Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1906)
E. B. HENRY C. T. BONNEY, li Was Aüiîh Thaï Galilei CIV II I NUINt t R and SI RS t:\OK Attorney and Counselor at Law FRANK KI IMA I II F Vi I ' Examining Alwtriu t* a specialty NOTARY PUBLIC on I ran far« the world with a bold heart and «weep obatacl». from mj path a. fast a* I nu l l tin ni And. no matter what ar.ibiHty saya. I am aureot your hive for all time ” CONTRACTOR and Bl II DI R DR. WM. MARTIN "Ye. tothi .ndof itirulty Illsyours." an I u.r HrM I la». Wnrk ah. replied »»,* t<»»l "Abd some day." he went on "I «ball DENTIST MAIN »rilF'FT B.t. 5tli «nd Sth >t« hare the rinht to claim >ou for toy w tfe " I * S 06 "You have that ritht now ' .he mur mured "I would marry you to-niaht if you wi.h It “ He atarted to take her In bis arms, but BONNEY A. TEXTOR Suddenly checked hlm.elt EGAI. KFVI E»rvrF ext. AD- "Do not tempt nu he raid "I wl.h ti.g « ! ’t a - d Ores* »TH U TlX<i HI »IXF»» to tie honorat ..aid hom.t «nd worth, vs fur H e v Will fun» < U»btr«. :*y> v nu>i p«> ia\« » lure and r». : -it vii »I v ting " turn of your lot« but it i. i.ot alwaya ia«> r non rr». !• -n*» . ; » M - n Mu- » \.i Ln*.x > •urs and 11’ r To make you my wife now would be like The ox «in ■ at .• » ■ g-tr«t.on «n4 perfe«-* *i o W - u<- < ¿ I » « *u< .; «mir»' . stepping into Hi aven If 1 only had th. ’■« of till«*« n *1'0» .wily. t ran nr« Herbar utu a- d M.n*r . Ctk.gwl Tbw right Hut I mitat rot think of .itch a M an ft '.»rv« st ai d d »t 1 Uce, Niw " ‘Ri-FS K k k .» ?» the F.r* i- thing There i« too wide a >1 lift re ree be- N»<rt »r-t ;t en o\> j i • hut rr¡ • ,rn ■ i arting tl e t r>* phi » ai u mta ar.d metal trata tween ua I will not pull jnu down to «ng and d< veóitung i rle woB>anb>vd Fsu.p* my lavel. but I will grow up to tour* * vi «dcv.iti * a.Iy f»>r the rawat r\ »tatu»'« Confer» Acad« m v and Uv egiAte logree« Some day I will be worthy toe.alm you. brî-tate A a .: r»tv Interferent e w th < onvurtion« and then I »i I claim you. but 1 must ru¡ u « 2» v a»< dvd A»a irrt* pro» ■ tvy »elf flrrt ' ' ■ • » • .. . vi ». ■ g . v Adv l ■; "I w 1.1 wait for you.“ » ■ ■ - • »sa ... n ne i tt vr en the U< ast Bu: d rg* ar^e at J "I know you will but you will not ■ ' W' . g? tvd heated and vent. ,»’> d wait with (hr Inipttii I «hail " * . . r.vAlc r. . ir» «u. , cd * ' » Time passed ard then hyr ard by then n. « m v . v* ..r' . ■ » The in»r.tut n 1» . era LAND SURVEYOR. me iitth o r. of r> w. •• a • » ve vsit' ut vj rit: cg the cl f.i. ter began to an : :r.i » h ah*r and achievement Terina the colonel s t ars about thlrg« that lie, n-.. ...*■»: >a ; «tav g rv referente* reu Wnteíor Smith was doing down at town F’:r-t a « ni i s et B< ard and tuit n$IM0>er he ha.! I . < I't .! to ' > I nr tin t; »< •'LAMATH FALLS. OREGON rear ’ ri >.strr >4per • r. M M ;ry s A. vr Lai! * n a * »<«• < in p« t ' • PORTLAND, OREGON, U.S.A. fight that wa> n.arv <»u« fi r ! » aft» r a » • ! tl’btl* furerv**r.t Th»*r th» r» w» r« - ■ n ■ r« that DR C. P. MASON he was ¿r\ • p re irt » a l - • :t* < rntor. an»! whs for. :» g î;‘< w »\ rr •h- top ir DENTIST joiitiraj matter* Buta ’‘i » n ♦ c Le in-pr» ’.«.on »*t theroor ! li d hr w .»« Office in new Kt !*av H’. t-k »»til! bitterly <»pp».« d t.» t ■ I .»a of a family a n cm wtth the Sn ha. »'LAMATH FALLS OREGON Ma’ 1’ ;«•!-: r,.’ ‘ »uivh ‘ ! nd at eut abandoned al! h»»p« <>f wir.i 1 Emily, was rot averse to mal :: g r >n » r- EVANS 4 HUSON Thi*« institution i- thoroughly ous and lengthy vlsita st the <’’iftoa e*|uip|»e»i u ith bank office*, an I ATTORNEYS AT LAW horn. He en v y cd the . -<>c|. t» all ap| Lane**** a thorough up very much, and be enjoyed the io.ut.<. « to-date Imsinr-* training *eh«»o| KLAMATH FALLS. OR. dinners ,»«n m.»re The colonel gave Each »tiub'iit i* r«ugbt *n*iivi lualiy him a warm wsdrome alw at s for hi »till Our gr«*lu«te* are employed and more had hepe. ,.f having him as a member 'le-i Th-* expenMe t« the lowest WILL A. LEONARD of the family vantag«*« a. •• the b«*»! But after awhile the major ceased to DENTIST N«*te Our special Offer make hIs v 1-it. to rI •• c< one! and >b< rt■ enter r 4 and iy after that It transpired that thi •hip for was badly Involved flranclnlly When > July I, I th« whole truth came ou* it »0 foci d that the colonel had bien going ..■•■;r.*' for the maj..r for larce •. f - ‘ r 1 it 1 and that the major forv*f Hy boror. had gone away Ivavli.g bls .► 1 ’s for he colonel •o pay The cc. ' r. f 1 wo* : ‘ Î hax»' !r «t e* en ’hire !f B V Ce, • » » >id r• ’ ’n » r n nt- ter» in ha nd ard } •• r»‘i r* .r c to co- 1 rr dvr rr.» 1L'-’jr* * ir. . ur»<* M:»l Ruck tc Thi« «a-.d the < * ■ '. • - , The Northwestern Guarantee and time it so!ftentd his h »tu«' Ben AND Trust Co., of Portland, Oregon, will Smith to such sti exh h- t h<- r Lend \ ou Money tSEtly c,.r..« t.:> d for En..,y to n s. -y I im H. prc.bably concluded fr< m tbc or., at stsney of th. two vour.g p, * , * 11 - * •1 - Six per cent would in.vltabiy happen •<» r>- r lat.r • 1 first mortgage city >>r farm •irity. srd thought he nrght a. w- : i-i » hi* > e Klamath Commercial A -•••nev. consent ard have It over It »«« eB-V ’ amath Fall«* nr»*L,"ii. KlamathCoun- to o- though, that he w-' I 1 rr- rr «■• », Repreaentative. pleased, and that he look. <i dow n on B* n W. L. McCormick, as a ertatur. very much Interior to Manager and t »»ntracting Agent sei f ;armer*! Send desm ption, giving Klamath Kall*, Oregon After the marring« »hires driftrd ' I information of your property for along In the «ven tenor of th« Irway. B«n Office at end of bridge le, toC. L. Parrish & Co., who have and the colonel seeing hut llth« «fetch ened real estate office« at 423 Lumber other and the latter «.lcr m n *r.• ' t Ina xchange. Portland, Ore. special at- the f«-n »-'« ran;« All the t’tr« H w- C. P. \ewton. • ntion given to pro|«erty under the ever. B : w .» hvr . v w< rl: t u.t ; : v up ►. vernment project. Agent, P«»kegama. <>r. ■ • -’7 4t a l»w prv ti - <• sr.< nai' » f»‘ - rf, : ard ' • ac Emi w< n i|'.f», ‘ ro- t their ■zfett lo Th«y fsunt! th«y rot;l <! i » t alorg very well »ithoti» the < < >?<!’» B. E. Joy, b «„Ire » though th¿y would hair f « ♦ n Agent, Thrall, Cal. clad to have had it O ffu »: IRA WHITE Vi k nds engineering and draughting New VV men I! r ,ling Plans ami Telephones: Main pq : Suburban, 14x1 I iffi ations Furnish cd J. E. DUVAL '''fice ever Klama’h County Bank < > i’<* ll < Kliiiinitli C.cipÈiT? GARDENS, ORCHARDS. ’11 HO7WBS Only »m.ill ucrei'uge truet* ihliuct'iit tu Klamath l all», «¿«»«»«| lami, 111 u11 • 111<• » — lo cation, travt'i'otuI |>y two county roa<ls ami other highway» being coimtructc<l in (lit1 MELVIN D. WILLIAMS EAST KLAM A TH FALLS TRACTS COUNTY SURVEAOR East Main St., below 4th Fourteen Hundred Acres under the Main Canal, Four Hundred A re s fl —ASHLAND— under the High Lute which Cana! Commercial College Ashland - Oregon I ’ Emma Biock. Kiamath Fa’!s RñwÑ J03 DKIN'ER tj°'b 1 sign F ainter ¿ HURN S HflRDWftRE SIORE « Commercial Col’ege 5<> an acre Klamath Falls. Or. I KlamathFalls I Illi BIST BUY IX KIAMATH COI XI Y Pokegama Transfer Company » FRANK IRA WHITE Telephones: Main J94: Suburban, 14x1 Klrmifitli lutili«*, Oregon Rates as Low as tha Lowest GRIZZLE BROS KLAMATH FALLS OREGON Tim»- contract« n •r «perial delivery for all ci;» I fre ghi between above ¡»»»ini M ason & S lough I ABSTRACTERS KLAMATH FALLS OREGON Timber land Notice Timber Lan*l. Act lone 3.1*7«.—Not I [ration. United •’«♦*•* Lar.d Ofli* •*, Lakeview Oregon, July «. lwr., Notice »• hereby given that in compliance SINGER SEWING MACHIKES with the provnoon* of rhe a«*t of Congr?«* of PRICE $40. June f, i*7«. entitled “An iet for the -«’.»• of ’.irnt'cr ¡an»!’ In ’he Hrate< of < alifornia. Or»*- For 5 Drawer Drop Head gon. Nevada an<l Washington Territory,” a- Genuine Singer extended ’o all ’ii»* PtibHr Land «’ate« by act Baldwin the Hardware Dealer of ViguM 4. f':y«*ew E Re«*d»*r, of K»*n<», county of Klamath, «tate of Oregon, tin« this day filed in thl» <»fF.< •* hl» »worn «tatement FRIENDS COMING. No. 3131, for th»’ purchase of th»* *’2w|4of If mo , meet them at thé railroad with Mection N<» *. in Township N<» 4oH. Rang»* No. 7 E W M. and will offer proof to «how that the ne of the Mammoth «table team*. It land sought is more valuable for its timber or --tire« them an ea\v, comfortable ride. stone than for agricultural purposes, and to •ev won’t be tired w hen they get here. establish his <*laim to s»ld lam! before <»♦•«• f'hastain. < ierlc »»f Klamath County. Oregon, 1 ate* very low. ithnoffi'-' at K lamat h Fall* Or«**on. on .Mon day. the 1st «Jay of *»«*tob-r, 19o»;. He nan»«*« n* witiiesaewi ’«. B. Morgan, <»f Krtio, Oregon, Er lie Morgan, •* ** *• B. W. Mccorini<*k,of •* ” c. Matltoon, of •• “ FEED AT Any an«i «11 persons claiming a l ver til»* above-d»jwribrd land« ar»* r»*»p>este«l ill»* their claims in tbi*«.fl»<e on« r before i-t day of October, 19»»,. J. N. WAT«ON, 7-19 9 2« fteghter. When in Town BELMONT FEED YARD Feed, Hay, Grain, Etc. We have a good yard ami look ofter your an imals properly. C. C. Low, Prop r PHONE 205 d A 0 d d d Mtulorn niiprtiveineiit». 73 |■••<>lns itn<l siiit«*H< Samplt* l,<>'>iii». Bar lutum. Parlors, 1 wo < lub Booms, Etc.. Etc. v< SPECIAL RESORT FOR TOURISTS SOCIETIES OF KI AMATH FALLS hall everv tir«t and third Thursday* the month. Jennie Hurn, N. G. Lonmla M. Hauber, Secretary. A. O. I*. W.— Linkvill»* L«»«lg»* N” 110 K. of I*.— Klamath Lodg»* No. rnw’f« in the A.Q. I*. W. hall every Tu» -»l;iv ••»♦•nintf. Vi-ifing Brother« al- meet* in the A. O. IT. W h.ill • ■ ei Monday evening. Bert IlimiU r. < . t’. wav« uvl«*»»nit*. R»»y Hurnakar, M. VV . John Hamilton, K. of R. ami H. J. W. Recorder. M. W. of A.—Lodge meet« in th»* I ,varg»*lii'»* L”*lv»* No. **< I >»*gr»*i* <>f first ___ and . third ... Honor IzO'lg»* iiH***t« in th»* A. ’».I \\ . A. O. I . W. hall every ____ hail i*vi’i v -♦ ♦•oii'l and fourth Thnrs> la\« Wednesday in th»* month. \V. I’». M< Laughlin, (’ ohmii I in the in*>nt|i. \ atirv N • hit»*, C. <»l H. \V. A. Phelp«, Clerk. .I,-»y.«* Mii’pl»*, l»ri''»r'i»*r. \V. i». W. i'^anna Camp, No. 7 »'». VV. < >. W m»*»*f« »*v»*rv T iipm ’I hv »*v»*mn2 at 7 <M*|t*<*k at»*»•♦»nS hail. All ii»*ighÍMHs < or 1 ia!| v invited. < , K. B’un»l»*nlmrg, < lerk. M — K lan.ath Izwlg»* No A. F. A A. 77. M»*«*l« -a”H*la\ t’V»*hin|f »»li of I m * fin»* th»* l»ill mo'-ti "/ »*a* h fnontli in th»* Bargains. M ii - oih .- Hull Al»*x Martin Jr. U . M. Having a large stork of vehicle* to ar U . L. I»»- vioin, hecielarv. rive noon aim taung ciowneo lor rooru i I O <>. |- Kltrnafli Lodge No. 137 offer -|M‘< iai pri<'o- on all Farm and bpring wagon* that a if * in «fork at pres rn»etM »-v»u\ ¡*atimlay evening in the A. <>. C. W. hall Ja*|M*r Bennett. N.<». ent; will save \oii frorn $ 5 to | 20 on <»e»i. L. Humphrey, becietary. every vehicle. Baldwin, the Hardware and Vehicle Dealer. EwAtina Encampment No. 4<’», 1,0.0.b . Encampment meet« Me<*on»i an»l fourth Newttotn A t'nderwixwl have the ex- KaluNay* in the month in the elusive agency for the Eartinan Kodak. A. ti. C VV. hall. J hmjht Bennett, C. P. ’»e«» L, Humphrey, hcrila*. JheLakexIde Inn Bar. C. Roas An derson for High grade Wines, quors and Cigars. Li I Pro«|»efilv Ihlwkah I^nlg«* No. I. 0.0. i . meets m n.e A. *r. C. |(M W J I* <>r»*strr« of \m»*ti»*a Lwanna < 'amp. No. ».i, meet« tn the v O« I hail »•v»*rv «»*<*oii<l and fourth Friday* in the mmith. 1'. I l Willson, <I.’. E. E. Jamison, Ker. Sec, I i WILLIAMSON CAMPING RIVER GROUND lVvill I C ■*» t i » t <* I 1 1 Nil 1 l’í I I 1OO "f .................. including Life. Ihr« null Accident Fire. Str ini lloilcr. Plate t.l.i»« mil Liability Insurance. The Klamath Republican, S2 the year UNDERTAKING £. WHITLOCK FUNERA,. DIRECTOR AND EM BALMER j mn pfepait-«! i<> take cart* ui people who dealr« to campon — W 11,1.1 AMMON Ki VEH— Will keep a Boarding Hoiine and will have Pawturr ami Hay for Hor«e*................................. . . . • BOATS FOR RENT Best <>f Treatment for All Will carry mail for campers to ami from Agency. FRANK «ILVES’. have purchased B. St. <ieo. Bishop's slock of undertaker’s supplies Holder of License No. 29 granted by the Oregon State Board of Health. Calls promptly attended, city or country, day or night. Telephone 41 <