Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1906)
CITV Bonanza Improvement Co. I I IS OFFERING LOTS THIS 1 WEEK FOR 30 DOLLARS W *1 'ft For analysis of the Hot Spring* water |U»rn—To tue wife of J Scott Taylor, read the Hot Springs Improvement Thuiada* O* t 4, a »on. Co.*s ad in this week's |ui|w»r. W R. Bn w ii ha» some more of th«me Chop Sury and Noodle« at the I og good Mt»«H«uri Shorthorn« for »ale. Cabin Restaurant ami Chop bouse. See him at Klamath Falla. Wong Yoke and Wong Yee, proprietors. Fen doilai• And coat was tlx* penalty For prices ami terms of business ami Hlipo»ed «»n three l»arbvr« tin« ui'vk. resitlence lots in the Hot Spring* Adtll- two for practicing without |U'I*I>M* «11*1 tion, see D. B. 1 ampl»ell ami Mark L one for employing unlicensed workmen. Burns. A corxliAt invitation i» extended to Dr. Leonard has m«»ve«l his camp onto la«he» of ihi« county to visit the magni his lot in the ll«»t Springs tract ami will ficent millinery xl.Mplay at tlx* the Novelty |>luv .1 N'.vvlty à commence the building of a seven room store. It has never I ! . I.'fr bwn .*.| >> m ! i.*.i I I cottage next week and a vmit to this uo| pular i>ni|wiriiiiii ( * New patterns m dinner s* ta al K K K will U« enjoyed. STORE Hie Klamath Commercial \gency The Hol Springs p**ople are oj»vning this week received a uiAillmot I i Hall tire up a quarry east of the Hol springs proof »ate. built especially for them tract, where they will obtain crushed The interior is «¡»rciAlly arranre<| to rock to use on the streets. accommodate the ircor«!» of this firm Mr. J. I . Yadvn’s tine new seven t'loak» ami tailor suite—lateet etyle, room cottage on the Hot trad is rtneat material at the Noveltv store nearing completion. It will l»e a fine 9 Died, in Merrill. >undav. Septrmlrrr 9 improvement to Klamath Falls. 30, <»r»cv. wife <d Marion Whitlatch, For businesa local ions near the S. I*. aged •.’<» year». The d«Mca»etl wa * a R. R. Depot, the coming business cen former reei«ient of llaaley, ami the ter of Klamath Falls, see Campt>ell A remains were taken to that place for Burns. Agts fur Hut Springs Improve interment. ment Co. The ” Fw« ntx •One“ «lam ing «dub was 9 See the new t»age hat« at the City organized Fu«**dav evening by the elec- 9 Novelty store. lion of the following officers M D. 9 Since the health officer ha* advised William*, president . Charle* iGblwin, 9 every Ghly to 1*»|| their »ir.liking water, virr-prv»i«h*nt t D Holgate, »errelan 9 the deuiami for the water Irurii the Hot ami tnasurer; Claude Chastain, Wil 9 Springs ha» been unprecedented. Huy liam Rahlwtniiml I .1 Murray, coin- a home where you haw accts» to tbi» mittcc on invitation* The meml*vr- water. •hip is limitr«l to t went \-om , and each Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hoyt, Mr. ami member i» all»»wed but »»ne invited Mrs. ILL. Scott. Mrs. J W. McCoy. guest at the bi-monthly dance* of the Jesse ami All»ert McCoy, and cx-Cuuniy club. Assessor J. H. Smart, were among the Silk und»*r«kirta at the N• •velty store Fort Klamath representatives at the —«Kpe< la* g«»«*!* Mini special price». county fair. i t i t i COMPANY lb SUMMERI V Clearance Sale V 'fi 'fi the Brick Store Co. V V V 'fi m m m m m m z» V We are closing out all our Corsets. V Broken line of Ladies and Children’s Hose and V Silk Gloves. Kid and Suede Gloves. V Summer Lawns. V Summer Shirt Waists. V Summer Dress Skirts. Your Credit is I Good! 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Lewis's, new The H<»t Springs people have twelve teams at work on the extension of Main street through the H -t Springs tract, south of W A. Wrights. The road is to te grade«! ami rucked, and put in fine shape for travel. t I have just received two carload*« of Furniture, which I will sell at rock-bottom prices. Bring crowded for room, I will for a short time sell at prices to suit everyone 9 9 9 * 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Btireiiti.M, 1B v >*1 m . CI hi I i n , lCtc., 1C to.. 1C to. Call, see, and examine. I am going to s >11 these on the installment plan, and Yourcrvdlt I m * i£<x»(l xx-ltli B. ST. GEO. BISHOP THE t Just arrived at Alva line of jewelry. V ,4r 9 9 Gieen IcHnatoes ju»t right for pickle» rti llvnrv .I aiishvii . t 2,000 acres of land for sale on any terms to the real settler .... IMPROVEMENT All style» ol tinv»l millinery at the Novelty »tore. Fresh drug» at Newrsoiu A l’nderw.**l on the unique terms of ONE dollar down and the balance on time. Step into their office m the Hamaker Building and find out all about it. BONANZA BRIEFS FURNITURE MAN X 4*4*-I— t*4*4’4—I* 4*4* 4* 4* 4*4,4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4’d*4* X + 4* + + A Few Prices at 4- + HURN S HARDWARE: STORI: 4- + UNDERWOOD— 4* 4* N»«. * Gert » n»! «o.*k •( »ve «IS •s» CHAMBERLAIN 4* N * * • 1 s 1 •«.« |o •!«•«■ « Alig«' •*x IMI + UangeiiittiA Hart« W|««». ¡.er CW ! n Su 4- + M ft M nel mills 3<i IN.' 12 III *»x «A« I-«’ • hlilrd P Ix«. The many friend» * f Mi«« Oertrudr 4- 13 '.’A + .*»> t.Milh st»«d IrVr« fiA»r» • « ■ lu uu F'limtia ( haml»«*ilain ami ( II t'mler- 4* + lu>pr,*V«nl " bite »rwll g « him* 40 4M) » | avregrvath «tirpmed to b arn that 4- Fvrrvfl icg *•!••• in il»r IÌAr«lwA«e line mt rvdm*vd prue» 4* thia popular young couple were mar + ried at the home of the bride « parents 4- I all ami investigate G« *G and price«. in thi- eitv laet evening at *» o'dik, f 4* GEO. R. HURN Rev. J B Griffith offtriating. Mi»» 4* 4 4 immGolain Gone of Klamath Fall*' X ep *ps •'¡-S S-j-S ej-S ep eps S-pS «¡s »j« s-ps »p« »I« »{«S »pS« am w iiia u mm m m The great inconvenience under which the people of this city ha- levn laLoin g since the destruction of the »team iatin dry, w ill soon !>e at an emi. Manager Smith states that the new plant will be ino*t |H»pular young ladir«, and her in operatmii By vktol»er 15. large circle of friend* join in wi«hing Chitwoods Toilet ert-am will cure sun her a full m« AMUrv > ! uvd>led bh-» Mi I nderw<»»l, who ii • a meml»*r «»f the burn. tan and freckles. Mell known drug finn «»f New••»ru A The Alameda, the coming swell drive t nderwwHl, in a v*»ung man «•f exrm- of Klamath Falls. 1« to l* graded amuml plary character ami standing, the full length of the Government Canal win»«* affability and integrity have won through the H«»t Springs tract, just a» f*»r him the re«|»ect and cont'blem *e of *«>on as the Government work 1» far the community. enough along to allow the work <»f grad The w«*dding a qhiet one, only ing to commence. the immediate friendi I» of the bride's The Klamath Development ComoAny family l»eing present, F«»r the time In- ha* just issued a rnapof the Mt Hebron ing Mr. and Mr« Frnlerwood I w ill rc- townsite and also »how* the line of the main at the home oi •f Mr. and Mia. California Northeastern railroad. Print Chamlterlain. ed on the back of the map i* a brief but pointed pro«|»ectus. It i* a valuable piece of advertising. By Klamath Development Co., The I’p to «late dressmaker w ill g»» <»ut by Wcstinghuu«*, a new r««»ming h«»u»r »lav. R. E. Clark, Klamath Fall* 2t corner Pin«* ami huh street» 27 r»*»ms, Mrs. J. Frank Adams, w Ito ha* lieen pressun* water, bath, toilet*. H««U»e visiting relative* in the R»»gue river val li ce this ,’lo-e in t«»wn is sun* to I«* a ley since her return fr«»m the Boise Irri great m«»ney maker. gation Congress, arrived here Fn»lav. >he wa« accom¡»anivd by her -iater. Mrs. EL Cardwell, who hi 1 remain here for a short time. m For Sale or Rent V We are Giving jig Bargains in all Summer Goods. Fancy Silks. Lacesand Embroideries V V PROGRESS ON R. R. CONSTRI CTION Remember When you are in need of SHOES, that you will find a complete line at WILLITS, and at prices that defy competition. When in need of CLOTHES that have fit style and workmanship, at Prices to suit your Pocketbook, you will find them at WILLITS. F. WILLITS Agent to His Majesty, the American Gentleman, for first class goods I : AI M 1C 1^ 9 9 9 9 s s s 9 s 9 s s 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 4 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 PAV< > Ixf I Ar 1C S» TOILET i'REA.M—I »r fan and Sunburn A N I’i>EP I It S< H.t j I< iN—Oi«inb'ctant ami < iermi< !'!<• BLACKBERRY CORhl \L WITH JAMAH A < »INGER—Oiarrh'H a ami >iimmer Complaint LITTLE LIVER PILLS-The Ideal Laxative li it wood’s* • I>i**iix • Store J The Klamath Fall* and P»»kvgamH Transfer Co. haw captured the . »ntrnct Puihini; XX ork On California Sorth f<>r hauling the reclamat mn -t-rvic«- eastern XX Illi Increased I orce <•< freight in <*oiii|«etiti*»n with bidders hauling from Grass Lake, th«* terininn* ”It will take two years” ha» been the • »f the Southern Pacific railway. Thi- comm »n c'»mnieiit at home, ami it ha* contract « all* f»»r the hauling of al*»ut • veil pa««ed along the line, relative to 1(N) tons of freight •»( all de-criptions. the e Hiipletmn of the D*t any J. B. Charnliers, wh»> came here r • of tlie-v |ie-Mimi«tic ones taken trip over centi v from California, thi* week o|»ened to i »ia«- L.tke an I Io »k th* game over up a sporting go»*I* an»I cigar store in and he will «■nine l».n k optimi-ti<* in the the Kelsey block. Mr. ('Itaml>ers come* linn l»phef that m«i«ie of twelve month» here with Mattering ie«*omm» ndation*. the »team car • w ill be entering this city . ami will undoubtedly meet with «m'ces*. The work out of Grans Lake 1» pro- He i» an ex¡»*iiem rd mart in th»* busi gre—imz with leap» ami hound*. I he ness and -will vary a complete line of contractor» h»ok time by the forelock »¡»orting goo«ls. a«»d while labor was accessible had a W. F. Arant, su|»erintendent of Cra great, »leal of the heavy work completed, ter lak»* ¡»ark was «town for th* fair, ami •o that m»w it 1« very easy sailing. The combined business with pleasure. He men who know what is coming off are spates that a gr»*at »leal of work has hern not talking, but are giving order* that «lone in the reserve this year, ¡»arfiru- look like a railroad for Klamath Fall». IE.I. Hoey, sii|«erintending engineer larly on the roads. The new residence built by the government for u*r of the who has <*harge of the work, is one of »»¡¡»erintrndent. i* aU,ut completed, and th«* bii»y men of the state, lie ami hi» is h model of convenirncr and durability qiioto of assistants are working over time. l ire sub contractors ar«- working Mrs. Morrison of Portland, who ar all tL**. men that < nn be secured, and on rive« 1 in Klamath Falls last, Saturday, i- now looking «»ver the Hot Springs Ad* Saturday the army was swidled several «lition with h view- ot purchasing a suit hundred. <irass Lake λ an important point at able *ite near the l>r|*»t f«»r a large present. landing on the Hiding» are a rooming house and restaurant, to be Iitimlre»! car» or tnore. more. < 1 if course a run on the E«irof»«-an phin. Mr-. Mor ri* >n is a go«»l bn-inr-s mniiagrr and great deal of the freight is tor the gov- will certainly make rm mistake if •he eminent, but on the other han<l the ether freight is unloaded as -oon as |NM* l<>«’iit«'.- in th«' Hot ’•pring* A«hliti<m. slide. A passenger otlice has been I’M- Dr, J. A. I»e*t, of Pendleton, who taldislied ami now through tickets can *om«*tiHi'1 ago purchase«! the Tubjri be purchased to any part of the world. ranch, has jn«t complete«! a «leal where A trip through the varjou» camp» and by he secure» a lea»«* for a term oi among the contractors, and viewing tin* year* on the |M40-a«'rv tra<*t owne«l hv J. general activity that •«•♦•ms to prevail all W. Cox, located in Wood river valley along I he line im proves one that, there mar Fort Klamath. The terms of the i» “something <loing” and that an ext in leaw provide, in addition to th« rental, ordinary effort is being made to finish a that the !«•--<•• »hall plow ami -»•«•«! with transcontinental line. course, the tame gra»», not le-* than H»0 acres each s< ar< itv of labor has a great deal to do year for three years. An option to pur with the work, but it seems that the chase at $35 an acre is given, which Southern Pacilie employment agencies rosy lie taken up at any time during Hie »hooting them down this way and ignoring the other districts where Har- term oi lease. lunun is Luilding in Oregon. Klamath hotel Unsurpassed Cuisine, only Ameri can cooks being employed . . . Fine Sample Rooms Large well furnished Rooms «CO. HJHtnECOn, • <* See Adv for marsh lami». Watches. « Newsom Proprietor I’mlcrwood, th«« »iruggist». New Mtvlr» in «ty li»h hat- ju-t in k K STORE. L. Alva I a ’WÌ«. All kind» of soil drink* at Manning’» II. Nv lander of th» the city over Sunday. <* Agency, was in K Fresh egg» at Mitchell’* Fruit Stand Houston Blo«*k. Every egg guaranteed. \. ( .intel ami »on return«*«! from Port land Friday. Mrs. (’astel will return in Small tracts of w»*ll located tulc martdi about a week. lands offered for «mu week at f’-M per Em lie» ami gent* ( ravermtl«* mm acre. A lad Ady. coat». K K K STORE It will pay you to »<•«♦ F. W. Burger, Peracriptlon» carefully filled at »om *y riith"*w<wi<l Fall ami winter undcrmar • w»*at< i>, K K K >r<iliF\ NuW- il 11« I the Portland contract«»r, now of thi* city, for anything in the building line. Plan» and *|»uciflciitiona fur nished. tf Lmlie lb »gem of the K lamat h < *»iunty F ocn ’ d — ( am«» t»» Pelican Bay b’idge. Hank, rutiirnrd from <>aklnml. t'al., • me buy imii' . Liaml 1». C, <»n left hip Friday, whfir he hat I htii • iijoyir g hi» mid E >>n Ii it «liouldei*. owner mav viicutimi. have m * Having all < Inn new.—J. 11- New» Illi <V I ’mler U ood etirrien thone Ri< i . pure, Httrel, deliriotlrt eamlien that lire t‘D toothsome. Trv a bo.v. I’ i i ' hmcm inn mid winter -txleM Walk- oVet H||<»eH jllAt III rive<|, K K KS l’tiRE. R. M. Brown will »ell a fine ranch Do yon want vour wood sawed? I( at a bargain an<l oil good term». 3*.i •<» -er Pitchford A Co, I ease nr phone ymir order-' to N’ewxnin A Emlerwood. Blue vitrol at Star Brug Ntorv. I he l.nkenklc Inn Bar. C. Rosa An Monday, Telford and n»»n completed a L’O ioot lailiicli, r<|nippe»l with a 3 horne derson for an Optimo cigar. engine, for Fmithand <iibbin»oi White- Gold inonliletl recordn for the Edison lake. It i» a beauty. phonograph at Newsoin *k I’liderwood. I im-t HHHortnient in blanket», <piilt» When in need of anything in tho in town at the K K K STORK. medicine line, jnst call at Newsoin At Fine watch repairing. L. Alva Lewi». I'nderwood. >nti»iactioii gauranteed.