , jairceive how a «ingle fly can carry a out 25 to 46. oats 35 to 70, rye 1ft to 2ft plate glass. The business windows are Secretary’» Salary .......... Annual state Corporation Li- he may have to offer. In view of the large numlier of di.ea.e producing bushels to the acre. Very little barley finished with Vermont marble. cense....................................... ... 175 (X) fact that many false rumors have been germa on it. feet. Thi. ia whv dry was sown. One of the principal items of ex 70 (X) circulate«! regarding the conditions exist , earth eloaet. ahould lie inatalled, your Mr. Fred Reck was the victim of a pense was the vault. It is surrounded Traveling exjw'nses.............. !>r. ftcnnry Speak» THE LECTURES THE AMERICAN BANK & TRUST CO Secretary’s Report TREASURER’S NOTICE ing in this city, I asked the Mate Board to send one ot its representatives here to investigate the situation. That is Dr. Yvnney’s mission among us. II«* would like to hear from the ineintars of this council brioie making any state ment. Dr. Maxton, city and county health officer took the floor and made an ex haustive statement regarding the efforts he has put forth ever since his arrival here to bring about a general cleaning up of the city. Touching on the present dairies inapeeted and vour fruit and vegetable .lore, kept free irom tiie. and ajHiiled and decayed fruit, and vege- : table.. | "A. I *ai«l before, you base no epi* demie here, but there suggestions xhonld be followed to avoid ane next year. If you (eel that you are unable to make your people clean up, or wish the State Hoard to take charge, we will gladly do so. Y ou are aware of condi- lion* as they now exist, and if they produce an epidemic you will be guilty runaway the other «lay, coming within an ace of loosing his lite, while the wagon and the hay-rack upon which he was standing, were completely wreck«*d. The team tacanie unmanagable and ran into a fence, throwing him to the ground, bruising him badlv and w rench ing an ankh*. One of the horses was almost killed. Wm. Fla« kus is building an extensive addition to his residence four miles north of Dairy, a thing which lie has 1 been promising himaell for years bast| by two walls 1ft inches thick, between which is a two inch air chain tar. The floor is 6 feet thick of concrete and ce ment ami the roof is composed of four feet of dirt. In this vault which is 10x10 stands the 6000 pound Mangunese sale. In the lobby of the bank will be public writing desks, telephone ami drinking fountain. A social section will ta set aside for the lady depositors, rtn’l every convenience for their com- ^or! * ill ta provide«!, The building itself is 50x143, two Notice is hereby given that there are |957 12 fund* in the county treasury for the re E lm eh I. Arri o «. ate . «Secretary. demption of all outstanding Klamath countv warrants protested on and prior to July 11, HM3. 19 33. Interest on same will MORE NEW HATS cva*e troni thi* date. So great was the denian«! for the mil Date«l at Klamath Falls, Oregon, thi linery at The Novelty store, that prac 11th day of October, 1906. 1.« Alva Lewis, county treasurer tically before the goods were unpacked they were sold. This necessitated a The largest cargo of freight evet re new order. The goods have just ar- ceived'in this city in one shipment rived ami can be seen at this popular arrived at the docks of the Klamath stole. They possess the tame kimbby Navigation Company Tuesday evening. style and design for which The Novelty and1’ comprised l‘il ton» of cement aud is n*»te«l. merchandise.