Tilt» Western I til»»li l'elektirtph »»»111* panv will shortly begin the vonalriH'- tion ol a railroad hdrgtaph lino oil the >«««• lor iiiaif>n tamia. Weed r a I from Its jum*ti«»ii wiihthe Wait lira. 1.. Alva Lewis. SoHthem Pacific m the*sacraiiiviito can* yon at Weed to tlo* (tout at tirsss Val­ lUuv vitrul at Star Urug >t«»rv. All kitui» of a It drinks at Manning's ley and the line will Indice !»<• extended _ a* la»t .♦» the railroad I*, toward Klam­ b'v*h »trug» at Nvwaoiu A C ndvrw >H»d ath Falls, rhe W evd tailr ui I ha« hete» b ine u ah h irpairing. 1 Alva I rw 1» toioie had »-uh telephone Wire service. ChitwtHMls det ervatn will cute Mill- Iloii.t« I'. K«l•■win relumed hottie burn, tan ami treckies. Moli n exciting Itoiit hi« tllp I«» |t*use CIR 1 Bonanza Improvement Co. IS OFFE1UNG l.o i s THIS WEEK FOR 30 HOLLARS BRIEFS d A r r A r o r a ? <* ami ’"‘almi, whclr a- a «1« legate he a represented till* coiitilx at the National a \t Ju*! arrived at Alva Lewis's, new It’ gallon l '.'iigf «« .nui Ma’e Fait r **alet|i lie delivered an a«l•be««* l»eiorv r line ot jeweli y. Judge R, F.ininvtt and wife * rrv the I ‘e\« I-»I menl 1« ague, ai> I lot i on* r vise, practical ami u»elul into«mation it A in the city over >umiay. wa»«>lir «»I the I» «I epitome» on the a * ilex Martin. Nr., return« I Siturday rcmnircts and | h *«« i I h ihc« «•! Klamath a A from a trip t«> » alitomia. r r county that ha* >et i-« en given publicity r O. P. MeKrii lrvu ami w.h of I 'fella \»\%«»ni A I n ieiw ■ I < mie« th«>«e a weir in the city >aturdav. pure, sweet, delicious caudle« that ate a G » t«» A J Manning s lor pipe», »ta .« > txH»tIisoille l’r\ a h»k. * tionery, cutlery, null»»» s. etc. the engineers of the rechitiiatuui »er* A VlMili'M, CnrpvtN, Gold imuihlv’l rec« rds lor the I dl«on lice, t» ho have inaile a »iirxev to deter a phunogiaph at Nt wsom A Cmlriw«»od. lume the lea«lhj i\ * t img.iting the A Kto.« 1C to.. I ; t A Edwin Kelly wa«unvol the Merir lite« Miasta valley Iroin the Klamath river, » who visited the county seat during tilt* have decided that it would not be wim a to rmoinuomd cott«i le»ation ol the w«ok d C.ill, see, and examine. I am going to sell these pa*t week The subject of Sunday’s lesson al the until the Klamath pi.»j«*ct I* gm» t • re d on the installment plan, and The g»eat c»»st **f He d meeting «4 the Christian Ncienlists * ill turn revenue >ha«ta work, estimated at f.l 7 m 5 < imi , d • ” C n reality.*' a and the present state <>| tlie reclamai nut d Your it I m gnoil with WHS M C.»ter for A«hland. Although fir ha» lH*en in Ashland but a few inonths, be The Lakeside Inn Bar. C. Roas An­ is thormighlV III love with the Colilit V > derson for an Optimo cigar. and never h*ea a chance to »av a g»M»l »U els e| \ . t • < M*l I I 5») A. J. Manning’s. j N-. W-IM I . It» 4-5 (Ml ■ Ninall tracts of well |l tin* K armi! h hai I> I- «I i» • t« • 'till», have Ieri» ro u • New «on» A CmlerwHsI have tin* ex- » ircretling to the to li, I r s. I U g IIM* di«* • 4 elusive agency for the Eastman K-nlak. •<>lul|on is «lue to a K itn lie at li . W M • pt ir The l.ake5ide Inn Bar. C. R oas An- t•return i • tract * .» ai» i «t derson fur high grade NNinea, Li- mg, « bici m«nv years I quors and cigars. l>e*'»rr ■ «n He has I iti t •« n.< •treet car Fresh eggs »t» til- • ei|w**t« <• at reman» **r»* j*«-» »»lanrntly an » I enter the Mitchell’s Fruit >tand he|»l I »r »••ir»e •»( the large contract* Houston Bba k . that will s«Ntii i*r "J»en lor tmi». Every rgg guaranteed. cm the unique terms of ONE dollar down and the balance on time. Step into their office in rhe Hamaker Building and find out all about it. » » » » » » * * » r 2,ooo acres of land for sale on any terms to the real settler .... » ] BONANZA IMPROVEMENT COMPANY _____________________________________________ SUMMER Clerance Sale ar the Brick Store Co F* r > ai e —Htai acre st<* » rant h near Bly, Oregon, 4a* acres can l*e < cillti- rated. Plenty < t g «»d range Running w ater ; lu»u«e . barn : corrals ; 12 mile« wire fencing. S«»|<| Sold with or witiurut cattle, For further particular» enquire tf of C. A Bunting, Merrill, <>re. Broken line of Ladies and Children’s Hose and Silk Gloves. Kid and Suede Gloves. Summer Lawns. A. H. Naftzger, Mr. ami Mr-. R. M. Weed and daughter >uzanne. «mi Mr. and Mr». W. >. Worden left tin» morn­ ing fur >an Francisco, via lutir I’s land­ ing. Mrs. Worden exp-» ts to remain in Frisco lor several wetks. Summer Shirt Waists. Summer Dress Skirts. We are Giving jig Bargains in all Summer Goods. Fancv Silks. Lacesand Embroideries rS •»« «• W W W Remember I ,» a » <» * a > V* O «!» ...» »’I I » , • » «• *■» 4 «I • » When you are in need of SHOES, that you will find a complete line at WILLITS, and at prices that defy competition. When in need of CLOTHES that have fit style and workmanship, at Prices to suit your Pocketbook, you will find them at WILLITS. * A d d d d d d A ; A d d : L. F. WILLITS t t t Agent to His Majesty, the American Gentleman, for first class goods SCMMER FAVORITES "Ì TOILET CREAM—Fur Tan and Hunburn ANTISEPTIC SOLUTION—Dininfeclant and Germicide BLACKBERRY CORDIAL WITH JAMAICA GINGER—Diarrhoea and Kummer Complaint LITTLE LIVER PILLS—The Ideal Uxative L Chitwood'» • U>r*ti|£ • Store a 4 4 \ Few Prices at 4 4 Hl RN’S HARDW ARE STORI: 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 X + I J \ lelb-w giving hi« r »»m* .»• W Hacork ami registering at a h* •< F I. Allen. I»unc»*e*l a«* «unte »4 lan«l Iwiaine«« men o it <»l They eii'lor«e>l die« k« lor turn, skipped »»Ut, ami is rep «rte.I tj come r « » Klamath I .t i« If* i ■ I «et y rri 2*5 ami 30, «ix h rt tali, dark < *mplrll« n clean •hawn square **t tare -ml lui now. II** we.if» a «lerby hat ami a • I a r k c<»l<»r***e re»po|isd»h for stranger« who seek to get you t* ca«h or eiian Francisco, ter from Tule I ake, giving a hunter* ex|a*riet>ce w bile in «» ar« li (• r gam»* it and left for there this week, by way of Hr y ar ts < ’anv"ii. Th* art it ie is Urli ( ahfornia-.Northrysirrn, written «ml de serving of i Il I »lieg ti«m. George S. Ming, vice presi I'lifortunately howeVi he writer Klamath Lake railroa** done aid shall alwav« I*«* heid in tained a« to hi« sanity I • < *ount\ Health strn test uonfiriem e l»v tin-paper; but <>ffi< er Ma«ton. If m» improvement is under n<» circunistanre« will any article tnaniie««ed, lie will ia?*rnt to the asy­ given publicity thro igh the Repllhh* lum in Salem. < an unle»« tbi- rule i- complie*! with. Block 71. 72. 73. H6 and S7, ks ated in The Northwestern < «iiarantee ami the Klamath addition to this city, were Trust (’<»., of Portland, Oregon, will nold by Sheriff Girenciiam la-t Saturday Lend ' ou Voi ey to satisfy a jivigernent for f h 500 held bv at I-rarl Katz of Port Townsend, Wasliing «I« per cent tori. It is the culmination of a gn at deal on firxt mortgage city or farm seiurity. of litigation, ami lias been in the courts < omrneruial 'Agency, Hee Klamath fora namlier of years. Mr. Katz bid in Klamath Falla, Oregon, Klamath Coun­ the property. ty Representative. Ten of the little friends of little Mir­ iam Martin gathered at the home of Bcnonl Parkinson Estate Silas < Hwriuliain Saturday to assist in Nolic«* in hereby slv**n that the undemlttied the celebration of her fifth (»irthday. ha* iw»-n appoint«*«) admlnlMtralor of t»»«* es­ Mrs. Ot>enchain was the go<-I angel of tate <»! Benoni Parkinson, deceased, bv th«* cheer, and under her «killful direction < ounty < ourt of the Mtate of <>r«*s-»n, for the County of Klamath, and has qualified All the little folks ha«l an afterno<»n of en­ persons having claim* against »aid estate are joyment that will ever linger in their hereby notified to pr«*««*nt the sama to n»«* at memory a» one of the pleasant eventa my residence tn Klamath Fall*. Klamath of tlwir childhood days. A dainty county, Oregon with proper vouchers and duly verified, within »lx months from the date luncheon was served ami the afternoon hereof. O. A Htearn* passeesj»oke complete contentment and satisfaction. r B. ST. GEO. BISHOP GEO. R. HURN We are closing out all our Corsets. 4\ W Your Credit is Good! a Nr the m \v Gagv hat» at the Citv Nowltv *h»rt » » » A » A r » r - a » r a » 4 Another big ruth for timber land occurred lam Saturday morning, when nearly twenty left for Ijrke county to take up claim.. The occaaion for thia large nurntier wax the opening of sev­ eral aectiona in the Chewaiir an country- Thiir.dav word wax received that thia land would not tie thrown open, but it waa auppoaed that the mexxage wax a fake. .Mail advice., however received later xtated that the government had decided not to place on the market for entry a large .ection ol thia land, de­ ciding to aell it to the highest i idder. 4. a renull only about one-tenth of the land will lie open for tiling. If no I want an opportunity o figure on your work. I am prepared to make price, on all cla.xe. of building, and will furriixh plan, whenever necenxary. All work guaranteed. A. M. Taylor, tf Contractor and Builder. I have leaner! from the Klamath Canal Company and J. D. Conger all feed on the ranches owned by then« |>eo- pie, anot to lie found—only $1« front foot DM) acre improved farm aix mil«« of the city, |25 per acre MAIN STREET PROPERTY REAL CHEAP J. F. CROFT 4 CO.